Blind Date: Single Dad-Baby Romance
Page 13
The adoption process took a little longer than I’d have thought, but by Christmas, I was listed on Mollie’s birth certificate as her mother. I wasn’t sure how my life got so perfect, but I wasn’t going to second guess it. I was going to savor every sweet moment and even the not so sweet ones.
Mollie had a successful first-grade year, and I felt good about my first full year of teaching as well. The week school let out for summer, Mollie went to stay with Will’s parents for a week, while Will and I went on a trip to the beaches of Cancun where we made love so many times, I’m sure we set a world record. Back home, our summer days were filled with Mollie and I playing or swimming while Will worked in his home office, until he’d join us in the afternoon. On occasion, Rick and Angela would come to visit. They were a little slower than Will and I, and only just got engaged last month.
We were getting ready to celebrate July 4th at Will’s parents.
“You okay?” Will asked as he studied me from where I was putting on makeup to put color in my face.
“You sure?” He pressed his palm to my cheek. “You look a little pale.”
“I’m fine.” I gave him a quick kiss. “We should give Mollie her gift before we go, don’t you think?”
He studied me for a minute before nodding. “I put it on the kitchen table.” I always blushed when that table came up in conversation. “Mollie wants you to do her hair. I can’t make those Princess Leia buns like you do.”
“They’re not Princess Leia buns,” I corrected him; although they were two little buns, these sat higher on her head.
“Whatever. She wants you to do them.”
When I was finished getting myself ready, I headed up the hall, past Will’s office in the extra bedroom, to Mollie’s room. She kept it neat for a six-year-old. She especially loved the window seat where all her stuffed animals sat. She also loved her fish tank, which we got her when we learned she was allergic to dogs.
“Mommy, will you do my hair up again? Daddy doesn’t do it right.”
Even after a year, my heart soared every time Mollie called me mommy, which she did even before she was legally adopted.
“Sure, sweetie.” I sat on the daybed, with her kneeling on the floor in front of me as I put her pretty light brown hair up in two little buns. “Time for breakfast and then we’re going to see your grandma and grandpa.”
She frowned. “I don’t like fireworks. They’re loud.” She covered her ears. While she’d made great gains in school being more social, she was still timid about some things. She would walk with her feet in the water on the beach, but wouldn’t go any higher than her ankles. And she didn’t like loud noises, such as fireworks.
“I know, baby. We’ll go inside if you want.” Hopefully, Will’s and my gift would help. “Let’s have breakfast.”
In the kitchen, Mollie climbed into her chair while Will served her pancakes with raspberries, blueberries and whipped cream.
“Red, white and blue,” he stated.
Mollie laughed. “You’re funny, daddy.”
I got tea and sat down. Will gave me a plate of pancakes and sat across from me with his plate.
“Happy Fourth of July.” He held up his glass of juice. Mollie held up her juice as did I and we all clinked our glasses.
“Mollie, mommy and I got you something.”
“A present?” Mollie’s little blue eyes shone with excitement.
Will handed her the box. “Yes. We hope it will help with the fireworks.”
Her smile faded, but she opened the box taking out the sound canceling earphones. “What are they?”
“You wear them over your ears, and you won’t hear the fireworks,” Will said, helping her put them on.
She took them off and looked at them. “What if they don’t work?”
“Then we go inside like we usually do and turn up the music and dance,” he said matter of factly, without any annoyance or shaming for her fear. Will’s parents and Mollie’s teachers thought he was a little too indulgent or enabling of her fears. Now, as her mom, I knew the instinct to want to protect and always keep your children happy. But I also knew that Will didn’t enable Mollie. He just didn’t push her as hard or try to cajole her like some seemed to think he should. He’d give her tiny-step opportunities to grow, and she’d try them. If they worked, great, if not, he’d look for another option. The music was the trick we used last Fourth of July, which was pretty fun, even though we missed seeing the fireworks. The earphones would be this year’s tiny-step.
The day at Will’s parents was wonderful as usual. They accepted me as one of their own, and were equally as happy to have me adopt Mollie as Will was. It wasn’t unusual for his mother to give me a hug out of the blue and thank me for making Will and Mollie so happy. Of course, I was the one that felt like I’d won the happiness jackpot.
When it was time for fireworks, Mollie put on her earphones, looking afraid, but summoning her courage. Will took her hand and stood with her outside, while his parents and their other guests sat in lawn chairs to watch the show that could be viewed from their home.
When the first crack and then blast of light hit the night, Mollie flinched, but it was at the light, not the sound. I looked to Will, who was studying her. Another went off, and this time she didn’t flinch. He squatted down in front of her and motioned with his head toward the lawn. She raised her hands, and he picked her up.
She sat on his lap, watching the bright reds, whites, blues, greens, and purples light up the night. To watch Will and Mollie together was such a source of joy. I reached out and took his hand, wanting to be a part of them. He leaned over, bringing my hand to his lips and kissing it.
After the fireworks, the party continued on for a bit, but I started to get tired.
“You sure you’re okay?” Will asked.
“Yes. It’s been a long day.”
“Let me get Mollie. I think she’s crashed out in her room here.”
“Let her stay the night,” his mother said from behind us. “I’ll bring her home in the morning.”
Will looked at me. “Do you have plans in the morning with Mollie?”
I shook my head. “Nope. Tomorrow was going to be a lazy day for us. I wasn’t sure how’d she be after tonight.”
He stepped closer to me, a feral look in his eyes. “We’d have the house to ourselves tonight.” Then he frowned. “Shit, I’m sorry, you’re tired.”
I took his hand. “I wouldn’t mind a skinny dip.”
“You know I can hear you, right?” His mother said. “You’d think with all that time you have alone, I’d have another grandbaby by now.”
Will rolled his eyes. “Let’s give Mollie a kiss and head home.”
Twenty minutes later, I was taking my clothes off and walking down the steps of the pool. The water felt cool on my naked skin. The pool was built in a sunroom to keep the gators and other critters out of it, but we could open it up to enjoy the outside. I especially liked it at night when I could swim under the stars.
Will dropped his clothes on the pool deck and did a cannonball into the pool. The water made my breasts bounce in the waves he’d made. He came up right next to me, pulling me into his arms.
“Hey, a mermaid.” He kissed me.
“Is that your merman tail or are you just happy to see me?”
He grinned. “That’s my mer-dick.” He frowned. “Mer-cock?” Then he laughed. “I’m happy to see you.”
I looped my arms around his neck. “I’m happy to see you too.”
“I was proud of Mollie today,” Will said. He was a little taller than me, so I wrapped my legs around him and let him hold me as he moved to the deeper part of the pool.
“I was too. I’m so glad those earphones worked.”
“It was your idea.” He kissed my nose.
“I was inspired by how you always try to ease her into being brave.”
He smiled at me like I’d given him a gift. I’m not sure many people
praised his parenting, but I thought Will was the most wonderful father. I hoped to give him lots more children.
“I’m sorry about my mom’s comment about babies. She just can’t help herself.”
“Are you saying you don’t want more kids?” We’d never specifically talked about how many or when we’d have more kids, but I was sure he wanted them as I did.
“I didn’t say that. But that’s between you and me.”
I nodded. “You know, I was thinking, maybe you should move your office from the third bedroom to the formal living area at the front of the house.”
His brows narrowed as if he wasn’t sure about the change of conversation. “Why are you kicking me out of my office?”
“The front living room has lots of light, and Mollie and I don’t spend time in that part of the house when we’re home. You wouldn’t be bothered when you’re working.”
He studied me for a moment like he was deciphering a coded message. “What’s wrong with the bedroom I’m in now?”
“I was thinking we could use it for something else.”
“You and Mollie have taken over half of the family room and eat-in kitchen, and now you need another room?” His eyes held humor. He sometimes joked about being outnumbered by females.
“It’s not for me and Mollie.”
“Oh. What’s it for then?”
Nerves flitted over my skin as the water lapped gently around us. “I was thinking we could turn it into a nursery.”
“So, my mom did get to you?” He quirked a brow.
“Actually, Will, you did. You got to me.”
It took him a moment to register what I was trying to say. I saw hope and excitement and love, and a little hesitance, as if he didn’t want to be misreading me. “Tell me what you’re trying to say, Ellie. I need to hear the words.”
“I’m pregnant, Will.”
He let out a breath as emotion welled in eyes. “We made a baby?”
I nodded. “I think in Cancun. Remember how I told you I forgot my pills, and you said you didn’t care.”
He held me tighter.
“I thought that meant you’d be okay with this. I hope you-”
“Okay? I’m fucking ecstatic, Ellie. Jesus…I love you so much.” His lips were on mine, so smooth and firm, making my whole body go warm with love. Then he moved me toward the steps, setting me on the top one and dropping down until his face was near my belly. He ran his hand over my womb. “A baby, Ellie.”
I ran my fingers through his hair. “Yes. Our baby.”
He looked up at me. “I love Mollie, but when her mother…her birth mother,” he corrected himself. “Told me she was pregnant, I felt like my world stopped. Like my future was gone. But this…hearing this from you, Ellie, I feel like the most blessed man in the world.”
I smiled down at him. I understood his comment. Of course, a young college student would feel like the world tilted at an unplanned pregnancy. But Will had remade his future, and there was no doubt that he loved Mollie and wouldn’t ever change what happened between him and his ex. But I was also thrilled to hear that he was happy about our baby.
“Mollie is going to be excited to have a sibling,” I said.
“She’ll be over the moon. When is he due?”
“March. And it could be a girl.”
“I love girls.” He grinned like a loon. “I especially love this girl.” He pulled me from the step, his dick sliding along my pussy lips between my legs.
I wrapped my arms around him. “This is exactly what got us in this predicament.”
He waggled his brows. “I know.” He cocked his head. “It’s okay to make love, though, right? It won’t hurt the baby.”
“No. The baby is in my womb. Your dick doesn’t go that high, even though you try your best.”
He laughed. “My dick loves your body, Ellie. I can’t ever seem to get enough of you.”
“I hope you never stop trying.”
“Never.” As if to prove it, he slipped his ready cock inside my body. Feeling his thick, long member fill me was like heaven. Turned out, I could never get enough of him. Our gazes held as he moved in and out of me, slow and methodically, like the water moving around us. He pushed me against the side of the pool, letting it keep me pressed to him, while his hands released me and turned their attention to my tits. He kneaded and tweaked them until I was gasping.
“You going to come, Ellie?” He managed to continue to keep his thrusts slow and steady, even though I could hear the tension in his voice.
“Suck on my nipples, Will. Make me come hard.”
Heat flashed in his eyes before he lowered his head and took one nipple in his mouth. His teeth grazed it, and my pussy clenched as white-hot need coiled tight.
I moaned. “I love your dick…it feels so good, Will, so, so good.”
The cool water of the pool was in contrast to the hot man plunging in and out of my body, and together they were assailing my senses. It was so much, so good, and pleasure ratcheted up, and up, and up until I was teetering on the edge.
“Faster, faster…God, I’m coming.” My world imploded for a second, and then intense pleasure blasted out from my center to every nerve ending in my body. My pussy felt every ridge of his cock as he continued to fuck me, harder, faster, and it was so perfect.
“YES!” Will shouted, and his hips slammed into mine, and held, grinding against me. He did it again, as his warm seed filled my pussy. “Ellie!” He called as he plunged in deep one last time.
I held on to him as our breaths made their slow descent to normal. I felt his heartbeat against my chest in perfect time with mine. Finally, he pulled back and looked into my eyes.
“I love you so much, Ellie.”
“I love you, Will. I’m so glad I agreed to our blind date.” I told him.
“Oh honey, we were neighbors, it was inevitable we’d be together.”
I loved the idea of that. That we were destined. “Except we’d never met before that date.”
“It was only a matter of time,” he said with conviction. “I was already fantasizing about you when I jerked off in the shower.”
I blushed even though I loved to hear it. “Want to know a secret?”
He grinned. “Is it about me?”
“Yes. You remember Fred?”
He frowned. Fred wasn’t gone, but he definitely wasn’t used as much. Will sometimes would bring Fred to our sexual escapades, but not often. “I thought you said it was about me.”
“It is. When we were neighbors, Fred would do the work, but in my mind, it was you fucking me, Will.”
He grinned. “See. I told you. We belong together, Ellie. You, me, Mollie, and now, our baby.”
***The End***