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ICE on FIRE: Knights of Silence MC

Page 12

by Amy Cecil

  As I walked through the crowd of people, I overheard some people talking about him. They were telling stories and remembering him. I realized then that they were not celebrating his death, they were celebrating his life. After that realization, I began to relax and join in on the celebration.

  The party progressed into the night and it began getting late. By then I was ready to go back to Caden’s house. Hawk approached me and said, “You doing ok, sweetheart?”

  I smiled and said, “Yeah, I’m just a little tired.”

  “I bet you are. How about I have one of the prospects take you home? This party is sure to go into the late hours of the night, and you are most definitely not expected to stay for the duration.”

  I thought about it for a minute and then nodded. “I’d like that. What about Ari and Honey? Are they going to stay?”

  He looked around the room and said, “Let me see if they are ready to go. Hang tight for a minute.” He stepped away.

  A few minutes later he came back with Rebel, Tiny, and Ari. “Honey is going to stick around for a while. I’ll make sure she gets home safe. Tiny is going to take you back in the truck, and Rebel and Ari are going to go on his bike. I want Rebel to stay with you both, so he will remain at the house.”

  I looked over to Rebel and said, “I’m sorry for ruining your night, Rebel.”

  He glanced at Ari and replied, “I’m not. I’m ready to go too.”

  “Alright then,” I said. I glanced at Tiny and continued, “I’m ready when you are.”

  “Then let’s go, Miss Emma,” he replied.

  Why does he insist on calling me Miss Emma? I’ve told him so many times to just call me Emma, but he never does. I give up.

  About thirty minutes later we were pulling into the driveway at Caden’s house. I realized I needed to stop thinking about the house as just Caden’s house—after what Hawk told me and my conversation with Cade the other night, it was clear that it was now my house, too.

  As we walked into the house, my cell phone started to ring. The day before, Rebel had taken me to the Verizon store to get a new phone. Luckily, all of my contacts and pictures were backed up, so I was able to get everything back. I looked at the caller id: my mom was calling. Holy shit, I haven’t spoken to her in two weeks! I need to answer this.

  “Hey, Mom. How are you?” I said into the phone.

  “Emma, where have you been? I’ve been trying to reach you for two weeks. Your father and I have been so worried,” she said.

  “I know, Mom, I’m sorry. Things have been really crazy for me and I’m really sorry for not calling you to check in.”

  “Sweetheart, you never returned my calls or my texts. That’s not like you.”

  “I lost my phone, and I just got a new one yesterday. But I should have called. My bad.”

  “So everything is alright?” she asked. She added, “You said things have been crazy. What’s going on?”

  “Mom, I can’t go into the details right now. Just know that I am ok. No, actually, I’m not ok, I’m great! I have so much to tell you and Dad, but I can’t right now. I promise, when the dust settles and things get back to normal, I will fill you both in on everything.”

  I could tell that she wanted to press me for information, but she didn’t. She was quiet for a moment and then said, “Ok, dear. As long as you are ok.” She paused and then added, “Why don’t you come by Sunday for dinner? We’d love to see you.”

  “That’s not going to work, Mom, but I promise I’ll come by soon. I have to go now. I love you. Please give Dad my love too.”

  Sounding a bit annoyed, she replied hesitantly, “Okay, dear. Take care of yourself and don’t be a stranger. We love you too.”

  I’d done my best to appease my mom, but I also wanted to rush her off the phone. Still, she was right; I should have at least let her know I was ok. I’d just gotten so wrapped up in everything going on that the thought had never crossed my mind.

  After I hung up the phone, I noticed Rebel looking at me curiously. “What?” I asked.

  He smiled. “Nothing. I was just thinking how nice it would be to talk to my mom,” he replied.

  “Well, why don’t you call her?” I asked. Just then, Ari reached over to him and touched his arm. He glanced at her warmly, then put his hand over hers and held it there. It was such a sweet gesture that it almost brought tears to my eyes.

  “I can’t,” he said sadly.

  I thought, Oh no, I didn’t even think when I said that. Has his mom passed away?

  He then added, “I haven’t spoken to either of my parents in almost four years now. Not because of anything that went down between us, just because of things back home that they are involved in.” He paused, then continued, “I don’t even know if they are still alive.”

  “Oh Rebel, I’m so sorry. I didn’t know.”

  “It’s ok. When my parents sent me to the US, they thought it was for the best. They are heavily involved in the Irish Republican Army, and they just didn’t think it would be the best environment for a young man. I guess they wanted better for me or something. They contacted Ace, and with his help, I came here. Unfortunately, by the time I actually got to the states, Ace had already been killed. That’s when I met Ice,” he said.

  “Hawk told me about the night you and Caden met.” I left it at that, I really didn’t want to bring up the details of that night. He didn’t say anything about it either. “So why haven’t you called your mom or dad?” I asked.

  “I’ve tried, but the numbers I had for them are no longer working. Shit was going down big time when I left and I am sure they had to change all their contact information as a result. I worry about them, but I am sure that someday I will see them again, either here or in Belfast.”

  “I hope so too.” I hadn’t known any of this about Rebel. It went a long way towards explaining why he always seemed so different from the other brothers in the club.

  “Well, if you two don’t mind, I think I am going to go to bed. I’m beat,” I said to Rebel and Ari. “Sweet dreams, you two.”

  I was already halfway up the stairs when they replied, “Sweet dreams, Emma.”

  Chapter 17


  After Emma went to bed, I got up from the barstool that I was sitting on and stood next to Ari. Holding out my hand, I said, “Hey beautiful, why don’t you come sit with me on the couch for a bit?” Without hesitation, she took my hand and we walked over to the couch. I situated myself in the corner and she snuggled up against me. We sat there for several minutes, finally able to relax after all the chaos of the last few days. I was enjoying the quiet, enjoying having my girl lying here with me. I’d never had that before.

  “I’m sorry about your mom and dad,” Ari whispered.

  I pulled her closer into a hug and said, “Don’t be, sweetheart. They are very passionate about what they’re doing. It’s the life they have chosen. I don’t begrudge them anything and I know that they are still alive. I will see them again.”

  “I know, but it just makes me sad that you are alone.”

  “Baby, I am far from alone. I have you, first and foremost, but I also have the club. That’s a pretty big fucking family if you ask me. Don’t ya think?” I asked.

  “Yeah, I guess you are right.” She paused for a moment and then added, “It kinda reminds me of Caden and me when our parents died. We didn’t have anybody either, and then the club came along and we had this huge family. I didn’t understand it all back then; I was only ten. But now, after all these years, I realize that this entire club, all these brothers and old ladies, they really are my family.”

  “You got that right, darl’n. And there is not one person who belongs to this club that would not lay down their life for you or your brother.”

  “I know.” She snuggled up closer to me and all I could think about was taking her to bed. However, the timing was way off. It was not where I wanted our first time to be. I wanted it to be special for us both. Not in her brother’s
house, where we’d be sharing it with the rest of the world. So it wasn’t happening. Instead, I leaned down and kissed her on her head.

  We sat there for several minutes and then her breathing changed. She had fallen asleep. I eased my way out from beneath her and she woke, but barely. It was like she was still asleep, only with her eyes open. I scooped her up into my arms and carried her off to bed.

  I laid her down on the bed and she stirred slightly. I turned to leave and heard her murmur in her sleep, “Please don’t go, Fire.” Everything inside of me wanted to stay, but I felt that it was important for Ice to hear about my relationship with Ari from me first. Any other way just didn’t seem right.

  I walked over to the bed and kissed her on the cheek. “Not tonight, beautiful. Sweet dreams.” I watched her for a couple of minutes, thinking, what a lucky son of a bitch I am that this beautiful woman loves me. I will make damn sure that I am worthy of her every day for the rest of my life.

  I stepped out of Ari’s room just as Hawk and Honey were walking in the front door. Hawk looked at me curiously, as if I was up to no good. It pissed me off. He had no right jumping to conclusions. Defensively, I asked, “What?!”

  “Isn’t that Ari’s room you just walked out of?” he asked smugly.

  “Fuck you, Hawk. She fell asleep on the couch. I carried her to bed. End of story. Get your fuckin’ mind out of the gutter.”

  “Yeah, right. Wait until Ice finds out you have been banging his sister.”

  Hawk was really pissing me off. At that moment, I didn’t care if he was my acting president or my vice president, he was talking about shit he didn’t know anything about. I got up in his face and said, “Look, motherfucker. You’re talking about stuff you know nothing about. Until you get your facts straight, I suggest you keep your fuckin’ mouth shut. You got me?”

  Hawk pushed me away and said angrily, “You better remember who you are talking to.”

  “Fuck you! I don’t give a fuck who you are, and neither will Ice—especially if he hears you talking shit about his kid sister.”

  He started to speak, but Honey jumped between us and said, “Boys, enough! Hawk, get yourself a beer and cool off. Rebel, you pour yourself a drink, too. You are both acting like a couple of ten-year-olds. Enough is enough! Ice would be pissed at you both, hearing you talk like this.” She looked over at me and said, “Grow up, Rebel!” She then turned to Hawk and said, “And you! Go get laid and unwind. You have been wound tighter than a fucking top recently.” She scowled at both of us and added, “If you two don’t straighten up, I’ll put you both over my knee. And don’t think I can’t do it!” She stomped off towards her bedroom.

  Hawk got himself a beer and sat down at the bar. He said, “Hey man, she’s right. I’m sorry, brother. I jumped to conclusions and I shouldn’t have. And I do fucking need to get laid!”

  “Fuck, we both do!” I agreed.

  “We cool?” he asked.

  “Yeah, bro, we’re cool.” I sat down at the bar with a shot of bourbon. “So, how was the rest of the party?”

  Shaking his head, he said, “Still fucking going on. Those fuckers like to party. But Honey was ready to go, and I was getting tired myself. I can’t party like that anymore, I’m too fucking old.” He laughed.

  “You got that right, old man!” I said.

  “Fuck you, Rebel!” he said.

  “Hey, remember what Honey said—you don’t want her coming out here and putting you over her knee!” I laughed.

  He shrugged. Under his breath, he muttered, “Maybe I do.”

  Well hell, I didn’t see that coming. I figured it would probably be best if I did not respond to that. Hopefully he’d be able to work that shit out.

  We finished our drinks in silence, and then Hawk got up to leave. “Catch ya later, bro.”

  “Yeah man, see you tomorrow.”

  After Hawk left, I did my final check on the house. When I was sure the girls were locked in safely, I turned in myself. It had been a long and exhausting day.

  Chapter 18


  It’d been several weeks since my memorial service, and the time away from my family was killing me. But I knew how important it was to lay low during this time. I had spoken to Rebel several times, just to check in and see how the girls were doing. He’d assured me that they were in good hands. I’d also been watching the Satans, learning their routines and looking for the most opportune time to make contact with Gypsy, their president.

  After watching them for several days, I decided my best bet would be to have Hawk set up a meet with them. As much as I wanted it to be just Gypsy and me, I knew others would have to be there too. If I just approached him and caught him off guard, I could easily find myself dead before I even had a chance to talk to him.

  Before I let Hawk and Rebel in on my plan, I had to think through every detail. Nothing could go wrong with this. Too much was riding on it, including my life and my future. I went back to the shithole hotel I was staying at and began working things out. When I was finally comfortable with the majority of my plan, I called Rebel. He answered on the first ring.

  “The girls are fine!” he said, exasperated.

  Fuck him, I don’t check in that much. Do I? Hell, I probably do. It must drive him absolutely insane. Well, fuck that shit. Those three girls mean the world to me.

  “Fuck you! That’s not why I’m calling, asshole,” I said into the phone. “I’m ready to make my move with the Satans, but I need your and Hawk’s help. Meet me at the Motel 6 in Wattsburg at noon. I’m in room 24. Park your bikes in the back and try not to draw any attention to yourselves. Or better yet, come in the truck.”

  “I think you are being a little paranoid, man,” Rebel said.

  Sure, that’s easy for him to say. It’s not his life on the line.

  “Never mind how paranoid I’m being. You can never be too careful. I’ll see you both at noon.” I hung up the phone.

  I had a few hours to get some sleep. I’d been up all night playing this out in my head and on the shitty notepaper the hotel provided. It had to work. It just had to.

  Three hours later, my alarm went off. It was time to get up and get this shit done. I showered and got ready, waiting for my boys. At 12:05, there was a knock on the door. I looked out, it was them. I opened the door, and before I could catch my breath, Hawk pulled me into an embrace. “What the hell, man?” I said.

  He backed away, cleared his throat, and said, “Hey, sorry. It’s just good to see you alive and well. I mean, I knew you were alive, but going through all the motions the last several weeks, planning your wake … well, it just fucks with your head. Ya know?” Rebel and I stared at Hawk, and then we both started to laugh.

  “You’re such a pussy!” I said as I continued to laugh.

  “Fuck you both!” Hawk said. “I don’t give a shit what you guys think. So I’m a fucking pussy for being glad that my best friend and prez is alive. I’ll admit it.”

  Damn, he needs to get laid, I thought to myself. He was wound tighter than a fucking top.

  “Take a seat.” I gestured to the luxury seating I had in my posh hotel room: two kitchen-type metal chairs around a very small table with nicks and chips on the table in various locations, a very uncomfortable living room chair, and a single bed with an obvious hole in the center. “I’ve been thinking about this for the last several days now, and I think it would be best if Hawk makes contact with Gypsy. Call him and set up a meet. Tell him that you want to discuss the future of our two clubs. Try to be diplomatic, but encourage him not to bring his entire entourage. I don’t want a fucking army there. But make sure Skid is there.” I looked over to Rebel. “I want you at this meeting, brother.” I thought for a moment and then added, “Ryder too. Nobody else.”

  “And what am I supposed to discuss at this meeting?” Hawk asked.

  “Yeah, Ice, what’s this meeting gonna be about?” Rebel asked.

  “You are not going to discuss anything. I am. You
are just gonna get them there. The last thing I need to do is take Gypsy off guard. He thinks I’m dead. I can’t just walk up to him on the fucking street.”

  “So you are going to be at this meeting as well?” Hawk asked.

  “Oh yeah, I’ll be there. We need to pick neutral territory. Any suggestions?” I asked.

  “What about Kandi’s?” Rebel suggested.

  I shook my head. “Not very neutral territory for the Satans.”

  “Oh yeah, right,” Rebel said.

  “What about Jimmy’s? Don’t they have an old warehouse behind them that is abandoned? I think Jimmy owns it. We can secure the warehouse, and it would definitely give us privacy. And Jimmy’s is in neutral territory.”

  I nodded. “That could work. It’s neutral, and I think both clubs would feel safe there. Set it up!”

  They both looked at me like I had lost my fucking mind. “What?” I asked.

  “This meeting is all well and good, but what the fuck are we meeting about? And whatever it is, don’t you think we need to take it to the table and discuss it with the club?” Hawk asked.

  They had a point. My mind had been so consumed with getting all this straightened out, I’d totally forgotten that I had others to consider. “You’re right, man. Fuck. I’ve been so focused on getting back to the land of the living that I forgot about everything else.” I paused for a moment then continued. “I want this meeting to serve two purposes. First of all, I want the Satans to know that I killed Grayson and why. I’ve been watching them closely over the last several weeks, and they don’t seem to be too shook up about his death. I believe that Grayson was a thorn in their side. If I am guessing right, they are glad to be rid of him. The only exception to that might be Gypsy and Skid. But I think we can get through to them. Secondly, I want to end this feud between the clubs.”

  “And how do you expect to do that? We’ve been trying to keep the peace for years and nothing has worked,” Rebel said.

  “We have, but we’ve missed something. All along, what is the one thing that the Satans have always wanted?” I asked them.


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