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For Her Benefit: Book 3 - See No Evil Trilogy

Page 4

by Nana Malone

  "If we're done here, Detective Inspectors, she just had a long day. For anything else, you can come to us at Covington House in Belgravia after she’s had some rest." They exchanged another glance, but they nodded and put away their notebooks. "Sir, I do suggest you get her medical attention. That lip is going to swell at the very least."

  I glanced at her. "Yes, I'll have a doctor look at her tonight."

  "You know, I can hear you." she protested. "But this time, I agree. I think a doctor is a good idea. I think I need stitches."

  April moaned from the chair. "She needs stitches; I need stitches. Do you know how they abused me? It was inhumane—"

  I turned my back to her self-pitying act. "Let's get you looked at. I want to make sure nothing else happens to you. Do you understand me?"

  "I don't think you can stop it, Ben. I had the protection of our whole team, and still, someone got to me."

  It chafed to know that she was right. Someone had taken her right from under my nose. But I still had to try and figure out a way to make sure that never happened again.


  Once we were able to leave the penthouse, Ben wasted no time and scooped me up like I was a child without a word. A doctor had been called for April to deal with her concussion. Ben told me one was coming to the house for me.

  I got to have no opinion, no thoughts about where we were going or what we were going to do. I assumed he would take me home, but it wasn’t like he said anything.

  The ride from the elevator down to the car was a quiet one, although everyone stared. I was clearly a mess. Blood on my torn clothes. My face was a mess, and my hair was worse. And Ben, wearing black jeans and black sweater, with his slightly too long blond hair and ice-blue eyes, easily carried me out of the hotel as if this happened every damn day.

  All I got were one-word answers from him as he eased me onto the passenger seat of the car that was waiting for us at the valet area. But this time, there was no driver. He drove us to the house, and once again, the whole drive from Soho to Belgravia was tense, quiet. Traffic was light, but he said not a single word. He didn't take a phone call. He didn't even put on the radio. I had no choice but to sit there, letting my mind wander. But I was too afraid to let it wander too deep. How much of the ordeal was going to come bubbling back up to the surface if I let it? So I didn't dare close my eyes.

  When we reached the house, for some reason it felt like I was seeing it for the first time. Maybe because I’d wondered if I would ever see it again. If there would ever be a moment when I’d walk through those doors again and marvel at the unassuming contemporary design, knowing full well that instead of one stately townhouse, Covington House was actually two done together and going three floors deep below the surface. Why? Because everyone needed a gym, a sauna, and a pool. And of course, a movie theater. Not to mention the multitude of rooms on the first, second, and third floors. There was more to the house than I could ever figure out. And somehow this place felt more like home to me than anywhere in the world ever had.

  When we parked, Scott came out of the side door to take the keys from him and he shook his head. He wouldn't even let Matthew open the door for me. "I have it."

  Those three words... those were the only words he'd spoken since we’d left East’s penthouse.

  When he opened the door, I tried to step out, but he prevented me and instead scooped me up. He carried me through the side door, past the mudroom and the offices into the great room. "I would take you to the bedroom first, but a doctor needs to check you out. Where do you think you'd be most comfortable?"

  "The bedroom would be great. I would love to clean up and get a bath."

  He winced. "I know, but I'm not sure if it's safe."

  I frowned. "What do you mean, safe?"

  "You might have internal bleeding."

  I laughed. "I'm fine. Sure, they got a couple of hits on me, but I wasn't impaled. You should see the other guy."

  His lips quirked, and that was the most emotion I'd seen from him in nearly an hour. "Ben, do you think—"

  The doorbell rang, and he jogged to answer it, quickly checking the security cameras on the way. When he returned, a middle-aged man followed him. Dark hair, kind eyes, around five-ten. When he smiled though, he definitely became more handsome. I could see how he might be one of Ben's gorgeous friends. Ben introduced him. "This is Dr. Callahan. He's going to check you out."

  "Honestly, Ben, I just need a few stitches."

  "No, give me some sanity. Please let him do his job."

  For the minor intrusion into an otherwise extremely long day, Dr. Callahan was kind, efficient, and patient with me. But still, he worked to get me as cleaned up as he could with antiseptic, had sure fingers to sew up the gashes, and then gave me butterfly clips for the smaller cuts. When he was done, he stepped back and admired his work, then gave me a nod. "None of it looks really pretty right now, but I promise you, you are lucky there is no major damage to your face. We'll put a cold compress on that eye and that cheekbone. No broken bones. So, no worries."

  I nodded slowly. "Right. I sure feel damn lucky."

  "I know. If you do need someone to talk to, you can call one of the therapists on my team."

  "Thank you, I appreciate it."

  Once Ben was sure I would live through the night, he showed Dr. Callahan out. When he returned, his hands were tucked in his pockets and he rocked back on his heels. "It's probably safe for you to try a shower now. I just wanted to be sure."

  I gave him a nod and pushed up out of the seat, nearly stumbling as I tried to keep from pitching forward. God, I was tired. Just plain exhausted.

  Ben rushed toward me. "Let me help you."

  I shook my head. "No, I'm fine. I don't need your help."

  "No, of course, you don't."

  I whirled back around and glowered at him. "So you are mad at me?"

  "No, I'm not mad at you. That’s not what this is."

  "Then please, explain to me exactly what this is. You're pissed off. You haven't said a word to me since we left the penthouse. This whole time, I have been trying to get back to you, and you have the nerve to be mad at me? Like, oh yeah, I asked to be kidnapped."

  He closed the distance between us and loomed over me, his ice-blue eyes boring into mine. "Is that what you think?"

  "What am I supposed to think? You're tense. Cold. Flat. You haven't said a word. You're pissed off. I can see it in the set of your jaw, the way your muscles tick, the press of your lips. I know you, Ben. If you're mad at me, just come out and say it. You're pissed off that I ruined your plan. Well, that wasn't exactly what I meant to do. I saw April running down the hall. I thought she’d seen one of our guys, so I tried to stop her. The next thing I know, I wake up smelling of gasoline and tied to a chair. Then some random Eastern European asshole thought it would be fun to grope me."

  His eyes went wide and then he stopped rocking. "What?” That one word was laced with rage.

  “It’s okay, I’m pretty sure his face is caved in… since I hit it with a pipe.”

  He blinked several times before the words tore out of his chest. “I'm not mad at you."

  "Well, it sure feels like it. You won't talk to me. Honestly, all I want you to do is to tell me that you missed me, and you were worried, and you're happy to have me back, and—"

  He placed his hands gently on my face. "I'm happy you're back. I'm happy you're safe. You're not seeing anger, Liv, you're seeing fear. I was fucking terrified. I love you, and you were gone. Every woman I love goes away. My mother died. Lila, well, let's not talk about her. And you... My love for my mother is a memory. Lila, I'm convinced I never really loved. But you… You, who owns me and the depths of my soul, you were gone. And I wasn't there to save you, or help you, or anything, and I had no way to get to you. So, yeah, I'm a little tense. You're back and I'm relieved, but I'm also scared that it will happen again. I'm also guilty and angry that I wasn't the one who was there to help and protect you. That's what you're s

  My mouth formed a small O. "Why didn't you say something?"

  "I was trying not to let the fury with whoever took you blow back on you. It was better if I kept my mouth shut."

  "I needed to hear something from you, Ben. Anything. It's terrifying when you won’t talk to me."

  "I'm sorry, baby. I'm sorry you were scared. I am sorry, I wasn't there. I could kick myself. You needed me. And where the hell was I? I don't know if I could ever forgive myself if I lost you."

  I grabbed his hands and then kissed each of his palms. "I got out because I was thinking of you... of getting back to you."

  The tear that escaped his eye and rolled down his chiseled cheek surprised me. "Ben?"

  "I love you so fucking much. I don't know what I’d have done if something had happened to you. Please don't ever leave me again."

  He didn't want me to leave? He loves me?

  Yeah, you idiot. Pay attention.

  "I love you too."

  He nodded, and then gently, his lips brushed over mine. I couldn't help but wince, and he drew back. "Oh, right. Sorry. As soon as that heals, I'll give you the proper kiss you deserve. But right now, let me take care of you, okay? And then I'll hold you until you go to sleep, and I'll use that sleep to plot the demise of the people who took you."

  When his hands started to slide off my face, I held on to them tight. "Ben, none of this is your fault. It's on me. That man… Like I told the police, he was in my mother's photos. That's where I know him from. I was taken because of my research, not because of what you're doing. That's why. This isn't because of the Elite. This is because of me, what I've been working on, what my mother was working on. I put the target on my own back."



  Ben kissed my forehead, then scooped me up. When we reached the bathroom, he eased me onto the floor, then turned on the shower. Steam started to fog the glass as he turned to me.

  Gingerly, the two of us worked to take off the rest of my clothes, then he helped me into the shower before impatiently stripping down and joining me.

  My first priority was a shower. I still smelled of gasoline, and I had bumps and bruises and just wanted to be clean. I stepped into the stream of scalding water and groaned. There were patches that stung, but God, it mostly felt amazing. I turned my body, letting the spray hit my back and work out those sore muscles. Pressing my body into his I couldn’t help the moan that escaped.

  His grin was wolfish. “I can make that happen, but maybe we wait?” He swallowed hard. “I don’t want to hurt you. You’ve had a rough night.”

  I had. But standing with him, surrounded by a cocoon of steam, I wanted to feel alive. And he could help me with that.

  There was nothing I loved more than wet, naked Ben. His grin flashed quickly, and his ice-blue eyes narrowed. Under his intense gaze, my skin went hot and prickly. “See something you like?”

  “Quite a few things. Are you planning to torture me, Liv?”

  I smiled against his pecs. “Oh, maybe a little.”

  “You know, it's not nice to tease a starving man."

  “You like to be teased.”

  He pulled me close and swatted my bottom. “Are you sure I can’t help you with what you need?” He kissed my shoulder.

  I relished the feel of the hard planes of his chest against my breasts. “I have a few ideas on how you can help me feel better.”

  “I’ve been missing your taste. I could start right now." He nuzzled my throat, placing a damp kiss to my neck, right over my pulse.

  My knees wobbled a little. I knew full well if he laid me out in here, we wouldn’t be coming up for air for a while.

  "Well, Mr. Covington, I had a little something different in mind." As I sank to my knees, I trailed my hands down his muscled chest and over the ripples of his abdomen. His big body blocked the shower spray from hitting me directly as I knelt before his thick cock. He was hard for me, ready.

  Ben braced an arm against the shower door. “Liv.”

  I wrapped one hand around the length of him, and he groaned, tossing his head back. This was more than familiar territory. Applying the right amount of pressure, I stroked down. On the upstroke, I smoothed my hands over the crown of his erection. With my other hand I cupped his balls and gave them a gentle squeeze.

  "Jesus," he muttered.

  As I stroked, careful of my lip, I licked around his thickness, and Ben dug his hands into my hair. With every lick, he tightened his grasp or loosened it, depending on how he wanted me. Using my free hand, I cupped his balls as I worked him. Gently closing my mouth, I applied the right amount of suction.

  With each downstroke, Ben pushed his hips forward, sliding deeper inside my mouth, and on the upstroke, I teased his balls and slowly released him until he was almost out of my mouth. Only to continue with another downstroke.

  His legs shook, and I recognized how close he was.

  "Kitten, God—I need—"

  I knew what he needed. With a hint of teeth, I grazed over him, and his body tightened, all of him going rigid. I stroked over the crown of his cock again, and he braced an arm on the wall. With each stroke, I loved him, pouring all my energy into it. Nothing else filtered into my consciousness but the sounds he made as I palmed and licked him. Only the faint ta-ta-ta-ta sound of the water as it hit the tile and the glass around me. All the while, Ben dug his hands into my curls.

  "Liv, baby, I can’t hold on if you keep doing that. I want to feel you come—ah, fuuuuuck." His body shook as I grazed his thick length with my teeth again.

  I drew back but didn't release him with my hands. Instead, I pumped him steadily as I watched his face.

  His laugh was pained. "Stop teasing. That will get you a spanking."

  I smirked. "Is that a promise?"

  He let his head fall back against the glass tile. "You're going to kill me."

  I laughed before licking him from root to tip again. "No. Not today. Today, I want to enjoy you. I'm sort of addicted, so I'm going to keep you around for a little while."

  I sucked him into my mouth again. Slowly, hollowing out my cheeks as I did so. I palmed his balls with my right hand and worked him up and down with my left. With my hand and mouth in tandem, I sucked and stroked him slow and deliberately, drawing out the torture as much as I could.

  With the shower drowning out some of the sound, I could still hear him cursing and worshiping me with his words even as he shook. His cock expanded in my mouth.

  With my tongue, I slowly traced a circular path over his head. And he shuddered.

  "Kitten, oh shit. I—"

  He cursed as his release shot through him. His body convulsed, and his fist tightened in my hair, not enough to hurt me, but enough to let me know how desperate he'd been. The thought that I could drive him mad made me hot. Releasing his balls, I reached a hand between my legs, seeking the slick warmth. Gently licking Ben clean, I slid a finger between my slick folds, finding my clit and circling slowly with my finger.

  His cock jerked in my mouth. "Fuck, it drives me crazy when you touch yourself."

  I released him and smiled. "You’d rather be doing it yourself?"

  "Yes." He pulled me to my feet. "I've missed you." Even as he gently backed me up to the wall in the expansive shower, he dipped his head to mine, kissing me oh so gently, driving me crazy.

  His cock nudged my thigh, and I smiled to myself. The man was still hard. He cupped my breasts, teasing the nipples gently with his thumbs. A sharp spike of need pierced me, making me shiver.

  "That’s my love. So fucking responsive." His lips curved into a slow, sexy smile, and he looked like the devil himself, tempting me away from my plan.

  "Turn around," he whispered.

  "I thought this was my time to play?" I stuck out my bottom lip.

  His chuckle was soft as he ran a hand over my back and down to the curve of my ass. "You should have thought about that before you decided to shower with me." He nipped my shoulder, sending a s
hiver through my body.


  "C'mon, Liv, turn around and place your hands on the wall."

  Even as my body complied, I shook in anticipation, then moaned.

  His voice was low and thick when he responded. "Did you say something, love?"

  "You're evil."

  His chuckle was low and throaty with a hint of whiskey smoke. "That I am."

  He lined his cock up to my slick cleft, rubbing himself against my opening, and I bucked. A low chuckle, accompanied by the rasp in his voice, was enough to bring me to the edge of orgasm. And then he slid into me to the hilt.

  Both of us froze. I breathed deep, my body adjusting to his size.

  He hissed in a breath. "God, every time. Like you were made for me." With a slow, measured retreat, he made my body beg, then he drove back in, and my breath caught.

  "For me." He continued to tease, taunt, and drive me to the brink of crazy with his powerful thrusts. "Always for me."

  "Ben, please, I need to come."

  He continued his slow and steady deep strokes. As if neither of us had anywhere to be in that moment. "Do you now? And what if I don’t let you?"

  I used my inner walls to squeeze around him, and he cursed.

  "What was that you were saying about letting me?"

  His chest vibrated as he laughed. "You drive a hard bargain, baby. I must remember never to walk into negotiations against you."

  But instead of giving me what I wanted, he slid all the way out. “Ben,” I whimpered.

  “Easy now, I’m coming right back.”

  When he touched a soapy thumb to my ass, I hissed. Oh, fuck. This was no quickie. He had every intention of being thorough. “Ben… oh, God.”


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