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Secrets of a Fake Fiancée

Page 17

by Yahrah St. John

  Henry glanced at Jared and back at Morgan. “I’m going to give you both some privacy.”

  Jared was speechless and merely nodded. Henry patted him on the shoulder as he left and whispered, “Don’t give up on her.”

  Jared stood by the doorway after he left, afraid to step forward.

  “Are you just going to stand there?” Morgan asked.

  At her words, Jared sprang into action, walking toward the bed and sitting in the chair beside her. “Morgan, I... I’m so thankful you’re okay,” he barely managed to get out.

  She nodded.

  “How much do you remember? Of the accident?”

  “Not much,” Morgan answered. “The doctors said, my memory could come back today, in pieces or not at all. And I don’t much care if it does. I don’t want to remember being hit by a car.” She gave a half laugh. “But I do recall telling you I was leaving Austin for good.”

  Her words hit Jared’s ears like the crash that had almost taken her from him and his heart sank. “I was hoping you’d forget that part.”

  Morgan sighed. “Not likely.” She stared at him. “I know we need to talk, but I have to say this first. Thank you.”

  “For what?”

  “For calling my family,” Morgan replied. “It’s because of you they’re all here. Henry—I mean, my father—told me you called Dane and he rallied everyone. And as you can see—” she motioned to the door and he could see tears glistening in her eyelids “—I’m going to have the family I always wanted. So thank you.”

  Jared swallowed the lump in his throat, but it remained lodged in his chest. “You already have a family, Morgan. Me and all the Robinsons. Please tell me you know that.”

  * * *

  Morgan stared into Jared’s beautiful dark eyes, eyes she’d come to know so well. It appeared as if he hadn’t gotten much sleep. Instead of his usual tidy appearance, Jared looked haggard with several days’ stubble on his chiseled jaw. He was wearing a simple T-shirt and dark stonewashed jeans. But in her opinion, he’d never looked sexier. Handsome didn’t come close to describing his lethal good looks.

  She’d been disappointed when she hadn’t seen him among all her visitors, but he was here now and she wanted to weep with gratitude. “When I woke up and you weren’t here...”

  “Sweetheart.” Jared jumped out of the chair and onto the edge of Morgan’s bed. “I’ve been by your side day and night driving the doctors and nurses crazy. The only reason I left was for this.” He pulled out the manila envelope from his back pocket.

  Morgan frowned. “What’s that?”

  “The results of the paternity test,” Jared replied. “Showing I’m not a father.”

  Morgan lowered her lashes. “I know.”

  His eyes widened in surprise and a faint smile touched his mouth. “You do? But you said...”

  “I was hurt and in my feelings.” She glanced up and felt her eyes swim with tears while her mouth trembled “I—I thought you didn’t want me and I latched on to the first thing I heard that validated that premise. But I know you, Jared.” Morgan reached out and pressed her hand to his cheek, smiling when he closed his eyes and let her caress him. “I know you’re not the kind of man who would abandon his child. I know that.”

  She heard his audible sigh of relief. “Thank you. So if you can believe that much about me, can you believe one more thing?”

  She shrugged. “Maybe?”

  “I love you, Morgan.”

  Joy careened through her, but Morgan had to be sure she wasn’t hearing things. “What did you say?”

  “I love you.” Jared gazed into her eyes for a long, lingering moment.

  Astonished and struck speechless by his confession, Morgan looked back at him.

  “I’m in love with you. You’re the first thing I think about in the morning and the last thing I think about at night. And it scared me to feel that much, never mind admitting to it. So I kept my distance because I was afraid I couldn’t be the Prince Charming you’d built me up to be. I thought I wasn’t good enough for someone as beautiful, sweet and kind as you.”

  “Oh Jared...”

  “I’ve never been in love, Morgan. I made a mess of things last week with you, but I know what I feel now. Seeing you nearly die in front of me, everything in my world went gray and I knew I couldn’t live a day without you. I realized how precious life was and that I didn’t want to waste another minute. I promised myself if you pulled through that I would confess my love. Because when I’m with you, Morgan, my whole world is brighter, lighter and filled with love.”

  Morgan had dreamed of this moment, but never thought it was possible Jared could feel the same way about her as she felt about him. “I feel the same way, Jared.”

  “You do?” His mouth curved into a smile.

  Morgan smiled through her tears. “I love you too.” And she loved the way his gleaming dark eyes pulsed as she said the words. “I think I have from the moment we met. If you had told me you could fall in love at first sight, I would have told you, you watched too many Dane Stewart romantic comedies, but it’s true. I love you.”

  Jared framed her face with his hands, bringing her closer to him so her forehead rested on his. They stayed that way for several moments, neither of them speaking, just soaking in the emotion of what they’d revealed to one another. A deep happiness Morgan hadn’t known was possible spread through her.

  Jared lifted his head and stared deeply into her eyes, allowing her to see the depth of his soul. “Is spending the rest of your life with me something you would consider?”

  Morgan tried to hold it together, but her emotions were all over the place after her reunion with her father.

  “I want to be with you now and always, Morgan, and that’s not ever going to change. So let me try this again.” Jared slid out of her grasp and onto one knee by her hospital bed. “Morgan Stewart, would you do me the honor of becoming my wife?”

  “Yes, yes, yes,” Morgan bent down to lift him up and the machines beside her bed went haywire. She didn’t care—she cupped Jared’s face and kissed him with breathless, urgent kisses. When they finally parted, she murmured. “You’re my beginning and my ending, Jared. You’re my everything.”


  Three months later

  “To Jared and Morgan!” Henry raised a glass to toast Morgan and Jared after their wedding at Stewart Manor.

  “To Jared and Morgan.” Everyone’s voices rang out in the backyard near the terrace. Jared clinked his glass against Morgan’s and she beamed up at him.

  He hoped the day had been everything Morgan dreamed of. It was a small intimate gathering: the Stewarts, the Robinsons and a few close friends. Morgan had looked spectacular in her designer gown. The crystal bodice sheath with the silk tulle skirt had fit her figure like a glove and Jared couldn’t wait to take it off later.

  Fallon was Morgan’s maid of honor while her friend Whitney and Dane’s wife, Iris, served as her bridesmaids. Morgan had wanted Kandi too, but at eight months, his sister-in-law was very pregnant with his brother’s child and not inclined to stand on her feet all day. Jared had been proud to have Dane and Ayden as his groomsmen standing alongside Chris, his best man. He couldn’t have asked for a better entourage. As married men, Chris and Dane had both offered him some sage advice.

  Happy wife, happy life.

  Jared planned on ensuring that, which was why he had a special surprise in store for Morgan for their wedding night.

  He ambled close to her. “Have I told you lately how incredibly happy you’ve made me?”

  “Not lately,” she said, flirting. “How about you start.”

  He lowered his head and pressed his lips to hers and knew he’d finally come home.

  * * *

  Morgan enjoyed Jared’s kiss, but they were interrupted by her nephew Dylan tugging on Jared’s tux

  Morgan watched Jared lift him in his arms. He was going to make a great father someday.

  Thinking of fathers had Morgan reflecting on the highlight of her day: Henry walking her down the aisle. They had come a long way in their relationship since her accident. Henry hadn’t lied when he told her he’d be there and wanted to heal the rift with all his children. It had been a toss-up between him and Jared as to whom she was going to stay with after her recovery. In the end, she decided to be with her man, but she visited Henry often and they were slowly getting to know each other.

  “What are you thinking about?” Jared asked from her side after Dylan went off to play with his cousin Jayden.

  Morgan glanced up at Jared and saw love shining in his eyes. “I was thinking about how perfect our wedding was.”

  “It was perfect, because you finally became mine, all mine. And I can’t wait to get you alone,” he growled.

  Jared’s appetite for Morgan hadn’t waned. In fact, it was stronger than it had ever been and she was ready for their honeymoon to begin. “What do you say we get out of here?” she murmured.


  They were nearly to the terrace doors when Ruth came forward to kiss Morgan on each cheek. “I’m so happy to officially have you as part of our family. I knew from day one Jared had a keeper.”

  “So did I,” Jared said with a wide grin. “Now, if you’ll excuse us...”

  “Are you two sneaking off?” she whispered.

  Jared nodded.

  “All right then, I’ve got you covered.” She winked at them conspiratorially.

  Morgan and Jared slipped away without anyone else noticing their departure. They slid into a Bentley minutes later and let it take them the thirty-minute ride to the Robinson family compound. They’d decided to honeymoon there because it was the place they’d fallen for each other.

  Jared carried Morgan over the threshold of the cottage where they’d first made love and placed her on her feet. Dozens of candles adorned every surface of the room and rose petals were strewn across the floor leading a path to the bedroom.

  Morgan looked at Jared. “You had all this done?”

  Jared shrugged. “With a little help from Antoine.”

  “You’re an incredible man, Jared Robinson, and I adore you.”

  “The feeling’s mutual,” he murmured. “Now come here, woman.” He took her by the hand and led her to the bedroom where they stripped each other naked and came together in a meeting of mind, body and souls. Ecstasy soon swallowed them and they shuddered in simultaneous orgasm. Morgan suspected their rapture had created a miracle.

  It proved true several weeks later when a home test showed positive and her doctor confirmed Morgan was pregnant with Jared’s baby.

  “Are you happy?” Morgan asked when Jared drew her into his embrace after she’d finished dressing at the doctor’s office. She was shaking.

  “Deliriously,” Jared said, smiling down at her. “I can’t wait to have a little Morgan running around. She will be Daddy’s little girl.”

  Morgan grinned from ear to ear. “I love you, Jared.”

  And she did. Loving him had enriched her and now they would have a new life to share theirs with.

  It didn’t get any better than this.

  * * *

  Don’t miss a single story

  in The Stewart Heirs series

  by Yahrah St. John!

  At the CEO’s Pleasure

  His Marriage Demand

  Red Carpet Redemption

  Secrets of a Fake Fiancée

  Available exclusively

  from Harlequin Desire.

  Keep reading for an excerpt from Claimed by a Steele by Brenda Jackson.


  Luxury, scandal, desire—welcome to the lives of the American elite.

  Be transported to the worlds of oil barons, family dynasties, moguls and celebrities. Get ready for juicy plot twists, delicious sensuality and intriguing scandal.


  Claimed by a Steele

  by Brenda Jackson


  “You may kiss your bride.”

  Gannon Steele held back a laugh as he watched his brother Mercury pull the woman he loved into his arms and give her a whopper of a kiss. It was hard to believe that his I-will-never-fall-in-love-again brother had done just that. Fallen in love again. Gannon knew no one was happier about it than his mother, Eden Tyson Steele, who adored Mercury’s new wife and who’d been ready to see another son married off.

  He glanced around at his family. They were probably thinking the same things about Mercury that he was. Sloan Donahue had changed Mercury’s mind-set about love and Mercury had changed hers about being fiercely independent. Like everyone else, Gannon was convinced Mercury and Sloan were meant for each other.

  “Should we think that maybe you’re next?”

  Gannon glanced over at his oldest brother, Galen. Their parents, Drew and Eden Steele, had given birth to six sons. For years, all six had been known around Phoenix as the Bad News Steeles. Mainly because of their die-hard bachelor ways. Now all those previous die-hard bachelors were married—all except for Gannon.

  Unlike his five brothers, Gannon had never wanted to stay single forever. He viewed marriage as a part of his future. However, he was in no hurry to claim a wife, and now that Mercury was married off, that meant more women for Gannon to enjoy. He couldn’t wait.

  “You all should know that I’m next, Galen, since I’m the last of the Phoenix Steeles. But I intend to have the time of my life before that happens, which I don’t foresee happening for another ten years or more.”

  “Ten years?” Galen asked, raising a doubtful eyebrow.

  “You heard me. Ten years at least. Now that I am the last single Steele left standing, I plan to enjoy being the number one player.”

  “Be careful, baby bro. You’ll be singing a different tune if the right woman appears in your life, trust me.”

  Gannon chuckled, definitely not taking anything his brother said seriously. He was the master of his own mind and his own fate. There was no woman alive who could change him. “Who would have thought?”

  Galen gave him a quizzical look. “Thought what?”

  “That you would be sounding like Mom in your old age.”

  Galen frowned. “Be amused all you want, Gannon. Just don’t say that I didn’t warn you. Do I need to remind you about what happened to me when Brittany appeared in my life? I was the last person anyone expected to fall in love.”

  Gannon knew that to be true, but then, all one had to do was look at Brittany or any of the women his brothers had married to understand why his brothers had gotten love-whipped. Not only were the women beautiful, but they were also intelligent. However, with his current mind-set, Gannon figured that even if a beautiful, intelligent woman walked into his life right now, he wouldn’t bite. Although he had discriminating taste, he still preferred changing bed partners. Now with his brothers out of the way, there would be even more women out there for him. He couldn’t see settling down to just one woman anytime soon. He would stick to his ten-year plan.

  Deciding to change the subject, he said, “So Zion is having a baby, huh?”

  Galen laughed. “No, Celine is pregnant. Zion is strutting around like a damn peacock, like he’s the only one who can make a baby. For him to have been the Bachelor in Demand to hold out the longest to get hitched, it’s totally hilarious that he’s now all in.”

  Gannon laughed, as well, watching the group of men and their wives standing together. For years those men had been pegged as the Bachelors in Demand. Now they were all married and seemed pretty damn happy about it. And none of them had wasted time getting their wives pregnant.

  Gannon wasn’t r
eady for all that.

  A short while later, while at the wedding reception, Gannon’s cell vibrated. He checked and saw the caller was Delphine Ryland. He frowned. How did he know that name? Why was she listed in his phone contacts? Was she a past bed partner? Although he tried remembering names, he couldn’t always do so. Unlike his brothers in their man-whoring days, Gannon didn’t have a special phone just for women. If he preferred not talking to one, he just didn’t answer.

  “When is your interview with Simply Irresistible, Gannon?”

  He glanced over at his sister-in-law Nikki, who was married to his brother Jonas. The two had announced last week they were expecting a baby. Gannon’s brother Tyson and his wife, Hunter, had announced the same thing a few weeks ago. Gannon figured those announcements were another reason his mother was beaming with pride. She’d seen five out of six of her sons married, and by this time next year she would have more grandkids to spoil. Hopefully she would give Mercury and Sloan time to settle into their marriage before waving baby booties in front of them.

  “I believe it’s this coming week,” he said. In all honesty, with the excitement of the wedding, and all his family and friends arriving in town, he’d completely forgotten about the interview.

  Simply Irresistible, a Denver-based magazine, was owned by Chloe Westmoreland, a woman they considered a cousin-in-law. Gannon had felt honored when Chloe contacted him to say the magazine would be doing a series of feature stories on CEOs making a difference within their companies. They wanted him to be one of those they highlighted. In fact, they intended for him to be on the cover.

  Over the last forty years, Gannon’s father had taken his small trucking company and turned it into a million-dollar business, with routes all over the United States. When Drew retired a few years ago, Gannon had taken over the company as CEO, and he still enjoyed getting behind the steering wheel of a rig himself to make cross-country deliveries and pickups.


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