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Bad Behavior

Page 28

by K.A. Mitchell

  The trip to the bar along the graveled path was almost equal to the level of torture produced by the vibrations in the Spider. Beach was chewing his lip by the time he arrived. A vaguely familiar platinum blond was turning away as Beach stepped up. One close look and Beach placed him. Baby-faced with seductively old eyes and a fuck-off attitude.

  Beach had been intrigued, but Gavin had declared Silver completely off-limits.

  Silver had two glasses of something that smelled sweet.

  “What are you drinking?” Beach eyed the creamy head on the fizzy liquid.

  “KZ cream soda.”

  “Champagne and a KZ cream soda.”

  Silver raised his brows. “The soda’s for me. I’m on my best behavior today.” The plug shifted as Beach reached for his order.

  “How boring for you,” Silver answered.

  “It can have its own rewards.” Beach considered what he’d earn later for all his good deeds.

  “Hmpf.” Silver either didn’t understand or understood too much.

  They moved back down the path. Silver was in lightweight trousers and a linen shirt, but if his slacks had been black instead of gray, he might have been mistaken for a server.

  “How did you get roped into this?” Beach asked.

  “I’m the horrible example.”

  Beach stopped. “Of what?”

  “The need for the shelter.”

  Beach still couldn’t follow. “You—”

  “Parents tossed me out, I hit the streets, turned to prostitution to survive.” Silver uttered the last in a dramatic-documentary tone.

  “I didn’t know any of that.” His voice sounded strangled, even to him.

  “Jeez, Beach, ’fraid you might have been a customer?”

  “No. Not at all, but—where are you living now?”

  “Right now, with my boyfriend, till I move into an apartment on the first.”

  “Didn’t think of you as the boyfriend type when we met at the gallery with Gavin.”

  “You either.” Silver jerked his chin at Beach, then looked pointedly at his wrists. “But someone’s holding your leash now.”

  Sir’s hand around David’s throat. His collar tight there. Beach’s body locked around the plug, driving it in, his hips shifting as it tapped his gland.

  “Yeah.” Silver had a knowing half smile, but he shook his head. “Guess you never can tell.”

  Why hadn’t it bothered Beach to name Tai his Dominant in front of Clayton, but he froze under the knowing smirk from someone barely an adult?

  “I—have to deliver this champagne to a lady. It was nice to see you again, Silver.” Beach downed his soda and went to bump up his donation to seven-fifty.

  TAI LOOKED up from where he’d been staring at his toes to explain, “Everything we do, he’s ready for more.”

  “Well, that sounds dire indeed.” Nic’s face was more sharply angled than usual given the bars of light from the crossbeams over his deck, a pergola he called it, when Tai couldn’t figure out why no one had bothered to finish the roof. By mid-August, it would be overgrown by climbing vines offering complete shade, but now the top was still open to the sun.

  “How do I know if I can be enough? Or when to stop?”

  “Has he ever used his safeword?”


  “Then he knows how to stop if he needs to. I sense you’re not talking just about scenes, though.” Nic poured himself another glass of wine, but Tai waved the offer away.

  “He said he didn’t know how to be around me when he wasn’t my sub.”

  Nic settled back in his chair, stretching out his denim-clad legs to cross them at bare ankles. “That is a lot of pressure, expecting you to maintain control.”

  Embarrassed by Nic’s sympathy, Tai dropped his face into his hands. “I want it too. It’s hard to make myself back off when it’s a real-life situation and not simply play.”

  “Now I see the problem. You both enjoy a 24/7 consensual D/s relationship.”


  Nic started to laugh, and it stung.

  “C’mon. I’m serious. How long can we keep that up?”

  “With the right sort of cock ring, I imagine pretty long.”

  “Thanks a fucking lot.” Tai rose in frustration, then stepped down from the deck and peered into the vibrant blue of the rectangular pool. “I’m serious.”

  “Toluaotai, I’ve seen you with all kind of subs. You make them fly, and it feeds you, but you walk away without a backward glance. Did it never occur to you that a fully D/s relationship is what you’ve been after?”

  “But how will I know I’m doing it right?”

  “Like every other relationship. You figure it out as it goes. From what you’ve said, your boy has no trouble asking for boundaries.”

  “He craves them.” A burst of heat flooded Tai’s chest as he thought of David wearing the plug, enduring the discomfort, the endless sensation, because Tai demanded it. “He knows how much he needs them, even as he pushes.”

  “I look forward to meeting him.”

  “I hear the but in your tone.”

  Nic sighed. “I can’t give you permission to do this. I’m not your Master, I’m your mentor.”

  “I didn’t ask you for permission. Just advice.” Tai sat back on the deck and leaned against a support beam for the pergola, back pressed against the climbing vines.

  “Very well. One, stop crushing my grapevines. Two, stop looking for reasons to walk away.”

  “Me? Are you saying I have commitment issues?” But he did straighten from his lean.

  Nic’s voice was soft. “You could have fought for Samantha.”

  “I did. I insisted on DNA rather than just a blood type.”

  “You were the sole financial support for almost three years.”

  “I didn’t want her to go through that, to feel like a prize in some tug-of-war over who stayed.”

  “And will you be stoic and noble and let your boy go for his own good?”

  “I wouldn’t make him stay.”

  “Not even if it was as easy as asking him to?”

  Tai stood and walked to the pool again. “I’m not the one with commitment issues. He can’t even commit to a gender to fuck.”

  “That’s grim. I thought Samoans were the happy people of Polynesia.”

  “What the fuck—” Tai bit off the rant as he caught on to Nic’s point. “So it’s a generalization. Doesn’t mean it’s not true.”

  “Or that it is. Has he been pining for feminine company?”

  “Not that he’s mentioned.” Tai played back their breakfast outing. David’s eyes hadn’t strayed much from Tai’s face.

  “Then it appears the only thing standing in your way is you. Stop thinking about what could go wrong and enjoy what’s going right.”

  BEACH WAS unable to find Lydia Dougherty anywhere, so of course he had to be holding the flute of rapidly warming champagne when Gavin walked up.

  “It’s not mine,” Beach explained and placed the glass on the nearest table under the tent. “I was delivering it to Mrs. Dougherty.”

  Gavin blinked. “I never said it was. What’s the bug up your ass?”

  Beach tried to control it, but he snorted and was afraid the ending sound was too close to a giggle for comfort. “I’m fine. Where’s Sergeant Boyfriend?”

  Gavin’s half smile was rueful. “He doesn’t play well with others. Plus he had to work.”

  “For which we are all supremely grateful. And by that I meant we appreciate his sacrifices as he does his duty to keep us safe.”

  Gavin shoved Beach’s shoulder. The motion sent off a chain reaction that left Beach gasping as his staggered steps moved the plug hard and fast against his gland. His dick swelled, and he had to drop into a chair to hide it under the table linen. Next time Sir sent David off with something up his ass, he was dressing in something more concealing than lightweight cotton.

  Gavin surveyed the party for a moment and must have
decided it was fine without him, because he joined Beach at the table. “Sorry, Beach. I forgot. I know you must be sick of the cane, but should you really be going without so soon? You’ve been walking funny all day.”

  Beach gulped in air to forestall his laugh but only succeeded in choking until his eyes watered. “The physical therapy has been helping a lot,” he gasped when he could speak.

  “What the hell is going on with you?”

  “Nothing. So really, how are things with Jamie?”

  “I’m shocked you admit to knowing his name. Things are fine.”

  “Speaking of boyfriends—” Beach reached into his breast pocket and took out Tai’s check. “—this is from him, for the shelter.”

  Gavin glanced at it before tucking it away. “Thank him for me.” His hand smoothed the surface of the table. “So, is this the one I met at the hospital, the one you’re trying out your kinks with?”

  Beach leaned back, shifting the plug, and smiled at Gavin. “Exactly how many boyfriends have you known me to have?”

  “Point taken.” Gavin’s sudden attention made Beach flush, as if his friend could see what was putting the grin on Beach’s face. “He’s… big.”

  Beach rolled his eyes.

  “So that’s what you do? All you do? Leather and bondage?”

  Beach looked down at Gavin’s fingers splayed on the cream-colored linen. For twenty years, Beach had told Gavin everything and listened to his complaints about his father and his siblings. Gavin had been with him on every adventure of Beach’s life. But he froze at the thought of trying to explain that kneeling at Tai’s feet made Beach feel more content than anything ever had, that the only thing that scared him now was not having that again.

  “Seems like more than you and Sergeant Boyfriend have in common.”

  Gavin shrugged infuriatingly.

  “No. That’s not all.” Today they’d sat and talked for two hours outside Le Vol au Vent. Beach couldn’t remember what they’d discussed, only that he hadn’t been bored for an instant. That he would have sat there longer.

  It was easier to control the movement of the plug sitting down. Damn, he could work it pretty sweetly like this. Though that wasn’t going to make it easier to stand up, and he wanted to check on his bid for the cultivar.

  “Goddamn it, Beach.”

  He jerked his attention back to Gavin. “What?”

  “You’re high. What are you on?”

  “Nothing. I swear.”

  “I know you.” Gavin reached forward and pulled Beach’s sunglasses from his face. “Jesus. Look at your eyes. Your pupils are huge.”

  “It’s dark in here.”

  “Bullshit. I can’t believe this. Do you want to go to jail?”

  “Of course not. Gavin, I’m not—I swear, I haven’t had anything stronger than orange juice in two months.”

  “I wish I could believe it. I hope they don’t call you in for a test before you get it out of your system.”

  Beach tried to keep a straight face. He really did. But he felt so damned good, and Get it out of your system was just too funny to ignore. He clenched his jaw, but that only clenched all his other muscles, including the ones reminding him exactly what was still in his system. Laughter erupted from his chest.

  “God, Beach, do you need to go somewhere and sleep it off?”

  Going somewhere to jerk off wouldn’t be bad, if only Sir would allow it. Beach shook his head, pinching his lips together so the laughter made its way out of his nose.

  “I’ll get you some coffee.”

  When Gavin left, Beach took out his phone. The sight of the message from Tai set off a fresh round of his ass clenching around the plug. He had to grind the heel of his hand against his dick to settle himself down.

  Find a quiet place and text me.

  Beach rocked in the chair before he realized that wasn’t going to help get him in any state to walk through the party. He thought of cold and shriveling things and then strode off to the house, easily finding his way to Gavin’s room and his private bath.

  He pressed Tai’s number as soon as he shut the door. “I told you to text.”

  “This is better.” Beach put the phone on video.

  “Don’t push, brat.” Tai glared back at him.

  “Yes, Sir.”

  “Where are you?”

  Beach explained.


  “Yes, Sir.” Beach lowered himself, propping the phone on a shelf.

  “I gave you an order, and you didn’t follow it.”

  The argument came and went in Beach’s mind, then regret left his mouth dry. “I’m sorry, Sir.”

  “You will be.” The rumbled threat turned the regret to anticipation. “Lower your trousers and briefs. Then show me.”

  Beach had been hard since he made the call, but exposing his cock made everything tighten more. The skin stretched, the precome welled from his slit.

  “Tell me how that plug feels,” Sir demanded.

  “It’s heavy. And every time I think I’m used to it, it moves and God, Sir, I need to come. I’m so hard it hurts.”

  “Tell me how it feels in your head.”

  Beach lowered his eyes. “Like you’re here. When it moves, you…. It’s like you’re making me feel it, and I want to show you.”

  “Show me now. Reach back and work it in your hole. Let me watch your face.”

  It was exquisite and impossible like this. The waves of sensation rippling out from the friction drove him mad, but at least the suffering had a point. Sir could see it.


  Beach whimpered and forced his hand away with a jerk. “Please, Sir, please let me come. I’ll be good.”

  “I know you will be, David. But you still have to wear the plug, and it will be uncomfortable if you come now.”

  “I don’t care.”

  “Do you need a lesson about who’s in charge?”

  “No, Sir.”

  “Good. How’s the party? Food good?”

  God, he couldn’t be like this and talk about the quality of the duck tartare with roasted hazelnuts and orange-blossom-scented crème fraîche.

  “David.” Tai said it softly, and Beach met his eyes on the tiny screen. They were shadowed but focused on him. “I’ve got you.”

  Beach slowed his breathing, concentrating on letting Sir lead him instead of pushing. The scrape and burn on that desperate edge of need softened, Sir’s authority cushioning him from the worst of it. “Yes, Sir. I think the foundation is going to make a lot of money. Gavin knows what he’s doing.”

  “Good. Now behave, and I’ll see you in an hour.”

  “Yes, Sir.” Only an hour. Beach tried to hold on to that as Tai disconnected.

  “What the fuck is going on with you, Beach?”

  Beach tried to spin around to face the door, but he was tangled in his undone pants, and his shin felt like he cracked it again as he dropped back down on the tiles. Dignity was hell and gone from where Beach flopped around like a gaffed tuna in front of the shower, but he gave faking it a shot.

  “Sweet Jesus, Gavin, don’t you knock?”

  “It’s my own goddamned bathroom. What the hell are you doing here?”

  “Taking a piss.”

  “Bullshit, Beach. I’ve been standing here for five minutes.”

  Beach wanted to curl up and hide. At the moment he’d gladly trade places with the tuna. “If you enjoyed the show, I’d appreciate a tip. Leave it on the sink.” He managed to wriggle back into his pants.

  “I didn’t.”

  “Well, it wouldn’t be the first time we’ve had sex in front of each other. Guess that can get old.”

  “Is that what that was? Sex?”

  It was so much more. It was his fucking soul on the line there in those moments when he surrendered, and he wished his best friend could understand.

  “Look, Beach, I’m not judging the kink.”

  “Really? Because it sure as sweet, spicy hell sounds l
ike it.”

  “This stuff getting you off in bed is one thing, but—”

  “Right, because you’ve never been bored enough to sneak off at a party for a little fun in a bathroom.”

  Gavin acknowledged that with a bland nod that pissed Beach off more. “So, did you?”

  “Did I what?” Beach crawled to his feet. The plug was still making itself felt, but now his leg was throbbing enough to make him forget everything else.

  “Get off.”

  “You said you stood there and watched, you perv. So you must know the answer.”

  “I know you get fascinated by new things.” Gavin was doing that thing where he chose his words carefully, pretending diffidence when he really was looking for a way to make you feel like an idiot.

  “What am I now, a kitten with a ball of yarn?”

  “No. But you’re pretty damned defensive.”

  “You spied on me.”

  “Beach—or should I be calling you David now?”

  “God no.” Beach shuddered.

  “You were acting weird. Giddy. I thought you were high, so when you came up here, I followed you.”

  “Bet you wish I was up here having a sniff instead.”

  “I don’t want you to go to jail.”

  “Me either. That is so not on my bucket list.” Beach started washing his hands for something to do. Now he got why Eli had called him twice. You got a little hungry to talk to someone who didn’t look at you like you belonged in a zoo.

  “I don’t really care what—or who—you do for fun. But you’re different. It’s like this thing is changing you.”

  “This thing is my relationship. With my boyfriend. Did I tell you how to conduct yourself with that squat pile of attitude you’ve started dragging around?”


  “Well, then I was wrong.” Beach limped past Gavin into the bedroom. “Sorry.”

  “I’m in love with him.” Gavin’s words made Beach freeze.

  He’d known that, of course. Had to be love to put up with Mr. Short, Ginger, and Surly. It would be easy enough to say he was in love with Tai, except that love didn’t seem to be enough to cover it. He loved the Nancy. And Pappy Van Winkle bourbon. And Gavin.

  Beach worshipped Sir. As difficult as it was to separate them in Beach’s brain, Tai was more than Sir.


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