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Secrets of the Mazza: A Paranormal Romance (Mazza Series Book 3)

Page 13

by Blake Blessing

  And my sweetheart, Rand, was trying to start the conversation. I slipped my hand onto his knee and gave a squeeze and a grateful smile. He was probably doing this for himself just as much as he was doing it for me, but I loved him for it anyway.

  “This fucker put us through a magical workout even the best trained Iron Guards couldn’t handle.” Sage pointed his fork at Yunez, who grinned as wide and mischievous as the Cheshire cat.

  “Why Sage, that was the beginner training for the Mannos. All members of the Three Suns go through it. Would you rather I toss you into the field with my senior leaders and let them train you?”

  Sage’s lips pinched to the side, and Egan slapped him on the back. “No, I think I can speak for Sage when I say it was better we do this in private.”

  My other two guys vigorously nodded their heads. Was that dread filling my stomach knowing I’d have to go through something similar, or amusement that they got their asses handed to them? I was pretty sure it was dread.

  The next two weeks went by in a blur of blood, sweat, and tears. Big, fat, ugly tears that made glistening white tracks through the grime on my face. I wish I could say that it was a metaphor for how hard we worked in our training, but nope, it was real life. There wasn’t even any energy left for any sexy time fun. It both angered and frustrated me.

  And I hadn’t mastered a damn thing if you didn’t count the nipple clamp nunchucks. And, I really, really didn’t want to count those. Although the guys got a kick out of it anytime I kicked ass with them.

  “I say it is time for you guys to come out of your hidey hole, what do you say?” Yunez fell against the wall next to where I was holding myself up with my forehead, questioning my life choices.

  I peeked out of the corner of my eye, and if his devilish smirk wasn’t so hot, I’d want to dick punch him.

  “I’m not in a hidey hole,” I grumbled with all the bad attitude I could muster up. I was in pain. Sue me.

  He snorted and rolled his eyes, pulling a reluctant smile from me.

  “Of course you are. And, all of your Lusty Legion. I think you have squirreled away long enough. What do you say about having dinner with the Three Suns in residence tonight?”

  Strong hands turned me around. Egan brushed back the stray hairs currently sticking to my face, then turned to Yunez. “Just how many people are here right now?”

  There had been so many lessons over the last couple weeks that my brain was just as tired as my body, but one thing we never talked about was the current Three Suns situation at Yunez’s castle. I wasn’t sure why. Between all the talks about Manno history and the disbelief that they’d actually been able to successfully hide themselves for two millennia, it just wasn’t a priority.

  “Right now? Around seven hundred. There’s a hall on the other side of house that the men eat in. We find it fosters a sense of camaraderie when we take our meals together.”

  I scoffed. “This is not a house. A castle, maybe even estate works.”

  “Fine, castle. What do you say? Ready to meet the men that will lay down their life for yours?”

  “When you put it that way,” I pushed off of the wall, then fell back against it. “No, I absolutely don’t want to meet them, but I will.”

  We were allowed a half-hour to get showered and dressed for dinner. All three bathrooms were put into use since we had a small army of people in our group. There wasn’t nearly enough time to get ready, and there were no blow dryers here. I tried not to stress too much about officially meeting Yunez’s people. They would like me, or they wouldn’t, but at least I’d smell nice.

  Yunez took my hand in his and pulled me toward him, but before I reached him, Rand swooped in to tuck me under his arm. He grinned at a disgruntled Yunez, showing more happiness than I’d seen him have before we bonded. After he was officially a member of my Lusty Legion, he walked around with a cheesy grin most of the time. Even when we were having our asses handed to us. Not that it would make him disgruntled at all, the last couple of weeks had shown us how well trained he was as a Manno.

  “Sorry old man. I missed Iss last night, so I call the seat next to hers.” Even though the guys were fine with him in our Lusty Legion, they weren’t quite ready to allow him space in our bed. I was working on that. It kind of broke my heart to see his puppy eyes every night when I retired to sleep.

  Rand and I led the way, and we passed virtually no one in the halls until we came to a large kitchen. There were tons of people here, both men and women, bustling about with steaming dishes and various pitchers of drinks.

  We stood off to the side, merely observing. Honestly, after having so many weeks to ourselves, it was kind of odd to be in a crowd again. The guys were just as stunned with open mouths and preternaturally still bodies. Except for Rand and Yunez, who were clearly used to this. Rand smiled at me indulgently and winked.

  Yunez smirked as he crossed the kitchen. Everyone, and I mean everyone, cleared out of his way. Several called greetings, and many of the women sent him sly looks. The last kind of burned my biscuit. I ignored it and followed after him. The sooner I was seated in the dining hall, I’d be able to relax and enjoy the evening. Hopefully.

  The anticipation of what our entrance would be like was giving me anxiety. Since I had all of my core bonds, it wouldn’t be like that time at Mehki’s house or even at Cabbie’s. The reverence would still be there though, and I didn’t want to be the freakshow with seven hundred pairs of eyes on me.

  In quick steps, we shuffled behind him. The workers in the kitchen gave us just as wide a berth. They did nothing to hide their curiosity as they stopped to watch us pass.

  Yunez led us through another series of stone hallways before it opened up to great hall like something I would expect a castle from medieval times to have. Voices overlapped and covered any other type of noise that could possibly be present. Well, drowning conversation and clanking dishes.

  With great flourish, Yunez lifted his hands and strode between the tables, pulling attention to him as if he were a magnet and their gazes the metal. “Good people of The Three Suns. Welcome the Mazza, and her Lusty Legion!” He bellowed, and I decided right then I was not going to follow behind him. We were at the edge of the hall, and this was good for me. No way would I cross the room.

  Everyone stopped. And, the attention that was on Yunez swung our way. It was so quiet I could almost hear Yunez’s amusement flitting through my head.

  Then cheers deafened the open space, and I covered my ears instinctively.

  So…not the welcome I’d expected. A celebrity was better than the second coming of Christ. Or I thought so, anyway.

  Rand suddenly stepped to the side and caught my hand, shoving them into the air, drawing even louder shouts and cheers from the hall.

  “What the hell, Rand?” I tugged on my hand, but he tightened his grip.

  He laughed, and it softened my ire just a bit. “Oh come on, Iss. This is hilarious. Yunez never does anything half-assed, so why would you think he would introduce you quietly? I’m just making the most of the situation.”

  Behind me, Jari and Nato shrugged. Why did that give me a bad feeling?

  Shoulders hit the back of my thighs, and I was torn away from Rand and lifted into the air. A small shriek escaped me before I settled on Jari and Nato’s shoulders, and they started to follow Yunez.

  Those bastards.

  I covered my face for half a second. But you know what?

  Fuck it.

  I waved and smiled at the men closest to us. One man swooned as soon as we made eye contact. Oh, damn. He was going to hit his head if someone didn’t catch him.

  I reached out an arm and nearly fell off of their shoulders.

  Nato pinched my thigh. “Stop inciting the men with your attentions,” he scowled at me, but mirth flashed in his eyes.

  I smiled at him. “Sorry,” I whisper shouted.

  Yunez climbed onto a stage at the end.


  There was a table u
p there, with seven seats. Every bone in my body said that was where Yunez wanted us to eat. And, that would put me in the sights of every man here, easily.

  When we were on the stage with Yunez, Nato and Jari slid me down to the floor, as they steadied me with roaming hands. I raised an eyebrow at Jari, but he just smirked, then pressed his lips to mine in a sweet apology. Only I knew the ass didn’t really mean it. Instead of looking at each man in the room, I focused my attention on the high, stained glass windows. They were actually very beautiful with the lights coming through.

  “Brothers, we have long awaited the Mazza.” Yunez pulled me away from the guys to stand next to him. I really wanted to glance back at my LL, but showing weakness felt like a bad idea. “And not just any Mazza. The Mazza I have been searching for over the last several centuries. I am pleased to tell you; I have at last found her!” His voice boomed.

  The crowd gave another loud round of catcalls and whistles. Did they know Yunez meant to be one of my Manno bonds? Sometimes it seemed like everyone knew but us. I mean, we knew now, but before yesterday, did all of these people know his plans?

  Once the men quieted, Yunez continued. “We are finally ready to stop the Shadow Society, once and for all. And, not only have I found The Mazza, but I am honored to have such a close bond with her chosen. These men you see before you, you may or may not know.” Yunez left my side and walked behind the guys. “Nato from House of Zien was her first bond. Egan from House of Caen her second. Jari from House of Levan, then Sage from House of Janer completed her core House bonds.” He touched each guy’s shoulder as he passed them. “She has also completed her first Manno bond,” his fingers trailed over Rand’s shoulders. At that, the crowd went wild.

  Before they settled down, Yunez came back to my side, and cool fingers whispered over the back of my neck as he pushed my hair over my shoulder. He turned me to face him, and in a much quieter voice, he said, “And, I will be her next and final Manno bond.”

  The amethyst flared bright, almost as if a candle was lit behind his eyes. My breath caught as he cupped my face in both hands, and he lowered his head to capture my lips in a searing kiss that curled my toes.

  His tongue teased the seam of my mouth, and when I gasped, he groaned and deepened the kiss. Fire licked over my whole body, and somehow my hands pushed under his shirt, sliding over washboard abs and smooth, hot skin. I gripped his hips and pulled him into me.

  He moaned louder, wrapping one arm across my back, gripping my ass. He was a damn good kisser, and I couldn’t get close enough. With little more than touches and kisses, my core was pulsing like a motherfucker, and I needed him to take care of it.

  His midnight locks were as silky as I thought they’d be as I speared one hand through his locks. My other naughty hand slid in the back of his pants and gripped his bare cheek.



  His bent his knees, and his hands went to the back of my thighs. I knew immediately what he was asking, and I hopped as he guided my legs around his hips, until my ankles locked around his back, and my core settled over his hard cock.

  Need coursed through my body, urging me to strip him down like an old piece of furniture. We sucked and nipped and bit.

  He started walking.


  All we needed was a strong wall and I’d be a happy, happy girl.

  “Excuse me.”

  Damn it, someone was trying to break through my love haze, and I didn’t like it.

  A throat cleared.

  Yunez pulled back and trailed kisses down the side of my throat. “Okay, okay. I will stop. I am stopping.” He murmured as he tugged my top to the side and licked my collarbone. I sighed and opened my eyes.

  Rand grinned at me from one side, and Sage scowled from the other. Jari and Nato were a few steps behind Yunez, looking on with a combination of amusement and resignation.

  “I will stop, just a second.” Yunez dipped lower and nuzzled my cleavage.

  I squealed with laughter and tugged his hair to pull his head back. He looked the epitome of grumpy cat when he met my gaze, which only made me laugh harder.

  “Oh, damn,” I said as I caught the men pressing against the stage. Literally, they left their seats and were crowded around the stage like they were watching a Twenty One Pilots concert.

  The lust cleared from Yunez’s eyes, but he still furrowed his brow in irritation at my stopping him.

  “Yunez,” I groaned. “Put me down, I can’t believe I forgot we were on a stage.” I unhooked my ankles, but his hands held me firm against him.

  Great way to make a first impression; I mentally facepalmed.


  He closed his eyes, hiding the brilliance from me. When he opened them, the color seemed more like his usual pretty, but only slightly luminescent, amethyst. “Fine,” he grumbled as if I had taken away his favorite toy.

  I peeked over his head to the cluster of men staring at us like we were the best thing since pocket pussies. It was a little unnerving, but I was also kind of over the anxiety. Probably for the rest of my life I’d get a similar reaction. Well, maybe not an I’m going to save the world look, more like, oh look, it’s the Mazza.

  He let me wiggle out of his hold, and he gestured for us to take seats while he addressed the men. The seven seats all faced the people in the hall, except for one chair on the end. I assumed that seat would be reserved for Yunez as our fearless leader, although it was a weird choice for a seat. The guys quickly filled up all the slots, leaving the last chair before the end for me.

  “Sorry about that, my friends. I’ve been staying relatively platonic with the Mazza and well, I got a little carried away.” I couldn’t see his face, but he sounded sheepish. And adorable.

  His profile came into view, and he totally had a shit-eating grin. I clamped my lips shut to keep from indulging him with a smile. It wasn’t the expression I imagined, but still adorable.

  Egan, who had snagged the seat next to me, leaned in and whispered in my ear. “I never realized Yunez was such a performer.”

  I tried and failed to hold in a small chuckle. Yunez was eccentric, hot, and a little on the weird side. But Egan was right; he was eating this stuff up.

  Grins and nods made their way across the men in front of Yunez, apparently agreeing that they understood how he had gotten away from himself.

  “Let’s feast tonight; eat, drink, introduce yourself to Isolde Bardot, our Mazza. And, tomorrow, we train. I know each of you personally and how much strength and advantage you bring to the Three Suns. I want you to show our Mazza and her Lusty Legion how well trained you are. Then, I want—no, I demand—each of you impart as much wisdom as possible onto these five so that when the time comes, we are ready.”

  Their excitement rocked the hall as they stomped their feet, clapped their hands, and shook their heads. It was like a flashback to the dreadful Friday night football games, where I always felt out of place. Not that I had gone to many—maybe five in my whole high school career. There at least, I was invisible.

  Yunez bowed and then joined us at the table. He raised a hand, and servers poured into the hall with plates and plates of delicious smelling food. Perfect timing when my stomach rumbled.

  “You loved that, didn’t you?” I raised my voice because even though the hyped-up roaring had died down; the bustling of the servers and quiet conversation dominated the air.

  He smiled sheepishly, “Maybe, nurturing and training these men have been my life's work for centuries. That and training your lovely bond mates. I've waited a long time to give them this news.”

  I nodded to the various tables lining the room. “Who are all these men? Are every one of them Mannos?”

  Egan leaned around me. “Yeah, I don't recognize any of them. How have you hidden a whole army of people for so long?”

  “These are all Mannos, yes. But, I have a few other surprises for you this evening. And, as for hiding them, it was easier than you would think. Do
n't forget, these men are Mannos. They have mastery over the powers from the house of Zien. They can make others see someone else in their place.”

  “Damn it,” I muttered, “I'm never going to get used to how powerful Mannos are. I'm just barely used to the whole Fennin thing.” That was a mild understatement. Since I'd been thrust into this world, with my guys on my heels every step of the way, it was almost as if I had never known any different. I definitely couldn't imagine life without them now. Even trying, my world before seemed gray and one dimensional. “Are they all as powerful as you?”

  Yunez shook his head. “No, Mannos, while they come into their powers like any normal Fennin, their powers grow with age. And, no one here is close to my age, I am afraid.”

  “Hmm,” I hummed under my breath. “If these are all Mannos, what about the staff? There are women among them. Surely they aren't Mazzas.”

  Right? The thought of running into another Mazza left something of a sour taste in my gut. Not that I was one of those women that had to be the center of attention, but the inner child in me didn't want to think I was easily replaced.

  Yunez grinned as if he knew what I was thinking and brushed his thumb over the back of my hand. “I have ties to more than just Mannos. And, the servers here today are the Fennin in my trusted circle. Well...The outer circle of trust. You six are in my inner circle. These Mannos here are in the secondary circle. And then I have a network of Fennin that are in the third circle.”

  “Damn, Yunez,” Jari whistled. “You are one complex man to have so many inner circles.”

  We all laughed, lightening up the evening.

  “Wait, let's go back to the surprises you have for us tonight. I'm not sure I like your brand of surprises,” Nato braced his elbow on the table as he turned toward Yunez.

  “My sentiments exactly,” Sage murmured, but there wasn't any heat behind his words.


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