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The Cupcake Capers Box Set

Page 39

by Polly Holmes


  “And, I hid behind the Christmas cake stall. I could tell it wasn’t going to last long, so I whipped out my camera and took a few snaps.”

  Elation shot through her system like wildfire and she clasped her hands together. “You did?”

  “Of course.” He grunted.

  “Well, come on, show me,” Alex said, fanning her hands in a hurrying motion. His mouth dropped open into a rounded O and Alex felt her power slipping away. “Why, Daniel, I do believe you intend to keep them to yourself.”

  “Just think of the story it will make,” he said, the glint in his eyes twinkling like fairy lights.

  “Yes and what a story it will make when the police find out you withheld information that could be pertinent in a murder investigation.” The sudden piercing shrill of a car horn sent shivers ricocheting through her body.

  His brow creased, and his lips thinned. “You wouldn’t. Would you?”

  Sucking in a deep breath, she continued. “Of course I wouldn’t… If you show me her photo. Besides, who am I going to tell? I’m sure if she becomes a person of interest, you would definitely fess up and turn in the pictures?” She prayed her guilt-infused words would end in her favour. She mentally crossed her fingers and the knots inside her stomach crossed in anticipation.

  “Yes, you’re right. I may be the best reporter in town, but I’m an honest one.” Daniel grabbed his iPad from his desk and flicked through several screens until he found the pictures he was looking for. “Here. It’s not a very clear picture, but it’s clear she’s a beautiful woman. Just look at that bone structure.”

  Alex picked through several pictures, scrutinised each photo. “I wouldn’t let Suzi hear you talking like that. It’s amazing what jealousy will do to someone.”

  “Alex, please. I said she was a beautiful woman. I didn’t say she was the most gorgeous woman I’ve ever seen. That’s my Suzi.” He beamed love from ear to ear at the mention of her name.

  “Glad to hear it.”

  He peered over her shoulder. “She has striking features don’t you think? Especially with those Dame Edna-inspired, navy-blue sunglasses.”

  Striking wasn’t exactly the word I’d use. Who are you? Did you kill Marcus? She glared at the picture and one thought after another filled her mind. At least she now had an image of the woman.

  “Thank you, Daniel. If I happen to run into her, I’ll let you know.” She hiked her bag back up onto her shoulder, turned and headed for the door. She stopped for a few parting words. “Oh, and Daniel.” She paused, waiting for him to look her way, her jaw rigid. “I trust you will check with me first before printing my name in your paper again?”

  Daniel swallowed. “Of course.”

  Alex drove home in silence, her mind desperately trying to link the pieces of the puzzle together. This whole mess was like trying to find your way around a maze without a map. Impossible. “Maybe Charlotte will have some news to report on her meeting with Hannah,” she muttered as she pulled into the McCorrson’s driveway.

  Laughter and excited chitchat floated down the hallway from the kitchen. A sudden pop accompanied by cheers and hooray’s boomed as she entered the room. Champagne? What’s the occasion? Was it too much to hope that Marcus’ murderer had been arrested?

  Alex stood by the door and surveyed the scene. There were smiles all around. Anyone would think Christmas morning had come a week and a half early. Liam stood with his arms securely locked around Charlotte, while Mason held up champagne flutes for Clair to fill. Finn threaded his hand through Cassidy’s as she inched herself closer to the love of her life. Alex stood on the outside, longing to have someone love her just as the guys loved her best friends. A spark ignited in her belly. Maybe Kayne Pendleton was her knight in shining armour. Best keep her dinner date quiet until she knew one way or another. She swallowed the lump in her throat and marched in.

  “Are we celebrating something?” Alex asked dumping her bag on the kitchen bench.

  Charlotte spun and a smile the size of the Harbour Bridge lit up the room. “We certainly are.”

  “Mum and Dad are coming home for New Year,” Clair said as she poured the champagne.

  Alex’s heart swelled at the look of love in Clair’s eyes. “Really, that’s wonderful news and unexpected.” A twinge of panic wormed its way into her chest.

  Clair stopped pouring and placed the champagne bottle on the counter. “What’s wrong, Alex? Did something happen?”

  She shook her head. “No, I was just thinking that if your Mum and Dad are coming home, maybe I should think about moving out.”

  All three woman blurted out simultaneously protest after protest. It was like being at a rally, only she was the object of their attack. The constant rambling was enough to convince even the harshest critic. Her heart exploded in her chest and she realised she would never have more loving, wonderful friends in the entire world. She held up her hands. “Okay, okay, looks like I’m not going anywhere.”

  “You’ve got that right,” Clair said handing her a glass of bubbly. “Now, not only do we celebrate Mum and Dad coming home we can also celebrate our best friend spending Christmas where she belongs. With us.”

  They all clinked glasses and tears of love warped Alex’s vision. “To friendship,” she said, raising her glass.

  “To friendship.”

  She sipped slowly, soaking up the fresh, fruity taste while the bubbles tickled her nose. The cool liquid floated down to her belly, soothing her tightened chest. Man, did I need that.

  Charlotte cleared her throat. “Now that we are all here, I think it’s time we get an update of the Marcus situation, don’t you agree?”

  “Sounds like a great idea,” Liam said refilling Charlotte’s glass and giving her a cheeky wink on the side.

  “I’ll go first,” Mason said placing his glass down.

  By the time he explained in detail his email blunder and the timely visit from the police, Alex had finished her second glass and her head began to spin like a merry-go-round.

  Oh, this can’t be good. Why don’t I ever learn? Me and champagne don’t mix. Before her mind turned to total mush she volunteered her information next. “I managed to catch Daniel on my way home and after some persuading, he confessed that he was in fact the source. He was the one that spotted Marcus with the mystery dark-haired woman.”

  Cassidy’s eyes thinned. “Why, the nerve of that man. He’ll sensationalise anything to sell another paper.”

  “Yes, but on the upside of being a sneaky reporter, he photographed the interaction and after some persuading, I convinced him to show me the pictures.” All inquisitive eyes were now focused solely on her. “She is extremely pretty, as the article said. She’s not a local or someone that has ever visited Ashton Point on a regular basis before. Believe me, I’d remember. She has the most beautiful long, wavy brown hair. I don’t know whether she was trying to be inconspicuous or not but she had on blue sunglasses. The only way to describe them is Dame Edna look-a-likes. I mean not as outrageous as Dame Edna wears but a similar shape.”

  Finn rubbed his spikey stubble. “How weird. Anything else?”

  Alex shook her head. Her hand darted out and subtly gripped the counter. Thankfully they were none the wiser. No more Champagne for me.

  Charlotte cleared her throat and all eyes diverted to her. “My turn. I paid Hannah a visit today to hand in Alex’s takings from the kissing booth.” She paused, a sly smirk graced her lips as she glanced in Alex’s direction. “After all it was the number one grossing stall of the day. I think we can all agree on that.”

  Alex gasped. Her face reddened like a beetroot, embarrassed by Charlotte’s remark.

  Charlotte continued ignoring Alex’s death stare. “Anyway, while I was there, I deliberately mentioned Marcus and how atrocious he’s been treating Alex this past week. She all but denied having anything to do with him and then I went in for the kill.” Charlotte’s animated expressions had her audience hooked. �
��When I told her she’d been seen in a secret discussion with him behind Santa’s village, she crumbled like a sandcastle. You see, Hannah has had a gambling problem in the past. She broke down and confessed that she’d given Marcus money to pay off a loan shark and it turns out he pocketed it instead.”

  “Figures,” Alex muttered under her breath.

  “Apparently, she thought he’d paid them but when they turned up on her doorstep demanding payment, she realised the truth. Fearing for her life, she confronted him at the Christmas Fair.”

  Mason clasped his hands together. “The perfect motive.”

  Charlotte grimaced and tilted her head to the side. “I’m not so sure about that. She says she was on the way back from driving the fashion parade outfits back to Emmerson Bancroft’s place.”

  Alex felt a tug in her gut. “That’s really not a strong enough alibi. Did anyone see her?”

  “That’s just it, she can’t remember, but if she is telling the truth, someone will surely have seen her.”

  “I think it’s worth getting the police to check it out anyway,” Liam said topping up Cassidy’s champagne glass one more time.

  Alex’s eyebrows knitted together as a random thought crept into her mind. “What I still don’t get is why Marcus was in the Santa suit. For that matter, where did he get it?” Blank stares greeted her words and she made a resolve to mention it to Kayne tomorrow evening.

  Chapter Ten

  THE SUGARY SCENT of hazelnut twitched Alex’s nose as she stirred from her slumber. A stab of discomfort shot through her head as her eyelids opened. The sun streaming through the window burned her eyes like a branding iron. Her warm hand shielded her eyes, blocking out the fresh morning welcome. “I know it’s summer, but does the morning sun always have to be so blinding?” Her eyelids were as heavy as lead weights and it wasn’t long before her mind wandered. She dozed off again, her head comfortably nestled in the middle of her heavenly feather pillow.

  She’d spent most of the night trying to keep her thoughts off the murder and on her new managerial role at the café. Christmas party… Themed cupcake events…. Children’s parties…. Morning sun, warm… Hot sun. She felt her forehead tighten.

  The sun never usually streams through my window this brightly in the morning. Realisation struck her like a lightning bolt. She shot up in her bed. “Oh no,” she mumbled, her eyes searching her bedside clock for the time.

  “Are you for real? Nine-thirty.” She threw back the covers ignoring the fogginess clouding her mind donned her dressing gown and raced toward the scent of freshly brewed coffee.

  Praying her clock was wrong, her gaze searched the wall. Nine-thirty. Alex’s hand slapped her forehead. “I can’t believe I slept so late.”

  “I can,” Clair said, shaking chocolate powder over her steaming mug. “You’ve been under a lot of stress lately, with everything that’s been going on. Why shouldn’t you sleep in? I thought you weren’t starting work at the café ‘til twelve-thirty?”

  “I’m not, but…” Alex felt annoyance bloom in her chest. Annoyed at her own lack of focus. “But I came up with all these ideas last night about how to spice up the café when I’m manager and pump up sales. I wanted to get them down on paper before I left. I’m going to show Dalton that I am the best person to take The Springs Café to the next level.”

  “You most certainly are. You have plenty of time.” Clair paused and bit her bottom lip.

  Alex sensed a “but” was coming.

  “I know I shouldn’t have presumed, but do you think if I give you a hand, you could drop me at CC’s Cupcake Haven on the way out to the springs? Mason’s car is in the shop so he borrowed mine this morning to head out to an early appointment in Newcastle. Charlotte went in early this morning to CC’s Simply Cupcakes and Pierre opened up for me so Mason could take my car.”

  “Where’s Cassidy?” Clair’s cheeky grin at the mention of Cassidy’s name made Alex’s heart swell.

  “Finn, the big romantic, decided to take her back to his place last night and apparently they’re on their way to Sydney this morning for a romantic getaway and she mentioned something about visiting his parents while they were there.”

  “Of course I can drop you off.”

  A cold breeze from the open window touched Alex’s face and she breathed in the briny smell of salt water drifting from the ocean. Man, she loved living by the sea. Even better to share it with her best friend.

  Clair shot to her feet, her energy bubbling over. “I have an idea. Instead of working here, why don’t we get ready now and head out? Then I can help you work on your ideas with fresh coffee and some of Pierre’s French pastries. It’s closer to the springs anyway.”

  A hunger groan from Alex’s stomach rang out and she clutched her stomach. “Pierre’s delicious pastries. Yes, please. It sounds like my insides are in agreement. I can be ready in twenty minutes.” Alex bounded down the hallway. Twenty-five minutes later she emerged refreshed and energized.

  Her heart skipped a beat as she entered the kitchen to a frantic Clair pacing. Her heart fell.

  “How can that be? Are you serious? …how many? …okay, I’ll pick some up on the way,” Clair said as she hung up.

  “Is everything all right?” Alex asked as apprehension gripped her chest.

  “That was Pierre. Apparently the tourists have been out in droves today and they’ve emptied the chocolate, strawberry, and hazelnut cupcakes already. He asked if I could call in to see Charlotte and pick some up some more on the way.” Clair grimaced. “Would that be okay? I don’t mean to be a pain, but I had no idea that we’d sell out so quickly. I promise I’ll be quick. I’ll run in and out.”

  Alex watched Clair’s face run through a gamut of emotions and she couldn’t help but giggle. “Clair. Calm down, it’s no problem at all. We’ve plenty of time and I might even grab some more of the mistletoe cupcakes for the café while I’m there. If, as you say, the tourists are out we may need some more ourselves.”

  Clair threw her arms around Alex and squeezed. “Thank you, thank you, thank you. I owe you.”

  “You most certainly do not,” Alex said through a mouthful of strawberry-scented red hair. Her arms gave Clair one last squeeze. “Now, let’s get out of here.”

  Clair nodded and in no time, Alex pulled up across the street from CC’s Simply Cupcakes. Both ladies’ jaws dropped, staring in amazement at the line out the door.

  Clair huffed. “I know it’s the Christmas season but this is unbelievable. What are Charlotte and Suzi doing inside? Customers are not going to wait around forever. Sooner or later, they are going to get fed up with waiting and leave.”

  The familiar scent of flour, sugar, cinnamon, and chocolate greeted them as they entered. Alex loved its classic vintage 1950s vibe. She always got a buzz every time she walked through the doors and her eye caught the pink and chocolate-brown striped walls and chalk menu boards, framed in gold. Each with cute, detailed pictures of cupcakes strategically placed. The glass counter cabinets hosted some of Charlotte’s most delectable cupcakes.

  Alex and Clair excused themselves past the line of customers to a chaotic Charlotte moving double time behind the counter. “Charlotte, what’s going on?” Clair snapped.

  Charlotte’s head turned towards the sound of Clair’s raised voice, sudden relief piercing her sapphire blue eyes. “Oh, thank goodness,” she said as she finished with a customer. “Grab an apron and start serving.”

  Clair deposited her bag under the counter and grabbed a pick and chocolate brown glitter apron. “What is going on?”

  Charlotte attempted to fill them in, in between customers. “Suzi stayed at Daniel’s last night and unbeknown to her, left with Daniel’s car keys in her bag. He called and she had to take them back. How was I supposed to know we’d get a rush of people while she was away? She’s only been gone twenty minutes. I thought I’d be okay.”

  Of course you’d be busy. Once you have one of Charlotte’s yummy cupcakes you can�
�t stop. “Want some more help?” Alex asked, an eyebrow raised.

  “Would you? That would be great,” Charlotte grunted, a bead of sweat running down her temple. “I promise I’ll bring extra chocolate fudge cupcakes home for dessert tonight.”

  Alex’s mouth salivated at the mention of Charlotte’s chocolate fudge cupcakes. “You’re on.” The three of them worked like a well-oiled machine. It took less than twenty minutes to dwindle the customers down to a manageable quantity. Alex was exhausted, her eye catching a panic-stricken Suzi bursting through the door and race toward Charlotte. She was still wearing her cupcake apron, covered in an assortment of dried icing colours.

  “I am so, so sorry, Charlotte,” she said, her apologetic expression begging forgiveness.

  Charlotte smiled. “We’re all good. Clair and Alex to the rescue.”

  The husky resonance of a woman’s voice broke through Alex’s exhausted haze and she searched for the source. A woman stood poised in an elegant black mid-summer, A-line floral dress, which hugged a figure like Nicole Kidman’s. Only she had chestnut-brown, wavy hair floating down her gorgeous back instead of strawberry blonde hair.

  We really are attracting some high-class tourists this year, she thought.

  “May I please have one red velvet cupcake, one banoffee cupcake and one piece of the crushed walnut, double-chocolate, dark chocolate fudge. To go, please.” The woman fussed in her handbag and with a preppy huff and puff, she started emptying items out onto the bench.

  “Ah huh, here it is,” she said, pulling a credit card out of the side pouch of her mobile phone cover. She paid for her purchase. “Thank you.” She politely grabbed her purchase and left.

  “Was it me or did she look like a movie star?” Clair said, taking a batch of cupcakes from Suzi and refilling the glass display cabinet. “I guess that’s why Ashton Point is so popular in the holiday season. You can feel at home no matter what you wear or who you are.”


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