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A World Within

Page 19

by James Somers

  Daniel thought today was probably the most perfect day he’d ever seen for sailing. The bright sun beamed hot rays down on the launch celebration for the Andromeda, her new captain, and the special passengers—friends of King Turin himself. A steady wind blew off the sea and the Andromeda’s sails flapped haplessly like wings begging to take flight.

  Daniel and the others had been given changes of clothing by the king, and he was now dressed in the garb of the Living Land: trousers and a collarless loose fitting button up shirt. A velvety, deep blue waistcoat, just his size, finished the look. The king had even given Daniel a highly polished naval short sword. Marissa had complimented him on how sharp he looked and, coming from the Bard princess, it was high praise indeed.

  They all waited for the arrival of the naval hero of the hour, Captain Hastings. Daniel knew he would appear as a paragon of virtue, courage, and comeliness. Remembering Marissa’s embarrassment over the captain’s flirting the night before, gave Daniel cause to chuckle to himself. Meineke gave the boy a curious look, wondering what might be funny. Daniel waved him off, dismissing his own amusement.

  The Andromeda towered over them, a bright, shining jewel of human achievement. Daniel couldn’t wait to board her and set sail on the magnificent ship. This was, perhaps, the most exciting moment of his young life. As he and Meineke followed behind King Turin and Marissa, walking up the ramp to the high loading platform, Daniel wondered what was keeping Captain Hastings. After all, he had to give the speech before boarding and departure.

  Meineke followed Daniel’s sweeping gaze, knowing that the boy was looking for his new bosom companion and hero, Captain Samuel Hastings. “He’ll be here,” Meineke said sarcastically. The others in their party followed them up the ramp as they ascended the high scaffolding to the place where the people would see them off on their voyage.

  Hundreds of interested spectators had assembled for the launch. Inside the walled city, shut away from the outside world, this came as close to an exciting social event as they ever got. It wasn’t very often they got to meet a war hero, and their own King Turin had been sequestered away in his stronghold for months following an illness.

  Surveying the crowd, Daniel noticed the people beginning to part as a royal cart, like a rickshaw, came through to the docks. A strong lithe, young man pulled the personal buggy by a cross bar attached to two staves connected to either side of the cart. The young man delivered the handsome captain to the base of the loading platform.

  Daniel noticed Marissa perk up as she watched Samuel Hastings bounce out of the personal carriage and make his way up to the landing where they all waited. Captain Hastings stopped in front of Marissa and bowed himself to her with the same flirtatious look in his eye. Marissa tried to appear disinterested, but Daniel knew it was a ruse. It was obvious to everyone that she liked the man, even if she was unwilling to admit it.

  And why not? Captain Samuel Hastings was handsome and courageous with a solid military record, just the sort of man Daniel hoped he could become some day. The captain caught Marissa’s hand as he began to straighten and kissed the flesh again. Meineke rolled his eyes, making no bones about his growing annoyance with the captain’s charms. “Does he ever stop?”

  Louie nudged the wil with an elbow. The captain then turned his attention to King Turin and bowed himself at the waist again, sweeping his blue tricorn hat in a wide swathe just above the floor of the platform. “My king, what a wonderful day Iam has given us for the beginning of our voyage. I appreciate the excellent turnout of the people as well, my lord.”

  “Captain Hastings, we appreciate a man of your military background taking on the task of stamping out the scourge of pirates which trouble our waters,” King Turin said. “If you wouldn’t mind to address the people, then we will allow you and your passengers to get underway.”

  The captain bowed again and then turned to the podium which had been set up on the landing for the occasion. It was made of honey colored wood, and there was a brass, acoustic megaphone built into the top on a swinging arm. The crowd began to cheer and clap when the captain stood forth to address them.

  He raised his hands to quiet the people and then spoke through the megaphone. “Good people of Gennedy, your well fortified city has stood the test of time against enemies of every sort. With your valiant King Turin, you have defeated unnumbered foes which have assayed to take these mighty walls and you have always been victorious.”

  The people cheered again, until the captain quieted them. “But in recent days, your waters have been plagued by villainous pirates and their leader, Captain Nathaniel Blackborne.”

  Jeers and howls arose from the crowd at the mention of Blackborne. Captain Hastings continued. “Pirates may have taken your ships and those of other coastal cities, effectively halting trade, but with the Andromeda under my command we will thwart Blackborne and his band of thieves. I will personally bring this man to justice, alive or dead!”

  The crowd erupted in loud cheers at this point and Hastings left the podium. The others began to board the ship, along with Daniel, Meineke, and Louie. To Daniel’s surprise, Marissa even allowed the captain to escort her, holding his crooked elbow.

  Their group boarded the great vessel and the crew withdrew the gangplank. The crew members all dressed in similar apparel, signifying their appointment aboard the king’s personal vessel. They wore beige shirts with knee pants and deep blue fearnought sailor’s jackets suitable for the windy weather and occasional sea spray. Apart from their royal clothing, Daniel noticed the men appeared a bit seedy. Some were missing teeth and had scars upon their faces.

  Daniel was drawn away from the crew to the ship itself. “Have you ever seen anything like her, lad?” Captain Hastings called.

  “Never, sir,” replied Daniel as he turned round and round to take in as much of the magnificent ship as he could. The others of their party did the same. The Andromeda was worth the effort—a legend at sea with a reputation well deserved.

  A man appeared at Captain Hastings’s side, apparently of higher rank than the others. “Ah, Mister Skulk,” Captain Hastings said. “Please, get us underway, sir.”

  “Aye, Captain, straight away,” Mr. Skulk said.

  The man walked across the long deck and began barking orders through a handheld megaphone.

  “Mr. Skulk is my first mate, Daniel,” said the captain. “We’ll soon be away and heading through Gennedy’s locks for the open sea.”

  Mr. Skulk gave orders through another tube which was fastened to the deck, extending to levels below. He ordered the water jet to be activated. The unit would propel them through the locks to the sea beyond. Then they would be able to fill Andromeda’s sails with wind.

  The mighty ship began to move away from the docks after the crew released all her moorings. Daniel looked over the railing to see swirling currents churning on the surface of the water near the rear of the ship. That must be the water jet system in action, he thought.

  The Andromeda careened away from the docks and lumbered out into the large man-made harbor, making her way toward the high seaside portion of the city’s wall and the dual gates of the lock. Daniel and Meineke stood gazing as at least one hundred men flew aloft on the rigging; a colony of frenzied spiders setting their nets to catch the wind once they reached the sea. Their coordination and precision teamwork amazed Daniel. Evidently these men had lived their lives at sea, doing exactly these essential tasks countless times.

  Daniel wanted to learn their ways and become a part of this kind of life—to belong. He hoped the captain might have some of the answers he sought on this journey through the Living Land. Perhaps, he would remain with the good captain when the others let off at Corsica. This whole business with the Wielder and Mortis held no importance to him. With the wind at their backs and the sea as their ally, Daniel imagined a grand life one might have as a sea captain.

  Within minutes they had begun to enter the first pair of doors to the locks. These massive doors, set in
to the wall, opened to reveal a holding area of sorts and another set of massive doors. They would enter here and then the first doors would close. The city was then protected and the second set of doors could be opened to the sea. The Andromeda passed through the first set of doors successfully.

  The lock held enough space for two ships like the Andromeda. They paused for several minutes as the doors behind them closed completely. Then the doors ahead began to groan and open, allowing more seawater to pass within. The Andromeda’s water jets propelled her forward again at Mr. Skulk’s command through the piping in the deck.

  Mr. Skulk was a much older looking man than Captain Hastings. His silver hair was long and stringy looking. When he briefly removed his tricorn hat to wipe the sweat from his brow with his forearm, Daniel noticed the hair was very thin on top and long on the sides from ear to ear around his head. The man had a natural sneer planted on his face and a long scar down his left cheek coming nearly to his lip. Daniel supposed it was only his imagination, after all Captain Hastings was surely a good judge of character, but he didn’t trust the man.

  The Andromeda continued to pick up speed and soon she passed through the outer lock-gate of the city. As the magnificent seabird met with the landward surge of the sea, the sail crews tied off the billowing white canvas and the Andromeda took the wind and it took her. Off they went into the open sea and whatever adventures awaited them on their way to Corsica.


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