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Cain (Bones MC 1)

Page 7

by Marteeka Karland

  Then she dissolved into tears, her legs giving out. Cain held her against him securely, not even a hint he’d drop her. Instead, he scooped her up to carry her through the clubhouse.

  “Suzie. Bring Cliff and Daniel with you and come with us,” Cain commanded. Distantly, Angel recognized he hadn’t said simply, “Kids,” but used their names. Vaguely, she wondered if that was a gesture of respect. The boys, after all, had proven they were men by protecting her and Suzie.

  Angel didn’t know if they followed or not. She couldn’t think. Couldn’t concentrate on anything other than Cain and his strength and clean smell and the taste of his sweat where her lips pressed against his neck. Her mind seemed to cling to these things. Probably to cancel out everything from the common room and what she’d done.

  “Oh, God,” she whispered. “Oh, God. Oh, God!”

  “Shhh, baby,” Cain soothed. “Everything’s fine. You’re safe, and so is everyone else.”

  “Did I… did I kill him?”

  “No,” he said without hesitation. “You didn’t.” He was so quick with the denial, she had to wonder. Angel thought about that for a minute. Could she live with herself if she had killed Slash?

  Yes. She might have nightmares, but she’d been saving herself and the children, not to mention the other members of the club. Anyone could have been shot if she hadn’t done what she’d done.

  Cain sat her down on an exam table, and Angel looked at her hands. Blood was splattered up her arms. Her hands hurt where she’d pounded them into Slash’s face. She vaguely remembered it was why she’d scooted back to use her feet, kicking out, her boots connecting with his body and face. The pain for her had been less. The damage to Slash worse. At the time, she hadn’t really registered anything other than the need to hurt the man.

  Mama took her hands and examined them, gently wiping off the blood with a damp cloth. “I’ll need to clean and disinfect the cuts, dear. It might sting a little, but I’ll be as gentle as I can.”

  “I’m all right,” Angel whispered. “Do what you have to.”

  It stung, but not badly. It was easier to look at her hands once Mama had washed all the blood off. She could almost forget what she’d done. Then she flexed her fingers, and they ached. A fresh wave of tears threatened, but she bit her lip, determined to suck it up. She’d shown enough weakness in front of these people.

  “Miss Angel,” Suzie said, her voice wavering. Angel looked up, meeting Suzie’s gaze. The girl’s lip was trembling, and tears glistened in her eyes. Angel slid from the table and wrapped her arms around Suzie while they both wept. Daniel and Cliff both joined them, crying just as hard as her and Suzie. Angel put her arms around all three as best she could, doing her best to comfort all three children.

  “Everyone’s OK now,” she said over and over. She needed to reinforce that to them. They were all going to be fine. They’d make it through this together. She wasn’t going anywhere, and they were safe.

  “I’m so sorry, Miss Angel,” Daniel finally said. “This was all our fault.”

  “Honey, there was no way you could have prevented this. Slash was coming after me no matter what.”

  “You don’t understand,” Cliff said, rubbing at his eyes and wiping his nose with the back of his sleeve. “We told them where you were. Me and Daniel.”

  “I knew it, too,” Suzie said quietly, still clinging to Angel. “We thought…” She paused, sobbing.

  “We thought Bones would kill them,” Daniel said, his voice wavering as he spoke. “We wanted Bones to have to kill them.”

  “What?” Angel didn’t let go of Suzie, but knew her eyes were wide with shock when she faced the young man.

  Both Daniel and Cliff hung their heads in shame and backed away from her. Finally, Daniel looked up at her, then to Mama and Cain. “We’re sorry we got Angel in trouble, but we’re not sorry if you killed them,” he qualified, looking straight at Cain. “They was bad people.”

  Cain didn’t answer, but nodded once at the boy.

  Cliff took a breath. “We were with them before we came here,” he said. “They were mean to Suzie. Tried to get us to be mean to her, too. She’s too little to do what they…” He trailed off before turning and fleeing from the room. Out in the hall, Angel heard him retching and sobbing. Daniel looked as pale as Cliff, but managed to hold his own.

  “We know,” Cain finally said. “Data got it all before Slash and his men got here. They were hunting all of you as well.”

  “Mostly just Suzie,” Daniel muttered. “They were so mean to her.”

  “She’s safe now. So are you and Cliff.”

  The young man looked equal parts relieved and disbelieving. “You ain’t gonna kick us out for betraying you guys?”

  “No,” he said. “But I hope you’ve learned to come to us instead of taking matters into your own hands. This could have just as easily turned into a bloodbath.”

  “We didn’t exactly think it all the way through, I guess,” Daniel acknowledged. “We knew Miss Angel ran from Gremlin because we was there right after she left. They had pictures of her up all over the place so everyone would recognize her. When we got here and she showed up, we figured if Bones had to defend themselves to keep Angel away from Kiss of Death, we’d be safe too. Hopefully forever.”

  “I meant what I said,” Cain said, looking at the teens and Suzie before settling on Angel. “Angel and I are going to adopt all three of you.”

  Daniel looked excited, and then his face fell. “If you do that, we’ll be in the system. They’ll take us away before it even gets started.”

  “You leave that to me,” he said. “Just like with Kiss of Death, I’ve got your back.”

  Angel wanted to protest, but found she couldn’t. He was not only making a promise to the kids, he was making a promise to her.

  “We’ll talk about this later,” she said, lowering her own gaze. If she continued to stare into his eyes, she’d believe anything he told her. Hell, she’d just met him! Why would he even contemplate any kind of relationship with her other than sexual? Adopting three children implied marriage. While the concept of an old lady implied at least a long-term relationship, he’d said nothing about marriage.

  And why would she even want him to? They’d had sex. Sure. Sex didn’t mean they were in it for the long haul. Or even a short haul!

  Cain chuckled, shaking his head as he took her hand and kissed the palm. “You’re not talking yourself out of this before we even have a chance to discuss it,” he said.

  “Why not? Sounds like you’ve talked yourself into it before we’ve talked.”

  He grinned. “Yep.” And took her hand. “Mama, let me know if they need anything. Angel and I need to work this out.”

  “Does that mean you’re not adopting us?” Suzie’s lower lip trembled. “I guess you don’t want us after this, huh?”

  “That’s not it at all, baby,” Angel said. She tried to pull away from Cain to reassure the little girl, but he wouldn’t let her go. “Cain and I haven’t known each other that long. But I promise we’ll figure out some way to keep you legally. I don’t know how yet, but we will. You’ll never have to leave until you’re ready.” When Suzie dropped her head, slumping in defeat, she knew the child wasn’t buying it but didn’t say anything else.

  “Don’t worry, Suzie. I’ll change her mind.” When the child looked up, he winked at her, and she smiled back at him before turning to look at Angel. Probably for reassurance.

  Exasperated, Angel rolled her eyes. “We’ll talk about it,” she affirmed. “Talk.”

  “We’ll do a hell of a lot more than talk,” he said in her hair, his lips tickling her ear sensually. “Come with me.”

  * * *

  Other than making love with Angel, Cain thought there was nothing quite like the feeling of flying down an open stretch of road on his bike. The Night Train Harley was a smooth ride and, with Angel clinging to him so sweetly from behind, Cain was sure he was as close to heaven as he could be.
Other than when in bed with Angel in his arms. They were going back to his home, eventually, but he wanted to take her riding for a while. It always mellowed him out. He saw no reason it wouldn’t do the same for her.

  When they’d first started out, she’d been stiff, trying to hold herself away from him. As they’d continued down the road, she’d relaxed until she’d finally laid her face against his back and nuzzled him. He’d patted her hand affectionately, praising her.

  The sun was bright and warm. The day clear. The air fresh. His Harley purred contentedly at the extended ride, as if it had merely been waiting for the chance to soar down the highway.

  He took her on a giant circle across two counties for more than two hours before they finally pulled into his driveway. Even when he put the kickstand down and turned off the bike, neither of them got off immediately.

  “That was wonderful,” she said, her voice content as she rubbed her face against his back. “I’ve never ridden like that. In fact, the only time I’ve ever been on a bike was when you brought me here before, and then took me back to the clubhouse.”

  “It won’t be the last time, Angel,” he promised. “Let’s go inside.” He urged her off before dismounting himself, needing to have her in his arms. Needing her.

  “Cain,” she started before taking a step away, trying to put space between them.

  “No, Angel,” he said, matching her step so she was still near. “We’re going inside. I’m going to make love to you and convince you to be my old lady. If you aren’t ready for marriage just yet, I’ll work on you until you are. No matter how long it takes. Understand me, though. Me claiming you as my old lady seals the deal for me. I’ll marry you because I know you need it. Not because I consider it ‘more’ than me putting my property patch on your jacket.”

  “You don’t even know me,” she protested, but didn’t keep any distance between them. “How could you possibly know you want to marry me? Marriage is something I take very seriously. I don’t intend to get divorced once I commit my life to someone else, so I don’t intend to get married until I’m sure.”

  “I’ll make you happy, baby,” he assured. “I’ll make you so happy you can’t even imagine leaving me.”

  “And what if you get tired of me? You’re the one rushing us into this.”

  He grinned and pulled her into his arms. “Then keep me happy, too. Distract me with sex so much I can’t imagine what I’d do without you.”

  She giggled in spite of her misgivings. “You’re horrible.”

  Cain scooped her up, carrying her inside the house. “I’m serious,” he said, grinning at her as he set her on her feet, gripping her shoulders and looking straight into her eyes. Cain wanted with everything in him for her to see he meant what he was saying. “I don’t know how or why, but you got to me, Angel. Your compassion with the kids. Your willingness to help them, to care about what’s best for them despite how much you needed the job of being their teacher, proved that. You took the time to recognize their intelligence, their insecurities, and their protectiveness of each other. You also braved talking to me so I’d be aware of what you saw as limitations on your part.” He shuddered as he thought about what her ass looked like when he’d admired it as she bent over one of the kids, the prim and proper schoolmarm. “And you’re so goddamned sexy in those fuckin’ skirts of yours I can’t breathe when I see your ass in them. Makes me want to peel them off you and fuck you until neither of us can stand.”

  Angel gasped, her hands flying to his chest where her fingers curled into the muscles there. He loved that she clung to him like he was hers. Loved that she blushed when he talked dirty to her. He tilted her face up to his with his thumb, looking into those lovely dark eyes, held her gaze for a few moments, and then lowered his mouth to hers.

  Cain was amazed at how instantly he reacted to her touch. It was almost visceral and so intense he could almost convince himself she’d actually cast a spell over him. She was so soft and fresh. Innocent. Yet not. The combination drove him crazy and drew him like a fly to honey all at the same time. Her tongue darted out to meet his boldly, her little whimpers and moans growing with each second as she grew as desperate for him as he was for her.

  Finally, needing her so badly he couldn’t wait any longer, he carried her to his bedroom -- now their bedroom. Deliberately, he backed away from her to remove his clothes and was happy when she followed suit. His Angel didn’t play coy or act as if she wasn’t sure about this, she simply stood in front of him, naked. Her breasts were high and proud, dark nipples puckered in the slight breeze from the open window.

  “You scared the shit out of me when I realized you’d jumped into the fight, Angel. I saw you, and I knew I never wanted violence to ever touch you.” He reached for her, and Angel floated into his arms. Her slim arms circled his neck, her fingers threading through the hair at his neck.

  “I saw the gun,” she whispered. “Saw Slash pointing it at me and the children. I didn’t want them hurt. Couldn’t bear the thought of that ugliness touching or harming them.”

  “So you threw yourself into the fight to protect them.”

  “And you,” she whispered. “I… I don’t think I could stand it if something happened to you, and I don’t understand why. I barely know you.”

  “You feel it too,” he said, urging her to look at him once more. “You’re supposed to be with me.”

  “Maybe,” she said, grinning. “Or maybe you’re supposed to be with me.”

  Cain couldn’t help but chuckle. “Maybe I am,” he agreed. “As long as we’re together, I don’t suppose the semantics make much of a difference.” He stared into her eyes for long, long moments. “You good?”

  “I will be,” she said. “As soon as you take me to bed.”

  “With pleasure.”

  Lifting the woman of his dreams into his arms, Cain laid her on the bed and covered her with his larger frame. He speared his fingers through her hair, letting the dark strands tangle around him like a silken bond. In a way, he supposed he was bound to her. He was a warrior, needing no one but his brothers. Until Angel Black had come into his life. Now, he needed her like he needed air. She was… precious to him, worthy of his protection and that of his brothers. Looking at her now, he was struck by how determined he was to protect and cherish her.

  To love her.

  Cain trailed kisses down her body, pausing at her belly button to swirl his tongue there. She giggled, her hand going to his head. He looked up at her and nipped the flesh beneath her navel gently. Her breath caught, the smile vanishing instantly. He smirked.

  The flesh between her legs was wet and weeping. Cain stroked gently with his fingers, wetting them, then rubbing her clit in little circles. Angel’s cries spurred him on, letting him know what she wanted. She seemed to hold her breath as he hovered over her pussy, blowing gently over her fevered flesh.

  Another gentle rush of fluid from her, and Cain could wait no more. With his own ragged groan, he dipped his head to her pussy and drank. He sucked her lips, lashing them with his tongue before letting each go with a gentle pop. Her clit was swollen and nearly throbbed under his gaze, begging for his tongue, lips, and teeth. He obliged.

  When she was shrieking and writhing under him, begging him to fuck her, Cain crawled up her body and thrust into her. Her legs locked around him, her heels digging into his ass. She dug in, urging him to move faster. Harder. When she got impatient with him, she simply lifted herself to meet his thrusts.

  Slim arms and legs wrapped around him, Angel tried to take over the pace Cain had set. He let her, to a point, but he didn’t want her to climax until he had her mindless.

  “You want to come?” he growled in her ear.

  “Yes! Please!” Her little plea was the sweetest music.

  “You wait until I tell you.”

  “Cain! God!”

  He slammed into her several times before holding himself as deep as he could go, his body mashed against hers, buried deep inside her. �
��Look at me,” he growled. “Open your eyes and look into mine.”

  She took several breaths, her pussy contracting around his cock. Her muscles tempted him, trying to make him come before he was ready. Cain bit his cheek to keep from giving in. Not yet. Not until she knew she was his.

  Finally, she opened her eyes, gazing up into his with wonder and dismay. He licked her lips once, still holding her gaze. “You see now,” he whispered. “We belong together. You. Me. We’ll give those children a home. Someplace they know they will always be safe.”

  For a long time, Angel said nothing. Then she nodded slowly. Her smile, when it came, was brilliant, her eyes seeming to glow with happiness. “Yes, Cain. I think that’s a very good idea.”

  He kissed her then, pouring all the longing, lust, and budding love he had for her into that kiss. As he kissed her, he started to move again.



  Her pussy gripped him, her muscles rippling as she fought off her orgasm. He waited a couple more moments and then commanded, “Come, Angel. Come on my cock and scream my name.”

  She did. More than once.

  When the pleasure waned for her, Cain let himself go, his own orgasm overtaking him like a tidal wave. He arched his back and bellowed as his cock ejaculated hot cum inside her. The pleasure was inconceivable. Nothing in his life had ever prepared him for something as soul-searing as this. As his very essence emptied into Angel, he knew he’d given an important part of himself to her in that moment. He could see in her eyes she’d given a part of herself to him as well.

  Both of them lay there, the weight of the moment oddly freeing to Cain. When her hand came up to caress his cheek, an expression of awe on her lovely face, Cain knew she felt the same.

  “I never thought myself capable of love, Angel,” he said, not exactly sure what he was going to say but needing to work it out before the moment was lost. “But I’m falling hard for you. It’s more than possession or lust.” He stroked her face, kissing her gently before continuing. “You’re… special.”

  She smiled. “That’s right,” she said softly. “And don’t you forget it.”


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