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Afraid to Hope (Secrets & Seduction)

Page 10

by MJ Nightingale

  When Ana left for Tampa in the early evening, Lou had not called Jay as she had thought to do earlier, and he had not called as well. She had just been too bummed out that she hadn’t found it yet, her dream home.

  It was eight o’clock when a tired Lou, after a frozen dinner nuked in the microwave had been partially eaten, flopped onto the sofa with Missy at her heels. Her plans included a movie in which she would probably fail to finish watching and pass out due to her late night with Jay and the long day of house hunting.

  She was just settling in to the movie, warm under a blanket, hand absently patting Missy on the head, when her phone rang. She knew who it was, and jumped. It could only be Jay. Her daughter never called in the evenings. That was friend time. Veronica squeezed her calls in to her mom between classes, or on breaks from the library.

  She ran for the phone quickly becoming energized. Her purse was in the kitchen, her phone on top. She grabbed the cell, saw Ten Inches on the screen, and hit the answer button before it went to voice mail on the fourth ring.

  “Hello?” she breathed a bit heavily from her sprint.

  “Hey, you,” said Ten Inches.

  “Hi,” she smiled even though he couldn’t see her as she made her way back to the living room to settle back on the sofa.

  “I wanted to call you an hour after you left. I made myself wait,” Jay teased lightly.

  “Aww, that is nice to hear,” Lou responded. The butterflies started. Such a simple phrase, nothing dramatic, over the top. Simple, but it warmed her. “I was going to call you too,” she admitted.

  “Why didn’t you?” he asked.

  “The house hunting did not go so well. I was hoping to find it right away, but everything was too much in need of repair, or over my budget. It just got me down. We saw like over a dozen properties today and then just called it a day. Not a one was even a possibility. But,” she sighed, “there is always tomorrow. Ana went to Tampa tonight, but Annie said she had a few more in this area she could show me tomorrow that might work. I hope so. Otherwise I will have to look elsewhere. I don’t really want to drive much further to work. “

  “You really sound bummed out. You should have called. I could have comforted you.” Lou heard the sympathy in his voice, but there was a teasing note there as well.

  Her immediate reaction was to tease him back. “You could comfort me now.”

  “I’ll be right over.” He hung up. The call had been ended so abruptly. WTF? Was he really coming over? Right now? Shit. She got up, and Missy was on her heals. In her room, she slipped out of the sweats and large-t that she had put on and changed into something a bit sexier. She searched in her closet and found a cute little slip on red sundress she could wear, that was comfortable and casual. She could wear it without a bra because it had built in support. Then she hurriedly applied a bit of make-up, just some gloss, and a bit of shadow to brighten up her face.

  Missy was watching her hurried movements with curiosity, and when she passed her golden companion on her way to the kitchen she patted the now nervous dog.

  “Don’t worry, Missy. I’m not leaving you tonight. But, I do have company coming over, and you better be on your best behavior.”

  Missy gave her a little woof, and watched her as she perused the refrigerator. Ana had some white wine, and it looked like some lime infused beer. That would have to do for refreshments she thought as she shut the door. She didn’t know what Jay had in mind, but she also knew there was popcorn, and snacks and stuff she had purchased earlier in the week.

  Missy became increasingly excited by Lou’s mad dash and quick movements to tidy up. She followed Lou, and Lou found the dog underfoot several times as she turned to another task she suddenly thought needed to be done. She knew Jay’s place wasn’t too far away, and happy with her work, decided to wait outside and help Missy expel some of her excess energy. She slipped on a pair of sandals and grabbed Missy’s monkey sock. Might as well let Missy enjoy an evening romp before she met Jay. Lou wasn’t too worried about it though. Missy was quite a friendly dog. She rarely barked, and got used to strangers pretty quickly.

  They didn’t get to play too long, however. Jay’s motorcycle could be heard roaring down the road and then there he was astride the antique Harley looking like something Lou could eat. Dessert, she thought mischievously. Missy backed away from the motorcycle at first, the sound surprising her, but when it came to a halt in the driveway, she was by Louisa’s side tail wagging. The sight of Jay getting off his motorcycle took her breath away. He was so big and strong. To others he might appear menacing, and although she hadn’t known him long, she felt safe with him. His smile lit up the darkness.

  “Hey, Babe. You look delectable,” he growled eyes twinkling in the night. Hmm, it was funny that he thought she looked delectable, when she had thought of him as dessert. But instead of sweeping her into his arms as she hoped, he looked down at Missy. “Hey girl,” he said slowly putting his hand out turning it palm side up for Missy to smell. “You must be Missy.” At the sound of her name coming from Jay, Missy took a small step closer, and sniffed Jay’s hand. Her tail began to wag faster. Jay took his time in greeting Missy until she was licking his hand. He rewarded her with a scratch on the head. “Good girl,” he said patting her and she turned her head towards his fingers so he could scratch her behind the ears. “Are you playing with Lou?” he asked. “Can I throw the toy?”

  At those words, Missy gave him a small yip, and did a three hundred and sixty degree circle. Lou laughed at her dog. She was too easy, like her. Well, when it came to Jay, at least. Lou handed Jay the sock monkey.

  “Nice toy, Missy,” Jay murmured. “I’ll throw it now. You bring it back to me, okay?” Missy yipped again and pranced excitedly as Jay flung back his arm for the throw. As soon as it left his hand, she raced in the monkey’s direction.

  “Already eating out of the palm of your hand,” Lou teased. “You have the magic touch.”

  “I hope you think so,” he murmured seductively. “He pulled her in for a quick kiss. “You do look amazing. I’m hard already,” he growled in her ear, and nipped her ear lobe with his teeth.

  Lou blushed in the darkness. “Is that all you think about?” she teased.

  “I can’t help myself when I see you looking all hot and ready for me. Are you wearing panties?” he asked as Missy came bounding up the driveway straight to Jay. He laughed as Lou shook her head at her unfaithful dog. Missy’s loyalty to Lou seemed to be transferred to Jay. He let go of Lou and Missy dropped the monkey into his hand naturally.

  “Yes, I have panties on. It’s Florida, but a little chilly at night.” Lou pouted teasing Jay.

  “Next time, don’t wear any,” he said mischievously. “Just the thought of you not wearing any has me so turned on. He threw the monkey and Missy flew out after it again.

  His words had Lou tingling again. And not because of the night air. When he was near, his words and his eyes ignited fires in her. Ones that could not be doused with words.

  The sexually charged banter continued as he threw the chew toy for Missy a few more times. When she was panting, and had given him the toy, he suggested they have a drink, all three of them.

  “Oh, of course,” Lou stammered. “I should have suggested it, but you had me otherwise distracted.”

  Jay liked it when she teased him back. It meant she could give as good as she got. And boy, did he want to give it to her. She had hardly left his thoughts all day. Her combination of innocence, sex appeal, and wise cracking tough girl attitude appealed to him. She was soft in all the right places for him, lean in others, and although tiny by comparison to him, she could be tough. Yes, he liked her all right, he thought, as he followed her retreating figure towards the stairs that led to the front door. Her little ass swayed before him, climbing the steps, and he couldn’t help himself. He lifted them hem of her skirt, slightly, just to check. Damn, he thought. She was wearing panties, white cotton granny panties. He would have to rectify that. She
needed some sexy things, or none at all. He shrugged and let the hem drop without her noticing, or so he thought.

  Inside, Lou crossed the living room, and Jay admired the place. It was surprisingly modern on the inside, but outside the house appeared to have that old Florida theme going for it. Simply decorated, it was tasteful. He was a no frills guy. They made their way into the kitchen and as Lou bent over to peer inside the refrigerator, he got another glimpse of her underwear. And even though they were not the least bit attractive, his semi erection was not semi any longer. Simple, white plain panties were not something he fantasized about, but because it was Lou he was fully aroused. Damn, the girl had no idea how hot she was. He hoped he could show her that in the not so distant future. “I have lime beer, white wine, soda and juice,” he heard from inside the refrigerator.

  “I’ll have a soda,” he murmured. He wasn’t sure if he’d be driving tonight. He wasn’t much of a drinker anymore, anyhow. But he did like his beer on occasion. But it was Lou’s friend’s place, and he didn’t know how Lou would feel about doing the deed while her friend was away for the night. But he had high hopes she’d be willing. He would probably head home though. He always felt anxious sleeping in strange places.

  Lou stood up at the moment and then backed up in order to close the door, and she backed up right into Jay. There was no doubt left in her mind what Jay was thinking about as his cock jabbed her in the lower back.

  “Mm,” he murmured and pressed himself into her grabbing a hold of her shoulders to steady her.

  “Pig,” she teased.

  Jay flipped her around, and as she had two soda cans in her hands, she was helpless to the assault that came. His lips crashed onto hers.

  Lou’s lips burned the instant he made contact. The blood rushed to her ears sounding like thunder, and it felt like a bolt of electricity had passed through her. Her senses came alive.

  Her lips parted immediately, and his heart hammered in his chest as he explored her mouth with his tongue. She was sweet, and that sweetness had him thinking about other parts of her he wanted to taste. He had no patience for much more foreplay. He broke the kiss brashly. “I want you,” he stared into her eyes. The grey was like granite. She felt herself get wet. She was breathless in anticipation. She wanted him too and nodded her assent wordlessly. “Your dog?” he queried arching one eyebrow and she glanced over her shoulder.

  “Missy, living room,” she commanded. The dog obeyed. She set down the cans of Coke on the table. She turned towards her room, bent to pick up a chew toy, threw it into the living room and walked into her room. Jay was at her heels.

  Inside the dark room, she let Jay pass and then shut the door kicking off her sandals as she did so. Jay was behind her again, and took her shoulders steering her to the bed. She turned in his arms, and looked into his eyes. They almost glowed silver. He pushed her onto the bed, and she sat and he was down on his knees in front of her in an instant. He pushed her back, and pulled her panties down and slid them off her legs. He spread her legs wide, and then wider, and when his mouth made contact it was unlike anything she had felt before. He assaulted her pussy with no warning. She pushed herself into him. His tongue immediately set to work teasing her, stabbing her and it was pure magic. He licked her, and continued to endlessly tease her already swollen clit. She felt his hands on her thighs caressing, stroking. He licked and devoured her. She felt his hand inch closer. His fingers began to stroke her as his tongue lapped at her clit. She writhed beneath his ministrations. The explosion was close. He murmured his pleasure when she began to moan.

  “Oh Jay, yes,” her voice came out rough, breathless. “Th-that . . . Feels . . . Yes,” her hands gripped the sheets twisting them. The explosion that came made her cry out. But Jay wasted no time, he swung her legs onto the bed, and began to undress. She watched him still recovering from the quick release he had just given her. His body was so amazing in the moon light. “I want to return the favor,” she whispered before he could get into the bed. He stopped short.

  “You do, do you?” he chuckled mischievously.

  “Yes,” she stated simply.

  Jay’s grey eyes gleamed with mischief. “Okay. Come sit here at the edge of the bed.” Lou scrambled to the edge of the bed. Jay’s cock stood at attention before her. She began to raise her hands to grasp him. “Not so fast, Lou.” His words stopped her, she looked up at him.

  “But . . .,” she began before he stopped her again.

  “I have an idea, something I have been imagining.” His words had her heart racing in anticipation.

  “Okay,” she murmured waiting for him to share.

  Jay’s hands reached down to lower the front of her sundress, and without a bra they were immediately exposed to Jay’s sight. His eyes feasted on them and then he began to fondle her large breasts. He wasn’t going to tell her what he wanted. He was going to show her. He took a step closer but continued to fondle her breasts using his thumbs to occasionally stroke her nipples into hard little peaks. Her mouth dropped open and his cock was close, but not close enough. He bent down and licked her cleavage with his tongue, and then stood again. He inched closer and as he did so, he parted her breasts and planted his upright cock in between them and firmly held his cock in between. The fine mist of perspiration was just the right amount of lubricant he needed and he began to glide between them. “Taste me, Lou.” His words were spoken softly.

  Looking from Jay to his cock nestled between her tits made Lou feel more powerful and alive then she had felt in years. The pleasure she saw in his eyes, heard in his grunts was what she was doing to him. It made her confidence soar. Her tongue darted out to touch the tip, and she heard Jay’s sharp intake of breath. Despite the position, she truly had the power and she planned to relish in it. Her tongue then bathed his head as it dipped and returned to her mouth. On Jay’s next upward thrust she sucked the head hard into her mouth, and her pussy clenched when she heard his moan of pleasure. She then put her own hands on the sides of her breasts and Jay’s hands slid over to accommodate hers as he toyed with her nipples even more.

  Jay was tugging on them, pinching them, as she swirled her tongue around the massive head of his cock. His thrusts became deeper, and faster, and she took more of him into her mouth with each thrust. She wanted more and soon dropped her breasts in order to take him as far as she could. She wanted that cock in the back of her throat. But Jay wasn’t ready for that. He wanted more of this, and took her hands away and put them back on her breasts with his over hers, crushing her tits together as he slid between her mounds.

  Jay was close. He felt the veins fill with blood and his balls tighten in anticipation. Just the site of his cock, her breasts, and her tongue paying him such exquisite attention had him wanting to ram his dick into that pretty little mouth until he could feel her tonsils. He dropped his grip on her breasts, and was almost relieved when she did the same. The heat and wetness of her mouth did things to him he couldn’t explain. He pinched her nipples hard, and she sucked harder. He grabbed for her head and fisted it in her hair controlling the tempo and the rhythm. He wanted, no needed her to go faster.

  And, she did. His cock was pulsing. He threw back his head and roared, “Oh fuck, Lou”, as his orgasm reached its peak. She pulled back, as his come shot over her chest and breasts. He grabbed his cock and as the last of his load pumped out he used his head to massage the come onto her paying special attention to her sensitive nipples. She arched her back pushing into it. She was squirming on the sheets, holding herself up on her arms. God what a wanton sight to behold, he thought. He could tell she was extremely turned on by what they had just done, and she may be close again, too. He wanted to give her that release.

  Still recovering from his own orgasm, he pushed her back onto the bed and crawled in beside her. His mouth immediately sought out a breast, and he suckled her erect slick nipple, tasting himself on her. He paid it no mind. This was about her. Pulling her closer to him, his hand travelled down her belly
to her lower abdomen and then further, and he brushed his hand across her and she trembled under his feathery touch. His hand dipped inside and she was wet and quivering. He slid one, then two fingers inside and stroked her folds and soon she was gyrating to the rhythm he created, and then using his thumb he circled her clit, over and over until she exploded around him. His mouth abandoned her breast to crush her lips with his own and he swallowed her cries of release. When her tremors abated, he pulled her in to him spooning her from behind, as she lay her head on his arm. She was drifting to sleep, her breathing becoming deeper and even.

  “Thank you,” she whispered as she faded off.

  “For what?” Jay asked, but she didn’t answer him. She was sleeping.

  Jay lay back on the bed and stretched out. He wasn’t tired, but sleeping in unfamiliar places was disconcerting to him. He would have slipped out of bed, and driven home. But, he didn’t want to, and that bothered him even more. He tried to sleep, but couldn’t and then he heard shuffling at the door, and he sat up abruptly. What could that be, he thought. Her roommate? She was supposed to be away for the night. He looked down at a still sleeping Lou. He hadn’t woken her. The noise hadn’t either. He looked to the door, and saw shadows, four of them, and then it dawned on him. Missy. She must normally sleep in here. He saw the dog bed, by the dresser. He got up, put on his boxers and jeans, and quietly opened the door, and Missy took a step back when she saw it was him. Her golden brown eyes looked to the bed and then to him. She came forward and peered around him and saw Lou, and sniffed the air.

  “Go to your bed, Missy,” he told her, and then the dog’s tail started wagging again and she pranced into the room. Missy found her bed, spun around three times in it before settling down and closing her eyes.

  He shook his head at what must be Missy’s normal routine. He didn’t know what to do next. He was in a quandary. He couldn’t sleep, but he couldn’t leave either. He looked to Missy and to Lou, and then towards the door and then back again to Lou. He decided maybe a beer would help ease his anxiety. He took the two cokes left untouched on the table, and put them back into the refrigerator. Saw the beer, and took one. Popping off the top, he took a swallow. Not bad, he thought. Flavored beer? Girls! He shook his head. He walked through the kitchen and then realizing the television was still on, he made his way into the living room and decided that maybe watching some TV while he nursed his beer would make him comfortable enough to sleep. Or at least pass the time until Lou woke.


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