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His Human Subject

Page 4

by Stella Rising

  “I have some questions.”

  Finally, the display fades out and he gets up. When he turns, I see his bare chest, a sight that electrifies every cell in my body. His muscles seem to go on endlessly, as if he’s worked out every day for thousands of years. For all I know, he has. “Okay,” he says. “Shoot.”

  I take a deep breath. “How do I know you’re not going to screw me over? What’s to stop you from giving me bad advice? Aren’t you hoping the colony fails, to prove humanity still needs you?”

  Prust nods. “Your concerns are valid, Alexis. The truth is, I’m conflicted on this issue myself. I do want humanity to be united and to accept Dominar rule. If your people decide en masse to reject us, we will have no choice but to exile them. That would be a tragedy, in my opinion. So, your success is my failure. However, I am true to my word. If you ask for my help, I will give you the best advice possible. Ultimately, you have to trust me, or not.”

  I suppose that’s a fair response.

  “Let me ask you something,” he says.


  He opens a large metal chest and takes out a pair of spherical yellow fruits with rows of wavy green lines running across their surface. Either they’re alien in origin, or they’re so exotic on Earth that I’ve never seen them before. A holographic blade appears in the air and starts cutting the fruit into slices that float onto a small black plate.

  “If the whole purpose of this experiment is to show humanity doesn’t need the Dominars, then wouldn’t accepting my help do the exact opposite? Wouldn’t it invalidate the whole purpose of coming here?”

  I look to the ceiling and groan. He’s right, but what am I supposed to do? If I try to win this on my own, I’ll probably lose. Taking his advice, though, would make me a hypocrite.


  Being a leader means making tough choices, doesn’t it?

  What’s more important? My integrity, or creating a home for humanity where we can be free?

  “Would you tell anyone about this?” I ask. “Or would it be our secret?”

  Prust frowns. The knife cutting the fruit disappears, and a sweet scent wafts toward me. “Our secret, of course. You accept that this goes against your beliefs?”

  “Yes. I may hate myself for it, but I do accept it,” I reply, trying to force down the churning in my gut. “All that matters is helping my people.”

  A low growl escapes from Prust’s throat. “By making them accessory to a fraud?”

  “By giving them a home! What they don’t know won’t hurt them.”

  Prust turns away, but I catch the disgust on his face. “You’re certain of that? What if someday you confess about all this out of guilt? You would risk breaking the hearts of everyone who believed in you?”

  My thoughts turn to the spanking he gave me last week.

  “Having to be here is punishment enough. My conscience will be clean.”

  “That, Ms. Miller, I believe. Humans can rationalize anything if they feels their means are justified.” He points to the cut-up fruit. “Eat.”

  Food is the last thing on my mind right now; I’m not sure I could keep anything down.

  “Don’t you get tired of badmouthing humanity? Doesn’t it get old?” I ask.

  “Eat,” he repeats. “And while you eat, I want you to think very, very hard about this decision. Explore every reason why you might reconsider. If you still want to do this when you’re finished, we will begin.”


  I do as I’m told. Though I’m not in the mood, the fruit tastes delicious—like honey and citrus, it’s sweet but with a subtle tartness.

  Maybe I should limit myself to this one time; win the vote, and then tell Prust to get the hell off our planet. Yet, I know I’ll need more help than that. New Earth’s going to have plenty of challenges. Prust will want to weigh in often, whether I like it or not. But I have to think of the people, and what’s best for them—not me.

  “So,” he says, taking the empty plate. “You’re still sure?”

  “I am.”

  “Very well.”

  A compartment in Prust’s sleeping area opens and a pair of metal cylinders float out. Before I can react, they open up and close around my wrists, sealing shut into a single solid piece. I rear back in fright, but before I can take another step the devices activate, pulling my arms over my head. They lock in position, rendering me completely helpless.

  I’ve heard of telerings; I’ve seen them in use against my more militant colleagues. I even resigned myself to the idea that someday they’d probably be used on me. That doesn’t lessen the shock and humiliation I feel as I instinctively buck and thrash against the restraints. I always told myself that if I ever found myself in telerings, it would be because I got caught fighting the Dominars; I promised I would accept my fate, as it would mean I went down fighting. Never in my life would I have imagined I’d be bound in such a manner effectively by choice.

  “Hey, this isn’t part of the deal!”

  He grunts a laugh, watching me struggle. “It is if I say it is, human.”

  Prust gives me a minute to give up on fighting my bonds. Once I settle down, he summons another device: a long metal panel that flies up at my face and covers my mouth. I try to scream, but I can’t move my lips. “You don’t have to understand why I’m hurting you, Alexis. Take it from me: the most difficult lessons live in our souls the longest, so I have no intention of being merciful. You won’t learn a thing if I go too easy.”

  Bring it, alien. Whatever you’re planning, I can take it.

  Alarms sound in my mind as he pulls off my top, but I ignore them. I try to focus on his incredible body; it’s plenty distracting. He yanks off my shoes, followed by my jeans next; holding my legs out one by one, he forces me to keep my balance. I’d be mad, but I’m grateful he’s stripping me with care; we only have so much clothing in the colony. It’s not like we can hop over to Kohl’s anymore.

  When I’m down to just my bra and panties, I shiver, though it’s not cold in Prust’s home. He stops a moment, taking in the sight of my figure.

  “You’re very attractive,” he says, walking around me in a circle. “I can see why the AAL got you to be their spokeswoman. Who wouldn’t want to watch this?” He grips my face between his thumb and index finger, holding it by my gag. “This is much nicer. I get to enjoy your beauty, without having to listen to your bullshit.”

  Incensed, I stamp on his foot, but he’s got shoes on and I don’t, so all he does is laugh.

  “That’s going to cost you,” he growls salaciously.

  Sneering beneath the gag, I curse myself. He wanted to get a rise out of me, and it worked.

  Kicking into motion, he slips off my bra and drags my panties to the floor, exposing me completely. My core aches, betraying my abhorrent hunger. I groan and twist my hips, trying to hide myself, but he grabs my thighs and holds me still.

  “Lovely,” he says, inspecting me up close. He traces a finger from inside my knee and up my leg. “Shapely and smooth. You have a solid beauty regimen for someone living on an untamed world.”

  My face burns. Yeah, so what? I’m living within my supply rations.

  “Have you been taking such care of yourself for anyone in particular?” Prust asks, standing up so I can see him smirk.

  Though I can’t speak, my eyes convey plenty of invective. This is exactly how I imagined a Dominar interrogation. Not that I let myself spend a lot of time picturing it.

  “Look at that,” he continues, slipping his fingers into my sopping pussy. “You’re so wet. How ashamed you must feel, helpless and needful in the hands of your enemy. Isn’t that right?”

  I nod, closing my eyes, mortified beyond belief.

  Feeling his hand beneath my chin, I open my eyes, getting another eyeful of his gorgeous chest. I don’t care if he catches me staring.

  He takes a couple of steps back and strips off his pants, revealing his cock. Hardening before my eyes, it stands tall, thicke
r and longer than any member I’ve ever seen. I can’t help wondering how it would feel inside me—filling me up until I’m screaming, unable to take such a mammoth rod.

  “You’re going to find out soon enough,” he says, as if reading my mind.

  Don’t think about it. Seriously, don’t. My pussy clenches with need, and my need’s only growing. When he steps behind me, out of sight, I exhale in relief, but just for a second. I know what comes next.

  Prust spanks my ass softly at first, just enough to remind me I’m at his mercy. Still, I can’t help squealing with each smack.

  “Pet, we’re just getting started. You’re going to have to do better than that.”

  He rubs the spot he’s been slapping, working out some of the growing soreness, then moves onto another spot. Swinging harder this time, he gives my backside five good swats. My senses quickly overload and I writhe in place. Last time we did this, I didn’t have my hands bound so cruelly—my arms throb from having to hold them up. I also wasn’t completely naked; what if, by some chance, another colonist came to see Prust at this moment? Would he hide me somehow, or just pretend to be away? Or, if I’ve foolishly misplaced my trust, there’s nothing stopping him from taking me back to the settlement, bare and restrained, for everyone to see. This is the Blight, after all.

  For better or worse, Prust doesn’t seem interested in that—he’s clearly enjoying tormenting me. He pauses after each swat, watching me thrash and rubbing my skin’s crimson glow. At least this gives me time to recover somewhat, to catch my breath. I’d give anything to take off this gag, if just so I could fill my lungs and get my hair out of my face. Prust sees the blonde strands stuck to my nose, but offers no help. Sweat stings my eyes, and I can feel it clinging to my body. It mixes with the scent of my arousal, a humiliating aroma Prust appears to like just fine.

  “I’ve read your file, Alexis,” he says, flicking my breasts with his fingers. “You’re a pilot—a talented one, apparently. You and your squad volunteered to participate in the attack on the Redeemer. Isn’t that right?”

  I nod, remembering that day. Before I left Earth, it felt like decades ago—now it could be centuries.

  “A little while later, you volunteered to leave your world, to come to space and found a new home for humanity. An even shorter time after that, you agreed to become the plaything of a sadistic alien. Does that sound about correct?”

  No! I agreed to be your protégé, not to be bound and punished like some kind of space concubine, you ass! Wishing I could speak, I glare at him, figuring he’ll get the message.

  Prust sighs, stroking my hair. I look up at him, transfixed by his gorgeous face, grateful for the small kindness he’s granted. How pathetic have I become?

  “It amazes me that someone could be so brave and foolish at the same time,” he says, reaching around to give my ass a few slaps. I barely feel them, though; his words rattle around my mind. I’m not foolish! I’ve only ever done what I’ve had to for my people. Do Dominars not understand personal sacrifice?

  “Oh, you disagree. But you’ve made the same mistake over and over: you jump into a situation with no forethought as to the consequences.”

  I growl from deep in my chest. Smiling, he waves a hand and causes my gag to detach and float away.

  “Yes?” he asks, taking my breasts in his hands. Massaging them softly, he rubs his thumbs against my nipples, sending curls of pleasure through my body to combat the pain radiating from my ass.

  “I’m not... foolish,” I say, gasping for a full breath. “I just believe in myself and... my cause. And I’m willing to... sacrifice.”

  “Clearly,” he says, leaning in to suck my nipple.

  I sigh, letting him soothe me. His tongue flicks my tender nub, its touch quick and gentle, leaving me wanting more with every stroke.

  “Does that feel good, pet?”


  “How about this?”

  He bites down softly, holding my nipple between his teeth long enough for me to dwell on the power he possesses at this moment. At his slightest motion he could inflict torment or elicit bliss. As a Dominar, this must be what he expects: controlling people. Sometimes it’s one person, like me, and at others it’s entire civilizations. Does ruling over us give him pleasure? Or is this just how he treats women who refuse to treat him like a king or deity?

  “Yes,” I repeat, my arousal surging.

  Then again, he could just like to play—he resumes sucking my breast, lifting me higher and higher. Within the recesses of my brain, a warning tingles in my senses, but I’m too focused on the pleasing sensations to heed it.

  Prust waves to bring the gag back. I groan as it seals my lips once more, but don’t fight it, not wanting to interrupt Prust from his work. He licks and sucks as if addicted to my taste, and I’ve nearly forgotten the state I’m in by the time he finishes. He releases my breasts, teasing the nipples with his thumbs one last time, then takes a step back. Then a new pair of devices hover through the air toward us.

  Reminding me of tweezers, the two objects are connected by a thin chain of some sort.

  “Do you know what these are?” he asks. I shake my head. “Yckjer clamps,” he says, holding them to my nipples and allowing them to clamp down. I shriek and shake my chest, trying to dislodge the cruel toys, but they’re stuck on too tight.

  Dammit, that hurts! Staying still helps, but the throb of pressure won’t go away. I strain against the telerings, desperate to remove the evil devices, but I can’t move my wrists at all. I can’t even tell Prust what a piece of shit he is for doing this to me; it’s beyond infuriating, to be so powerless and to have my own body respond so counter to my wishes.

  “Alexis, would you say that this is where you’d hoped you’d be in life? Bound and suffering at the hands of a Dominar?”

  I shake my head, trying to keep back my tears.

  “No, it’s not. Did you ever, for a second, imagine getting drilled hard by a big alien cock?”

  Again I shake my head.

  “No, you didn’t. So, the next time you have a decision to make, I want you to recall this pain,” he says, tugging on the chain. “Take the time to consider the ramifications of your actions. Think about all the possibilities. Then maybe you won’t find yourself getting fucked by an alien.”

  He grabs my hips and lifts me in the air, and my eyes go wide as I feel his cock slide inside me. Reeling from the sudden sensation, I grip down hard on his shaft, ravenous for the bliss exploding within. Despite his extraordinary girth, my drenched entrance accepts Prust’s member, spreading rapturously. Held aloft by his strength and bent forward by the telerings, I’m helpless to do anything but take the rapid pounding of his cock. He thrusts like a machine, plunging in faster and deeper, giving me no time to prepare myself.

  My body bucks to Prust’s relentless rhythm. The chain connecting my nipple clamps swings back and forth, eliciting a pain I hardly feel; I’m too blissed out to comprehend anything else.

  “I’ve never had a human before. You’re so tight,” he says, hammering into me as he removes my gag. “My tight little human. Isn’t that right?”

  “Oh,” I moan, grinding against his hips, wanting more of his incredible manhood.

  “Say it, Alexis,” he whispers into my ear, pulling out and slapping my ass.

  “Yes, I am,” I whine, wanting him back inside.

  He smacks my ass twice more. “If you want to come, say you’re my tight little human.”

  This is so wrong. What the hell is the matter with me, that his demeaning words make my body quiver and soak my pussy?

  “I’m your tight little human,” I mewl, straining against my telerings, trying to reach Prust’s shaft.

  “Say I’m your owner and master.”

  “You’re my owner... and master,” I reply, choking back a cry. Never should such words pass through my lips, but I don’t hesitate, overpowered by my desire.

  At last, he plunges his cock back in, releasing th
e ecstasy I need. He thrusts wildly, and in seconds I’m coming. An orgasm like nothing I’ve ever experienced erupts as if throughout my entire body; without the gag to stifle me, I scream until my lungs and throat burn. In the moment, I don’t care if anyone hears me; this feels too amazing.

  Prust keeps pounding me for ages, grunting and gasping, tireless and insatiable. By the time he finishes, I’ve climaxed several times. I’m beyond sore, not that I mind.

  He sets me back down on my feet, but doesn’t release the telerings. Stepping around to my front, he releases the yckjer clamps from my nipples, awakening the pain in my breasts I’d been ignoring. Then he kisses me.

  I feel like an autumn leaf caught in the breeze: at one second scuffling on the ground, and another soaring into the sky. With his tongue seeking mine, I forget the pain throughout my body and the humiliation I’ve endured to get to this point. In his touch I find relief from torment, almost as if it was some kind of reward for withstanding his vile treatment and coming out on the other side. It’s a perverse idea, but his tender kissing feels as generous and giving as it does needful. I want to tell myself that this kiss doesn’t erase everything else he’s done to me, but his desire feels overwhelming. Like I could give in to this kiss and not regret it...

  His lips against mine, I nearly forget myself. It’s not until the glow of my orgasm starts to fade that I turn my head away from Prust, bucking away.

  “Stop,” I say.

  “The kiss was too much?” he asks, finally releasing my hands from the telerings. “Humans.”

  Is he actually hurt? Too bad. Prust is not my boyfriend. I’m getting what I need from him, and he’s taking what he wants from me. It’s a transaction, that’s all.

  “Now, will you tell me what to do about the colony?” I ask, eager to get what I came here for.

  “Yes,” he replies, slipping on his pants. “Listen carefully.”

  Chapter Six

  Piskiron’s three moons shine down on us as we stalk through the woods, doing our best to stay quiet. With the sky clear, the bright moonlight helps us avoid branches that might snap beneath our boots.


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