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Cain (Bones MC 1)

Page 4

by Marteeka Karland

  “Noted,” Bohannon said, crossing his arms and sitting back. “She your woman?”

  That got everyone looking at Cain with raised eyebrows. The club had been together for nearly fifteen years. In all that time, Cain had never had a woman for more than a night or two. Even the patch chasers in their club rarely had him more than once or twice. He’d never even come close to claiming a woman.

  Cain thought about telling them the strict truth. She wasn’t but she would be. Instead, he took a more direct approach. It was more for Angel and they’d all know it. They’d been together too damned long not to see through each other.

  “Yes. So keep that in mind when she’s wearing those tight little skirts she thinks are so prim and proper.”

  Chuckles all around.

  “So,” he continued. “Be mindful there’s another club out there looking for her. She’s not fully one of us yet, but she will be. We protect our club.”

  “To the death!” they all said. It was their mantra, of sorts. Most of them had fought together in wars or something resembling war. The rest had been on the recon side of things. Either way, they were all used to having each other’s backs. To the death was literal for them. They would protect every man, woman, and child under the protection of their club with their last breaths.

  “Keep your eyes and ears open. Anyone hears anything about Kiss of Death or Slash or Gremlin, you make it known.”

  “What about Angel?” a Marine sniper they’d dubbed Dead Eye asked, a knowing smirk on his face.

  “What about her, and I caution you to be careful here.” Cain narrowed his eyes, giving the other man a killing glare. The look didn’t faze Dead Eye in the least.

  “Well, I only wondered if she knew she was under our protection.”

  “Why would you ask that?”

  “Because I’m pretty sure, unless one of the prospects has changed rides, that little lime-green Fiesta of hers just booked it out of the parking lot.”

  “Fuck!” Cain ran to the window just in time to see Angel’s car skidding onto the road as it spun out and fishtailed onto the asphalt. “Little hellion! I told Mama and Pops to keep her in the infirmary!”

  He rushed out of the meeting room to find Pops shaking his head, his arms crossed over his chest. “You need to teach that one some manners, Cain.” The older man wasn’t angry. In fact, unless Cain missed his guess, he’d been snickering just before Cain approached.

  “What’d she do?”

  “Pretended to need to go to the bathroom, then bolted. Mama’s furious. Wants to tranq her ass until you can explain things to her.”

  “Sounds like a pretty sound idea.” Cain muttered.

  “Cain,” Pops started, a worried look on his face. “She’s spooked. I don’t know what you boys decided, and I don’t want to know. But I know in my bones she’s a good girl.”

  “She’s mine, Pops. I won’t let anything happen to her.”

  The old man looked startled, then grinned. “Well, then. Good.” He clapped Cain on the back. “Go collect her. She know?”

  “She will.”

  * * *

  Angel could only remember being so terrified one time in her life. The day she fled Gremlin. Now, she was running from a group who would likely turn her back over to the very men who had drugged and probably raped her. How could anyone do such a thing? She’d never thought it was the MC culture, though she figured some clubs followed their own rules and no one else’s. She’d heard that ninety-nine percent of clubs were law-abiding citizens, most of them banding together even to do community service in one form or another. What were the odds of her stumbling on two one-percenters back to back? Her judgment seriously sucked.

  Her car sputtered. She mashed the gas. It sputtered again and the engine cut out. Apparently, her car sucked as badly as her judgment. She hadn’t even made it a mile down the road. She pulled to the side of the road and cranked the engine. It turned over, but didn’t fire. Glancing at the gas gauge, she saw why.

  Empty. She could have sworn she had at least a half a tank!

  She opened the door, not really sure why she was getting out other than it just seemed like the thing to do. The second she did, she heard the rumble of motorcycles coming after her. Immediately, she ducked back inside and closed and locked the doors, frantically considering hiding in the back seat under her emergency quilt left over from the winter.

  No. She might be scared out of her mind, but she was no coward. She’d face these guys with her head high.

  With an angry huff, she opened the door again and slammed it shut just as the first bike pulled alongside her. Of course it was Cain, with another man she didn’t know on the back. Cain didn’t get off the bike or even shut it down. He just handed her a helmet without a word. The other man got off the second the bike stopped and stalked toward her, gas can in hand.

  “I’m not --”

  “You are. Now, Angel.” Cain was implacable. This wasn’t a man one argued with.

  “You siphoned my gas, didn’t you? You can’t keep me here.”

  “On the fuckin’ bike. We’ll talk back at the clubhouse.”

  The other guy moved easily behind her and started to refill the gas tank.

  “Angel,” Cain said, turning her attention back to him. “On the bike.”

  It was against her better judgment, but, really, what else was she going to do? They were in the middle of nowhere, several miles from the city. Rural didn’t even begin to describe the area of the two-lane road surrounded by forest. If they wanted to kill her instead of taking the trouble to hand her over to Kiss of Death, they were in a fantastic place for it. At least this way, maybe she could talk them out of harming her.

  “What about my car?”

  “Taken care of. Now quit stallin’.”

  Still reluctant to get on that thing with him, Angel took her time putting on the helmet until Cain simply snagged her wrist and tugged her toward him. Once she’d settled on the running machine, Cain reached behind him and pulled her snug against his body. She bunched his jacket in her hands, refusing to put her arms around him. It just seemed too intimate.

  “I suggest you hang on,” he commented with a smirk.

  “Just go,” she snapped. He did. With a girly squeal, Angel lurched backward as the bike took off, her arms tightening securely around Cain’s waist. She could feel him chuckle, deep inside his body where she was pressed so tightly. Fucker. He’d probably taken off so abruptly on purpose.

  Angel expected Cain would take her back to the clubhouse. Instead, he passed the structure and sped on down the road, deeper into the woods. She knew the road well. She’d driven it many times down to the dock to feed the ducks. There were a few houses along the bank she’d admired. They weren’t fancy or anything. Lake houses, she termed them. Most were used only during the summer months by what locals dubbed the Indiana and Ohio Navy. The lake was a source of tourism and recreation as well as a source of fresh water for the whole region across several counties.

  Cain pulled into a garage attached to one such house. This one seemed to have a great view of the lake. He led her inside and Angel let him, not saying a word as he opened the door for her. Inside, the house was wide open. The kitchen and living areas were one big room. Split stairs went to the second floor landing where, presumably, the bedrooms were. There was nothing fancy about the place. The carpet was a flat, rugged variety, designed to clean easily and not hold dirt or mud. The very spacious kitchen was spotless without a crumb anywhere. Only the coffee pot had a small amount of dark liquid still in the bottom.

  “What’s this?” she finally asked. “Nice house.” Cain just looked at her as he leaned against the bar, one hand resting on his hip. When he didn’t answer, Angel crossed her arms over her chest and stared right back at him.

  “This is my home,” he finally said. “It’s where you’ll hide out for a while.”

  “Hide out? Is that code for you’re keeping me prisoner?”

  “Not at a
ll.” He straightened slowly, a ripple of grace and muscle. Cain reminded her of a big ol’ cat. One stalking a mouse. “We checked your story. As far as we can tell, you were completely truthful. What you don’t know is that it’s Slash who’s hunting you. Not the rest of the club.”

  Her stomach rolled and she was afraid she’d be sick. “Slash?” she whispered. “Why? He was the one who beat Gremlin to a bloody pulp for bringing me there in the first place.”

  “Combination of things, I imagine. You’re a beautiful woman for one. Likely, the beatin’ to Gremlin was as much to assert dominance over his son in order to take the woman he wanted. Also, I imagine he didn’t like you just leavin’ without permission.”

  “What are you going to do with me?”

  “Fix you a cup of coffee,” he said, meandering around the bar to the counter and washing out the container before starting a fresh pot. A few minutes later, he handed her a steaming mug, scooting cream and sugar her way.

  “You’ll understand if I don’t accept drinks from others.” He raised his eyebrow but said nothing, only took a swig of the liquid before handing it back to her.

  Reluctantly, she took it. Mostly because it smelled good and, really, what could it have in it if he drank it himself?

  “Your room is up the stairs on the left. Bathrooms are there,” he pointed to a closed door next to the stairs, “And directly above that on the second floor. Deck out back wraps around the house. If you want to go for a ride on the lake, just say the word. I have a private dock below us.”

  “You’re staying with me.” It wasn’t a question.

  “Until this is worked out, yes. You’re under the club’s protection, but under mine specifically. It means everyone associated with the club -- patched members and prospects -- will protect you as if they were protecting me.”

  “Why would you do that?”

  He just looked at her. Then went back around the bar to climb the stairs. Angel followed, unsure of what else to do and needing more answers. “Don’t try to leave without me. Club members are posted in the woods watching the house. They’ll know, and they’ll stop you. I won’t be happy.”

  “Where are you going?”

  “To get some sleep. I was up all night. I suggest you get rest as well. Got a feeling you won’t get much over the next few days.”

  “What does that mean?”

  He didn’t answer. He also didn’t shut the door to his room.

  Chapter Five

  Angel sighed and turned slowly to wander across the landing to the other bedroom. She was so confused! She should be running instead of camping out with the scariest, sexiest man she’d ever met. As she quietly sat on the bed, she realized she could see straight across her room into Cain’s. He stretched before whipping off his shirt. Tattoos decorated his body along with a few scars. She had a feeling he had more than a few but she couldn’t see from this distance.

  Before her fascinated gaze, Cain rid himself of his clothing. All of it. Ignoring her, he moved around the small but spacious room. She heard the window being lifted. Then she watched him fold his clothing neatly before laying them in a nearby chair. Several times, he stretched or rubbed a muscle in his thigh or arm. Angel wanted to go to him. See what the problem was and if she could help him work it out. His lithe movements completely mesmerized her.

  Oh, who was she kidding! She just wanted an excuse to run her hands over his magnificent body. Muscles bunched and ridged the entire length of him. Washboard abs, a stunningly thick chest, brawny arms, and thick legs -- he was like an exquisite sculpture. Why that was foremost on her mind instead of escape, she had no idea. The last time she’d been in this particular situation it hadn’t worked out so well for her. Of course, she’d been drunk, probably drugged, and restrained most of the time. This time, however, she didn’t think they’d hurt her. If they’d planned on harming her, they’d have already done it. And they’d have done it humanely. With a quick slash to the throat or a clean break of her neck. They were killers, no doubt. But they didn’t needlessly torture their prey.

  Cain continued to ready himself for bed, moving around the room, gloriously naked. The hollows in the sides of his ass seemed to taunt her. As did that glorious Adonis belt. Helpless to look away, Angel watched until he sat on the edge of the bed. Through the whole thing, he ignored her, never so much as glancing her way. Every time he turned, her breath caught. He was a very large man. In all respects. And, good Lord above, he was… aroused! How she wanted to get on her knees in front of him for a better look! She wanted to explore every glorious inch of his body. And his cock. She’d run her hands up those strong thighs around to his rock-hard ass and cling as she took that long, thick cock deep…

  What the hell was wrong with her? Angel stiffened and deliberately turned her back to him. She had to get herself under control, because her raging thoughts would only end in heartache at best. If he turned out to be as psycho as Gremlin, she could end up dead.

  “You know, you could always sleep in here with me.” Cain’s voice made her shiver with need. The wicked, sinful call had her turning to take a couple steps toward him before she stopped herself. His warm chuckle told her he’d noticed.

  “I’m good,” she managed to squeak out.

  “If you change your mind, I’m right here,” he said. Angel couldn’t help but glance his way. He lounged on the bed, propped on one elbow. His cock stood out proud and ready. As she watched, he dropped his free hand to it and gave a lazy stroke.

  Angel couldn’t stifle her groan. That man was sin. Lying there with that irresistible smirk on his face, lazily pleasuring himself, he looked like Satan himself, tempting her to the dark side. She marched to the door and would have shut it.

  “Stop,” he commanded, his tone now deadly and serious. “Doors open.”

  “Why? There’s no need --”

  “If there is a problem, I need to know. Also…” He grinned at her, taking another lazy stroke. His smile in no way reached his eyes. “I want to know if you try to escape.”

  “So, you are holding me prisoner.”

  “Not at all. I’m keeping you safe.” He lay back, stretching out on the big bed, his hand still around his cock, but no longer pumping. One brawny arm was folded behind his head, one knee bent so she got a grand view of those heavy balls and that cock that was pointed due north. He didn’t try to look at her, just lay back relaxing. “I’d prefer you to be in here with me, though, not necessarily for the sole reason of keeping you safe.”

  If there was such a thing as instant meltdown, Angel was experiencing it now. The naughty images he invoked with that seductive tone of voice were nearly her undoing. She sat heavily on the bed, unable to look away from Cain’s supine form. The chuckle he emitted at her reaction infuriated her, but there was nothing she could do about it. Her body was weak.

  “Bastard,” she muttered.


  “Why? I’m nothing to you.”

  There was a silence in which Angel didn’t dare breathe. Having asked the question, she wasn’t entirely sure she wanted the answer.

  “Angel face,” he said softly, compelling her to look at him without actually ordering her to. When she did, the intensity she saw made her wish she hadn’t. “I’m being nice to you. Going slow and not taking something you’re not ready to give yet. I’ve claimed you in front of my club. That part’s done.” Dizziness swamped Angel at his words. And an unwelcome desire she knew better than to act on. “The only thing I’m waiting for is you. Once you’re ready, I’ll make you mine. My old lady. Once you wear my property patch, no MC will even look at you without risking my wrath and the wrath of my brothers.”

  “And you’d do this just to keep me safe?”

  “Not just.” He sat up then, a swift move that took her breath. He stood and stalked toward her. Muscles danced with every movement of his body. Powerful shoulders, sculpted arms and chest, rippling abs, thighs bunching with each step. It was more a stalking than a
nything as casual as walking toward her. She’d thought of him like a big cat before. This proved it. Self-preservation kicked in and she stood, ready to bolt if need be, and knowing it would be futile. “You need to understand something you’re not exactly ready for, given what you’ve been through recently. So, I’ll just say it’s in my best interest to keep you safe. I can tell you that I’ll also do everything in my power to keep you happy, so don’t worry about anyone mistreating you.”

  “You going to tell me what I’m not ready to know? Because just as you gave me the ultimatum that I had one chance to tell my story, I’m giving you this one chance to be honest with me about what you want from me.”

  “Be careful, Angel face. I know you’re not ready, but I’ll definitely tell you.”

  He took another lazy step toward her, his cock bobbing with the movement. Angel stared in fascination as it grew and pulsed before her eyes. Why was he aroused? Probably because she was a woman in his domain and at his mercy.

  She couldn’t help moistening her lips as she gazed at him. “I just need to know,” she said absently. “To know what I’m up against and what to expect.”

  Suddenly he was standing close enough for her to reach out and brush his cock with her fingers. She longed to do just that. Could nearly feel the steely length of him hot in against her fingers.

  “Why do I want to keep you safe?” His voice was a gravelly whisper, further exciting her. “Because, Angel face, you’re worth it. Precious beyond compare. I have no intention of letting you go once this is done. You’ll be mine for as long as I decide. After that, you can go wherever you want. Until then, you’ll be part of Bones. As my old lady.”

  She gasped, knowing she was reading way more into this. “You said that before. Doesn’t mean any more now than it did a minute ago. You’ll pretend I’m your old lady, then let me go when the danger has passed. You’re not telling me anything.”

  “You’re trying to make it into what you want to hear,” he said, an amused grin tugging at his lips. “I’m being literal. You’re mine, Angel.” He cocked his head, shaking it once. “Maybe I wasn’t being entirely honest. Even with myself. I said once I was done I’d let you go.” He shook his head slowly. “I’ll never be done with you. The reality is, once I fuck you, I’m keeping you.”


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