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Love Me Again

Page 11

by Danyelle Scroggins

  “If the Lord sees fit, then that’s exactly what I want,” Veronica answered.

  “Amen,” Jade said. “Come on, ladies, I made some cookies, sandwiches, and some sweet tea.”

  “Now, that might make me stay if they are your famous chocolate chip cookies,” Kane said.

  “I already knew you would probably like that, so I packed you a bag to go. Here you go right here and I thank you for bringing Vee.” Jade handed him a brown paper bag that was packed.

  “I know you are my sister for life, and when y’all get married, promise me every time you make your famous cookies, you’ll make some for me,” Kane said.

  “I promise, now goodnight.”

  “Okay, I feel like I’m being kicked right out the door, but can I give that beautiful lady a kiss?”

  “If she lets you.”

  “I promise I was praying that you didn’t leave without giving me a kiss,” Veronica said, smiling and walking towards Kane.

  They kissed and Jasmine cleared her throat so that they would end the kiss.

  “Walk me to the door, love,” Kane asked Veronica, who grabbed his hand.

  “I’ll be right back, girls.”

  “Yeah, yeah, yeah. Just don’t let him talk you into leaving.”

  “I wouldn’t dare,“ Kane said, then winked his eye at Jasmine before he and Veronica disappeared down the hall.

  “Those two look perfect together.”

  “And so do you and Jasper, Jade.”

  “Maybe, tonight was the beginning of a new beginning, but either way, I’m leaving that to God and no more talk about Jasper.”

  “I’m zipping my lips,” Jasmine said, motioning with her hands, going from left to right with her fingers together in a pinch to pull an invisible zipper.

  “I’m back ladies. Let the fun begin,” Veronica said as she walked into the kitchen where Jasmine and Jade sat eating snacks.

  “We’re glad you could tear yourself from Prince Charming,” Jasmine said and Jade laughed.

  Chapter Twenty-Eight

  Kane watched Veronica follow his instructions of closing, locking the door, and turning on the alarm. When he saw her shadow moving away from the door, he turned on his car ignition, put some music on, and headed for his house. Then, he thought about his brother who had so graciously given his home to Veronica’s mom and brother and decided to go by his parents’ home to check in on them.

  Kane walked into what appeared to be another slumber party. The two Jaspers and Mom were in pajamas in the den, listening to Mayes, and eating pizza.

  “I’m glad no one sent me the memo,” Kane said as he stood in the doorway watching them.

  “Oh, Kane, we just thought you’d be somewhere entertaining Veronica,” Jessica said, getting up from her seat to hug her oldest.

  “Well, Vee is entertaining my sister and future sister-in-love,” Kane said and J.J. looked a little strange.

  “You mean to tell me they are already at Jade’s house?”

  “Yes, and Jade made some of her famous cookies, and gave me my own bag.”

  “Dude, give me a couple of those,” J.J. said, now standing up to rush Kane’s bag.

  “Hold up. You could be getting cookies every night if you stop being so dramatic.”

  “Man, Mom, Dad, and I were just talking about Jade. I went there tonight, but I couldn’t trust myself. I stood by the door and apologized, then I left just as quick as I came.”

  “So, this why they are having the slumber party a day early?”

  “Why did Mom just say the same thing?”

  “You sure you didn’t really come from her belly?”

  “You know what they say, ‘if you feed a child long enough they will become yours,’ I’m hers.” And they all laughed.

  “She called them over?” J.J. asked.

  “I’m not sure how it happened, but she had cookies, sandwiches, her famous punch, and Christmas music in the air.”

  “I feel sort of left out. They invited me for tomorrow, but not tonight,” Jessica whined.

  “Mom, they probably just did a spur of the moment thing. You know Jade, whenever she feels sad, she cooks.”

  “Seems like some things haven’t changed huh?” Jasper Sr. said, hitting J.J. who was now doing just like him, begging Kane for cookies.

  “At least she gave you a nice size bagful,” Jessica added.

  “Yeah, knowing Jade, she knew I’d be coming to wherever this knucklehead was and she put enough in for us both. There are six sandwiches and two dozen cookies in here and I know she didn’t think I’d eat all of this,” Kane noted as he pulled out the goodies and laid them on the coffee table.

  “She’s always been such a thoughtful girl,” Jessica said, claiming one of the sandwiches for herself.

  “Exactly, and she’s always had this family’s back or best interest at heart,” Jasper Sr. reiterated.

  “Dad, I was thinking the same thing. Jade loves us and to be honest, even if J.J. doesn’t marry her, she’ll always be a part of our family.”

  “Kane, y’all talking like I’m not even in the room. Is she that important that you would hurt my wife to accommodate Jade?”

  “Actually, you would need to give the newbie the memo before you marry her, and if she’s in her feelings about it, we suggest you’ll need to find someone else or disassociate yourself from your family. Now, which would you do?” Jessica asked.

  “I guess I will disown you guys.”

  “Yeah right. You’re too hungry to leave this family, and you also love Jade too much to even think about another woman,” Jasper Sr. added his input.

  “Dad, you know your son. So, as I was saying before Santa Claus came in with cookies and sandwiches, I was just getting ready to ask Jade to marry me when she left. She broke my heart on so many different levels and to be honest, I finally realize what God was doing. He showed me and her that even apart, our love was strong enough to survive.”

  “Are you saying you finally see why she left?” Kane asked.

  “I do, and I also realize that Jade needed to learn how to be self-sufficient. She needed to really learn how to trust God, and she did it without the help of all of us. Sometimes, God will separate you from those who you put before Him. And all of us can totally say, without a doubt, that Lorene was her savior. Now, God is her savior,” J.J. said and everyone agreed.

  “Does she know how much she’s worth right now?” Kane asked.

  “Man, Jade still hasn’t opened that envelope because she would have called me to ask questions. I’ve been still collecting rent, putting it in her account, and she’s scrounging off that little money she made at the florist shop. That girl is like my she-ro.”

  “J.J., you know Jade’s never been into money. Dad just gave both her and Jasmine twenty-five-hundred-dollars. Jade brought Dad his card back with over a thousand dollars on it. Jasmine also had over a thousand, but I bet she didn’t bring your dad anything back. And, Jade got both of their dresses from the clearance rack. One thing I know, my daughter probably picked the highest dress in the store,” Jessica said and they all agreed.

  “But Jade made her see how the best things aren’t always the most expensive. I’m so happy she’s back, because my baby has so much to learn from her.”

  “Mom, we all just spoiled Jas. It’s not to say we did bad, we just gave her whatever; especially, after Jade left. We tried to fill the void with stuff, and she started wanting more and more stuff. Now, she’s growing up, and she’s tired of all of that. She really wants to find her own niche now,” J.J. said, and Kane agreed.

  “And I can already see things changing in my baby since her big sister is back. Jade just has an awesome rapport with Jasmine and she hears, watches, and adores Jade. I’m so appreciative of her,” Jessica said, now touching J.J. on the shoulder.

  “So son, what is the plan?” Jasper Sr. asked and all eyes focused in on him.

  “Dad, I know that Jade’s my wife. I’ve been carrying this,” J.J. p
ut his hands in his pocket and pulled out a ring, “in my pockets since this girl came back. I know the right time is coming.”

  “Well, I might as well tell you good folks. Vee, is going to be your daughter-in-love. And if I have my way, I’ll ask her to marry me Friday night.” Kane chimed in, causing his mother to clap and race over to hug him.

  “I just love her. She’s so innocent, loving, and she fits in with me and my girls like she’s always belonged,” Jessica told them.

  “Mom, it seemed like you and Valerie hit it off, too,” J.J. added.

  “We did and I know she’ll love Kane like he’s hers. All a mother could ask for. I’m going to bed, but I want you boys to know I’m so proud and I love my daughters-in-love.”

  Chapter Twenty-Nine

  The ladies stayed up so late that Thursday seemed to have flown by. Before they knew it, it was the day of the event and no one had time to lounge. Everyone in the town was busy trying to get last-minute details together. It was also chaotic and extremely busy in Jade’s house.

  There were four women trying to be the belle of the ball and only two restrooms. Thankfully, Jasper Jr. had one of the spare bedrooms changed into a walk-in closet with a makeup and hairstyling station. Jade had known when she saw the room that he’d played a huge role in making it happen. Mainly, he was the only person who knew she wanted an in-home beauty salon type set-up.

  Jade loved doing hair but had never wanted to become a stylist. But to be able to style her hair and her friends with all the accessories at her fingertips was gravy.

  Just as with any day when something huge is happening, time seemed to fly by. The ladies shared in making sure that they each had the best hairdo to fit their dress style, and that their makeup was flawless. And that part went straight to Veronica, who had been a makeup artist in high school to make extra money.

  Once, everyone was in their dresses, Jessica stood back and admired the three young ladies.

  “You girls are all stunning,” she said, threatening to ruin her freshly done makeup with tears.

  “No ma’am, no tears. I worked too hard on that face beat so Mr. Booth will be out of his mind,” Veronica chastised Jessica and they all laughed.

  “Okay, no… sin lágrimas,” Jessica tried her old Spanish vocabulary.

  “Impresionante, lo dijiste. I just said, awesome, you said it.” Veronica said in English so Jasmine would understand.

  She often missed speaking in her mother’s native language but not too many people in Louisiana spoke Spanish. For some unknown reason, Jasper was trying to learn lately and it tickled her. One, because he was always mixing words, and two, because he was trying so hard. She absolutely loved him for it.

  “Okay, ladies, our chariot awaits us,” Jessica announced after seeing the white limousine pull up outside of Jade’s house.

  “Handbags?” Jade called out.

  “Check,” the others answered.

  “Lipstick,” Jasmine called out.

  “Check,” the others answered.

  “Tissues,” Veronica called out.

  “Check,” the others answered.

  “Cell phones,” Jessica called out.

  “Check,” the others answered.

  “Looks like we are ready to take this event by storm. If you ladies don’t mind, I would like to pray before we leave.”

  “Please do, Mom,” Jasmine said.

  “Father, we thank You for this day, and we especially thank You for the staff and patients of the Shriners Hospital for Children. We pray Your hand of protection of those babies, and we ask You, dear Father, to allow this benefit to be all that You would have it to be. Touch the hearts of men and women all over this city to give as You have seen fit for them to give. We thank You for Your Word which says, ‘give and it shall be given unto you.’ We now declare and decree that good measure will come to everyone who has opened their hearts and their hands, in Jesus’ name. Amen.”

  “Amen,” all three ladies came into agreement.

  “Let’s enjoy the night!” Jasmine screamed.


  Kane picked up Valerie and Vance and drove to his parents’ home to meet his father, uncle James, and brother. They would all be riding in the limo together from his parents’ home. Everyone looked so nice, and Valerie was gorgeous. If she was any indication of Veronica at an older age, Kane was more than delighted.

  Uncle James was a pediatrician at Shriners Hospital and he rushed to help Valerie into the limo.

  All of the other men, including Vance, looked at one another, because of Uncle James' enthusiasm.

  Nevertheless, everyone except Vance, knew he was a single man who had been divorced for over ten years but worked extremely too much to even date.

  The ride was quiet because each of them, excluding Vance, had a specific woman on their minds. Jasper had informed James of how beautiful Veronica’s mother was, and after seeing for himself, he was going to make sure that none of the other single men their age had a chance.

  Because so many surprises were happening in their family, both Jasper Sr. and Jessica thought it better they all met in an exclusive setting. Jessica never wanted her family's business aired in public and this was a way to get all of the shocking preliminaries out of the way. By the time they made it to the event, they would be connected or free to mingle. So they rented out a private room in the Margaritaville Steakhouse for drinks and pre-dinner.

  Jasper’s limo made it first and the hostess escorted them to the private formal room that was rather accommodating. James escorted Valerie to the white sofa where they appeared to be getting along just fine, laughing and enjoying one another’s company.

  Vance was amazed at how much his mother seemed to have come alive.

  And then, the door opened.

  All four of the men nearly dropped their lips.

  Veronica was the first to scream when she recognized her brother.

  Vance walked over and held his now crying sister in his arms. Then after he realized the look on Kane’s face, he handed her off to Kane who just stood to hold her. Everyone else was now crying and she hadn’t even seen her mother.

  Then Kane took her by the chin and turned her head towards her mother.


  “Mi querida hija,” Valerie answered.

  “Yes, she’s your beautiful daughter,” Kane said, now putting her into her mother’s arms.

  “How, who?”

  “Kane. Él nos trajo aquí,” Valerie said, pointing at Kane.

  Veronica pulled herself from her mother’s embrace and threw herself into Kane’s arms.

  “You. You did this for me.”

  “Yes, my love, and there’s nothing in the world I wouldn’t do to see you happy for the rest of our lives. Les amo mucho. Ya lo saben ¿verdad?”

  “I know you love me and now I really know how much you love me.”

  “Te amo mucho, corazón. Quiero que seas mi esposa.” Kane said to her that he loved her very much, sweetheart, and I want you to be my wife.

  “Sí, seré tu esposa. Yes, I will be your wife,” Veronica said in both Spanish and English to Kane as he slid his deceased mother’s engagement ring on her finger.

  Veronica placed that hand over her heart as Kane lifted her up as his arms, encompassed her, and kissed her with an everlasting kiss.

  There was not a dry eye in the room.

  Chapter Thirty

  As everyone congratulated Veronica and Kane with hugs, tears, and congratulations, Jasper Jr. stood staring intensely at Jade.

  Jade could feel the intensity of his stare as she gripped the clutch bag in her hand. Her softness and femininity eluded self-confidence, but her heart screamed panic.

  His eyes smoldered with ferocity, causing her to touch the back of her neck, patting away the perspiration. Then as if on cue, Jasper began walking in her direction.

  Jade wasn’t sure what to say as she felt her body growing weaker, as her gaze directly meeting Jasper’s eyes. All th
e pain, heat, and exhaustion of the moment caused Jade to faint, but Jasper caught her before she could hit the floor. He sat on the floor holding Jade in his arms like a baby.

  “Is she okay?” Uncle James and the others came running from the other side of the room.

  “Uncle James, yes,” and for the others, Jasper offered an explanation. “Anytime she’s immensely excited, she faints. She’ll be okay, I have the rest of my life to ensure that.”

  Everyone went back to mingling with each other. Jasper Jr. held Jade closer and slid the engagement ring on her ring finger with his free hand.

  Jasper Sr., watched his son and smiled, thinking, When sleeping Jade awakes, she won’t know what happened.

  As Jade’s eyes began to flutter, Jasper softly called her name, “Jade, Jade.”

  “Yes,” she groaned groggily, trying to will herself from the clutches of her emotions.

  “Baby, you have to wake up. We have an event to get to.”


  “Yes, Jade.”

  “Are you okay?”

  “Jade, you fainted and you’re asking me if I’m okay.” Jasper laughed and pulled Jade close to him as he captured her lips with his own. He kissed her for all the times he’d missed kissing her, for all the pain he had to let go of, and for all the hopes of a bright new future.

  Everyone in the room started clapping.

  “Why are they clapping?”

  “Because you agreed to be my wife. Look at your finger.”

  “Jasper, I have been your wife since I was five years old, that’s nothing new.” They both chuckled as the roaring of everyone else’s laughter got louder. “Now if you want me to be your wife, you have to do the hard work, just like Kane and all the other men.”

  “Nothing is hard when it comes to you, my love.” Jasper placed her on her feet so she could stand, then he rolled onto his knees, placing one bent knee on the floor and the other in a ninety-degree bend with his foot flat on the floor.

  He took Jade’s hand in his. “Jade, you are correct, you have been my wife since you were five, but that was only because God gave you to me. These past four years I’ve come to realize that not only did God bless me with you, but I also want you and only you. I want you as my friend, lover, confidant, and wife. Jade Renee Bishop, will you love me again and agree to marry me?”


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