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Massimo: The Anastasi Family Syndicate Book One : Social Rejects Syndicate

Page 12

by LC Taylor

  “Will you stay?”

  “No. I am needed back at Discoteca.”

  “I’ll be here with no one I know.”

  My voice cracked, tears building up in my eyes as I spoke. It was only a statement, because I knew Carlisle wouldn’t be staying with me the moment Massimo left me on the jet.

  “Antonio will take care of you, Madison.”

  “Why is he still in Italy? Shouldn’t he have gone home by now?”

  Carlisle held his tongue, searching for the right words, “Antonio is struggling with his grandfather’s illness. Massimo and Vincenzo felt it was best that he stayed behind until...” Carlisle paused.

  “Until their grandfather dies?” I asked.

  “Yes.” He nodded. “Antonio has always been the odd man out of the three brothers. He doesn’t see himself as being their equal, but his grandfather always made him feel important.”

  “Great, so two fucked up people will be relying on one another.”

  “You’re not fucked up.”

  “Really, Carlisle? I’ve fallen in love with a mobster. I saw a girl who looks like me dead on the floor—a girl that should have been me because of whatever shit Massimo’s family is involved in. I should tuck tail and run, but I can’t. Not yet. How is that not fucked up?”

  Carlisle sat quietly, mulling over my words. “You said not yet. Does that mean you might still leave him?”

  I turned my head away from him, glancing out at the moving scenery as the plane descended.

  “I don’t know. Please don’t tell him. I don’t need him worrying about me when his life is in danger.”

  “Madison.” Carlisle took my hand into his. “Massimo is a good man. Everyone in his family are good people. They might be mobsters in your eyes, but to me...” he sighed, “they are a family who takes care of those they love.”

  “We’ve only known each other a little over a week. These feelings he says he has could fade, then what? I’ll be left broken-hearted. I just need to clear my head and think. That’s the only reason I agreed to come here.”

  The pilot came over the intercom, announcing our decent into Paris. We would only be on the ground long enough to refuel, leaving little time to appreciate the scenery just outside my window.

  “It’s beautiful, isn’t it?” Carlisle smiled.

  “I never thought the first time I saw the Eiffel Tower I’d be on the run.”

  “Massimo will bring you back to enjoy what Paris has to offer.”

  “It doesn’t matter. It’ll forever hold the tarnish of this moment.” I pressed my head against my seat as the plane bounced across the ground. “I just want to sleep. Maybe this is all a bad dream and I’ll wake up to everything being normal again.”

  Chapter 32


  “The cops were here sniffing around,” Donny grunted as we sat around discussing the events. “I told them Krissy hadn’t shown up to work, and that it wasn’t uncommon for her to pull a disappearing act on us.”

  “Did they buy it?” Anders, a long-time crew member, asked.

  “They seemed suspicious but left anyway.”

  “Alec, I’ll need you to pull some footage of our illustrious DA. It’s time I put some pressure on him to make this go away. Donny.” I turned towards him. “Where are we on flushing out Juan Carlos?”

  “I got a few guys on the ground looking for him.”

  The door opened and my brother walked in. “Fratello.” He pressed his hand to my shoulder and took the seat beside me. “How’s Madison?”

  “About an hour away from Italy. Carlisle gave her some something to help her sleep when they landed in Paris. He said she is struggling with...” I swallowed, “everything.”

  “Is this girl worth going to war with the Sureños?”

  “This girl,” I grated out through a clenched jaw. “Is worth setting the whole damn planet on fire.”

  Vincenzo put his hand up in defensively. “Calm down, Brother. I only needed confirmation of what I already suspected.”

  “And what did you suspect?”

  “That you found your soulmate. Grandmother has told us since we were young that we’d know when we found her. Now, what are we going to do to show these motherfuckers the Anastasi’s aren’t to be trifled with?”

  “We flush Juan out and kill him.” I gritted my teeth. “It was bad enough that the motherfucker stole from us, but then he killed one of our own, thinking it was Madison. He royally fucked up, coming after me.”

  “He came after all of us, Massimo. If Madison is as important to you as you say, she’s family now. No one goes after our family and lives.”

  I nodded, his words only fueling my rage. “It’s time we hit him where it hurts. Alec.” I looked to the computer whiz of our organization. “Find me everything you can on him. I want to know who his family is, his whores, his brothers, everything. We will take everything from him, starting with our guns he stole. Donny put together the best guys. I want them to dig until they find our missing cargo. We will take it back, then destroy the ground he steps on.”

  My phone vibrated against my thigh. Slipping the device from my pocket, Antonio’s face filled my screen.

  “Antonio.” I pressed speaker, setting the phone on the table. “You’re on speaker. Has the plane arrived?”

  “Yes. I’ve secured the guest and sent Carlisle back on his way. You didn’t tell me she was so beautiful.”

  I growled, eliciting a laugh from Vincenzo. “Hands off, Little Brother. You may be blood, but I will cut off your hand if you even think of touching her.”

  “Easy, Big Brother, I only meant you picked well. Although, she isn’t very talkative. Maybe in a few days she’ll warm up to me. Mom, Dad, and the twins are waiting on us back at the house.”

  “Is she near you?” I tapped my fingers on the table. “Can I talk to her?”

  “Hang on.”

  I could hear Antonio’s muffled voice as he spoke to someone in the background.

  “Sorry, Brother, she doesn’t want to talk to you right now.”

  “Fuck...” I slammed my hand down on the table.

  Vincenzo gripped my arm. “Give her time.”

  “Listen to Vin, Massimo. She seems pretty rattled still. Plus, she’s here with a man she hardly knows. She was pretty pissed when Carlisle left her in my care.”

  “Fine. Antonio, take care of her. Tell her this will all be over soon, and I’ll come for her.”

  “Will do. I’m sorry I’m not there to help clean up my mess. Are you sure I can’t leave her with Carmela and Celestina, and come back?”

  “Antonio, this isn’t your fault. I need you there. You’re the only one I trust with her life. Not to mention that you need to remain there.”

  I didn’t want to say until our grandfather died, but that’s what was running through my head. The truth was, grandfather has lasted longer than we’d expected.

  “Fine, but let me know what’s going on. The stolen guns were on my watch, therefore my responsibility.”

  “Take care of Madison and I’ll take care of this mess.”

  “I’ll call you tomorrow. Fino a domani,” Antonio bid farewell.

  “Fino a domani,” I replied before pressing the button to end the call.

  “Carlisle will be back tomorrow. Julie will be in charge of the club until then, but I want more guys here keeping watch. We should probably put more men at the restaurant and the construction site. I don’t want anyone to get through again.”

  Chapter 33


  I stood beside the door of the waiting SUV, watching as Antonio and Carlisle spoke. As soon as Carlisle waved, signaling his departure, Antonio’s picked up his phone and dialed a number. Although I wasn’t that far from him, I couldn’t hear what he was saying. My instincts told me he was talking to Massimo by the way his eyes drifted over my frame.

  “Madison,” he called out, the phone covered in his hand, “Massimo would like to speak with you.”

  I shook my head, still too confused to carry on a conversation with him. Antonio shrugged and pressed the phone back to his ear.

  “Ma’am.” A man with a heavy Italian accent placed his hand on the door beside me and opened the door. “Here.” He waved his hand to the empty seat.

  Sliding inside, I leaned my head back and closed my eyes. Being here without Massimo felt wrong. My insides twisted with fear and worry about what was happening back in Vegas.

  Antonio slid in beside me and spoke in Italian to the driver. Fastening his seat belt, he reached across my lap and secured mine in place.

  My eyes snapped to his. “I could have done that.”

  “I’m sure you could have, but my brother has tasked me with taking care of you. When did you eat last?”

  “I don’t remember,” I mumbled, my head darting away from his. I couldn’t even remember what day it was, much less when I last ate.

  Antonio snagged his phone and pressed a few buttons. It vibrated in response. “There—food will be ready when we arrive.”

  “You didn’t need to do that.”

  “Yes, I did. If you can’t remember when you last ate, chances are it was long before all this happened. I won’t have you passing out on me because you’re starving yourself.”

  I nodded instead of arguing with him. It didn’t seem like he would give in easily. “Your parents are ok with a strange woman coming to stay?”

  “They know what you mean to Massimo, and it was grandmother who approved of your stay. My grandfather might be dying,” his voice cracked, “but until he is gone, she calls the shots.”

  “Oh, I thought your father was in charge.”

  “He is, mostly.” Antonio chuckled. “I know you’re probably tired, seeing as it’s nearly dinner time with the time change. Once you get something in your stomach, I’ll get you settled in your room.”

  I watched out the window at the scenery passing by. It was utterly amazing. Despite the reason I was there, I couldn’t help but appreciate the beauty.

  “It’s beautiful, isn’t it?”

  Glancing back at Antonio, I nodded. “Yes, I just wish I were here under better circumstances.”

  “I know. Perhaps we can make the best of the situation. I’ll take you around and show you the sights. I imagine my sisters will want to show you around as well. There is no reason you need to be locked up in the house. Speaking of which, we’re here.”

  The house was a massive fortress hidden behind a gigantic metal gate. The driver pressed something, causing the metal barrier to slide open. The front lawn was immaculate, with flowers and shrubbery lining the cobblestone driveway. The house was something out of a movie. The yellow brick made it look like it was a five-star resort, not someone’s home.

  “This is your family’s place?”

  “Yes. It has been the Anastasi’s abode for generations. My grandmother and grandfather were married here, as were my parents. I suppose when it’s our time...” I noticed Antonio’s eyes lose their focus for a moment as his voice trailed off. “We will marry here as well.”

  The car stopped in front of the main entrance. Antonio slipped from his side of the car and spoke to the driver before opening my door. Extending his hand to me, he said, “Come, let’s get inside. I’m starving.”

  Slipping my palm into his, I let him tug me from the safety of the car. He held tight to my hand as he led me inside the foyer. The entryway was filled with flowers and a water feature, making me feel like I’d stepped into a museum. Antonio tugged me down a hallway, pulling us into a room filled with a mammoth table. An older man, who looked like an aged Massimo, sat at the head of the rectangular table. Beside him was a beautiful woman with long brown hair. Her eyes twinkled when she spotted Antonio and I entering the room. Beside her were two of the most stunning women I had ever seen before. Their stunning features reminded me of Massimo and his brothers, cluing me in that they had to be his sisters.

  “Antonio!” His mother pushed out of her chair and ran towards us. Wrapping her arms around her son. “I wondered when you’d arrive. You must be Madison.” She let him go and turned toward me.

  “Yes, Ma’am. Thank you for letting me come here. I’m sorry it was under these circumstances.”

  “Nonsense. Do not apologize for the wrong doings of another. I am glad Massimo had the sense to send you here. He can be so stubborn.”

  “Giorga, let the girl catch her breath.” The man I assumed was Massimo’s father stepped beside her. “Come, you must be hungry. We can talk after you’ve eaten. This is Carmela and Celestina.” He pointed to the two girls watching me with fascination.

  “Hi, come get you some food and sit.” One of the twins smiled and motioned to a seat near her.

  “I’m not hungry.” I blushed, looking down at my feet.

  “Bella,” Antonio chided. “What did I tell you in the car?”

  “Antonio...” his mother warned.

  “No, Mother. I promised Massimo I’d look after her. She hasn’t eaten in days.”

  “Madison.” His mother grabbed my hand. “Let’s get you some food. You must stay well for Massimo.”

  “Thank you, Mrs. Anastasi, I’ll try.”

  “Please, dear... call me Gio. We’re going to be family one day.”

  I glanced at Antonio, who shrugged. He knew I was feeling conflicted about my relationship with Massimo but said nothing.

  “Thank you, Gio.”

  I sat between Antonio and one of the twins, who I learned was Celestina. I watched as several servants filled our plates with various kinds of food. My mind said I wasn’t hungry, but my belly grumbled its argument.

  “See,” Antonio laughed, “I told you that you were hungry.”

  Stabbing the meat with my fork, I pushed it between my lips. My eyes closed involuntarily as the flavors accosted my senses. He was right, I had been hungry, and this was the best meal I’d ever eaten in my life. No one spoke as we filled our stomachs with the delicious meal. Once I was done, Antonio pushed against the table to stand.

  “I think we should let Madison rest before we start the inquisition. I’ll show her to her room and be back to chat.”

  “You’re right. Madison, if there is anything you need, let us know. You are here as family—not a guest. Giacomo and I will help you through this anyway we can. Tomorrow, Massimo’s grandmother will want to meet you. Best you get some rest now. I’ve also hung some clothing in your closet. Massimo explained you came with nothing due to the quick departure. Check out the dresser for other things you may need. Antonio.” His mother smiled. “Be sure to show her how to operate the bathroom. She deserves a nice hot bath.”

  “Yes, Mother. Madison.” He extended his hand, helping me to stand.

  “Thank you for your kindness. Celestina, Carmela, I enjoyed meeting you.”

  “Maybe after you’ve rested, we can show you around the area. We’re home for a bit from school, so we have some free time.”

  I nodded. Antonio kept my hand in his as he led me through the hallways of the house. The place was gigantic, with more rooms than a hotel. He pushed open the door to a room larger than my apartment.

  “Here is your room. I’m just across the hall, there.” He pointed to a closed door. “Let’s get you settled, ok?”

  “Yes, thank you for being so kind, Antonio. You shouldn’t have to babysit me, so I appreciate it.”

  “Madison.” He walked toward another door in the room. “If babysitting you means I get to hang out with a gorgeous woman without any expectations, I’ll take it. It’s refreshing to have a woman in my company that doesn’t expect more.”

  I blushed. “Oh, um, yeah. You don’t need to worry about that with me.”

  Antonio looked so much like Massimo. His hair was black as well, he had the same gorgeous brown eyes, but he was clean shaven and had the cutest cleft chin. His body was like both of his brothers, tall and muscular, but Antonio carried himself differently. I couldn’t quite put my finger on it, but he
seemed sad. Maybe it was because of his grandfather, but my gut told me it was more. “I don’t have many friends, and since we will be spending time together, I’d like to think we can become more than protector and victim.”

  “You are no victim.” He stepped close and brushed my hair from my face. “You’re strong and resilient. If you weren’t, my brother wouldn’t have given you the time of day. Massimo needs someone who will push him. Someone who isn’t afraid to stand up to him. You’re that person, I can tell. So, never doubt your worth, Madison. I think we will become more than friends; we’ll be family once this is sorted out. Now,” he said, flicking on the lights in the bathroom. “Let me show you how to pamper yourself for a bit.”

  Chapter 34


  “Where is Juan Carlos?” I gripped the handle of the gun in my palm and pressed the barrel against his temple.

  “I know nothing of a Juan Carlos.”

  The vile creature rasped out in a thick Hispanic accent. He could deny it all he wanted, but the tattooed thirteen beneath his eye told a different tale. It was the classic mark of the Mexican mafia—the Sureños. Not to mention the blue bandana wrapped around his head.

  “Do. Not. Fuck. With. Me.” I pressed the metal into his skull harder. “I have no problem splattering your brains across the cement.”

  Donny pressed his hand into the scum’s shoulder as he dug a knife into the man’s side. “Come on, Cholo, you’re going to die anyway.”

  “I know no man named Juan.”

  “How about your family? Does your wife or daughter know Juan?”

  He spit at my feet. “Leave my family alone.”

  “If I can’t get what I want from you, I’ll get it from them. I will stop at nothing to find Juan Carlos.”

  “You asking for death,” he stuttered out in broken English. “There will be a thousand more like me to protect him.”

  “We’re getting somewhere, Donny. He finally admitted to knowing Juan.”

  “Maybe cutting off his fingers will break him.” Donny moved toward the table and grabbed a pair of pliers. “What do you say, Enrico? Fingers?” I watched as Donny pulled his bound hands toward him and nestled his pointer finger between the metal teeth.


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