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Lock and Load: A Demented Sons MC Texas Novel

Page 23

by Kristine Allen

  “You have no idea.”

  “Bow Down”—I Prevail

  Her blue eyes widened at my admission, but not a peep left her lips.

  “Did you forget I was a soldier? I had three combat deployments, and I sure as hell wasn’t just camping in the sand.” Three of the worst years of my life, the last one being the catalyst to me calling it quits.

  “No, but I didn’t know you… I mean, not everyone who’s been in the military has killed someone.” Her voice was small, and it made me feel like I was a foot tall.

  “Not everyone in the military has had my deployments, I guess,” I said. My head going places I’d tried to forget, I got up and went to the bathroom. Every muscle in my body was tense, and I hoped a hot shower might help me relax.

  It didn’t take long for the water to reach a singe-your-skin-off temperature. Letting the heat beat against my back, I steepled my hands over my face. Images of the shit I never wanted to see again bombarded me. The atrocities of war we don’t like to talk about were there in front of me in living color all over again. Mixed with the shit Stefano and Viper did to me.

  “Aaaaaarrrrrgggghhhhhh!” I shouted to the heavens. If I didn’t get it out, I would explode. Afterwards, I worried I might have woken Presley, but her room was on the other side of the house.

  Even though the water was hot, I trembled from head to toe.

  With a deep, ragged breath, I looked up through the water cascading over my face. The shower curtain slid slowly open at the end. Nervous eyes stared at me. It was like looking at her through a waterfall, but I wasn’t sure if it was from the shower or my eyes.

  “Matlock?” My name came out of her beautiful mouth like a question.

  Staring at her, I rebuilt my walls against the memories. Her face gave me solace. Her voice was a balm to my fucking soul.

  When I didn’t bite her head off, she climbed in and stepped under the spray with me. Palms resting flat on my chest, she stepped closer. Soon, her chest was pressed to mine and my arms were wrapped around her.

  Tightly, I held her. Never wanting to let go, I crashed my lips to hers.

  She thought Viper was only fucking with me. I knew he was simply biding his time.

  He was coming for me, but I’d be ready.

  Days went by with nothing. Then two weeks. Another. No sign of Viper or any of the Demon Runners.

  Each day I traveled with no less than three pistols and two knives. I’d never be caught unaware again. I watched my six like I had eyes in the back of my head.

  One of the prospects followed Raiven to work, waited throughout her shift, then followed her home. If I was off before her, I followed her. If it was my day off, I took her to work and dropped her off, then picked her up.

  Everyone said I was being paranoid, but I knew better. Call it instinct, my gut, motherfucking psychic bullshit, whatever. I knew.

  I was at the shop working on a simple oil change when my phone rang. Seeing my mom’s number on the screen, I wiped my hands on a rag and slid my thumb across the screen.

  “Hey, Mom, what’s up?” I tucked the phone between my ear and my shoulder.

  “What time is Raiven’s appointment?” Excitement rang across the line in her question. I grinned.

  “In about two and a half hours.” We were going to find out if the baby was a boy or a girl.

  “I have something to run by you.” She sounded hesitant. Like she knew whatever she had to say, I wasn’t going to like.

  “What’s that?” Warily, I awaited her response.

  “We sold the farm,” she finally said.

  “You whaaaat?” There was no way I’d heard right.

  “We want to be near our grandchildren.”

  I laughed. “Your grandchildren, huh? What about your son?”

  My mother huffed. “You mean sons?” She stressed the second s when she said it. “Because it doesn’t look like your brother is coming back here any time soon either.”

  “Mom, that farm has been in your family since your great-great-grandparents came over from Norway. And Gunny will be back.” Shock didn’t even begin to describe how her announcement had hit me.

  The five-hundred-acre farm had raised some of the finest quarter horses in the country. Our parents had been so upset when Gunny and I both opted for the military after high school.

  We knew they’d have rather us go to college and then take over the farm, but while we enjoyed riding, it wasn’t in our blood. My dad had joked that we had too much Viking blood in us and it was in our nature to be warriors. There may’ve been some truth to that.

  “Yes, but it doesn’t mean much when there’s no one who’ll want it after our day, now is there? And what’s the good of staying here if we miss out on time with our grandbabies? And I don’t know what’s going on with your brother, but I can assure you, he’s not coming back.” Her words were firm. My brother had evaded every attempt I’d made to talk with him about what was going on.

  “What about the horses?” Granted, Gunny and I rarely rode anymore, but it might really upset Presley if she knew her favorite horses were gone.

  “Well, you see….” She hesitated.

  “I see what?”

  “We already found a place there. It seems our property values here have gone up considerably since my family started the farm, and we did very well for ourselves. So we bought a smaller, more manageable acreage there. Still room enough for the few horses we’ll keep.” She said it like it was no big deal to leave her home of generations. Then again, I kind of got it.

  “Wait. When the hell did you have a chance to look at something here?”

  “When we were there for Presley’s birthday and your wedding. Your dad and I said if it was still on the market when our place sold, then it was meant to be.” I could practically hear the shrug in her voice. I was stunned.

  But I’d be lying if I said I wasn’t happy. We’d been a close family, and I missed them.

  “So do you need us to come up there to help you pack?”

  “Lord, no! I’ve already hired movers. I’m too old to pack, and I need to get rid of some stuff. But thank you, Matty.” My face flushed at her use of my childhood nickname despite no one hearing it. She hadn’t called me that in forever.

  “Oh. Okay. Well, when are you guys looking at heading this way?”

  She proceeded to tell me about their closing dates for both houses and their planned visit prior to the big move. It was surreal, and I half wondered if I was dreaming.

  By the time I let her go, my head was spinning and I needed a stiff drink. Because I realized my parents were moving here. Really realized it. As in, my kids were going to be spoiled rotten.

  My kids. Shit, my life had changed so much since the day I’d left Iowa.

  After looking at the clock and deciding it wasn’t too early to leave work, I scanned the area before packing up my tools. Once I was done, I prepared to leave.

  There’d still been no sign of Viper.


  Instead of making me feel better, it made me really damn nervous.

  Raiven was obviously pregnant. Her little bump had grown at what seemed like an astronomical rate. She was barely shy of twenty weeks.

  “I’ll see you guys in the morning!” I called out as I left the bay.

  “See ya! Make sure you let us know about that baby!” Clay shouted back.

  “Later, bro!” Truth replied.

  Excitement coursed through me at the thought of finding out what the baby was. I remembered the ultrasound of Presley and seeing her move, seeing her heart beating on the screen. Surreal.

  I’d been to an appointment with her where I was able to hear the heartbeat, but that was it. This would be so much more.

  The trip to the tattoo shop took me all of about ten minutes because I was flying. The bell rang as I walked in, and Nikki grinned up at me.

  “Hey, big daddy. You excited to find out what y’all are havin’?” Nikki drawled.

  “Hell y
eah,” I said, rubbing my hands together in anticipation.

  Raiven poked her head out of her room. “Hey you, you’re early! I’m cleaning up from my last appointment. You can wait out there or come back.”

  Never one to pass up an extra five minutes with my wife, I went to her room.

  Quietly, I watched her beauty as she threw away trash and wiped everything down with disinfectant. Her hair was in a sexy pinup updo style, complete with black-and-red handkerchief. Today she had on a polka dot dress that had a higher waist to accommodate her growing belly.

  The entire scene had me smiling.

  Her ruby lips tipped up, she cocked her head. “What are you looking at like that? Do I have something on me?” She looked down at her hands, arms, dress, and legs. Seeing nothing out of place, her gaze met mine again.

  “No, but I’d like to see you on me,” I teased.

  Laughing, she rolled her eyes. “I’m supposed to be the horny one in this duo.”

  Smirking, I shrugged. “Well, maybe I’m having sympathy horniness.”

  Her laughter included a choked sound that time. “I’m pretty sure that’s not a thing.”

  “Well, it should be.”

  “Whatever Mr. Horndog, I’m ready. Are you?”

  “Yep. We walking or driving?”

  Her eyes bugged. “Are you serious right now? It’s like five thousand degrees out there!”

  There was likely a slight exaggeration in her comment, but it was hot as hell out there. Still, I snorted at her. “Raiven, it’s not that hot, but we’ll drive the block and a half to the clinic.”

  “Really?” she questioned in a dry tone, her expression deadpan. “Do you see this?” Her hands made wild circles around her belly. The one that was barely visible under the dress she wore. The one that for some freaky, weird as hell reason made her more beautiful than she was already.

  Taking a few moments to close in on her, I cupped her cheek and skimmed the thumb along her full bottom lip. Often, I wondered if she had any idea how quickly she’d gotten under my skin.

  “Yeah, babe. I see it. Every day, I see it,” I said as I stared directly into those mesmerizing eyes. Unable to help myself, I placed a soft, sweet kiss to her sassy mouth.

  Full lips parted, and her cheeks flushed the prettiest pink.

  “Damn. That was… so freaking sweet.”

  A bark of laughter escaped me. “Yeah, that’s me. Sweet as can be.”

  Shaking out of her temporary stupor, she snorted. “Well, you have your moments.”

  Knowing she’d balk at walking, I’d grabbed the extra keys to her truck. My bike would be safe there while we were at the appointment.

  Raiven was strong and independent, but I loved helping her up in our trucks. It gave me an excuse to touch her, though I didn’t really need it. I touched her as often as I could.

  It took all of five minutes and we were in the waiting room I hated. It had to be the most uncomfortable place for a dude. Especially one my size. The chairs were small, there were all kinds of pregnant chicks in there eyeing me like I was their afternoon snack, and there was nothing to keep me busy except my phone. I wasn’t reading any of the magazines they had in there. At least not and maintain my manhood and dignity.

  “Ms. Knight?” the nurse said from the doorway that went into the exam rooms.

  “Mrs. Archer,” I corrected her. They’d done that shit the last time and said they’d get it fixed.

  “Can you not look so scary? I think the poor girl may have peed her pants!” Raiven whisper-yelled in my ear as she rose from the seat.

  “I don’t care. They were supposed to fix that shit,” I grumbled like a small kid, but it pissed me off. She was my woman. They should use my name when addressing her. I didn’t feel like that was asking too much.

  We followed the young nurse to the area where they weighed Raiven, got her vital signs, then to the room where the ultrasound machine was. Then there was more waiting.

  Finally the tech came in and we got down to business.

  “Okay, so if the little one is cooperating, are we wanting to know the sex?” Damn, the chick had to be the peppiest person on earth. Raiven and I locked gazes, and I raised an eyebrow, causing her to mouth, “Stop!” then cover her laugh.

  “Yes, ma’am,” I answered for my wife, who was too busy trying not to giggle.

  “Excellent!” She beamed as she clapped her hands. I had to pull my lips between my teeth to keep my humor contained too.

  “I’ll get all the boring stuff out of the way and then we’ll see what we have in there,” the woman said. Then she was all business as she set everything up and started with the goop on Raiven’s belly. The fat little wand thingy slid back and forth through that shit a few times before she stopped. There was a bunch of clicks on the machine, more moving of the wand, more clicks.

  It only took minutes, but with my impatience, it seemed like forever.

  “Okay! Here we go, do you see this right here?” She pointed at something on the screen. We both nodded. “Well, that’s your little one’s penis!”

  It didn’t seem like I heard her right. Even though there was a chance I hadn’t made this baby, my chest seemed to swell.

  I was having a son.

  She printed a few images for us, then we waited for the doc to come in.

  “What are you thinking?” Raiven asked as soon as the chick walked out.

  “I’m happy. I’m having a boy.” I grinned.

  “Do you—” She didn’t get to finish her thought because the doc came in.

  “Hello, Archers!” At least she got it right. “So it looks like we’re having a boy! Congratulations. Now, did you make a decision as to whether you were going to do the noninvasive paternity test prior to delivery? It’s a send-out lab, as we discussed, and it will take a bit, unless you’re rich enough to pay for expedited results—” She chuckled. “—but not too long.”

  We did discuss it, but we hadn’t made a decision. Because we couldn’t agree on it.

  “I don’t want it,” I firmly announced.

  “What? Matlock!” Raiven wanted to do it, because she still had it in her head that if I found out the baby wasn’t mine, I was going to shit-can her. She’d insisted that it wasn’t fair to me to not know. I disagreed.

  Even though a tiny voice whispered, “What if he comes out looking just like Stefano?”


  Returning to work, I had mixed feelings swirling in my head.

  “I’m pretty much done for the day, so I’m going to drop my bike off at the house, then pick up Little Elvis. Do you need me to do anything for you?” That infuriatingly wonderful husband of mine asked me.

  “No, I’m good. I’ll be home as soon as I finish this last client. It’s going to take me a while because he has me doing a pretty big piece on his chest. But I shouldn’t be too late. I’ll call you before I leave.” Pressing a kiss to his amazing lips, I wove my fingers up through the hair growing out. My ever-growing belly pressed into his hard abs, causing something else to get hard.

  “Mmm, keep that up and you’re gonna have to cancel.”

  “Despite that incredible offer and my immense desire to do so, I can’t afford to cancel. I’m still building my clientele.” Pouting, I trailed my nose up his neck as I inhaled his scent. It was his own special intoxicating blend that was a mixture of his cologne, engine oil, and exhaust.

  With a smack to my ass, he gave me a sexy tip of his lips before he backed out of my room. “See you at home, beautiful.”

  The grin that spread across my face was glowing with my love for him. My earlier frustration was forgotten for the moment. “See you at home.”

  With one last kiss, he backed up and left my room. I followed him to the hallway entrance.

  “I hate to see you go, but I love to watch you leave,” I announced across the shop, grinning. Nikki snickered from her post at the front counter. My sexy man gave me a lustful glance over his shoulder be
fore shaking his head with a smirk. Before exiting the building, he slid his sunglasses on, covering his gorgeous eyes.


  The roar of his bike was background music as I returned to my room to set up. A quick peek at the clock said I had time to pee. It seemed I was doing that all the time lately.

  Which brought my thoughts back to my pregnancy and Lock’s refusal to do the paternity test. He’d adamantly refused, saying it didn’t matter. I’d disagreed. He’d said we had to agree to disagree.

  “Well, hello again.” The voice startled me, as no one had been in my room when I’d left for the bathroom.

  I squealed in surprise, and my hand flew to my racing heart.

  “Sorry, you scared me.”

  Dark, bottomless eyes stared at me, sending a shiver down my spine, but his smile was friendly. Smiling back at him, I washed my hands again.

  “You ready to get started?” I cheerfully asked the man.

  “You have no idea.”

  Leaning forward, he pulled his shirt off, then sat back in the chair. I’d seen his chest before when he came in for the consult almost a month ago, because I needed to see what I was working with. I’d forgotten all the scars he had and tried not to think about how they looked suspiciously like knife wounds.

  Shaking off the weird vibes he put out, I prepped him and started the design we’d agreed on. It was a big gory demon ripping the head off of a zombie-looking thing. Not exactly my thing, but who was I to judge.

  “Go ahead and take a break.” I stood and stretched after shutting my machine off. “I’ll be back in about five minutes.”

  I’d been working for a good two hours. Everyone had left except Nikki.

  After I peed, I went out front to grab a water from the fridge behind the counter.

  “Your guy is out front having a cigarette. He’s hot as hell, but kinda scary. You okay in there?” Nikki looked at me before her gaze flicked to the front of the shop where said client was smoking as he talked on the phone.

  “Yeah, I’m fine. He’s creepy but harmless. He’s not a talker, so I popped in an ear bud and I’ve been jamming out.” We both laughed.


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