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Hell's Fire MC: The Full Series

Page 9

by Erin Trejo

  “Stop it! He isn’t that bad.” Glancing over at her, I nod.

  “Keep tellin’ yourself that.” I hear the sob escape Dana.

  “Oh, fuck me. He’s not bad. You’ll be fine here.” Grabbing a cigarette out, I light it up. The two of them whisper amongst themselves as I lay my head back, relaxing a little. I close my eyes until I feel hands roaming over my chest.

  “If that’s Dana, I can’t promise to play nicely.” I know it’s Aria. She slaps me in the chest before laughing. I crack an eye open, with a half-smile as I look up at her.

  “You are such a smartass. Here.” Passing me a blanket, I look at her a little confused.

  “What am I doin’ with this?” I ask. Looking down at the blanket, Aria laughs.

  “Sleeping on the couch. She doesn’t want to be alone.” Oh, like hell!

  “Nope. No fuckin’ way. There are other rooms she can sleep in.” Aria watches me with a look that could kill.

  “Goddamn it! Cock blocker.” I cut my eyes at Dana when she gives me a sad smile.

  “You owe me.” Mouthing the words at Aria, she giggles.

  I watch her ass as she walks back over to the bed. She doesn’t change or anything just pulls the covers back, dragging her friend under with her.

  “Stop looking over here like that, Roc. It’s not going to happen.” Grunting, I blow out a ring of smoke. How the hell did she know I was thinking about climbing in the middle of the two of them?


  I wake up to soft snores and little cries. I check to make sure it isn’t Aria, which it’s not. There’s nothing I can do for that one. I yawn and stretch before heading out of the room. I make my way down to the kitchen to find Devil sitting at the table.

  “What the hell you doin’ up so early?” Grabbing a cup, I pour some coffee. That’s something new for me.

  “You drinkin’ that shit?” Devil chuckles. I need something to wake my ass up.

  “Hell yeah. I got cock blocked and stuck on the Goddamn couch, man.” Devil grins before I sit across from him.

  “What’s with you and Angel?” I ask. His eyes jerk to mine and hold there. There’s a question in them, but I can see the look. He doesn’t want me to push that issue. Too bad.

  “Nothin’.” Grunting, I take a drink of my coffee.

  “Bullshit. I see the way you look at her.” Devil pushes out of his chair before looking back at me.

  “I just see more in her than everyone else.” I watch him walk away but something doesn’t sit right with me.He knows more about Angel than I thought he did. I wonder what that connection is?

  “You left me in that room alone.” Her voice pulls a smile across my face every time.

  “You had company,” I tell her. Aria walks over, throwing her leg over mine, she straddles me. “What do you think you’re doin’?” Watching her eyes as they sparkle in the light makes my day. Lowering herself, I notice she has taken off the shorts that she once had on.

  “I like this shirt.” Fiddling with the hem of my t-shirt she smiles.

  “You should, since it’s yours.” Her lips move closer to mine. Her hips start to slowly rock against me.

  “Is this my breakfast?” Reaching between us, I grip her pussy in my hand roughly. Aria sucks in a breath that sends heat straight through my body.

  “I need you, Roc.” She rocks against my hand telling me just how bad she wants this. Maybe as bad as I want her. I swipe the coffee cup off the table, listening to it shatter on the floor. I’ll clean that shit up later. Lifting Aria, I lay her down on the table. Hovering over her, I can’t get enough of this girl. I drop back into the chair, spreading her legs wide open for me.

  “Shit, this is perfect.” Aria whimpers the closer I get to that sweet spot. My breath must be tickling her skin in ways that send shivers over her body.

  “Roc, what are you doing?” Her breathless moans send my dick into overdrive.

  “Havin’ breakfast, darlin’.” Leaning down, I run my tongue through that sweet wetness. Aria tries to close her thighs around me but I shove them back apart. I slide a finger inside of her as I work her over with my tongue. Light flicks that pick up the pace as my finger does. Her body arches off the table before she calls out to me.

  “Roc. I need you!” Pulling away from that hot pussy is like hell on earth but when the girl needs me, I give.

  I stand up, yanking my pants to the floor. I don’t give her any notice before I’m pulling her to the edge of the table. My dick slams into her roughly. Her body slides over the table as I thrust into her. I grab her hips, needing to be further inside of her.

  “Damn!” Grunting, I need to be deeper, I need to feel all of her. My hips piston into her with all the power I have. Hitting her everywhere possible, I groan. Aria screams my name sending me higher.

  “Dude–we eat on that table!” Ghost walks past slapping a hand on my shoulder before walking away. I start to pull away seeing how we just got caught, but Aria surprises me again.

  “Don’t you dare move.” My eyes jerk to hers, the look of pure lust dancing in her eyes.

  “Your wish is my command.” Bucking my hips, I slam into her over and over. Her body bounces around the table but I don’t stop until I feel her explode.

  “FUCK!” Growling through my release, I unload inside of her. There isn’t a better feeling in this world than having her wrapped up around me. Milking me for everything I have.

  Chapter 24

  I carry Aria back to the room with her lips plastered against mine. Pushing into the room, I’m ready to take her again when I hear Dana clear her throat. Pulling away from me, Aria grins.

  “There’s breakfast in the kitchen.” Dana smiles at Aria.

  “Don’t eat at the table, though.” Mumbling, she heard me. Aria slaps me in the chest before climbing out of my arms.

  “What happens next?” Dana asks as she stands with her arms crossed over her chest.

  “We figure out how Tomlin is connected to Cambridge, and why they want her dead.” I reply, nodding toward Aria.

  “How long will that take?” I finally pull my eyes back to meet Dana’s. She’s a little mouthy and it’s starting to wear on my nerves.

  “As long as it takes. I won’t rush this shit and have her in danger.” I mimic her stance, crossing my arms over my chest. I don’t like to throw my weight around with women, but with this one, I will.

  “Everything will work out, Dana.” Blowing out a breath, she drops her arms.

  “I just don’t like that Crystal was involved this whole time.” Speaking of Crystal, I wonder where the hell she is right now. Now that’s one woman I wouldn’t mind putting a bullet in.

  “When was the last time you talked to her?” All eyes dart to me. I need more information than I currently have.

  “A few days ago. She said she had things to take care of. I didn’t let on that I heard her talking to him.” Nodding at Dana, I look to Aria.

  “You ok for now? I need to talk to Dragon.” Aria nods with a smile on her face. Turning on my heel, I head out of the room and back out front. I want to get this moving. I want to get this shit taken care of and move on, but I have a feeling in the pit of my stomach that, that’s not the way things are going to go down. I spot Ghost standing outside the front doors and head that way. His head is hanging in defeat. I know he’s thinking about her.

  “Why don’t you look for her?” He shakes his head, never looking up.

  “It’s not fair to her. I let her go.” Understandable, but still.

  “You told me to go after Aria, Ghost. I could tell you the same about Melanie.” His chuckle doesn’t go unnoticed. He pulls his head up before looking over at me.

  “You’re right. I just don’t know how to fix things. A lot happened between us, Roc.”

  “I know they did. That girl loved you though, Ghost. We all saw that.” He nods his head, still not sure of what to do with himself.

  “Maybe one day. We need to get this shit settled first. I
am really sorry though, Roc. I didn’t know about that shit back then.” I can see the sincerity in his eyes. He’s my brother, how could I not.

  “It aint nothin’, man. We’re family. It happened. I let that asshole play me for way too long. I won’t let that happen again.” Pulling Ghost into a brief hug, he slaps a hand on my back.

  “You’ve always been the better of the two of us.” I chuckle at that one. I don’t know about that.

  “Don’t be so sure, brother.” His laughter is something that’s kept me centered for so long.

  “What are you two doin’?” Trick comes to stand next to us, offering us both a cigarette.

  “Takin’ in some Goddamn air before it’s full of dead bodies.” Trick grins like a fool. He’s a good guy.

  “Heard that. Dragon’s lettin’ me run with you guys on this one.” Trick says. Ghost and I share a glance before laughing.

  “You sure you’re ready for that?” I ask, looking him up and down. I just want to push his buttons. I know he can handle it.

  “Damn right I am. I’ve worked my ass off to prove that shit.” Trick grins like a fool. I give him a quick nod before slapping a hand on his shoulder.

  “That you have. It’s good to know we got another good guy watchin’ our backs.” Trick’s look changes. Ghost breaks into laughter that sets me off, too.

  “Make a speech princess. You gonna cry, Trick? I swear to fuck if you start to cry I’ll shoot you on the spot.” Ghost tells him while laughing. Shit, I’m not far behind him.

  “Fuck off, Ghost. It makes me proud to stand next to you guys.” Trick says. I try to reign in my laughter, but damn.

  “Jesus Christ, I need a Goddamn drink.”


  Dragon and I have a meeting with Cambridge today. My nerves are on edge. Ghost opted to stay back since he has been a little on edge. I don’t mind taking his place for the day, though. I want as much information as I can get from these motherfuckers. I want Tomlin’s ass on a stick.

  “This is such bullshit.” Shaking my head, I look around the upscale area we’re in.

  “What’s wrong? Get nervous around that rich pussy?” Dragon chuckles before slapping me in the arm.

  “You don’t? Look at this shit. All high-tech cameras and shit. Why the fuck would you want to run drugs out of this shit?”

  “Because it makes the perfect cover.” A voice comes from behind us. We both turn at the same time to see a man in a business suit eyeing us.

  “Seems, so,” Dragon says, but he doesn’t move. He watches the guy, much like I am.

  “You must be Dragon.” The man extends his hand. Dragon might not like this shit but he knows how to play the game. He takes the man’s hand in his.

  “And who the hell are you?” Dragon asks. The man smiles that million-dollar billboard smile. Fucking prick.

  “Michael Cambridge. It’s nice to finally meet you.” Is it? I highly doubt he’s happy to see us.

  “To what do we owe this visit?” Dragon pulls his hand back, wiping it on his t-shirt.

  “You rich fucks smell too much like sanitizer for me,” Dragon mumbles. Michael doesn’t laugh, just smiles.

  “You did ask for this meeting.” Adjusting his jacket, I want to punch this fucker in throat.

  “Yeah, we heard somethin’ around town and wanted to check in with you.” Nodding his head, he motions for us to follow him. Dragon and I share a glance before walking behind the man.

  “Prick.” Clearly, Dragon really dislikes this man. Michael closes the door behind us before taking a seat.

  “What is it, you heard?” Clasping his hands together in front of him, it takes all I have to not get up and smash his face in.

  “You made an offer to Throwers. They want in on our turf. That’s askin’ for a war they ain’t ready for,” Dragon says, laying it all out there for him. This seems to catch his interest. He leans forward, listening intently.

  “What do you propose?” Cambridge asks. Fuck, I can’t stand this punk.

  “We run it. We have a bigger operation than they do. We have more intel than they do. We can reach more people than their little kiddy asses.” Dragon is always so sure of himself. He knows the skills this club possesses, and he’s right. We can run shit better than they can.

  “What do you want in return?” Dragon chuckles before looking over at me.

  “I want Tomlin.” Michael looks between us before asking.

  “Which one?” He says. Now it’s my turn to laugh.

  “Both. I want Martin dead. Aria’s mine.” His gaze narrows on me. The look in his eyes is feral, yet there’s a fear deep down in them. A fear that he knows I will kill him if need be. I like that, I like knowing that he can sense that.

  “No deal. Aria holds too much information.” Shaking my head, I lean in closer to his desk.

  “It wasn’t up for consideration. She is mine.” The growl rips from my throat before Dragon’s hand comes down on my shoulder.

  “What do you think that girl knows? She doesn’t know shit that we don’t.” I snap. His eyes jerk from mine to his.

  “Meaning what?”

  “Meanin’, she doesn’t know shit. She knows what Tomlin has let slip. She didn’t even know who the fuck you were.” Dragon fills him in. Michael seems to be thinking that over. His looks change in an instant.

  “He set this up. He set it up to take the focus off him.”

  Dragon looks over at me. We share a strange glance as Michael shakes his head.

  “You wanna’ elaborate on that shit?” Dragon is getting pissed, I can hear it. Michael looks up from his desk before he leans forward.

  “Martin came to me not long ago. He was asking a lot of questions about the MC’s that we work closely with. He wanted more intel than I was willing to give. He said that Aria knew our inner workings here. He pointed the finger at her. He sent us out to find her with the understanding that he would move into a higher up position with us.” Slamming my hands down on the desk in front of me, I’m pissed. He sold her out. He sold his own daughter out.

  “Sit. Down.” Dragon growls. I drop my ass back into the seat and wait. Dragon nods at Michael, motioning for him to go on.

  “Aria was supposed to die at the event up north. He set it all up with the Throwers'. We worked out an agreement that he would represent us in court, should the need arise.” My chest tightens. This is all bullshit.

  “And, Crystal?” Michael looks up confused.

  “I don’t know a Crystal.” Michael says. Glancing over at Dragon, he shrugs.

  “We want Tomlin. We want Aria, off the hit list. The rest is up to you. I don’t give a fuck about Crystal. Kill her, we kill her, whatever. I want Tomlin dead.” My words are strong when I speak them. Michael looks to me. He holds my gaze for a second before looking to Dragon.

  “And you want to run our products? You realize the penalty that will come with any mess-ups?” Nodding his head, he knows. So do I, but we don’t fuck up.

  “Fine. You get Tomlin. I want to be present though, I’d like to watch that liar burn for what he’s done.”

  “And, Aria?” I ask the obvious. Michael’s eyes come back to mine.

  “She’s all yours.” Michael says. Dragon stands, extending his hand to Michael.

  They shake on it. Done deal. She’s mine, and I will take out that piece of shit father of hers.

  “As soon as we have Tomlin, we’ll call you with a time and place.” Michael smiles and it’s almost as evil as Devil’s. I’d say he’s looking forward to that death as much as I am.

  Chapter 25

  Leaving Cambridge, a weight feels like it’s been lifted from my shoulders. A calming feeling takes over as we walk toward the bikes.

  “You good with runnin’ his shit?” Glancing over at Dragon, he nods.

  “Better money. Higher payouts. We could use that. Besides, Cambridge is the biggest mass seller out there.” I guess he’s right. Right now, we’re only running local gigs. With this much power
behind us, we can venture out.

  “I didn’t like bringin’ you guys into this.” Dragon stops, turning to face me.

  “I don’t want to hear shit else, Roc. You’re fuckin’ family, man. You took a lot of shit from Tomlin for way too long. This shit comes to an end, now.” The look in his eyes says to let this go. So that’s exactly what I do.

  “Thanks, brother. Not just for this. I mean, for everything.” Dragon grins. Grabbing my helmet, I climb on my bike, revving the engine. With a quick nod from Dragon, I take off. I’m ready to get this asshole and finish this. I’m ready to make him pay for everything he’s done to me. Every single time that phone rang and I had to leave, and take care of his problems. More than that though, I want to make him pay for the hell he put Aria through. I want him to feel the pain that she felt. The betrayal. The hurt. The fear. He will feel every last bit of it. Pulling to a stop in the clubhouse parking lot, I leap off my bike, heading straight inside. I glance around, not seeing anyone until Trick walks past me.

  “You seen my girl?” Trick grins before pointing.

  “She’s out in the pool,” He says. With a quick nod, I head toward the other exit. Spotting her wet body floating in the water, shivers roll over me. My smile couldn’t get any bigger. The closer I get, the hotter I am. That girl does some strange things to my insides.

  “You’re lookin’ awful sexy in that.” Looking at her through hooded eyes, she smiles up at me.

  “Come here.” I almost growl. Aria climbs out of the pool, walking toward me. Soaking wet and in nothing but a bikini, my dick hardens in my jeans. When she’s close enough to me, I yank her against my body.

  “Roc! I’m wet.” She tries to protest but that isn’t happening.

  “I haven’t touched you yet.” She giggles against my neck.

  “You know what I mean.”

  “I don’t care if you’re wet. I need to tell you somethin’,” I say, kissing her neck. Aria groans.

  “Tell me, then.” Her fingers trace circles on the back of my neck igniting a fire inside of me.


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