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Hell's Fire MC: The Full Series

Page 5

by Erin Trejo

  “What the hell does that mean?” I ask, the cigarette hanging between my lips.

  “It means−she didn’t turn you in−Roc. I checked in with Wiley. There ain’t shit on you at headquarters,” Dragon says with sureness. Wiley, is a cop that Hell’s Fire has on payroll. He keeps us in the know of anything that pertains to us.

  “FUCK!” I slam my hands on the table in front of me as Devil takes the seat next to me.

  “You’re gonna sit here and tell us what the fuck is goin’ on, so we can handle it,” Devils says as Dragon nods. I knew this was going to be coming.

  “I don’t want you guys in the middle of it.” Stating a fact, they all laugh. Dragon levels me with his gaze.

  “No one gives two shits what you want, Roc! We’re family! Spit it out.” He roars. With all the pent-up emotion I feel, I let it all out for the guys. I tell them every last thing that has happened in the last ten years. Devil is pissed, as I knew he would be. Dragon, though, I feel like I betrayed a trust there. I feel like I’ve ruined a brotherhood.

  “You kept all this shit from me? From me of all people!” Dragon’s tone is harsh and full of anger but it’s that faint hint of betrayal that kills me.

  “Tomlin knew I was runnin’ with you guys. I could have walked away when it all started, but I didn’t. This club was the only thing that made sense to me. It was a home I never had.” I say. Ghost nods as I talk. He already knows this about me. Dragon runs his hand through his hair before looking back at me.

  “I know how that feels. Before this club, I was fucked in the head. I may never be right, but my brothers are what holds me together. We don’t have fuckin’ secrets here, Roc, not from each other.” I start to speak when he raises his hand to stop me.

  “Let me finish. You kept the club out of a world of shit. For that, I am thankful. But right now, we’re one. Now, does that girl mean somethin’ to you−or is she disposable?”

  Chapter 13

  I told Dragon everything. That was over a week ago. For now, I have to play my part with Tomlin, until we can get more inside information from him.

  “You sure you don’t want me to ride?” Devil says as he slaps a hand on my shoulder.

  “I got this. If he sees someone else, he’ll get suspicious.” Devil nods, and walks away. I blow out a breath when my phone rings. Sliding it out, I answer.

  “Yeah?” The other end is silent. I know it’s her.

  “Aria. I don’t know what you’re thinkin’ darlin’.” Her sniffles are the only thing I hear. She’s crying and it’s all my fault.

  “I couldn’t do it. I couldn’t turn you in. There are things you don’t know about me, Roc.” Checking the time, I sigh.

  “I have to be at a meetin’. You wanna meet me at the clubhouse tonight? We’ll talk.” I can almost hear the excitement in her voice.

  “Yeah, I’ll be there.” With my heart in my throat, I try to speak but it comes out forced.

  “I’ll see you tonight.” I don’t know if that’s the right choice. Bringing her back here isn’t the right choice. It’s wrong on so many levels and I know it.

  “You keep fuckin’ up, Roc.” I mumble to myself while I rev my bike. I need to meet Tomlin before shit gets way too out of control. I make my way through town with ease, but there’s something nagging at the back of my mind. Tomlin has to have more on me than just that one murder. A man like him will pull out every stop to make his point. He’s highly known. He has more secrets than just me. I park in my usual spot and climb off the bike. There is an aggravating sense of dread that sits on my shoulders. I can’t place what it is, but it’s there. I glance across the street and stop dead in my tracks.

  “Aria?” Her name floats off my lips like it’s always been there. I’d swear that was her going into the building across the street. My stomach cramps as chills race over my body. I don’t like the feelings I’m getting at all. I shake it off and head toward the building. I make my way inside and straight to Tomlin’s office. I don’t bother with knocking as usual.

  “Nice to see you as well, Rocland.”

  “Cut the shit. What do you want now? I killed Malcolm.” I say, my tone clipped. He nods his head knowing this isn’t news to him. He knew I’d do it.

  “I have a situation. I’m at a crossroads of sorts. We are having a gala next weekend. You are obviously not my first choice of attendees but under the circumstances, I think you’re needed.” His words slam into me. He wants me to attend one of his fancy rich bitch gala’s? No way in fuck.

  “Not happenin’. I do your dirty work under the table, not in public.” I cross my arms over my chest as he grins. I watch as he pulls out a folder and tosses it on the desk in front of him.

  “Go ahead. Open it.” He says, nodding toward it. I reach over and pick it up.

  “You son of a bitch.” Pictures of Angel, Devil, and Ghost sit in front of my eyes. I flip through the pages and photos. The more I look, the more I want to rip his beating heart out. I throw the photos onto the desk before I look back up at him.

  “What the fuck do you want from me?!”

  “My daughter has too much information. She knows too many things, and her emotional stability has been altered.”

  “So, your family issues are now mine? Fuck you, Tomlin. Can’t handle your own daughter?” I chuckle.

  “She is a liability. You do this, I will drop everything else. I have nothing against your friends. They are a security deposit of sorts.” Shaking my head, I let that sink in. Kill one woman−which I don’t do−and he lets it all go.

  “I don’t trust you.”

  “I don’t trust you, either. Be there at seven. Don’t find me, I’ll find you. You romance her in any way you need to, to get her alone. I don’t care what you need to pull to make that happen.”


  “Fuck, Roc!” Dragon says. I know this sounds bad.

  “We need to get a handle on this asshole.” Dragon says his bit, but I already know that the Flames are moving in, too.

  “We need to handle Flame’s first. I can handle Tomlin’s shit.” All eyes fall upon me now. They know I’ve never killed a woman before.

  “You sure you can do that?” Devil, of all the guys to ask, it would be him.

  “Don’t have much of a choice. I’ll make it quick.” I say as Devil nods.

  “So, you handle that shit. We’ll set up a meet with Cambridge to see what the hell they want. One way or another, we need to get Tomlin on somethin’.” Dragon announces. We all nod in agreement. My phone rings in my pocket as I sigh. Pulling it out, I see a text from Aria saying she’s out front.

  “Get the girl.” Devil says laughing at me. I shove off the chair and look at him.

  “Don’t get all jealous on me.” Making a little fun of him, he laughs. I head down the hallway and out the front door. Aria stands with her back to me, her long hair flowing in the breeze. She’s angelic. I walk slowly, as to not make any noise. Wrapping my hands around her waist, I breathe her in.

  “I don’t know why you are so hardheaded.” I whisper in her ear making her laugh.

  “There’s just something about you that I can’t let go, Roc.” Ain’t that some shit? I feel the exact same way.

  “I needed you to turn me in.” I tell her in all honesty. Aria spins around in my arms, her eyes pinning me in place.

  “If I did that, I wouldn’t be able to do this.” Her fingers slide up my arms, wrapping around my neck. She pulls my lips down to meet hers. The world slips away when I’m with her. My tongue slides effortlessly into her mouth, caressing hers. Moans slip freely from her mouth, and straight into mine. The connection I have with this woman is beyond anything I would have ever expected.

  “Let’s go inside. I might fuck you in this driveway.” Pulling my lips away from hers, Aria giggles before I wrap my arm around her. I lead her in the front door, to find the guys all staring us down.

  “You have my boy in an awkward situation.” Devils says with his arms crossed over
his chest, glaring at Aria.

  I look between Ghost and Dragon.

  “What the hell is this?” I ask no one in particular. Devil is in a mood; I can see that much.

  “I didn’t mean to put him in any situation.” Aria holds her own. That’s why I like her. She isn’t afraid of them, even though in her right mind, she should be.

  “Yet, here he is.” Devil says, not backing down. I didn’t expect him too either.

  “If there is something I did, tell me. I will fix it. If I managed to fuck up some of your little plans, tell me. I will walk away from him if that’s what he wants.” Aria says, crossing her arms over her chest to mimic Devil. The stare down between the two of them is deadly. I’ve never seen the look in her eyes, that she’s giving him right now.

  “Why don’t we just calm down. Today has been crazy. Let’s get a fire up out back and just take it easy tonight.” Dragon finally adds his two cents.

  Devil stares her down never the less.

  Chapter 14

  These two are setting the scene for something brutal. I almost want to go after Devil for the way he’s acting, but watching Aria hold her own is making my dick hard.

  “Like I said, when Roc tells me to leave, I will.” Aria says in a steady voice. Devil takes a step toward us, his eyes blazing like his name.

  “You cross him, even if just once, I will rip your throat out.” Devil’s tone is brutal. I start to step in between them but Aria yet again, stands up for herself.

  “I wouldn’t expect you to be any other way.” That’s it. I grab Aria around the waist, shoving her toward the hallway. I don’t stop either.

  “I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to piss him off.” She’s talking but I don’t hear a word she’s saying. I’m so fucking turned on right now, she’ll be lucky if I get her into the room.

  “I wasn’t trying to make him mad.” Almost to the door. Why the hell did I pick the room at the end of the fucking hall?

  “Shut up.” I can’t handle her little voice. It’s making it harder and harder for me to even walk.

  Sliding my card, the door opens. I shove through the door, kicking it closed. I grab Aria around the back of her neck, pulling her lips to mine. A deep, passionate kiss that I never want to let go of.

  “You aren’t mad?” She asks as I yank her shirt off. I chuckle not able to help myself.

  “Not a chance in hell.” Stripping her out of her shorts, she looks down at me.

  “But I pissed him off.” She sounds afraid. I don’t have time to answer her, I need her. Yanking my jeans to the floor, I push her against the wall. I don’t wait; I slam into her waiting pussy.

  “Roc!” Yeah, there it is. My name falling from those lips of hers. I can’t get enough of it. I lean back, lowering my head to take her nipple into my mouth. I roll my tongue around her nipple before I bite down. Aria arches her back giving me that much more of herself.I thrust my hips, pivoting into her. She feels amazing with her legs wrapped around my waist.

  “God, you’re beautiful.” Her lips land on my neck. Tantalizing me to the point I can barely hold on. She continues her torture down my neck to my shoulder before she mimics me. Biting down, I lose it. I explode inside of her. Every part of her hugs my dick. I feel so close to her right now.


  The fire is blazing. I hold Aria close to me. We walk toward the fire when Devil looks up. Aria tenses in my arms.

  “He’s a lot of talk. He just gets worried is all.” I whisper in her ear. Aria glances up at me with a smile.

  “He doesn’t bother me. I’m not afraid of him.” I give her a quick peck on the lips before I talk again.

  “If any of us scare you−it should be him.” I only say the truth, but Aria shrugs me off. I nod at the other guys as they all file around with some of the club girls or their women. I’ve never really sat back and looked at all of them. Overall, they look happy. They look secure in what they have. Maybe that’s a place I would never be able to claim, but in this moment, I feel it with Aria. I drop down onto a chair, pulling her into my lap. She doesn’t say a word as we listen to all the guys talking and laughing. It’s nice to just have a good time for a change. Aria lays her head on my shoulder, her breath tickling my skin. The warmth that flows off her is amazing to me. I’ve never felt so comfortable with a woman before. Of course, I can fuck them and walk but to actually have one in my arms, that’s new for me. Her fingers find the back of my neck, rubbing small circles as I watch the guys.

  “You know; we should have a huge Christmas party this year. I know a lot of the clubs have been looking at cabins up in Colorado.” Dragon pulls everyone’s attention to him. This is news to me.

  “Devil, in the snow,” I say. Devil chuckles, making us all laugh.

  “I think it sounds fun. We can snowmobile and shit.” Ghost chimes in. Aria’s fingers never stop their soothing motions.

  “Snowmobiles are awesome. We went a few years back with some family,” Dragon says. My mind wanders. Where it goes to is never a nice place. This time is different, though. I’m lost in Aria’s touch. The feel of her skin on mine. I close my eyes, relishing in everything that she has to offer. Her scent, her touch. Everything about her sucks me in. Her soft lips nibble at my ear. My breathing catches in my throat.

  “What are you doin’?” My whispers fall on deaf ears. Her lips continue to torture me. She can feel my dick hardening beneath her. “If you’re tryin’ to drive me insane, it’s workin’.” Her giggles slam into me. My hands tighten around her, pulling her in closer.

  “Tell me you want me, the way I want you.” Her words spark a need inside of me. My eyes snap open and lock with hers. The way she said it, it was different.

  “I do want you, Aria. More than I should.”

  Chapter 15

  I walk out of my room feeling like a complete ass. The guys laugh as I make my way into the main room. Adjusting the jacket on my tux, they all laugh at me. Assholes.

  “Laugh it up. You know I’m the only one that could pull this shit off.”

  “You look good, Roc.” Amber, one of the other club girls smiles up at me.

  “Thanks, darlin’.” I give her a wink before I head toward the door.

  “You sure you can handle this shit?” Ghost says as he steps up next to me, his hand landing on my shoulder.

  “It’s just like any other time, right?” I ask, knowing that if anyone would know, it would be him. Ghost just shrugs his shoulders.

  “I suppose. I’ve only done it once, not my ideal job.” His voice has lowered. I’ve heard about that; it was rough on him. I was away on a run but when I came back, he looked like hell.

  “If you don’t think you can, call me. I’ll step in. You have a good heart, Roc.” Ghost says.

  “I got this. Thanks, though.” Climbing in the truck, Ghost holds the door open.

  “I mean it, Roc.” I know he does.

  “I know, brother.” He nods his head before closing the door. I put the truck in drive. I’m far too aware of my emotions right now. I’ve never liked to feel so much all at once. I try to suppress it all, but it just bubbles to the surface. Killing a woman was never in my job description. The whole drive I’m lost in my own head. It’s not a good place for me to be right now. I pull the truck into the parking lot. The same thought goes through my head over and over again.

  “Just this once. He’ll be gone after that.” I look at myself in the mirror and I’m almost afraid of what I see. The man in front of me would have never let himself get caught up in this mess to begin with, let alone think about killing a woman. I owe the club, though. He knows too much. If I don’t do this, I’ll be putting everyone in danger. I can’t have anything happen to any of them for my fuck ups.

  I climb out of the truck and make my way up the stairs. There are so many high-class people here that it makes my skin crawl. I don’t deal well with these types of people. I suck in a breath when I step into the overly bright ballroom. This is just way over the top for me.r />
  I grab the first available drink I can find, and take it down in one gulp. Looking around the room, I recognize a lot of the people here. They wouldn’t know me, but I sure as hell know them.The mayor of this piece of shit city, the police chief. They're all here pretending that nothing is happening outside the walls of this building.

  “You clean up nicely. What are you doing here?” My eyes widen when I hear her voice. Turning slowly, I lock eyes with the girl that has managed to steal a part of me.

  “What are you doin’ here?” We both look at each other waiting for the other to respond.

  “My dad’s here. I sort of had to show up.” I nod my head. That must be what she was doing the other day in town when I saw her.

  “Yeah, I know one of the guy’s that’s runnin’ it.” Aria smiles brightly as she holds her hand out to me.

  “Well, since you’re here, and looking amazing in that tux, dance with me.” How could I say no? Her long black dress hugs every curve of her body. Even in her heels she’s shorter than I am, but I love it. I love being in control of her. I pull her body closely to mine before leaning down to whisper in her ear.

  “I hope I’ll be peelin’ this off you later.” I don’t miss the shudder that rolls over her body.


  Having her this close to me is perfect.

  “You look pretty sexy in this tux. Where did you steal it?” Aria giggles before looking up at me.

  “I can look hot in a tux without stealin’ it, babe,” I say, smiling down at her as we move to the music. I feel someone tap me on the shoulder. I turn around, not happy to see Tomlin already.

  “Rocland. Good to see you.” Too bad I can’t say the same to him.

  “Dad?” Wait, what? What the hell did she just say? I glance to the left to see Aria looking up at the man that has made my life a living hell for the last ten years.


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