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Page 10

by Darci Darson

  "Why are you crying? They told me to look after you." Imre watched her with uncertainty. His face softened. He was not sure what kind of support she would expect. He kissed the back of her hand and waited. His burning eyes locked on hers.

  Cherry tried to compose herself, she cleared her throat. She was thirsty, hungry and extremely tired. Her bladder had finally given up reminding her that humans needed to pee from time to time. Her muscles ached and her head was filled with a dull, throbbing anvil. She made a quick outline of her experiences for Imre in her exhausted brain, glancing at the creatures around her as she did so. They glowed, beautiful like the angels from old cemeteries. She counted her new friends at last and there were ten, including three girls among them. The boys wore outfits similar to Radveriel’s. The girls’ gowns resembled Taharial’s dress. Cherry had to admit that she had never seen girls of such unique and delicate beauty. They was something eerie and crystalline about their forms enveloped in red and in emerald green of their gowns. Taharial sent Cherry another cheeky smile

  “Your vampire is very handsome,” Taharial whispered in Cherry’s head. Her humming was like the quiet vibrations of a guitar as if she herself wanted to meet a vampire as well and fall in love with him.

  “I know. And he is mine,” Cherry nodded as she sent her telepathic response. Imre shook his head a bit as if he knew there had been a conversation not available to him. She turned her face to him, sending a tight smile. She felt like a sad, used candle without its flame.

  “I told you he would come back to you,” Taharial continued her telepathic chatting.”You listen to me next time, my dearest friend.”

  Cherry widened her eyes and smiled back to Taharial. This girl was impossible but so friendly and sympathetic that Cherry had no choice but to like her from the moment she saw her.

  Her new allies tried to support her as much as possible. They shared with her their calm warmth. Cherry could sense their patience and willingness to help. They respected her like a very important and noble guest, but they also liked her as though she had always been their best friend.

  It all had happened so quickly. Her whole life had turned upside down. And it had changed forever.


  "I WILL TELL you a story," Cherry started with a faltering, weak voice. "Once upon a time, in the far distant past, there was a source of essence. When a spark of the essence appeared it split into two, forming two beautiful creatures; two souls destined for each other, bound together, lighting and sharing their true love for eternity. The creatures were good and wise. They cleansed the negative energy in the universe with the power of their love. They protected the balance between good and evil and ensured the stability of the past, present and future. One day a strange spark emerged and divided into two halves, a good one and an evil one. The creatures sent the good half through time and space so that it could find its destiny and bind with its true love as they tried to cure the evil one. However, he didn't want to be saved. Instead, he brought anger, rage and destruction to the good entities’ world, blaming them for his loneliness. He did not want to obey the rules, so the creatures imprisoned him for eternity by sacrificing themselves. He is still somewhere there, in the prison with the pure creatures still guarding him... And guess who I really am, Imre..."

  "The girl who tends to choose bad boys," Imre grinned in his unique way.

  "No, you don't understand,” Cherry stood up abruptly and crossed her arms over her chest. She wanted to protect herself from the gloom of her origins. The shield did not work, and the bitterness touched her with its icy horror. “I am an abomination, the reason for all of this. The war, Felicia's death, everything. I am the good soul and him… him… They call Aaldir."

  "You are not responsible for anything,” Imre rose from the ground and placed his hands on Cherry’s shoulders.” And Felicia... she was already dead before we met you. She has found her peace now I’m sure. Can your friends send us back to our world?”

  "I think Radveriel can help you with this."

  "You are not staying here, Birdie. I won't let you. You are irresponsible!"

  "I can do something to end this, the suffering of my kind. I can help them. I just need to find out how. I am not going back with you, Imre."

  "Are you out of your mind? Do you think you can fight the bad guy and win the day? This is not a game. You are not even able to use your powers as your human body is too weak! I saw what this... thing inside you can do to you. Say goodbye nicely to your friends and then we're leaving, even if I have to force you. They’ve brainwashed you, these angels have brainwashed you like a sect would."

  Cherry stared at Imre for a moment. She had never seen him so perturbed and concerned. He seemed genuinely scared of her plans and decisions, looking like he was about to lose the most important thing in his life. He was unable to hide his fear and desperation behind the wall of his usual anger, like he knew that he would not be able to stop her.

  There were so many contradicting feelings surging through her head. She did not understand the majority of them and was unable to explain them to Imre. Some things she did not want to tell him. Not yet.

  “Look at them, Imre. They are the Varuh, very distant descendants of the creatures from the past that we’ve just met,” Cherry spoke impatiently. She did not feel like herself as if the other, alien Cherry had taken over. “They don’t know why they fight because it is long forgotten, but they serve their purpose without any objection, sacrificing themselves. They are forbidden to kill yet the Opyri murder them and feed on them with no mercy. The war will be lost unless I at least try to help."

  “The Opyri can twist your neck in an instant,” Imre shouted. “You are incapable of making decisions for yourself at the moment.”

  “Imre, please, listen to me.”

  “You are my soul-mate, Cherry Devita,” he interrupted her with despair in his voice.” I’ve been waiting for you for over a thousand years,” Imre locked his burning eyes on her, his face close to hers. His hands clutched her shoulders as if he wanted to shake her in desperation. “We can be happy together. I've never even dreamt that I would find a girl able to calm my darkness. Let me be with you. Let me make you happy... Don’t risk losing your life for a war which is not your own. Please, my sweet angel, let me be with you. I don’t want to lose you. You are everything to me. You are mine, not theirs,” he added, shooting a hostile look towards Radveriel that was returned at once with the same hostility.

  “Imre,” she attempted once more.”I have my obligations here at the moment.”

  “Your only obligation is to be my wife, Cherry,” Imre said. “Felicia left the house for me as she has no family to inherit the estate. I’m sure these freaks know how to get rid of the Opyri to make Westfad Manor safe for us. We could live there together, make love every night, be happy. I’ve waited for so long. Don’t take this from me.”

  Cherry's face muscles were stiff, her expression like a Venetian mask. She felt her lips curling into a horseshoe. All she wanted was to hold Imre's hand and escape to a secluded location away from all the nightmares of her origins. But there was also a seed of strong attachment to the Varuh inside her, blooming bigger with every minute. This was something beyond her control. The Varuh filled an old, empty hole inside her with their unconditional support and she was full of enough generosity to give back to them. She had struggled with the damage of her difficult childhood and they healed this wound. She was stronger and more aware of her true nature, willing to follow her own path, desiring Imre to stay on her side and support her. She was a Varuh and a human, but what was most important, she was herself.

  “They are inviting us to their home. Let me just talk to them," she said. Her mind was hazy. She felt two opposite forces tormenting her spirit.

  Imre’s face sharpened and his fangs appeared, sparkling in the dim light that enveloped them. His eyes gleamed red with fury as he grabbed Cherry’s arm.

  “That’s enough, Cherry,” he growled at her. “We
are going back now. Do you understand? The Opyri nearly killed you. Next time you may not survive. We are going back now!”

  Cherry saw that their winged friends were disturbed by Imre’s outburst and Radveriel clenched his teeth with anger, stepping towards Imre and exchanging glances with Cherry who just shook her head in the intention of stopping him. Imre exposed his fangs even more and shot a warning look towards Radveriel. The atmosphere between the two men thickened and they both looked now like they wanted to prove something.

  Cherry liberated her arm from Imre’s grip and threw her arms around his chest, wrapping him in her thigh embrace. He did not expect this at all.

  “Imre,” she said quietly.”Imre, I know that you want me to be safe. And I promise I will be safe. Just one day. Give me this one day to be with them. Maybe there is something I can do that will not put us in danger again."

  He cupped her face and kissed her forehead. His vampirism was replaced by his warmth for Cherry.

  “Fine, just talk to them, Birdie, for one day. And then we will leave this mess, together!”


  Cherry was amazed at how quickly they arrived in front of The Varuh’s house. In fact, it had been in the blink of an eye. The Varuh had the ability to travel within time and space. Travelling with them felt like being on a roller coaster ride except at a much higher speed, and with an accompanying explosion of laser blue light.

  She was so impressed with the view of the house in front of her that her worries and fears evaporated for a moment. It was so much more than just a building, a marvel of engineering that blended light, movement and life into one. A trunk of black marble-like material shot up to the roof. It supported enormous platforms in great numbers all the way up. Each one contained well established plants that shimmered brightly, as if in greeting. Pink water-like fluid cascaded down with a noise like a herd of wild mustangs, feeding a few pools on the ground. The very air resonated with the sound as the drizzling spray created sparkly clouds above the pools.

  “This is amazing,” Cherry whispered to Imre, in awe. She liberated her hand from his clutch and stepped forward slightly to admire the view. The spray from the waterfalls cooled and moistened her face. Her t-shirt clung to her chest.

  “Ask them whether a sightseeing tour is included,” Imre said sarcastically, clearly not happy at how things had progressed. “And ask them whether there will be a chance to get drunk. They are so perfect that it makes me want to puke. I need to get drunk to go through this.”

  Cherry did not know how to respond. Imre could be horrible if he did not cope with things in his life. She wondered whether or not vampires could puke at all.

  She recalled the homework she had done in year 6 about The Seven Wonders of the Ancient World. In her mind she visualized images of the Hanging Gardens of Babylon and wondered. Neither her past experience nor imagination could compete with the extraordinary construction in front of her. The scents travelling in the air made her feel slightly euphoric. There was a hint of mandarin, green tea and turmeric and plenty of others so unusual that Cherry struggled to identify them.

  Their mysterious guides transported them again on another dizzying ride and they all appeared in front of a high, arched gate. Cherry moved slowly, scared but also excited. She thought that she was discovering wonderful things from the past. It had always been her dream to become an archaeologist. A strong desire to learn more about her family, to be with them and to experience them pushed her forward. She had so many questions to ask of them but her previous attempts to gain information had made her more tired than knowledgeable. She also wanted to rest. Dreams entered her head of a long hot shower, proper food and something to drink, but above all she simply craved to be alone with Imre.

  She crossed the arched gate and entered the Varuh’s house, realising that Imre must have been left behind. She panicked at first, as she had lost sight of him. Her heart paused as though missing three beats, but Taharial hurried with the explanations.

  “Your handsome vampire will be fine,” she said in Cherry’s head. “He is outside. Rest and eat, my dearest friend and be with us. You are both safe here.”

  “I guess Imre would prefer me after a proper shower, not sweaty and smelly,” Cherry spoke in her real voice.

  “A nice dress would be a good idea, too,” Taharial said in Cherry’s language, her voice was silvery and otherworldly.” I found this funny word in your head. ‘Sexy.’ You will need a sexy dress. Imre must love your eyes because they are so beautiful,” Taharial smiled to Cherry in her cheeky way. The amusement was set against the physical pain from the sharp remnants of her lost wings. “I saw how he looked at you. He wants to eat you...You need a sexy dress that would be easy to take it off.”

  Cherry stood with her mouth open, surprised by Taharial’s new linguistic skill, acquired so quickly. They were both very much alike, normal girls, her and Taharial.

  She heard echoes of Imre’s cursing and growling coming from outside and pulled back to reassure him that she was safe, but Taharial grabbed her arm and shot a look of disapproval towards Cherry.

  “He can’t enter, because our protection will kill him,” Taharial said with her firm voice.”And you my dearest, you need a lot of rest. This naughty vampire drained your blood and exhausted you so much that you can barely stand. He doesn’t pay attention that you have a human body. He just takes what he wants.”

  “He is a vampire,” Cherry said to justify Imre’s crude and uncontrollable temper as a blush poured out on her cheeks.

  “This separation will teach him patience,” Taharial said, sending her smile to Cherry. “You, my dearest, you gather your strength and then love your handsome vampire. We released you from this damage that your parents gave you, but this is now your turn to decide whether you want to give Imre your love.” Taharial lowered her voice. “You seem to be able to absorb his darkness from him, but with your light the love between you will thrive. Instead of draining you, Imre will enjoy you with a better control.” The smile that Taharial sent Cherry more than cheeky; it was shameless, expressing clearly that if Cherry had given up Imre, Taharial would have been first to take him.

  She followed Taharial, watching the sharp fragments protruding from the Varuh girl’s back. She trusted the Varuh, and she knew that they would not hurt Imre, but being separated from him made her feel as though she were missing a limb, or some other essential part of her being. She felt as if there were a desert inside her. Taharial words resounded in her head once more and she knew that her friend was entirely right about everything.


  THEY DID NOT allow Imre to enter the house itself. Nevertheless, the eternal tranquillity and unconditional trust emanating from inside that place caused him such a jarring pain that he did not want to go further anyway. As time passed he used the pond nearby to wash off the remnants of the fight and the mess from feeding on the small animal. By then, he had spent at least two Earth days on his own, waiting in the garden, its bright foliage painting a rainbow on his face. Late on the second day, the Varuh brought him another small creature for a meal, but he had not been hungry. He continued to wait patiently, tortured by Cherry’s absence yet certain that the Varuh would not hurt her.

  Cherry finally walked out through the arched gate, so fragile and delicate, her white dress waving like a shimmering aura and embracing her body perfectly with its narrow sleeves, stiffened bodice and long skirt. The silky material reminded Imre of cobwebs with shiny drops of dew, and how they had hung so gracefully in the freshness of a sunny morning of his childhood. Cherry floated towards him, barely touching the floor with her naked feet. The floor was made of pink, quartz- like blocks. It illuminated Cherry’s figure so that she resembled a saint from a stained glass window. She was a glowing angel, fragile, unearthly, escaping from him... to her new dangerous life.

  "Why did it take so long?" Imre asked. He sounded as if a long tension had just deserted him and left a few remnants of its impatient irritation behin
d.”You said that it would be only one day. But at least your throat looks better.”

  Cherry recalled her memories of the Varuh's hospitality. It had been uneventful. She had slept for the majority of time in a fairy tale room with narrow, arched windows overlooking a garden which had been adorned with golden and green ornaments on the grey, stone walls. She had eaten twice and spoken briefly to Taharial and another white-haired girl who had offered her food and the lovely gown. She had found a dear friend in Taharial. Upon touching the light curtains, she had realised they were made of living plants. She recalled how amazed she had been by their unexpected, sweet scents and bright colours and the humming of the Varuh’s peace had given her a long and restful sleep.

  "I was sleeping for the whole time," she said. "I was so exhausted. I did not do much. No, wait there is one thing... Did you have a bath in their water, Imre?” Cherry was excited, she giggled like a five-year-old girl. “It’s so cleansing and refreshing; it’s as if it took away all my worries. It has also made my teeth so clean and white. My teeth have never been nice but now… they are wonderful now! And the green paste for skin? It’s the best moisturizer I’ve ever used. And… I'm talking too much, again. Aren’t I?”

  “Too much information,” Imre muttered.”You just can’t stop talking, Woman.”

  “My dress required some adjustments. Taharial and the other girl made them in a sort of time bubble. It took them a second. Can you believe it? You are not listening, Imre!” She glanced at him and realised that he was too occupied with scanning her cleavage which was surprising and pleasant. In fact, he looked like he was only interested in ripping off her dress.

  “Imre,” she attempted to talk to him once again.

  Imre did not answer. He held her hand and led her behind him. As they entered the dense garden, the leaves rustled and the sound resembled a song designed only for them. The arms abundant in foliage gave way to them as if they greeted and invited noble guests. The laser blue mist enveloped them as if a shelter from the whole world. Nature encouraged them and wished them the best. This was the connection between Cherry and this home of hers. She did not understand it yet, but tried to embrace and enjoy. It was as if she could taste the very particles of this place.


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