Perfect Harmony

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by Cee, DW

  Perfect Harmony

  By DW Cee

  Copyright © 2015 by DW Cee

  All rights reserved. No part of this book may be copied, reproduced, transmitted, or downloaded, whether electronic or mechanical, without the written consent of the author.

  This story is a work of fiction. Any similarity to real persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental.

  Smashwords Edition

  Books by DW CEE

  Indelible Love Series (ebooks)

  Indelible Love – Emily’s Story

  Indelible Love – Jake’s Story

  Indelible Lovin’ – Max & Jane’s Story Vol. 1

  Indelible Lovin’ – Max & Jane’s Story Vol. 2

  Unlikely Attraction – Delaney’s Story

  Near Perfect Attraction – Donovan’s Story

  Unyielding Love – Nick & Bee’s Story Vol. 1

  Unyielding Love – Nick & Bee’s Story Vol. 2

  Indelible Lovin’ – Max & Jane’s Wedding

  Finally, Love! – Michael & Chloe’s Story Vol. 1

  Harmony Series (ebooks)

  Unfinished Melody

  Perfect Harmony

  Stand-Alone (ebook)


  Paperback Books

  Indelible Love – Emily’s Story

  Indelible Love – Jake’s Story

  Indelible Lovin’ – Max & Jane’s Story (combined volume)

  Unlikely Attraction – Delaney’s Story

  Coming Soon…

  Finally, Love! – Michael & Chloe’s Story Vol. 2 (Dec. 2015)

  Indelible Memories – Estelle’s Story (Winter 2015)

  10,000 Reasons (Winter 2016)

  Table of Contents

  Chapter 1 – Ben

  Chapter 1 - Noah

  Chapter 1 – Marni

  Chapter 2 – Ben

  Chapter 2 - Noah

  Chapter 2 - Marni

  Chapter 3 – Ben

  Chapter 3 - Noah

  Chapter 3 - Marni

  Chapter 4 – Ben

  Chapter 4 - Noah

  Chapter 4 - Marni

  Chapter 5 – Ben

  Chapter 5 - Noah

  Chapter 5 - Marni

  Chapter 6 – Ben

  Chapter 6 - Noah

  Chapter 6 - Marni

  Chapter 7 – Ben

  Chapter 7 - Noah

  Chapter 7 – Marni

  Chapter 8 – Ben

  Chapter 8 - Noah

  Chapter 8 - Marni

  Chapter 9 – Ben

  Chapter 9 - Noah

  Chapter 9 - Marni

  Chapter 10 – Ben

  Chapter 10 - Noah

  Chapter 10 - Marni

  Chapter 11 – Ben

  Chapter 11 - Noah

  Chapter 11 - Marni

  Chapter 12 – Ben

  Chapter 12 - Noah

  Chapter 12 – Marni

  Chapter 13 – Ben

  Chapter 13 - Noah

  Chapter 13 - Marni

  Chapter 14 – Ben

  Chapter 14 - Noah

  Chapter 14 - Marni

  Chapter 15 – Ben

  Chapter 15 - Noah

  Chapter 15 – Marni

  Chapter 16 – Ben

  Chapter 16 - Noah

  Chapter 16 – Marni

  Chapter 17 – Ben

  Chapter 17 – Marni

  Chapter 18 – Ben

  Chapter 18 – Marni

  Chapter 19 – Ben

  Chapter 19 – Marni

  Chapter 20 – Ben

  Chapter 20 – Marni

  Chapter 21 – Ben

  Chapter 21 – Marni

  Epilogue – Ben

  Epilogue – Marni

  Epilogue – Noah

  Indelible Memories – Estelle’s Story

  10,000 Reasons

  This book is dedicated to all the women who understand the struggles and joys of loving and raising children.

  Chapter 1 - Ben

  Marry Me ~Jason Derulo

  “Mar. I will love you until I die. No matter the circumstances, I promise to be faithful to you. Though we will be miles apart, you will stay securely in my heart. You are my best friend, my lover, my life, my every breath. Before you leave, I wanted to tell you how much I love you. Though we’re young, I hope you’ll believe me when I tell you I want to marry you as soon as you’re done with school. I don’t want us to ever separate again. Will you marry me, Mar?”

  “Sorry. Did I wake you?” Mar was surprised to see me when she turned on the light in our hotel room.

  I popped off the couch in a daze. Where the hell did that memory come from? “It’s all right. What time is it? Is Ali up?” Looking at the curtains to ascertain the time was no use. They were closed shut.

  “It’s six. I got here early so you can get ready for your meeting. I guess you fell asleep on the couch.”

  “Yeah. I guess so.” My head was discombobulated with all the shit swirling through it. This was late, but I needed to say what’d been on my mind all night. “Mar.”

  She stopped mid-step. “Let me check on Ali, first?” She was deflecting. I was a complete asshole to her yesterday. I needed to make amends.

  Grabbing her hand, I pulled her to the couch and sat her down. “About yesterday—”

  “Stop,” she interrupted me immediately. “I get it. I’m not Ali’s mom. You feel guilty toward Melody. You want Ali to know her real mom. I can’t say I wasn’t hurt by your reaction, but I also can’t say I don’t understand.”

  “Let me apologize,” I said, grabbing onto both of her hands. “I shouldn’t have reacted so…” I stopped talking because something wasn’t quite right. Looking down at her hands, I noticed a ring. “What’s this?” I asked, pulling up the hand in question, just in case my question wasn’t clear enough.

  “It’s an engagement ring,” she answered quietly.

  “To whom?”

  “To Noah,” she laughed with her answer, “who else?”

  “I don’t understand. I thought you two were separated.”

  “You know how it’s been with us. We’ve been apart, but we never really separated. I love him.”

  “Does he love you?” Marni looked as if I’d slapped her in the face. “Sorry. What I meant was, after all the breakups, how do you know for sure you two should be married? Shouldn’t you wait a while longer before taking such a big step?”

  Now, Mar was laughing at me. “I’m thirty-two. I think I’ve waited long enough to get married. You were married for ten years.” The first part of her statement had much anger, the second part, much resentment.

  “I’m just watching out for you, Mar. I don’t want you to be hurt.” I said this boldly, but the doubt in her eyes made me rethink my own statement.

  “Listen, if this is about Ali, I want to relieve your mind. I’ll still be around to help.”

  I guess it was always about my girl. Her welfare was our first concern. That’s what bound us. “I take it only during the day? You’ll find a new place to sleep?”

  “Yeah. I don’t think my husband will take kindly to me sleeping in another man’s house.”

  We both laughed until we heard Ali call out for her “Mama.” That moniker still perturbed me, but I decided there was nothing I could do about it. It wasn’t as if Mar had coached my one-year-old into calling her Mama. Even if I wanted to un-train my daughter, I didn’t think it’d be possible.

  “Mama!” The holler got louder.

  “I’m coming, Ali-Girl.” Mar called out in a sing-songy way that had Ali giggling from her crib. “You’re awake early, Ali-Girl.”

  “Mama.” My baby girl called her aunt and raised her arms to her and only her. When I reached for Ali, she pulled her hands away and swa
yed her body from side to side. This was her letting me know she didn’t want me.

  “Seriously, Ali?” I picked her up and gently threw her in the air. That brought out a welcome laugh filled with drool. “I knew you’d want me instead. You see how much fun your daddy is?” I continued to throw her in the air.

  “Dada!” She squealed.

  ”That’s right! Your dada is the best!”

  As weird as it was that I was playing house with my sister-in-law, I loved that my little girl recognized me as her father. As she became more cognizant of those around her, I’d have to take time to show her who her real and only mother was.

  “Ali-Girl.” As soon as Marni spoke, it was as if there never was a Dada throwing his little girl in the air. She jumped over to her aunt. “I see you have more teeth breaking through. You’ve been such a good girl even with all this teething. Most babies are a mess, but not my Ali-Girl.”

  “Mama!” Ali continued to pat Mar on the cheeks with her chubby hands. She also leaned in to hug her tight.

  The two of them had me blowing out a deep sigh. This time, it wasn’t the thought of Melody that had me down, but the relationship between Ali and her aunt. Ali and Mar loved each other more than it made me comfortable. What would happen to my baby if Mar decided to leave her after she married? I supposed I didn’t need to borrow trouble. For now, I needed to get back into my sister-in-law’s good graces. I was truly an asshole for being upset yesterday.

  Mar watched me closely to make sure I wouldn’t go psycho on her.

  “Again, I’m sorry about yesterday.” I would continue to apologize until my friend believed me. “I love seeing my baby girl happy and you make her happy.” Hopefully, she’d come to believe my sincerity sooner than later.

  “What time do you leave?” she asked. I gave her a questioning look, which made her explain, “The Admiral is leaving this morning, and he’d like to have breakfast with all of us. May I take Ali with me while you’re at your meeting?”

  “Sure…” I dragged that word out as long as I could.

  “If you’re not crazy about the idea, I’ll tell them I can’t make it.” Mar was still wary of my mood swings. “It’s not a big deal. I’ll see Noah’s dad when he comes to LA.”

  Did I want my daughter a part of this happy family reunion?—not really.

  Did I even congratulate Mar on her engagement?—not really.

  Was I happy that Mar was getting married?—not really.

  Did all of the above make me an asshole?—probably.

  “That’s fine.” I blurted the words before I could take them back. “I’ll be back by Ali’s nap time. You mind if we talk, then?”

  “I’m really fine about what happened yesterday. You don’t need to apologize anymore.”

  “If that’s the case, could you and Noah discuss how you want to work Ali into your schedule once you’re married? Then maybe you and I can talk about my daughter, afterwards?”

  “Sure…” Now it was Mar who was slurring her word.

  “What?” I asked.

  Her eyes stayed on me. “Nothing,” she said, and then turned her attention to Ali. “Let’s get you changed so you can go have breakfast with Noah, the Admiral, Cece, and Carson. Do you remember them from lunch yesterday? Do you remember how you sat on the Admiral’s lap and played with him? You already have Cece, Carson, and the Admiral wrapped around your little finger. Noah told me you’re all they talk about, Pretty Girl.”

  My baby girl giggled as if she understood.

  I had no idea my daughter had already met the “in-laws.” Everyone knew each other, loved each other, and acted like one big happy family already.

  Why the hell did I feel like the big fat loser in this equation?

  Chapter 1 - Noah

  Marry Me ~Jason Derulo

  “Noah. You know how much I love you. I’ve loved you since I was barely out of high school and I should have married you when you first asked me that night on the beach. I know you still feel guilty about Marni and I know you hurt for her. I can’t say I’m sorry for her loss; we belong to one another—always have. When you ended up at NYU this year, I knew we were meant to be together, forever. Marry Me, Noah Bergstrom. We love each other, we make each other happy, and we’ll make beautiful babies together. Say you’ll marry me and live with me the next hundred years!”

  “What are you thinking about? We’ve called your name three times now.”

  “Sorry, Mom. I was thinking back to when Siena proposed. I shouldn’t have said yes that night. What a terrible mistake that was. I created such a mess for all of us.”

  “Mom’s always right, I like to say. I told you it was a big mistake to marry her.” Mom had a smirk on her face. “Neither of you were ready for marriage, Siena especially. That girl is only about fun. I shudder to think what kind of mother she would have made for my grandchildren had you stayed married to her.”

  “Sad thing—I think our marriage was over as soon as the honeymoon was over. Having Admiral di Rossi as a father, I thought she’d understand my desire to succeed in the Navy. Who knew she’d have such a hard time with me working?”

  “Twenty-two is too young for anyone to marry. Look at me. I loved your father but didn’t like having to grow up by myself, and with a child. Had I been ten years older, I don’t know if I would have fallen for the Admiral’s charms as easily. I would have seen the lonely future ahead.”

  I disagreed. “You would have fallen for the big, bad Admiral regardless of the pitfalls that lay ahead.”

  Mom laughed. “You think, huh? I’m sure your father will agree. Have you spoken with Siena at all since the divorce?”

  “Here and there I’ve seen her. It’s hard to avoid her since her father works with Dad, and she’s married another Navy man.”

  “She’s remarried?”

  “Right after we separated, she started dating a guy around my age and rank. The big difference between us is the fact that he’s willing to work completely under Admiral di Rossi’s wings.”

  “And that means he’s with the di Rossi family at all times.”

  “You’re a smart cookie, Mom.”

  “Hey. What’s with the family pow-wow without me?” Carson walked into the kitchen with this greeting.

  “You gotta get up very early to join in these secret sessions, Darling.”

  “My gorgeous wife, you exploit all my weaknesses.” He reached over and kissed my mother as if I wasn’t even in the room. They acted like young newlyweds. I loved watching Carson adore my mother. Both Carson and my father were good examples for me.

  “So, when’s the wedding, Noah?”

  “Why, Carson? You offering us a big, fancy wedding?” I challenged with a smile.

  “Because I love your mother so much, I’d do anything to make her happy.”

  “Was that a yes to my question or another declaration of your undying love for my mother?”

  “Yes!” Carson answered.

  “I hope Marni and I will always be as happy as you two are.”

  “You will be, Son. I love Marni. She’s warm, loving and down to earth. Initially I was worried about her situation with Ali, but after watching the two together yesterday, I see why she feels the need to be with her. I’m thinking I may be out in Los Angeles more often to babysit for you two. One meal and we’re all in love with Ali. I can’t wait until you and Marni have babies. When that happens, I’m permanently moving to Los Angeles.”

  “Or maybe by that point, Marni and Noah can move next door to us in New York. Hopefully Ali will be situated by then.”

  “Carson,” I added to this conversation, “unless you’re offering us a wedding and a penthouse in your posh neighborhood, you’ll be visiting up in Queens or Harlem. There’s no way we can afford a home in Manhattan—or even Brooklyn for that matter.”

  “We will have you move in with us if that’s what it takes for me to play with my grandchildren.” Now Mom was getting way ahead of herself.

  Carson sh
ook his head. “Cecilia Hanover,” he warned. “I won’t share you with anyone. No kids or grandkids in the house with us.”

  Mom paid no attention to her husband’s comment, but I knew he wasn’t kidding.

  “Really, when’s the wedding, Noah?” Carson asked again.

  “Soon? I’d like to have a small wedding, immediately if possible. I thought I heard Dad say he’ll be back in the States in a few weeks.”

  “Where will you have this wedding? LA or New York?”

  “I think we need to talk to the bride about all this, Carson.” Mom got up from her stool. “If we don’t hurry, we’ll be late meeting Marni and her sweet niece.”

  “Let’s go, then.” Carson picked up Mom’s shawl and we all headed out to meet my fiancée.

  Chapter 1 - Marni

  Marry Me ~Jason Derulo

  You’re my unending sunshine, you’re my unending hope

  You’re my first and last breath, my sweet Melody

  Will you give meaning to my life by becoming my wife

  I love you my sweet Melody

  Damn. Of all the songs to appear on the radio, why this one?

  I was engaged to be married now. I’d become someone’s wife soon. This should have been the most fantastic morning, but this song threw me into a funk.

  Memories of the first time I heard this song altered my mood. After Ben and my sister told me they were getting married, this song hit the airwaves and went viral. Women loved it and couldn’t stop singing its tune. The story of Ben Howard proposing to his girlfriend with this song hit a chord with every woman in the world. Such a romantic gesture catapulted Ben’s creation to the top of the Billboard 100.

  I was shopping for groceries when I heard the song the first time. Standing in the cereal aisle, I listened to every word. It was Ben’s proclamation of love for my sister. Like a fool, tears fell and I cried to his words of love. I couldn’t stand the pain. I hurt so much; I left everything in the aisle and walked to my car so I could cry. After a good long time of consoling myself, I promised this would be the last time I’d cry over my sister and Ben. Unfortunately, I could never keep that promise.


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