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The Throne of Broken Bones (Weapon of Fire and Ash Book 3)

Page 29

by Brittany Matsen

  That’s when she felt another prince’s energy a moment before she heard the feminine whimper.

  They broke apart, whipping around, and Emma’s stomach plummeted.

  Amon, Prince of Lust—looking every inch the regal, sexual immortal he was—held a golden-haired woman against his chest, a gloved hand over her mouth. Tears coursed down her cheeks.

  “Haddie!” Blaze charged toward the prince, swords drawn.

  The prince and the woman both vanished, then appeared behind him.“Leash the Giborim or I’ll snap her neck,” the dark, sensual prince growled.

  Blaze stopped abruptly, glancing from Emma to his sister. His gaze lowered to her full, rounded belly and Emma felt the heat of his rage rolling off his rigid body.

  She kept herself ready for an attack, though an anxious dread unfurled inside her. Could she handle another prince’s power so soon? She’d have to try.“What do you want?”

  “And why do you have my sister?” Blaze ground out, swords clenched in each hand.

  Amon’s glittering ruby-red eyes appraised Emma with blatant hunger.“I felt my brother’s demise. Congratulations are in order, I think, flower.”

  She scoffed.“Why would you congratulate me for murdering Beleez?”

  His smile was a cruel slash of white on his hauntingly beautiful face. “I can feel your power. It’s dark. Heady. Its siren song calls to me.” He licked his lips, and Emma felt herself cringe.

  Haddie sobbed harder in his hold. Emma took an involuntary step forward, stopping when Amon hissed.

  “Don’t move, Shediem-Slayer.”

  She lifted her hands in placating gesture.“Why are you here?”

  The prince seemed to regain some composure, and straightened.“I want to make a trade.”

  “Great, how about you piss off back to Sheol where you belong, and I won’t remove your head from your body?” Blaze snarled.

  Amon smirked. “What would you give to have your sister back, Giborim?” Emma could have sworn she heard Blaze’s teeth grinding together.“As much as I’ve enjoyed her company, it’s the Shediem-Slayer I want.”

  Blaze opened his mouth to respond, but Emma held up a hand.“Me for Haddie?” She stared at the prince that made her skin crawl. She didn’t want to be anywhere near him, but for Haddie, she’d do whatever he wanted.

  Despite the rest of their companions having drawn in behind them at some point, no one moved.

  Amon’s eyes sparkled with wicked delight. “Will you come quietly, flower?”

  Blaze began to speak but Emma raised her voice, drowning him out.“Yes.”

  Murmurs passed through the people at her back, but Sergei’s and Blaze’s voices rose above them, their protests lost to her ears. All she saw was the fear and desperation in Haddie’s eyes while she frantically shook her head.

  Emma stepped forward. “Release Haddie. Let her walk to her brother and I’ll come to you willingly.”

  Amon hesitated for a moment, assessing every possible outcome.

  Blaze turned, and gripped her forearm tightly.“Emma, don’t. We’ll fight.”

  “She’s pregnant, Blaze,” Emma said sadly. “You could harm her or the baby.”

  “That’s not a baby, it’s a demon,” he spat.

  Emma recoiled, forcing herself from his grasp, and immediately his eyes filled with regret.

  “You’re different. You’re special.”

  She shook her head.“Even with all of us, we won’t win like we did with Beleez. We had the element of surprise then, and your sister wasn’t a hostage. I have to do this.”

  With a nod to Haddie, she brought her gaze to the prince once again.“Release her.”

  “Drop the knife,” he demanded.“And step away from them first.”

  Emma narrowed her eyes. She’d forgotten about the dagger in her hand. Reluctantly, she released it, letting it fall to the dirt with a soft thunk. When she saw him nod his approval, she took a single step forward, watching Amon carefully.“Now let her go. I’m coming to you of my own free will.”

  When he didn’t react, she tried again, taking another step closer.“Let her go.”

  She stopped just out of the prince’s reach. In a blink Amon pushed Haddie away, sending her shrieking as she scrambled forward. Emma didn’t have time to catch her—Amon’s arms were already around her.

  Then Blaze and the group were gone.




  long growl tore from his throat as he clutched the frail, pregnant girl to his chest, still staring at the spot where Emma had disappeared from. It took a moment for

  him to reign in his fury. His entire body pulsed with rage and his vision edged with red.

  Damn her and her heroic antics.

  Damn her for not thinking anything through.

  She was with Amon, the Prince of Lust.

  And they still didn’t know which point was Amon’s new lair.

  His teeth ground together, a new wave of anger crashing into him.

  Looking down at the girl that resembled his mother in almost every way, he felt his breath catch. She’d been a captive to the Prince of Lust. Her big, rounded belly was proof enough of that.

  She stared back at him, blue eyes swimming with tears.

  “Are you hurt?” Blaze managed to ask.

  Haddie shook her head slowly. She lifted a trembling hand and brought it to his cheek. A tear spilled over, tracking through the dirt on her gaunt face. He closed his eyes as emotion pummeled him all at once like a raging hurricane.

  “William,” she whispered.

  Forcing himself to swallow the lump that was lodged in his throat, he opened his eyes again.


  With a laugh that sounded more like a sob, she wrapped her arms around his neck. He held her, feeling her small frame shake while she cried silently. His grip increased more and more as reality set in.

  She’s alive.

  His little sister was alive. She was here, in his arms.

  At last his sister pulled back.“Where’s Andrew? What name does he use now?”

  Blaze offered a tight smile.“Axel. He’s back at the compound in Seattle.”

  “Seattle? I have missed a lot, haven’t I?” She searched his gaze for whatever had flashed in it, but he schooled his features. He’d tell her eventually, but not yet.

  “I’ll fill you in on it all in due time,” he assured her.

  She nodded.“We have to go after Emma. Amon is obsessed with her. She was all he’d talk about; sometimes he’d just mutter her name over and over. He’s deranged.”

  A sick sense of dread bloomed in his gut. “Do you know where he is?”

  She bit her lip, considering. “I don’t know where exactly but—”

  Dominic spoke up then. “We have maps of each prince’s location. Do you think you’d be able to help us identify which continent at least?”

  “Asia,” she said in a rush.“They’re in Asia. The humans were primarily Asian. That’s all I know.”

  Blaze exchanged a look with Dominic. Then he nodded.“All right, everyone, let’s get back to the aircraft. We’ll have to steal some fuel from an abandoned airport. Taryn,” he barked.

  The Spellcaster looked at him with a lazy grin.“Yes, warrior?”

  “Stay with my sister. Heal any injuries she has. You’ll have to protect her when we land.”

  She made a noncommittal sound of acknowledgement before spinning on her heel and stalking away. Blaze led Hadessah and the rest of their group back, and though he desperately wanted to pick her up and carry her over the rough terrain, she insisted on walking.

  Stubborn, just like she’d been as a child.

  He still couldn’t believe that she was here—that she was alive. He’d always suspected. Hoped. Andrew—Axel—would be shocked.

  As soon as they were back on the aircraft, they were up in the air. With an insane amount of luck, they were able to find an abandoned airfield not too far away where they r
efilled the plane, before making it back to Seattle in record time.

  When he stormed into the compound, his uncle met him in the foyer, pug-like face red and lips pursed. Blaze tightened his arm around Haddie’s thin waist protectively.

  “Well?” Silas demanded. “Did the girl manage to take out the prince?”

  “ Yes.”

  Silas’s eyes flicked back and forth between Blaze and Haddie several times before lingering on her, a hint of suspicion in them. “Who is this, pray tell?”

  Blaze sucked in a slow, calming breath. “I’ll tell you later. For now, we need to move. I need to debrief the council while we refuel and plan for our next journey.” He started to maneuver around his uncle, only for Silas to step into his path, blocking him.

  “What is going on, nephew?”

  “Gather everyone and I’ll tell you.” Blaze’s voice was harder than he’d intended, but every second that Emma remained in Amon’s clutches was another moment she was likely suffering untold abuse.

  As if his uncle sensed the urgency in the way his body tensed defensively or from the bark of his tone, Silas thankfully stepped away with a small bow.With a final backward glance at Hadessah, he stalked up the staircase.

  “Is that…Uncle Silas?”

  Blaze nodded stiffly and gently guided her up the marble staircase toward Emma’s room. At the door he said,“Go ahead and shower or nap or whatever. I’ll have some food sent up. Emma has some clothing that might fit you in her wardrobe. Just make yourself comfortable.” He pressed a kiss to her forehead. “I’m so glad you’re safe.” The words were barely a hoarse whisper, each one filled with emotion that he thought might choke him.

  “Me too,” Haddie said softly.

  When Blaze pulled away to look at her, her sapphire blue eyes were already brighter than they’d been when he’d first seen her. Unable to help himself, he lowered his gaze to her swollen belly.A lash of disgust and despair whipped through him, turning his lips upside down.

  Her swallow was audible.“I’m okay, big brother.” She rubbed the large bump affectionately.“We’re both okay.”

  He couldn’t speak, for fear that something hateful would escape, so he simply nodded. Then he spun on his heel and hurried back down to the main level.

  After instructing the girls working in the kitchen to take up some sandwiches to Haddie, he headed for the meeting room, where everyone waited. Their hushed voices fell silent when he entered.

  “Ah,” Silas said, clearing his throat. “Finally. What’s this about, nephew?”

  Blaze rolled his shoulders and strode for the head of the table—his usual spot since his father abdicated his seat with the council.“Our mission was successful in part.” His eyes roved over each member at the table. Dominic gave him a reassuring nod, and he continued.“Emma was able to destroy Beleez, Prince of Gluttony.”

  Murmurs ran through those gathered but Blaze spoke over them: Emma needed him, so he didn’t have time to waste. “However,Amon, the Prince of Lust, appeared not even a minute later”—he inhaled deeply—“with my sister, Hadessah, as his captive.”

  A cacophony of shouts and questions assaulted his ears. Even saying the words out loud made his gut clench. For almost two hundred years she’d suffered at the hands of the Shediem. Her womb was filled with a demonic child that he was certain had not been willingly put there.

  Finally Dominic barked out,“Hush! Let him speak!”

  Blaze gave his friend a grateful nod.“The prince insisted upon a trade, and once again our Shediem-Slayer sacrificed herself. She is now his captive. My sister rests upstairs.” He didn’t wait for anyone to speak before rolling on. “We believe Emma is being kept in China and we need to infiltrate the camp to rescue her—”

  A harsh laugh from his left cut him off. Silas sneered.“We will not waste our men for her. Let the Shediem kill her and be rid of the threat she poses to us all. She’s far too powerful, that one.”

  Blaze’s fists clenched on the tabletop. “Not another word, Uncle.”

  Silas went quiet, but his smug expression remained.

  “Emma is one of us, and we wouldn’t leave one of our own to be tortured by their kind. She is invaluable to our cause. Only she can kill a prince. We need her.” Blaze swallowed thickly, meeting his uncle’s gaze.“I need her. She will be my mate when all of this is done.”

  Another chorus of murmurs spread around the table, skipping a smiling Dominic. “I will be honored to join this mission, rodnoy bret.”

  A tense silence followed before four more men volunteered. Blaze felt his uncle’s glare on the side of his face like a laser, but didn’t acknowledge him.

  “We’ll round up the men and get a few more on board. Rodriguez, can you call ahead to the Orlando compound? We’ll need to top up on fuel there.”

  The man addressed nodded, already pulling out his satellite device.

  “The rest of you get packed as quickly as you can. We leave in thirty minutes.”

  Blaze turned to go, but his uncle gripped his arm tightly. Silas hissed,“You know that girl cannot survive the power of all the princes and Nakosh. You’ll lose her. Best be thinking about how you’ll put her down when the time comes.”

  Blaze jerked his arm free and strode away without a backward glance, though his every muscle was coiled tight.

  Because a small part of him, no matter how hard he tried to hide it, knew his uncle might be right.



  T hey materialized inside a thick, canvas tent. It was almost amusing that the spoiled princes of hell, who’d toppled cities and destroyed the height of modern civilization,

  who were accustomed to castles and grand furnishings, were reduced to tents and the findings of their human slaves. Emma cast her gaze at the thick, soft rug she stood on. It was like stepping back in time. Though looking around at the large, elegant four-poster bed and chaise lounge chairs—all of which were occupied by what appeared to be drugged, nude humans— she was certain the slaves would be living in less-than-ideal conditions.

  “All of you, out!” Amon barked, still holding Emma tight. She noted that his arms, even his hands, were covered so that her skin wouldn’t touch his. Clever.

  Lazily the lust-high humans with far too much skin on display ambled out of his tent, some eyeing her and giggling. Others stayed silent, like thoughtless zombies. Emma hated Amon for enslaving them and taking away their free will. For treating them as little more than puppets forced to dance until their bodies broke.

  When the tent flap fluttered closed, an invisible hand of dread wrapped around her throat and squeezed.

  He pushed her toward the bed.“You’ve been naughty, little flower. Killing my brother.”

  Emma caught herself just in time from bashing her head against the wooden post. She whirled around to face her captor.

  “But oh, how strong you must be now.” His eyes flared bright with excitement and he licked his full, sensual lips.“That young, slight body containing the power of two of my brothers. What can you do, little flower?” His lips curved in a wicked smile. “Show me.”

  She tried Beleez’s power first, sending a tidal wave toward the prince. His body stiffened and he swallowed thickly.

  But instead of throwing himself at her feet in worship, he only grinned wider. “My, my, little flower,” he purred. “That’s something indeed.”

  He blinked away the remnants of obsession she’d flung at him. With a long, graceful stride, he closed the distance between them. In a blur of motion, he had her chin firmly in his gloved hand, holding her still so she couldn’t force skin-to-skin contact while he leaned in close. His lips hovered just beside her ear when he whispered,“I’ll let you in on a little secret, though. I’m already enamored with you.” His other hand brushed up the side of her arm, causing her to shiver, and he smiled knowingly. With the gentle stroke of a lover, the backs of his gloved fingers caressed her cheek.“You can’t force obsession that’s already there.”

bsp; Emma tried to jerk her head away, but his fingers dug in tighter. She bit back a cry of pain.

  He inhaled her scent, no doubt tasting the tang of her fear. “I have big plans for you, little flower,” he rasped. “I’m going to feed you my blood until you’re intoxicated with my lust. You’ll be begging me to have my way with you.”

  A snarl-like sound tore from her throat as she fought against his hold. “It’s pathetic that you have to force people to want you, don’t you think?” She knew it was foolish to goad him, but the words poured from her mouth without thought. “No one ever willingly gets on their back for you. What’s worse is the minute you’ve finished with them, they’re already seeking pleasure somewhere else. You’re not memorable or desirable. You’re nothing.”

  Her words hit her mark, his grin vanishing, replaced with fire in his red eyes while his body began to tremble with rage. His hold on her jaw flexed, and he pulled her forward then slammed her head against the post.

  Dots spotted her vision, but she brought her knee up, connecting solidly with his crotch. His sharp intake of breath was her only reward before he backhanded her. She fell sideways, looking for something to use as a weapon. She missed her dagger. A twig no thicker than her thumb sat an inch or so from her hand, and she grasped it just before Amon clutched her by her jacket and hauled her to her feet.

  “Just for that, I’ll let my men have their turn with you too,” he snarled.

  Emma barely heard the words, focusing all of her concentration on her other ability, keeping her hand hidden behind her back. Her heart jackhammered in her chest and she hoped he couldn’t hear it. The twig grew, filling her hand with cool metal, and lengthened. When she knew it was done, she thrust the curved dagger toward his chest, the glint of steel just a flash before she buried it in the prince’s chest.

  It was a distraction and nothing more; she knew a blade wouldn’t kill a prince. No sooner had she shoved it to the hilt through his sternum did she release it and run. He was too fast, too strong for her to touch his face. She’d remain his prisoner forever with that tactic.


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