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The Brat Flips: First Time Taboo with Man of the House (House Daddy Book 1)

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by Lulu Cherry


  House Daddy Series



  Lulu Cherry

  Copyright 2018 Lulu Cherry

  All rights Reserved

  No part of this eBook may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording or by any information storage and retrieval system, without written permission from the author.

  This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, businesses, places, events, locales, and incidents are either the products of the author’s imagination or used in a fictitious manner. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental.

  All Characters in this book are over eighteen years old.

  No one is related by blood.


  Thank you to all my wonderful readers.

  I dedicate all my stories to you!

  I love writing these stories for you.

  I read each and every comment you leave on my books.

  I even read the criticism.

  You help me be a better writer!

  Lulu Cherry


  Mommy just up and left one day. She never said why. But I guess it was her drinking.

  We'd all been through hell with her drinking. She drank like a fish. And she'd get into these tantrums at night.

  She'd scream at all of us for just being alive. It was God awful.

  And here's the thing. We'd always thought it would be Daddy that left us. Never Mommy.


  Because Mommy was our biological mother. But Daddy, he came along later, after our biological father had already up and left us.

  When I say us, of course, I mean me and the twins. It was just me, and my two baby brothers.

  It was like this though.

  Daddy had always had a crush on my Mommy. Since high school. They'd even dated for a while. But Mommy had always felt too important for Daddy.

  Instead of marrying him, the guy who really loved her, she married some college boy. That college boy was supposed to be her ticket out of "bumfuck".

  Yeah, that's what she called our hometown, "bumfuck."

  But that boy, my biological father, turned out not to be Mommy's ticket out of here, after all. Instead he gave her three kids and then just plain went out and dumped her.

  We never heard a word from him again.

  Mommy almost fell to pieces then. But Daddy stepped up. He'd never lost that flame he had for her.

  He started coming around the house doing all he could to help out. Soon, my mommy became totally dependent on him.

  And the next thing you know, she was marrying him.

  But I think down deep she always saw him as less than her. He was never good enough for her.

  But I always loved our daddy. To me he was the most perfect man ever.

  He was big and burly the way a man ought to be. He had natural muscles from working at the steel mill. He had rough calloused hands.

  Oh, God, I always loved it—the way he'd pick me up and give me a big bear hug!

  He'd say, "You're alright, Chipmunk."

  Chipmunk was what he always called me. It always made me feel special.

  And did I tell you he hunted? During the season we always had plenty of deer meat. It was delicious!

  But the way Mommy treated him. I always thought Daddy must be awfully lonely.

  It started as just a few nights now and then, but then more and more, Daddy started sleeping on our sofa. Eventually, that became his bed.

  He and my mom just stopped sleeping together.

  I felt so bad for him. I knew that wasn't the way a wife should treat her husband.

  Daddy might have been forty, but those other women, they were always eyeing him wherever he went. He was handsome as hell!

  So we all thought Daddy would just up and leave us one day. Given the way Mommy treated him. It wouldn't have surprised any of us, anyway.

  Instead it was Mommy that left. I remember that day, because it wasn't long after my eighteenth birthday.

  Hell, I'd only been eighteen for a few weeks. I was so excited about it. It meant I was an adult!

  But then, there up and went Mommy. So long. See you later. She didn't even leave us a note.

  She did though take all the alcohol we had in the house, and a hefty portion of our savings.

  Daddy sat us all down in the living room.

  "Listen, the mill owes me weeks of vacation time." He said. "And I talked to them today. I'm gonna take some time off, okay? I'm gonna take care of you guys. You ain't gotta worry about nothing. We'll take our time, and we'll figure this all out."

  The next morning Daddy was in the kitchen cooking us breakfast.

  "Daddy, let me help you," I said.

  "I can do it," he insisted. "If I can handle hot molten steel, I can handle pancake batter for God's sake."

  Daddy nearly started a fire in the kitchen though. I grabbed the fire extinguisher and put out the burning frying pan!

  "Daddy!" I said.

  He was so frustrated. While he cleaned up the mess, I poured some cereal for the twins and got them off to school.

  Then I went to help Daddy clean the mess he'd made. He was trying to clean up the burned frying pan.

  "This pan's a goner," he said. "Hey, what are you still doing here? Don't you have school today?"

  "No," I said. "School's closed today while the put in the new fire alarms."

  Daddy laughed.

  "I guess we need a fire alarm here, too," he said. "Now that I'm cooking."

  He sighed and scratched his head.

  "I'll get the hang of this, Chipmunk," he said. "It's just gonna take me a little while."

  "Well, you ain't gotta do it all on your own," I said.

  Daddy looked right at me.

  "I know," he said.

  On impulse I reached out and gave him a big hug. It took him by surprise.

  I wanted him to put those big arms around me and pull me in close, like he always did. But instead his arms barely moved!

  I didn't understand. What could be the matter?

  Worried, I slipped my arms around Daddy more than usual. I gave him the tightest squeeze I could. He smelled so good.

  I really didn't want to ever let go of him!

  When Daddy broke off the hug abruptly, it felt cold. I even felt a little hurt. He was doing so much for us, why didn't he even want a hug from me?

  Could he be feeling a little embarrassed over his pancake failure?

  "Daddy, why don't you let me show you how to make the pancakes." I said. "Then next time you want to make them, you'll be ready."

  "That sounds fair enough to me," he said.

  Soon, I had Daddy mixing up some new batter in a bowl.

  "Now don't mix it too much," I said. "A little lumpy ain't bad."

  When it looked done, Daddy dipped his finger into the bowl and tasted the batter.

  "Don't taste right," he said.

  "Well, here, let me taste it," I said.

  I dipped my finger into the batter. I poked my finger in my mouth. I sucked on it.

  "It tastes fine to me," I said.

  "You sure?" Daddy asked.

  "Wait," I said. "I wonder if it could just be your finger?"


  But before Daddy could say anything else, I put my tiny hand on his huge one. I then dipped his finger into the batter.

  I brought his finger to my mouth. I put my lips around it. I
licked most the batter off with my tongue.

  Then I caught the rest of it with my lips as I sucked and slowly pulled his finger out of my mouth.

  "What do you know?" I said. "It tastes even better that way!"

  Daddy gave me such a look then. He opened his mouth to say something, then he just shut it.

  Next I showed Daddy the right way to grease the pan. And how to heat it.

  "Now this time Daddy, don't use the soup ladle to pour the pancakes. We got a special ladle right here." I said.

  Daddy dipped the ladle into the batter. He brought it over the pan. I thought he was just gonna dump it all out at once.

  "Wait, Daddy," I said.

  I then went right up behind him. I pressed my whole body up against him. My arms went to his arms. My tiny hand went on top of his huge hand.

  I was still wearing my pajamas. He was wearing his sweats. It's like I could almost feel his skin right against me.

  I knew it was strange. And more than a little naughty. But I liked the feeling of being so close to him, and so I didn't care.

  Dammit, he was my daddy, and I just loved him. What could be wrong with that?

  "We'll do this together. You have to pour the batter softly." I said.

  And just like that, with my body all cozied up to him, my breasts pushing into his back, my hand on top of his, I guided Daddy.

  I guided his hand to pour the batter ever so gently into the pan. We both watched as it fell softly and began to sizzle in the grease.

  "That's nice," Daddy said.

  He barely moved now.

  He put the ladle in the bowl of pancake batter. That's about it.

  I should have backed away from him then. But I didn't. I just stayed there with my breasts pushing into his back.

  And I even kept my hand on top of his. And Daddy, he didn't complain about it a bit.

  We both knew something was going on then. And maybe both of us felt a little guilty about it. But damn if either one of us was going to say anything.

  I realized then that Daddy must have liked me. I mean, I knew he loved me, as his daughter.

  But what I realized is that he also was attracted to me, as a woman. When I realized that, my heart suddenly fluttered.

  I realized then that all along, I'd been attracted to Daddy, too. For how long? I couldn't say. Maybe for a long time.

  At that point I knew exactly what I wanted. Exactly.

  Gradually, small bubbles began to appear in the pancake. They began to pop.

  "Now we gotta flip it." I said. "There's a knack to it."

  I guided Daddy's hand as he slipped the spatula under the pancake. And then together, we flipped it.

  It was a perfect golden brown pancake. It gave off a delicious smell.

  That was it for the pancake. The lesson was done. There was no excuse for me to keep clinging to Daddy.

  But, of course, I couldn't let go. Instead, I felt myself moving in closer. I melted right into him, my body as soft as butter.

  My tiny hand still lay of his huge one. I started moving my fingers, so that they fell between his. Then I moved them slowly backward, feeling his rough and rugged hand.

  Daddy could have been a statue. He was utterly still.

  My hand then slowly slipped up his arm. And from the other side of him, my other hand now came up. Soon both my hands were on his chest.

  I slid them down. Then I took the plunge. I slid my hands right under his shirt!

  Oh, to feel Daddy's muscular stomach. It was like a brick wall coated in velvet. And he was breathing heavy. I could feel that.

  And now and then, as I touched him, he shivered.

  The pancake was burning a little now. But neither of us cared. We were both on fire ourselves.

  Then I slipped my hands down. And I thought, it's now or never. Let me show Daddy just how much I love him.

  And my hands slipped right into his sweatpants. Right into his underwear. And there I found it. His cock.

  When I realized how big it was. I gasped. And the truth was, I'd never touched a man's cock before!

  I had virgin hands. But I knew what to do. I pulled his cock upward. I slid my hand up it, and then down it.

  It felt more wonderful to me than anything I'd ever felt. It was so hard. It was like steel. Only covered in soft warm velvet.

  Daddy let out the tiniest murmurs of a moan.

  Then, Daddy carefully turned off the stove. He moved the pan to a different burner before this pancake, too, burst into flames.

  And all this time, I kept myself pressed up behind him. And my hand kept going up and down that mighty cock of his.

  Finally, Daddy spoke.

  "What are you doing?" He said.

  "What I've always wanted to do." I said.

  "You're my daughter." He said.

  "Don't tell me you've never thought about me. You have, haven't you?" I said.

  "Thinking and doing aren't the same," he said.

  "How long's it been, Daddy, since you were with someone?" I said.

  Even while we were speaking, I kept my hand sliding up and down that gargantuan cock of his.

  "You've given up everything for us. Is it wrong if I wanna give you something in return?" I said.

  I felt so exhilarated. The idea that I could please Daddy this way. That I had this special power over him.

  It utterly thrilled me, to tell the truth.

  "Chipmunk, you don't need to do this," Daddy said. "I'm always gonna be here for you. No matter what."

  "But, Daddy," I said. "Don't you see? I wanna do it! I think I've wanted to do it for along time now."

  I felt tears falling from my eyes.

  "Mommy never treated you the way you deserved. I know that." I said. "I want my chance. To do what she couldn't do. I wanna make you happy!"

  At last Daddy turned toward me. I let the position of my hand change on his cock to accommodate him as he turned.

  But I didn't let go. I was never going to let go of my daddy!

  Then, we were facing each other. My daddy was so tall and wide. He was built like a truck.


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