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Evil Genius 5

Page 18

by Jacobs, Logan

  “You mean soap?” I raised an eyebrow.

  “To put it in layman’s terms, yes,” Aileen said. “Soap seems able to break the bond and render the gas harmless, but that is only the case if it comes into contact with the skin. I have not yet determined a solution for the problem of inhalation.”

  “That’s great news,” I said. “All of the Maniac’s bluster about his badass toxic gas, and it washes right off the skin with a little soap and water.”

  “There is still the problem of people who inhale the gas,” Aileen repeated. “And since it is most likely to come into contact with people through their airways rather than by their skin, that seems to be a more pressing matter.”

  “Yeah, no, I get that,” I said.

  “Then I will begin to try the usual agents that are employed in cases of ingestion,” Aileen said, “and perhaps they might prove useful in cases of inhalation as well.”

  “It’s worth a shot,” I said with a shrug. “After all, we can’t exactly distribute gas masks to every citizen in Grayville before the Maniac strikes.”

  “Then what is the plan, Creator?” my robotic assistant asked.

  “You just keep working on this for now,” I said as I heard the basement door open, “but if I know the Maniac as well as I think I do, I think we might get another clue from him that will help us stop him before the gas goes off.”

  “That would be preferable,” Aileen agreed, “but I will start with a small dose of atropine to see if it will neutralize the effects, or if I will have to move on to something else.”

  I nodded and turned to see Penumbra halfway down the stairs. The slender blonde superheroine looked a little nervous, so I just headed back to my workstation and gestured for her to follow me.

  “Norma said you needed to see me?” Penumbra asked when she floated over beside me. “I actually… well, I actually kinda wanted to talk to you, too, but like…”

  The blonde stopped herself and glanced over at Aileen.

  “Do you want to go somewhere more private?” I whispered.

  Penumbra just bit her lip and nodded.

  “Then let me just make this, and I’m all yours,” I said with a wink.

  After I fitted the blonde heroine for her mask, I quickly pieced it all together. It was my fourth one, so I was something of an expert now, but even though it didn’t take me very long, I was surprised at how quiet

  Penumbra was while I worked. Normally, she chattered on about anything and everything, but she just shifted back and forth between floating and standing, and she seemed lost in her own thoughts.

  “All done,” I said finally. “Now, let’s go have a chat, shall we?”

  I led her into the little mini-apartment that had been built off of the basement workshop by the previous owner of the mansion. There was a small bedroom with a couch along one wall, an ensuite bathroom on the other side of the room, and there was even a mini kitchen area through a door beside the bedroom closet. As soon as I led the blonde superheroine inside, I closed the door, sat down on the couch, and patted the cushion beside me.

  “Norma said that you might want to talk,” I said. “What’s going on?”

  “Oh, I know it’s probably stupid,” Penumbra sighed as she sat down next to me. “Well, not stupid, but like… I don’t know, like ridiculous?

  Maybe not ridiculous, but… ummm…”

  “Just tell me what you’re thinking,” I laughed, “and then maybe I can tell you if it’s stupid or ridiculous or anything else.”

  “Right, okay,” the blonde superheroine said with a little nod. “It’s just that I’m really nervous, and I… like, I need somebody to tell me that it’s going to be okay.”

  “Nervous about the Maniac?” I asked.

  “Yeah, about the Maniac, but also just about Grayville in general,”

  Penumbra said. “I don’t know if it’s ever been this bad before in the city…

  well, that’s not true. Grayville is actually in much better shape than it was with the Shadow Knight, but the Maniac… he’s never been this crazy right out in the open, you know?”

  “Think about it this way,” I said. “What does a wild animal do when it’s cornered?”

  “Um, it bites?” Penumbra guessed.

  “Absolutely,” I said. “If it feels threatened and like there’s no way out, it will always try to attack, so what does that tell you about the Maniac right now?”

  “That, uh, he feels cornered?” The blonde bit her lip.

  “Exactly,” I said as I let one arm rest across the back of the couch. “I obviously threw him off when I killed Slade, and now the Maniac is panicked.”

  “That makes sense,” Penumbra said, “but, um… why is he so panicked?”

  “He’s upset that he doesn’t have anybody to play his stupid little games with,” I said with a shrug, “and he’s also worried that someone might

  actually kill him now that the Shadow Knight isn’t there to protect him anymore. He’s scared shitless, so he’s lashing out.”

  “Oh, that definitely makes sense!” the blonde said and then clapped her hands together once. “Slade always did seem to look out for the Maniac more than he did for anybody else, and that included his apprentices and allies.”

  “Right, so now that Slade is dead and gone, the Maniac is completely alone,” I said, “other than those fucking assholes he keeps hiring to ambush us, anyway.”

  “Not that they’ve done him much good,” the mass manipulator giggled. “We’ve killed pretty much everybody that he’s thrown at us.”

  “And don’t forget that we got the sample of the toxic gas from one of his little henchmen, too,” I said with a smirk. “The Maniac really should have surrounded himself with people that he could trust.”

  “Yeah, but it’s not like the kind of criminals who would work for him are really shining, upstanding citizens,” Penumbra said.

  “Very true,” I said. “So don’t get me wrong. I understand why you’re nervous. That hallucinogenic gas is some scary shit, and we’re still trying to figure out exactly how he plans to release it in the city.”

  “Have you and Aileen come up with an antidote yet?” the slender blonde asked.

  “Only for skin contact,” I said, “but she’s working on solutions for inhalation, too.”

  “And do you think… do you think we’ll stop him in time?”

  Penumbra murmured. “It’s not like I want to stay in Grayville my whole life or anything, but I still don’t want anything to happen to it, you know?”

  “Are you planning to run off to some other big city without telling me?” I snickered.

  “Oh, no!” Penumbra said. “I just meant that if… like, if there was ever a reason for me to leave Grayville, then I wouldn’t mind, but--”

  “What kind of reason?” I teased.

  “Like, uh…” Penumbra trailed off.

  “Like if I asked you to come with me?” I raised an eyebrow.

  “Oh!” The blonde bit her lip again. “Um… yeah. But I know that Grayville is where I grew up and everything, so I don’t want to just leave it, and I know that’s why we’re trying to save it, but--”

  “Slow down,” I laughed. “Grayville is gonna be fine, and so are you.”

  “How do you know?” Penumbra asked.

  “Because I know the Maniac,” I said, “and I know my team, and most importantly, I know myself.”

  “Well, I know you can definitely handle him,” the slender blonde said. “You’re more of a superhero than Slade ever was.”

  “I prefer the term ‘evil genius,’ just so you know,” I snickered and then scooted forward a little closer to her on the couch.

  “I know you can take him,” Penumbra said as she looked up at me with her pale blue eyes, “but I guess I just, like, needed some reassurance or something.”

  “Or something?” I smirked. “Penumbra, are you sure that’s all you wanted to come down here and talk about? Or was there something else that you
wanted to tell me?”

  “Well,” the blonde began as she scooted closer to me, too, until her knee brushed against mine, “you should probably know that my, um… well, my real name is Veronica Bard.”

  “I know,” I replied with a smile, “but thanks for telling me, anyway.”

  “You know?” Penumbra demanded. “How did you know?”

  “Like I said, I know my team,” I laughed, “and that means I was sure to do my research on everyone, and that includes you, Miss Veronica Bard.”

  “Oh,” the blonde superheroine said as her cheeks turned pink. “Well, then you can probably guess the rest of what I want to tell you, too.”

  “If I had to guess,” I said with a smirk, “I’d say that it probably is more about something that you want to do instead of something that you want to say.”

  “It might be both,” Penumbra admitted. “I want to tell you something, but like… it’s because I want to do something to you. I mean, with you! Or like… for you?”

  “I’m listening,” I said with a grin, because I already knew exactly what she was going to say.

  “Oh, my god, I can’t,” Penumbra said. “It’s so embarrassing that I could just die.”

  “Well, now, you’ve gotta say it,” I snickered.

  “Okay, but promise you won’t laugh,” the blonde said.

  “I will absolutely not make any such promise,” I said. “Now tell me.”

  “So I know that I’ve, like, flirted with you a lot and everything, but, uh…” Penumbra hesitated. “Okay, so the thing is… I’ve never done this before.”

  “You mean you’ve never sat on a couch with a billionaire in a private room before?” I grinned.

  “Well, no…” Penumbra bit her lip. “But I actually meant, um…


  The blonde superheroine suddenly leaned forward and kissed me on the lips. As soon as her mouth pressed against mine, I slid my hand into her silky blonde hair and pulled her closer to me. Her lips were soft and tasted like strawberries, and as I slowly began to run my tongue between her lips to coax her mouth open, Penumbra moaned and rested her hands on my thighs.

  “Miles…” she murmured and then pulled away from me.

  “Hm?” I asked.

  “You should probably know…” Penumbra gulped. “I’ve never even kissed anybody before.”

  “Well, you have now,” I snickered. “I know you’ve wanted this for a long time, Veronica, so don’t worry. I’ll go slow at first.”

  “But do we, uh… you know, have time?” the blonde asked. “With the Maniac and everything?”

  “Oh, there’s always time for this,” I said. “Trust me on that.”

  “So that means that you really…” Penumbra hesitated. “You really want me?”

  “Hell, yes, I want you,” I laughed. “You’re gorgeous, you’re smart, you’re fantastic in a fight, and you’re a perfect addition to my team.”

  “Smart?” she whispered. “You think I’m smart?”

  “How many super villains have you killed?” I purred. “Did you just beat them to death or did you cleverly use your amazing powers to take them down?”

  “I guess I used my powers to… beat them.” She flushed a darker shade of red.

  “See?” I said. “Maybe Shadow Knight got his rocks off by putting you down, but I think you are clever and powerful.”

  “Only thanks to you,” the blonde giggled. “Without you, I would never have been able to figure out how to use my powers, and I definitely wouldn’t have the courage to, uh, do this again.”

  Penumbra leaned forward to kiss me again, and this time, I skimmed my other hand down her arm before I reached out to grab her slender waist.

  As she leaned deeper into our kiss, I felt her tongue slide forward against my own, so I let us both explore each other until Penumbra’s hands started to slide up my thighs.

  She started to unbutton my pants, but I grabbed her hands and held them still.

  “Not so fast,” I said. “Since this is your first time and all, it means you get to go first in everything.”

  “What do you mean?” Penumbra swallowed.

  “You’ll see,” I said with a wink.

  I gave her one more quick kiss on the lips, and then I knelt down on the carpet in front of her. I unzipped and pulled her shorts off, pushed her back against the cushions of the couch, and then adjusted my position until my face was directly in front of her waiting entrance.

  “Well, aren’t you pretty?” I smirked as I looked at her clean-shaven pussy.

  Her bare lips were small and looked like a flower that just needed to be coaxed open, but before I started, I looked back up at the blonde superheroine with a smile.

  “You ready?” I asked.

  “Yes, please,” Penumbra murmured and then bit her lip.

  I bent forward on my knees and slowly started to kiss all along the edges of her pussy. I ran my tongue in smooth little lines along either side of her narrow lips, and every time I reached the top, I flicked my tongue up and around her clit in a wide circle.

  “Oh, my god,” the blonde moaned. “Fuck, Miles, why does that feel so good?”

  I just grinned and kept going. The more I kissed and licked her smooth entrance, the more I could feel her get wet for me, but I wanted to really get her good and ready before I fucked her, and that meant I needed to make her come right off the bat.

  When I felt like she was nice and drenched, I started to slide my tongue inside her velvety tunnel, and that just made the blonde moan even louder. I ran my tongue all along the walls of her smooth pussy, and then every few seconds, I pulled my tongue out and flicked it in another circle around her clit.

  It was easy to get into a rhythm with it, especially as Penumbra began to breathe in sync with the movements of my tongue. Every time I thrust my tongue into her pussy, she inhaled, and whenever I kissed her clit, she exhaled so heavily that it was like she had forgotten that she could breathe.

  When her breaths started to come a little faster, I just kept shifting back and forth between her pussy and her clit, so her breathing could slowly build itself up to a grand climax. Penumbra’s body suddenly started to float up away from the couch cushions, and I knew that was the cue that she was

  about to come for me, so I wrapped my arms around her slender thighs to keep her in place and then just kept kissing and licking her smooth pussy.

  “Ohhh!” the blonde gasped. “Oh, Miiiiles!”

  As she cried out my name, her legs quivered and trembled against me, but I kept my face licking exactly where it was until her whole body finally stopped quivering, and she collapsed back against the cushions of the couch.

  When she kaid still again, I licked up the last of her sweet juices from her dripping entrance, and then I rocked back on my heels to look up at her.

  “So what do you think?” I grinned. “Not bad for your first time, is it?”

  “Holy shit, Miles,” Penumbra panted. “I’ve never felt anything like that before. That was amazing, thank you.”

  “Oh, that was just foreplay,” I said. “Now we’re about to start the main event.”

  “Does that mean--” Penumbra stopped herself, bit her lip, and then continued. “Does that mean I can come again like that?”

  “Oh, yeah,” I said. “I plan to make you come two more times for me, actually, so you better buckle up.”

  “Oh!” The blonde superheroine smiled. “Where do you want me, Miles?”

  “First, I want you to take off that shirt,” I said, “and then I want you to sit on my lap.”

  “Whatever you say,” Penumbra giggled again.

  As the slender blonde leaned forward to take her shirt off, I stood up, shrugged off my own shirt, and slipped out of my pants in one quick move.

  By the time I had my clothes off, so did Penumbra, so I pulled her to her feet off the couch and let myself look at her. Of course, from the way that her gaze wandered up and down my body, I had a feeling that Penumb
ra wouldn’t mind if we just looked at each other all afternoon.

  But I wanted to do a little more than just look at each other.

  The blonde was almost as pale as Elizabeth, but everything about her was more slender and less muscular. She was still strong, but her muscles were lean and designed for speed in the air rather than for sheer power. Her ass was firm and tight as I slid my hands around to cup it, but her teardrop-shaped breasts were even bigger than they looked inside her usual costume, especially when she pressed them up against my bare chest now.

  “Come here,” I growled as I leaned down to kiss her and then lifted her up into the air by her firm ass.

  I turned around, sat down on the couch, and then pulled her down onto my lap, so her knees dug into the cushions on either side of me. I kissed her again and felt my cock stiffen at the feeling of the beautiful blonde on my lap, so I pressed my tip up against her slick entrance but held her up by her waist so I wouldn’t slide inside her all at once.

  “Um, Miles?” Penumbra whispered. “I really… and I mean, really, really want you inside of me, but I kinda also want to…”

  I held the tip of my cock just against her soft pussy lips and waited for her to finish.

  “It is my first time, you know,” the blonde said, “so I don’t really think it’s fair that you got to go down on me, when I also want to, um, go down on you.”

  “Nobody’s stopping you,” I said with a smile. “You go right ahead and do whatever you want.”

  “Okay,” Penumbra said as she slid off my lap and onto her knees in front of me. “But you might have to, uhhh… help me a little. I want to make you happy, but I don’t really know what—”

  “I won’t leave you in the lurch,” I laughed. “Why don’t you just kiss it first, and we’ll take it from there?”

  The slender blonde reached up to grip my hard shaft, and then she lowered her lips down over just the tip. She let her mouth run all over the end of my cock, and as she got a little more used to it, she started to add in her tongue, until she slid her whole mouth up and down the tip of my shaft.

  “Fuck, that feels good. You are a natural.” I purred as I gently clasped the back of her head and started to pull her down a little further onto my dick.


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