Ruthless (The Clans Book 8)
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The Clans #8
Iris Sweetwater & Elizabeth Knox
Available Now From
Elizabeth Knox
Series: Skulls Renegade
First Generation: A Skulls Renegade MC Boxset
Series: The Clans with Iris Sweetwater
The Trade
Love is War
Series: Steele Bros.
Tough as Steele
Stripping a Steele
Protecting a Steele
Series: Reapers MC
Here Kitty, Kitty
Sin City Fets with Linny Lawless
Full Throttle with Erin Trejo
Against All Odds
Coming Soon From
Elizabeth Knox
(Reapers MC #7)
Forbidden Love
(Mackenzies #1)
Tempt Me
(Crave #1)
(The Clans #9)
Available Now From
Iris Sweetwater
Series: Brothers of Fang
The New Alpha
Blood Betrayal
The Heart of the Pack
The Power of the Hybrid
Series: The Clans with ELIZABETH KNOX
The Trade
Love is War
Series: Quarter Kings MC with Kasandra Sheckles
Series: Red Crows MC
One Way Out
Texas Roze
Nicodemus’ Master
Coming Soon From
Iris Sweetwater
Covert with Elizabeth Knox
Embracing Salvation
Yetti with Kasandra Sheckles
Prison for Juvenile Monsters with Rae B. Lake
This book is a work of fiction. The names, characters, places, and incidents are all products of the author’s imagination and are not to be construed as real. Any resemblances to persons, organizations, events, or locales are entirely coincidental.
Shattered. Copyright © 2019 by Elizabeth Knox & Iris Sweetwater. All rights reserved. No part of this book may be used or reproduced in any manner whatsoever without written permission from the author, except in the case of brief “s used in articles or reviews. For information, contact E. Knox & I. Sweetwater.
Cover design by Clarise Tan, CT Cover Creations
Editing by Raven Heidrich, Hydra Productions
Formatting by Raven Heidrich, Hydra Productions
Proofreading by Jackie Ziegler, Knox Publishing
Photography by Golden Czermak, FuriousFotog
Modeling by Katie Marie
Table of Contents
9 months ago . . .
Chapter 1
Present Day
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
9 months ago . . .
Part of me can’t believe I’m here, or that I’m actually doing this. I’m in a room with my father, brother and sister-in-law, waiting to be called into what I assume will be a conference room. “Are you alright?” Aria asks, placing her hand over my arm.
“I don’t know how you want me to answer that. This isn’t exactly something I’m typically used to.” I mutter lowly, careful that my father doesn’t hear my frustration. I can be aggravated with him; however, it wouldn’t do me any good. I agreed to this. I one-hundred percent agreed to do this because it gave me the one thing I craved more than anything else— freedom.
Ironic, isn’t it? Marrying a man and unifying our family business with arguably the largest mafia in the world gives me freedom. Most would think it is just another way to trap me, but I’ve been promised it’s not the case. You see, I agreed to marry a man from the clans because I wanted independence from my family. More specifically, my father.
I was able to earn it by agreeing to marry one of the single clan leaders, and in turn I received my payment in the form of a restaurant. Owning a legitimate business has always been my life’s dream, although it’s not typical in an Italian family for women to hold any power.
Even though I knew this day was vastly approaching I wasn’t nervous until this moment. Until we were all put in a room to sit amongst ourselves until someone came to fetch us and take us into wherever the meeting will be held.
“You will be fine. Philippe is a sweet man, very kind and caring. Out of all the men to choose from, he is the best match for you.” Aria reassures me with a soft smile.
I clasp my hands together and smile, taking in a deep breath to calm my nerves. “Yes, of course. You’re right. However, we haven’t been officially informed my match is Philippe.”
The door to the room we’re in comes open and Ion, the king of the Rom
anian clans, reveals himself. “I’ll show you all where to go. Aria, you’ll be happy to know that your brother was able to make it in for the meeting.”
I glance over to Aria and catch a smile cross her face. She doesn’t get the opportunity to see Marcel very often, so this will be a good day for her. “Great. I’m sure he’s next on your list to marry off.” She adds with a giggle at the end, taking Salvatore’s hand in the process.
Ion furrows his brows, “We don’t have a list.”
“Mhm,” She responds, her tone telling us all how she doesn’t believe that whatsoever.
Ion turns around and we all follow him as he turns down the hall and opens another set of doors. For a moment I thought we’d be the first ones in the room, but see almost everyone is here. There are just a few empty seats on the opposite side of the table. “Looks like we’re still waiting for Stefan and Presley to get back here. Mariana, will you go see if they’re here?”
“Certainly. Usually Stefan is ridiculously early.” Mariana passes us by. She’s a complete vision to say the least. Dressed in an extravagant black gown that hugs her stomach a bit tightly. I don’t think that’s fat under her dress either.
“Make yourselves comfortable. Looks like I’ve lost a couple members as well. I’ll be back in a few minutes.” Ion says, as he exits the room as well. I’m naturally assuming he’s looking for the others who haven’t arrived yet.
I look to my brother, Salvatore, and try to hide my nervousness behind my strength. I’ve known what to expect on this day from the moment my father brought this to me. I still haven’t told my mother about the marriage, nor has father. He doesn’t want her to screw up the potential of this alliance. My mother is very old fashioned, wanting me to only marry an Italian man. When my oldest brother, Lorenzo brought home a Russian girl she almost had a stroke.
Salvatore releases Aria’s hand and I see her walk over to her brother, Marcel. My own brother comes to me, putting a hand on my shoulder. “You look as if you’re ready to light this room on fire.”
I chuckle lowly, “You never can tell with me, brother.”
Salvatore dips his head close to my ear and whispers, “That’s the Carla we all know and love. I know you better than anyone else. I can see even through the mask you’ve put on you’re afraid. Just know you don’t have to go through with this if you don’t want to. We can always figure something else out.”
I pull away from Sal, look him straight in the eyes and show him while I may be nervous— I am not afraid. “I don’t need my big brother to rescue me. I have chosen this for myself and will accept whatever comes my way. I’m Carlotta Antonette Moretti. I’m not a pussy bitch.” I make sure to keep my tone low so no one can eavesdrop on us and my brother nods, understanding there will be nothing he says that will change my mind.
I know Sal, and I know how he hates that our father used me as a pawn in his own game. He’s told me how much he loathes it over wine at the house. The big brother in him wants to save me from this, but he can’t. I’m my own woman, and more than that, I’m an adult who is fully capable of making her own decisions.
A couple of men come into the room and take a seat, one of them is Philippe. I can tell from the social media stalking I’ve been doing. Jesus, he’s even more handsome in person. I re-direct my eyes from his but after our gaze was caught in the others for quite a few moments. I didn’t miss the way he looked me up and down, though. I’m guessing this green dress was a perfect choice for today’s event. Philippe goes over to another man and I see they begin to chat just as Ion returns with Mariana and a couple who have a small baby.
“Everyone please take a seat,” Ion booms out his order, commanding everyone in the room. We all do as he says, taking our seats at the table. I take a seat across from the couple who just walked in, and we’re next to Mariana and Ion. My father takes a seat beside me and I see Salvatore and Aria take a seat next to Marcel. “I’m sure you’ve all seen we have company. This is Stefano Moretti, the kingpin of the Arcane. Beside him is his lovely daughter, Carla. I’m excited to announce the unification between our two families. This has been a long time coming and I firmly believe that we will have a mutually beneficial relationship. Stefano has arranged for Carla to marry one of our head clan members. You all know I am not one for these types of traditions. In all honesty, I believe they are something that should be abolished. But change does not happen overnight and I’ve accepted that. Carla, it gives me great pleasure to welcome you into our family.
“Have you officially selected my husband to be?” I ask, not meaning to add saltiness to my tone, but I don’t think anyone here can miss it. My sass naturally comes out.
Mariana laughs, “Yes. We have. Philippe, would you please stand?”
A huge flow of relief washes over me when I see him stand. I’ve only been told amazing things about him, mostly hearing about his compassion, kindness and big heart.
I see him fighting to hold back a smile, “You’re even more beautiful in person, Carla.”
Oh, so he’s done some social media stalking as well. I like him already. “Shit, pictures don’t do him justice.” I mutter under my breath, not realizing my thoughts came out of my head.
Mariana lets out a chortle before clearing her throat, “One year from today we will unite our families in the most sacred of ways. Philippe Sala and Carlotta Moretti will be married, and I expect each one of us to be there. Even the smallest ones.
Philippe’s eyes don’t waver from mine, sticking to me like glue. I suck in a breath because I’m pretty sure I’m the one who’s in for a wild ride.
Chapter 1
Present Day
I lean back in my office chair, staring outside into the town square of Marienplatz, which is a neighborhood in Munich. My apartment is located directly across the street from some of the most beautiful architecture I’ve ever seen in my entire life. My father was assigned to Germany when the clans had a shift thirty something years ago and so we moved here. Back then I was a mere child and hated every bit of it, but now I’m more grateful. The city is beautiful, filled with history and some of the most authentic people I’ve ever met.
My eyes scan over the citizens of Munich who travel through the streets and the tourists who take in our city and all its beauty. They’re quite easy to spot, staring up at the regal buildings. I want to continue leaning back in my chair, looking down on to the streets but I can’t. Unfortunately, I’m pressed for time and since work has been keeping me busy over the last few days I don’t have a moment to spare.
I stand up and walk across my study to the door, open it and come face-to-face with my assistant, Luna. “Oh! I was just coming in to discuss some things with you. Are you stopping for the day?”
“Yes. I have to get ready to fly out to Seattle.”
Luna scrunches up her nose. “Even though I’m your assistant I have to admit you leaving slipped through my mind. I didn’t realize the time was passing so quickly.”
I nod, “Yeah. The time went fast,” I reflect on how rapidly the last nine months have gone. I’ve kept myself insanely busy with clan matters, focusing every day on getting as much work done as I could. After all, I knew the moment I flew out to Seattle my focus would need to be on my fiancée. We’ve only seen each other once and I haven’t spoken to her except for that day. I’d thought about messaging her online and getting to know her like Leon and Bethany did, though it seemed too millennial for me. I’m an old-fashioned type of man who appreciates small gestures. I don’t want to learn about my future wife through lurking on her social media profiles, but instead to be with her and discover what makes her tick.
I sigh, not realizing what I’ve done until Luna brings it up. “You don’t want to go.” She states, and she isn’t wrong. I’d much rather stay back here and work. Call it avoidance, I just don’t want Carla to think I’m something I’m not.
“No, not really.” I admit.
“Why go? Stay here.”
/> Luna has been working for me the last four years. She’s just a girl from the Czech Republic who moved to Germany to start a new life. From my understanding her father was sick when she was a child and still is to this day. Because of it she was never able to really have any sense of adventure. I remember the day I hired her, how I informed her that my job required me to travel to different countries and I’d need her to accompany me to them. Her eyes lit up with excitement and that’s when she told me her story, how she wanted to travel the world and see everything it had to offer. She’s been a great assistant ever since and I’m lucky to have her on my team.
“I don’t have a choice in the matter. I’m going to see my fiancée.”
“Ah, I thought you were going for work. I forgot about your ghost of a fiancée.” She laughs at the end, but the way she laughs makes me feel like she’s a bit uncomfortable.
“No, I’ll be in Seattle for two weeks to spend some time with Carla before I fly back into Munich. It isn’t much time, but it’ll give us a chance to get to know one another.”
Luna’s eyes drift down to the floor, causing me to think she’s a bit disappointed. She’s been a complete workaholic the entire time I’ve known her. I place my hand on her shoulder and give her a squeeze, “Relax, Luna. Take the next two weeks to go to the spa, shopping, see more of Munich you haven’t discovered yet. It’ll be like a vacation of sorts.”
“Vacation? Oh, no. Someone has to keep things in order while you’re away with your beloved.” She laughs, tossing her head back. As she does it, her wispy platinum blonde hair falls from her clip and spans down her back. It reminds me of a commercial you’d see on television for a hair product.
I bend down and retrieve her clip, handing it to her before I stand back up. “I mean it, Luna. Have a good time while I’m away. Don’t be coming in here checking in to see how things are going. I have other members of my staff on that. If I’m taking a break, you surely deserve one as well.”
Luna smiles lowly before going back to her usual resting bitch face expression. I don’t think she means to do it, but it’s what I enjoy about her. She never lets her own feelings filter into anything work related. “I will try. Thank you for caring. Does your flight leave soon?”