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Winning His Wife

Page 9

by George H. McVey

  As noon came and went, Gavin started to worry a bit about Adelle. She should have been there by now. Maybe the woman’s tea party went long. What did those women do at those things anyway? Just as he was starting to put his worry out of his mind, sure she just got caught up with her friends, he heard someone calling his name. “Gavin! Hey Gavin!”

  He looked and there hurrying toward him as fast as he could move was Cookie Bullfincher. “You need to hurry son, and ride to Creede. Adelle’s in trouble.”

  That got all of Gavin’s attention. “What do you mean, she’s in trouble. She’s with her friends at Tuesday Tea.”

  Cookie shook his head. “No, she left tea and was heading to the livery to get her horse and come here when she ran into three men. They’re taking her to the train. If they get her on it, you won’t ever see her again.”

  Gavin’s heart started to race. “How do you know this, Cookie?”

  The old man grabbed him by the arm and with surprising strength pulled Gavin into a deserted corner. “I don’t have time to do this the gentle way, so I apologize about that.” Then right before Gavin’s eyes the old cowboy changed. His age slipped away and a glow seemed to come from his body. He grew in size and became fierce looking. The final shock was the golden wings that sprung from his back and a deep booming voice that sounded like Cookie, only more, spoke. “Fear not, Gavin. I’m an angel sent from God to look after you and Adelle. To guide you and protect you to see you meet and became the family God intended you to be.”

  “You’re an angel?”

  “Yes I’m an angel, and right now you need to ride like the wind to Creede before Adelle’s father and Mister Masterson get her sedated by the doctor with them and in a sleeper car on the train.”

  “Why are they doing that?”

  “Masterson has a hold on Adelle’s father; he’s threatened to destroy the man’s business unless Adelle becomes his wife.”

  “They can’t do that, she’s my wife. I have the marriage certificate to prove it.”

  “Yes. But you aren’t there and they are going to sedate her until they have her admitted to the woman’s asylum in Denver. There the doctor will evaluate her and she will be declared hysterical. They’ll claim her insistence on being married to a rancher as the reason and they’ll treat her, then marry her off to Masterson, who plans to take her inheritance and have her killed.”

  “How do I stop them?”

  The angel handed him a saddle bag. “Your marriage certificate and gun are in there. Get on the great big stallion of yours and run him full out. You’re running out of time. Bob’s doing what he can to slow them down but he’s only a rooster. An angelic rooster, but just a rooster none the less.”

  Gavin took the marriage certificate and stuck it in his vest pocket and strapped the Colt around his waist. “You’ll tell Cooper what’s going on?”

  “Yes, now ride.”

  Gavin whistled and the thundering of Diablo’s hooves through the crowd could be heard. The horse neared and Gavin started running and as the stallion drew up beside him he grabbed the saddle horn and vaulted into the saddle. From there horse and rider became like one and flew up the road heading to Creede faster than was naturally possible. Gavin didn’t even notice as prayer poured from his lips asking God to give Diablo wings and they rocketed toward his wife and the men set on destroying his family.

  Chapter Ten

  Adelle had been happy when she’d come out of the tea shop and seen her father walking toward her. She’d squealed and ran up, giving him a hug. “Father, it’s wonderful to see you, where is mother?”

  Her father hadn’t smiled but had gripped her by the arm. “She didn’t come. I didn’t want her to see you in this condition, Adelle.”

  “What are you talking about, what condition?”

  “Adelle, you’re sick. We’ve come to take you home and get you well.”

  “I’m not sick. Who told you I was sick? And I am home, well not really, I live closer to Topaz than Creede, but this is my home. Come with me so you can meet Gavin.”

  Then she noticed the men behind her father. One was in a suit with a white doctor’s coat over it, with a medical bag in one hand and a hypodermic needle in the other. But it was the other man that made her blood run cold and fear shoot up her spine. Reginald Masterson. “See I told you, Harold, she’s completely delusional. We must get her on the train and sedated quickly before she causes a scene.”

  Her father nodded. “Yes I agree.” He started pulling on her arm trying to lead her toward the railway depot. “Father, stop. You’re hurting me. I’m not sick and I’m not delusional. I’m sorry I left like I did but I’m married to a wonderful man. I told you all that in the letter I sent you.”

  Her father continued to drag her as she dug her heels into the dirt of the street. “No Adelle, you sent us no letter. Reginald hired detectives to find you. They showed him their report, you are living in a shack with a rooster calling him your husband. You need help, daughter, and Doctor Brackett is going to help you rest until we can get you home and the help you need.”

  “No Father, you have to listen. I am married to a rancher, his name is Gavin Knight. He’s at the rodeo in Topaz right now showing off the horse he trained. Please just come with me, I’ll show you.”

  Mister Masterson grabbed her other arm and yanked. “That’s enough, Adelle. If you continue to resist, the doctor will have to give you the sedative now instead of after we’re on the train.”

  Just then came a loud “Brawk!” and Bob was suddenly perched on Masterson’s wrist pecking at his hand. “What the devil?”

  The fat man let go of her and tried to grab at Bob who clucked and flapped his wings, jumping at the man’s face, his foot spurs aiming for Masterson’s eyes. The older man bellowed and swung his massive fists at the rooster who somehow wasn’t in the way of the big fists and Masterson struck himself. The doctor moved forward to inject Adelle and then he was being pecked and the hypodermic needle fell to the ground and rolled under the edge of the boardwalk. Masterson cursed and dove for the needle but suddenly Bob was on the top of his head, clucking and crowing and pecking at the man’s head. Her father was still trying to pull her toward the train station, but she was fighting with everything she had. The doctor had set his medical bag on the boardwalk and seemed to be trying to fill another needle. But Bob was everywhere at once, keeping the doctor from filling his needle, attacking Mister Masterson who was swinging wildly, even tripping her father who let go of her. Adelle started running toward the tea shop. If she could get inside, her friends might be able to help her convince her father she wasn’t sick or hallucinating.

  She gotten several steps when Masterson grabbed her, and his hand raised to strike her when Bob was once again attacking his face. The man roared and reached for the rooster and this time Bob didn’t make it safely away, there was a thud and a sickening squawk. Then the valiant rooster fell at Adelle’s feet. Her father was back on his feet and he took her by one arm. Masterson grabbed the other in both hands and straightened it out, pulling up her dress sleeve to expose her arm. “Hurry Doctor.”

  The doctor approached her when there came the noise of thundering hooves. The men turned to see her husband on the back of Diablo, bearing down on them at full gallop. The Bay horse’s black muzzle was flecked with foam, his mane flying full out, the sweat on his flanks making him look like he was covered in fiery blood. As they drew near Gavin stood in the saddle and leapt straight at the largest target, Reginald Masterson. His leather covered fist connected with the man’s jaw and his head snapped back, dropping the large man like a sack of rocks. Gavin hit the ground and was up in a flash. His Colt Peacemaker pointed in the doctor’s face. “Take your hands off my wife!”

  Adelle’s father’s mouth dropped open. “Excuse me, young man, who are you?”

  “I’m Gavin Knight and you are holding on to my wife; kindly let her go, Mister Cordovia or we are going to have problems.”

  “I don’t und
erstand. This is my daughter. She isn’t married, she’s sick, delusional.”

  “Who told you that, Mister Masterson?”

  “Why yes, he hired detectives to find her.”

  “He lied to you.”

  Masterson stood. “Don’t listen to him, Harold. This young man has been taking advantage of Adelle’s sickness.”

  Gavin’s Colt swung away from the doctor and pressed between Masterson’s eyes. The sound of the hammer being cocked was strikingly loud as Gavin looked Masterson in the eyes. “You open your mouth one more time to bad mouth my wife and I’m going to air out your tiny brain. Are we clear?”


  Gavin’s other hand went into his vest pocket. “This is our marriage certificate, Mister Cordovia. I married your daughter a month ago.”

  “It’s a fake.” Masterson hissed between clenched teeth.

  “It’s not a fake. Here comes the minister that married us.” Gavin called out to Reverend Theodore. “Reverend Theodore, can you help me for a moment.”

  “Ah, Mister Knight! I thought you’d be at the rodeo showing off your horse. What can I do for you. It must be quick, the baby has a rash and I’m going to meet Doctor JT to get some ointment for her.”

  “This is Adelle’s father, he’s questioning her marriage. Would you tell him it was legal?”

  “Of course it was legal. I married them myself. They stood in my church and took vows before God and their friends and signed the license. I filed it with the court the next morning.”

  “Thank you, Reverend. As you pass the jail would you see if Marshal Wheeler, K.C. or Dutch are there and send them here? We need some legal assistance as well.”

  “Certainly. I’ll see you and Mrs. Knight at services on Sunday?”

  “You should, the ranch should be calmer by then.”

  “Splendid. Good day to you then.”

  “Now Mister Cordovia, I’ve been patient but you need to release my wife or things are going to get ugly. See, while I want to get along with my wife’s family, I will not allow anyone to manhandle her. I promised to protect her all the days of my life and your grip seems to be causing her pain.”

  Her father’s hand released her instantly and she launched herself at Gavin. “You came for me.”

  He wrapped the arm not holding the Peacemaker on Masterson around her and pulled her close. “I told you Adelle, my love. I would never let anything separate us and if it does, I’ll never stop looking for you. I couldn’t be anywhere but here. You needed me.”

  “But the rodeo, you lost out on the chance to get all those training contracts.”

  “I lost nothing, love. Every rancher there saw me whistle Diablo to me, mount him at a dead run without him missing a step and the two of us race away faster than should have been possible. We’ll have people who want us to break and train horses like that for them. Even if we don’t, you’re in my arms where you belong and that’s enough.”

  Just then Marshal Wheeler walked up. “Mister Knight. I should have known it was you causing trouble. And Cookie. I guess you’re involved in all this too?”

  “You know better than that, Henry. I’m not allowed to get physically involved.”

  “Yet here you are.”

  “Just here to observe.”

  “Observe, of course.”

  Gavin explained what was happening and in the end Marshal Wheeler arrested Mister Masterson and was going to send a telegram to Denver to have his safe checked for the evidence that Gavin said was there. Adelle had no clue how her husband knew but he seemed sure and Masterson nervous enough that there probably was proof there.

  Gavin turned to her father. “Mister Cordovia, unless you’re in a hurry to return to Denver, let us take you out to the ranch and show you our house. Like Adelle said, it isn’t big or fancy but it’s ours. We do own half interest in the whole ranch operation, but we only own a small house and eight acres of land. But it’s enough for us for now.”

  “I would love to see your home. And if you can spare the time perhaps you and Adelle could return to Denver with me in a few days? I know meeting you and seeing Adelle would ease her mother’s worries.”

  “I think we could do that if Adelle wants to.”

  She smiled at her husband. “Introducing you to my mother and watching all those society belles turn green with envy sounds wonderful.”

  Gavin laughed. “I love you, wife.”

  “And I love you, husband.”

  “Let’s show your father our home.”

  “Yes please.”

  They walked off to the livery with a large Bay horse following along.

  Cookie watched them walk away. He looked down at his feet and saw Bob looking at him. “What?”

  “Cluck, brawk Cluck Cluck.”

  “I’m sorry he got his hands on you, how was I supposed to know he could move that fast?”

  “Cluck Cluck Cluck.”

  “No, I didn’t want to see you humiliated. You knew the risks when you took the job.”


  “Don’t think for one minute, Bob, that I won’t tell Penny Ryder you just said that about her.”

  The rooster walked over to the cowboy’s boots and emptied his bowels before clucking and walking around the corner. “That was uncalled for, Bob! It wasn’t my fault. You should have zigged instead of zagged.”

  There was no answer and after a few moments the old cowboy stepped back into the shadows and disappeared.

  Later that night just as he was about to drift off to sleep holding tight to Adelle, Gavin heard the sound of boots in the front room. Knowing that the hands wouldn’t enter his house uninvited and that Cooper and Hattie were also in bed, Gavin slowly pulled his Colt and slid out of bed.

  In the front room at the table sat Cookie. Back in his cowboy persona. “Well Gavin, old son. It’s time for me to be moseying on home now.”

  “You’re leaving us?”

  “Yep, my work’s done. You two are safe and together. Your family will be growing soon. My task is finished.”

  “Will I ever see you again?”

  “Don’t rightly know. Anything’s possible. Just keep yer eyes open. Creede’s a special kind of place iffen you haven’t noticed. All kinds of my brothers and sisters show up around here.”

  “More angels?”

  “You and Adelle aren’t the only people need a guardian and guide, Gavin. God knows what we all need and he makes sure you get it. Just be watchful. Sometimes you entertain angels without knowing it. But if you pay attention, sometimes you’ll realize it too. Like Henry and Julianne did. Cooper too, for that matter.”

  “I understand. I’ll do what I can to help when I can.”

  Cookie nodded and stood, then slapped Gavin on the back. “I know you will. Enjoy your life, Gavin, and remember when you get frustrated down the road, children are a blessing from the Lord. The more you have the more blessed you are, and boy are you gonna be blessed.” The old angel cackled. As he walked toward the door. “Oh, and look after Bob until he gets his next assignment. He might be an angelic chicken but he’s still a chicken.”

  As Gavin watched the old cowboy vanished. ‘Godspeed Cookie, you old wrangler. And thanks for the help and for Adelle.”

  Arms wrapped around him and he felt her presence “Who you talking to.”

  “Just saying a little pray of thanksgiving, Love.”

  “What for?”

  “For you being my wife, Adelle. You’re the greatest thing I have to be thankful for.”

  “Come to bed, Cowboy. Let me show you how thankful I am for you.”

  “Now that sounds like a plan.”

  Gavin scooped his wife up into his arms and entering the bedroom and kicked the door shut. A few moments later the door opened and Bob came flying into the front room in a squawk and a flurry of feathers before the door shut firmly. “Come back in the morning, Bob, and not before sunup.”

  The rooster walked over to the table and settl
ed on the back of a chair clucking in a way that sounded just like a chuckle.


  Gavin looked at the papers in his hands. A detective from the famous Pinkerton Detective Agency delivered them to him the day before. He and Adelle had read them, shocked by what they saw. He’d had a long lost uncle who’d owned a ranch in a place called Paradise Valley in Wyoming. According to the papers the detective had given him, that uncle had died leaving him the entire ranch called Camelot Acres. He looked over at Adelle. “You think we should?”

  She looked at him and smiled. “It’s your dream, Gavin, of course we should.”

  “But what about Cooper and the White Ranch? What about our friends here? What about Bob?”

  “Go talk to Cooper, show him the will and deed. He’s your partner but he’s also your friend. He’ll be sad to see us go but happy that you got your own ranch. So will the rest of our friends. As for Bob, who knows? Maybe he’ll come with us or maybe he’ll find another woman in need of his special brand of protection.”

  Gavin nodded. “Six hundred acres, with a large ranch house and all the amenities of a horse ranch along with a thousand horses. It’s like a dream, Adelle. I’m afraid Bob’s going to crow any minute and wake me up.”

  Adelle reached over and pinched him. “Ouch! What was that for?”

  She giggled. “To prove you aren’t asleep. Go talk to Cooper. See how fast you can get free from here so we can move to Wyoming. It’s time, Gavin Knight, for us to move to Paradise Valley and soon.”

  He frowned. “Why soon?”

  Adelle blushed and smiled. “Because I’ll need to find a doctor or midwife when we get there.”

  Gavin’s eyes filled with tears. “A baby?”

  “Yes husband, a baby. What did you think was going to happen with all those nights rubbing your aching muscles and wearing you out so you could sleep?”

  He pulled her into his lap. “A family. We’re going to have a family on our own ranch working side by side. God really has answered all my prayers.”


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