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The Seventh Spirit

Page 36

by Adam-Clay Webb

  “…So… What happened to your brother?” Clover asked dimly.

  “There was an invasion… The Magmalian army struck our village with hundreds of men. They had underestimated our small village and we wiped them out. Their number was meaningless to our superior skill. Still, we would not call it victory. Scores of our men were killed, and many were captured, taken prisoner I suppose. My parents were alright, but my brother was taken. Two years passed… Still I heard no news of my brother. I prayed daily that I would one day see him again. I wanted to leave the village in search of him, but I was not of age. I was not allowed outside the gates…

  “Again, when I was twelve, the village was attacked by the Magmalians, this time with far more men than before. I still don’t know just why they attacked our village; probably they felt threatened by our existence. Men died like flies… Our skill was far greater than theirs, but their numbers overwhelmed us… I remember duelling a masked man…”

  “The same one from earlier?” Kyle enquired with curious eyes.

  “It was he I am sure. He battled me and won. My father tried to help me, but it would have been better if he hadn’t. The masked assassin killed him… ran his sword… straight through my father… I knew I hadn’t time to cry. He went for my mother. I tried to stop him. He slew her… He killed both my parents before my very eyes. He wasn’t even much taller than me, but his skill far surpassed mine. Had my brother been there… we could have certainly defeated him together. He handled two swords. I looked down at my parents, and my sword fell from me. I was paralyzed by dread and terror. The masked man ran from my house and regrouped with his companions I suppose.

  “The army eventually retreated, but again, there was no victory for us. Half the village was wiped out. I fled my house and ran straight to the temple where my brother and I trained since before we uttered our first words. My master was dead… Somehow, I didn’t cry. I ran and ran… as far from the village as I could. With barely any rest or food, it took me only a week to reach the gates of Magma Town on foot. I saw the emblem on their flag and distinctly remembered the soldiers that raided my people, the men who killed my parents and took my brother away from me.

  “I drew my blade at the guards. They laughed. I always remembered something my master taught me: ‘Willpower is a strong and mighty energy, and it should never be wasted on anger or rage or tears, but should always be expressed with skill.’ So I never got angry. I was afraid of losing this energy, this power my teacher taught me of. Without a word, I wiped out the guards at the gate, even the general that happened to be present there. I dashed through the gates in search of my brother in hope that together we would find and kill the masked man.”

  A sudden sound snapped everyone out of the trance Blade’s story had trapped them in. There was a bright redness a few meters off. “Azar,” Blade said under his breath, rising. Indeed, as the redness cleared, it became obvious that it was Azar who had appeared. He walked up to them in a brisk, business-like manner.

  “Greetings,” he said on reaching them.

  “Hey, what’s up?” Lex greeted.


  “Hello there.”

  “I’ve been doing some conclusive research. The ones called the ‘Sons of the Sun’ are in our reach. Since time is of the essence, I propose we attack them tonight.”

  “What the hell?!” Kyle blasted, “Last time I checked, you’re our enemy! You really think you can just walk in here and order us around?!”

  “Well, you don’t ‘check’ very often, child.”

  “Child?!” Kyle drew Blade’s sword at Azar furiously. In quick time, Azar pulled out his swords and blocked Kyle’s thoughtless strike. Instantly, the memory of the masked man and his two swords flashed across Blade’s mind. Azar’s swords, all of a sudden, looked awfully familiar. He made no mention of it though.

  Blade grabbed his sword from the boy and smacked him upside the head. Kyle hissed and stepped back from Azar. “I think I know just what your problem is, boy, so I brought you something that might put us on better terms.” He drew from his garments an unnoticeable scabbard. It was black and plain, but seemed new. He handed it to the dumbfounded Kyle. The boy stared down at it with a gleaming grin.

  “Are you serious?!” he finally said, grabbing it from the prince’s hands. He drew the sword from it quickly. It was just slightly heavier than the one his grandfather had given him. He swung it about with great animation and spirit.

  “That’s a class ‘A’ sword. Don’t get it crushed up like the other one.”

  Kyle laughed, still swinging it about.

  “I continue. Now, you need not know how, but I know exactly where the Sons of the Sun are, and I’ve been there before, so I can spaceshift to there.”

  “So that’s how it works, huh?” Clover diverted.



  “Oh. Heh. Something of the sort. You must have a perfect picture of the destination in your head, well at least as a beginner. It’s much easier to execute than to explain.”

  Clover giggled. “You’ll teach me?! Pleeease?”

  “Ha! If time permits,” Azar said.

  “Sons of the Sun?!” Lex reminded.

  “Right,” Azar proceeded. “They never stay in one place for too long. They are wanted by many.”

  “Are they really sons of the sun? I don’t understand,” Lex said.

  “Don’t be foolish!” Azar snapped. “They have the power to control the elements of the sun, fire and light. They are Firemakers of sorts, and they are extremely skilled at the art.”

  “Of sorts?” Lex asked.

  “Well, there must be some story with their bloodline, but somehow they’re useless between dusk and dawn.”

  “So they rely on the sun for power, right?” Lex confirmed.


  “And it’s night!” Clover came in.

  “Correct, but it is almost sunrise where we’re going, so we must move fast.”

  “What?! That is impossible! Night fell only a moment ago!” Kyle said, still swinging, already feeling comfortable with his new blade.

  “Heh! You scoundrels are wallowed in ignorance,” Azar said with his usual tone of condescension.

  “So what is your plan?” Blade asked, “We just rush in and charge at them?”

  “Have any better ideas?”

  They were silent.

  “Well there we have it. Though strong these brothers are famed to be, we are well able to take them without suffering any casualties on our side. Lex’s ice will be a great help if things get heated. He can somewhat neutralize their fire, and I can shift us out if needs be and heal any injuries we might suffer.”

  “Hmm…” Blade slowly pulled his sword from its casing. It reflected the quarter moon more brilliantly than any clear stream or river. It impressed even Azar, and he wondered if he could stand against the legendary Blade in a duel.

  “Blade of the Village of the Sword,” Azar greeted, putting forth a hand. Blade grabbed it hesitantly.

  “Prince of the Land of Blood and Fire,” Blade greeted back. His use of such a nickname for Magma Town made the prince wonder about Blade. Azar had heard that name only a few times, and only from his father.

  “We are ready then. Let’s make us a chain.” Azar held out his hands for others to hold. Lex and Clover grabbed on to them. Azar closed his eyes as the circle was formed. They disappeared, leaving behind much waste mana that quickly cleared away.

  Kyle released Clover quickly and fanned the waste mana from his face. “Where are we?” he asked the prince, looking about.

  “Prince Azar again!” A manly voice greeted them. They had found themselves in the midst of a pack of rough, vile-looking gangsters. The place fell silent.

  “Oh my God! They’re all armed!” Clover whispered too loudly. It was evident that much work and conversation had seized at the group’s appearance. All eyes were on them.

  Men and women had swords and sh
ields and battle-axes, looking like they were training or fighting to the death in some wild, cruel arena. On better analysis, Blade realized that they were in a weapons market.

  “Coroner!” Azar greeted the man who called out to him. The man had a lengthy and weighty battle-axe in his hands, toying with as if it were a light dagger.

  “Looking for the Sons of the Sun again?” the man asked.

  “It’s okay,” Azar whispered to his companions, “they’re alright. I know them.” Still, Blade and Kyle were ready and waiting to draw their swords and draw some blood. “Yes. They are terrorists, are they not? And I am fully aware that they have caused plenty of trouble in this little town. I am also certain that they’re in the area.”

  Coroner laughed. “The gods must be telling you things. I wonder how you know so much!”

  “Don’t you want these criminals dead?” Azar asked.

  “A few things have changed since the last time you showed your pretty face around here, Azar!”

  “Whatever might you mean?” Azar knew something was surely amiss.

  “The Sons of the Sun have given up terrorism! They have turned a new leaf, now!” Sounds and motions of agreement came from the weapon-wielding crowd. “Their wealth is beyond calculation, and they have made peace with this town. This is their home now, and they will serve to protect us, as we protect them.”

  Azar clenched his fists. “They are criminals, Coroner! And if you shield them from the wrath of justice, then you are a criminal yourself!”

  “I am sorry, Azar, but you best take your leave. You are no longer welcomed here.”

  “Tell me where you are hiding them!” He glanced up at the mountains, knowing that the sun would soon rise.

  “You will see them if you tarry until sunrise,” Coroner said with a crooked smirk on his face, “but believe me, they will be the last you see!”

  “Azar, if these men have really changed, then wouldn’t it be wrong to attack them?” Lex asked quietly.

  “Leave that kind of talk to the little girl, and don’t lose sight of the bigger picture, boy.”

  “Right. Sorry.”

  Azar was sure he saw the first ray of morning sun shoot across the sky. He hissed. His calculations were flawed, and he had less time than he had planned to work with. “Very well! We will kill you all! Everyone! Attack!” Azar gave out.

  In a second, mana enveloped the sorcerers’ hands. Lex had two iceballs ready, and the swordsmen’s swords were drawn and hungry. Clover gasped and looked up as she saw what appeared to be a ball of fire shoot across the sky and land in a field just meters from them. The place quaked as it landed. There was another crash behind them accompanied by a similar quake. “They are here as I promised, Azar,” the man called Coroner said with a grin on his face. Blade and Clover turned their backs to the others and their faces to the unmoving figure.

  The infamous men closed in on the group. “Greetings, visitors,” one of them said. They both looked like ordinary men. They were dark-skinned and were quite handsome. “Ah, you must be prince Azar,” the same one said, looking at the mana, ice and swords that the group brandished.

  “I don’t think they are here to talk, Sola,” the other said.

  “I am inclined to agree, Lumos,” Sola said.

  “They are here to kill us all!” Coroner said, his voice painted with a fabricated fear.

  “He lies!” Clover blasted nervously.

  “Well, well, you came right on time; a few minutes earlier and you might have been trouble,” Sola said. It seemed the sun was rising faster than usual, maybe to greet his sons in their time of need.

  “Father! Give us power!” they both appealed together, looking toward the rising sun. Blinding golden rays shot out from beyond the mountains and clothed the two men. When the brightness wore away, the two men were fully clad in fire, and great heat came forth from them.

  “Incredible,” Azar mused under his breath.

  “Let us give them hell, brother,” Lumos said, “Everyone, fight with us!”


  The surrounding crowd cheered on hearing the expected decision. Coroner laughed, steadying and gripping tightly the axe he was toying with.

  “We have on our hands more than we bargained for, Azar,” Clover said.

  “We can take them,” the prince said confidently. As he spoke, two powerful beams of fire closed in on them, courtesy of the two brothers.

  “Anam Garadan!” Azar commanded, holding his palms out, and a red shield of mana covered the group. The beams of fire bashed against the red sphere, then, in an instant, the shield and everyone in it disappeared in a cloud of redness, reappearing close by. “Kill them all! Kill everything!” Azar’s voice rang out. The fiery brothers just saw where their challengers had appeared. Lex hurled two iceballs at Sola, but they practically sublimed before touching him, barely passing through the liquid state.

  “Abingush!” Clover blasted, flashing her mana at both enemies. There was a loud bang, and both Sola and Lumos were sent flying quickly, leaving behind a cloud of smoke and waste mana.

  “Hm. Impressive,” Azar commended, truly struck by the strength of the young witch’s attack. She grinned proudly. Kyle and Blade had no time for grinning though. The mob of skilful fighters was upon them.

  “Abingush!” Two of the warriors were blasted away, landing many yards from the battle scene, unable to rise. Clover was on a roll. Azar too was quickly getting rid of them. Men cried out as Azar’s beams of fire grabbed them and burnt their very lives out of them. Blade blocked another of Coroner’s mighty swings, then jumped and kicked him off. As Coroner staggered back only slightly, quickly stepping forward to attack again, another axer struck at Blade from behind. Blade ducked, and the axer’s weapon easily tore through Coroner’s neck. On turning, Blade ran his sword through the killer’s heart. Blood spewed from him with great pressure. Kyle sidestepped a woman’s swing, her sword almost grazing him. Hesitant to kill her, he just continued to dodge her attacks. Finally, he kicked her off. She landed right into Blade’s arms.

  “An enemy’s an enemy,” Blade said, looking at Kyle sternly, then slashed her throat coldly, teaching his student in an instant a lesson that would no doubt add years to his life. A youngster drew back his sword to kill Kyle. Kyle blocked the boy’s sword with his own. Just then, a whistling beam of fire swallowed up the boy, leaving almost nothing of him. Kyle looked over toward Azar with wide eyes. The man smirked and snickered a bit, then rushed to where the prime enemies were.

  “Burn, you disgrace to the power of fire!” One of the sons of the sun exclaimed, sending a hoard of fire toward Azar. Azar spaceshifted just in time to save his skin. Lex clenched his teeth in strain as he charged a beam of ice at the one who had just attacked Azar. There was no escape for this enemy. The beam of ice struck him, but ice was hardly any match for fire of such degree. The ice became water, but water was certainly quite effective against the fiery enemy, so maybe the ice won after all. The water diminished the fire that clothed the man, until he seemed to have been rid of all his power.

  “Brother!” the other called out, dropping his guard for a moment, seeing his counterpart’s trouble.

  “Abingush!” Clover yelled, releasing the last bit of mana she could find. The fiery man sounded a cry as the blast flung him many a meter away. Clover held her forehead, feeling lightheaded, crouching immediately.

  Azar and Lex ran toward the man Clover had just blasted away. While duelling a swordsman, Blade noticed the floored enemy trying to scurry up from the puddle, shaking. As if he were playing with his dueller all along, he quickly disarmed his opponent, sending his sword clear out of his hands, and delivered the final strike. Blade turned quickly, pulling his sword out of the dead swordsman. Lumos, still panting, folded his fists, and fire surrounded them, soon spreading to his whole body. With great speed and urgency, before he could become a problem again, Blade reached up to the man of fire and sent his sword through his chest. Blade was blasted
with great heat, and his body was sent flying. Clover watched with widened eyes, still too drained to do anything more.

  “Blade!” Kyle exclaimed, pulling his sword from the chest of the last enemy standing. Clover and Kyle rushed over to the panting, rising Blade. Staggering slightly, Blade walked back toward the fallen Lumos, who had been bleeding out in the puddle, widening it.

  Realizing that victory was far from probable, Sola decided to flee. He took off, the Icemaker and Firemaker volleying him with quick attacks. Suddenly, with a jump, he soared out from the ground, all wrapped in flames.

  “Get back here!” Azar blasted, and darkness flashed in his eyes. A shadowball appeared in his right hand, and he hurled it at the flying Sola. Lex watched as the sphere of darkness tore right through the enemy and disappeared into the clouds.

  Azar laughed a little. “The Sons of the Sun are no more.”

  “Wow…” Lex awed.

  The fiery corpse crashed into the ground.

  “This is the first of many a mission we will have to accomplish together, Lex.”

  Lex looked up at the prince. “I am honoured.”

  “Hm. Let’s get back to the others.” He grabbed Lex and they vanished together in the usual fashion. They reappeared amongst scores of corpses, but none of them were of their companions. Indeed, the mission was a bloody success. Blade recased his sword. Kyle was bleeding quite a bit and had cuts and slices all over. He was breathing heavily, his heart beating at a terrible rate. “Come, boy. Let me heal you.”

  Chapter 25: Happenings

  Prince Azar,” the Magmalian supreme general addressed, bowing slightly, “your target has been sighted in a meadow close to Rander.”

  “Rander…” the prince looked unsettled. “Alright, that is all. You are dismissed.” Azar turned and walked quickly, his head down in thought. Rander… That should be where Lex and his companions are… If he should attack… there is no way they would survive. “Hmmm… Well, it has come to this… This is what I will have to do…”


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