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Sanctuary's Aggression (Book 4): The Trial

Page 6

by Dawn, Maira

  When Sue Ellen tried to turn away, Jesse moved with her. "Momma never did nothing to stop bad things from happening to me. I might not remember much, but I remember that."

  Jesse pointed down to Skye. "That woman there—she's my mom. So get used to it. And if you're smart, you'll let her be your mom too."

  Sue Ellen said nothing but pushed her lip out and crossed her arms.

  "Sue Ellen, I don't know how it was for you at grandma's, but here, you don't have to worry about nothin'. Dylan, Wade, and Skye believe in taking care of kids. Not beating them or using them as labor. I mean, I do my part, but I have lots of fun too. It's good here. The first good I've ever had."

  Still, Sue Ellen wasn't persuaded.

  "It's real good here,” he repeated. “Just give it a while, you'll see."

  Before Sue Ellen could answer, Skye called them to breakfast. The girl jumped up and ran down the stairs with Jesse right behind her, then immediately plopped herself at the table.

  Skye had already added an extra chair, but that wasn't where Sue Ellen sat. As Jesse filled the cups with water, he said, "That's Dylan's seat."

  "It's fine," Skye said quickly. "The guys aren't back yet, and I'm sure Dylan won’t mind anyway."

  Glancing around the table, Jesse dropped into his chair. He liked his seat between the two men and across from his mom. Any place that Sue Ellen took was going to mess that up.

  As if she could feel his discomfort, Skye stopped on her way to lay the plate of toast on the table to give him a quick hug, then kissed the top of his head. He looked up at her with a smile.

  Yep, it was real good here.

  Skye felt the tension between the two siblings as soon as they entered the room. The two had been glued to each other's side since they saw each other, and a tiff was bound to happen sooner rather than later.

  After hugging Jesse, Skye walked over to Sue Ellen. While asking the girl if she needed anything, Skye laid her hand on Sue Ellen's shoulder only to have her jerk away.

  So, Sue Ellen didn’t like to be touched. At least, right now. Perhaps she had also been physically abused, although if Skye remembered correctly, Jesse had said their father had never touched the girl.

  But Skye remembered her one conversation with their grandmother. She hadn't seemed to be a very loving person. The old woman had said boys needed to be beat but hadn't included girls in that statement. However, she'd clearly stated that she took Sue Ellen in to help around the house. And who knew what she had gone through since the AgFlu had begun.

  Skye tried to strike up a conversation with Sue Ellen only to get shrugs or mumbles in return. The girl seemed to get more and more irritated, so Skye stopped. In a final effort of kindness, Skye smiled and said, "If you need any help with your hair before going, let me know. I have some products in the bathroom.”

  "Geez, lady!" Sue Ellen yelled at Skye, "I know how to do my own hair, I ain't an infant. Just leave me alone!"

  Dylan and Wade walked in just as Sue Ellen went off. In the quiet room, the only sound was their boots hitting the floor as they removed them.

  Skye and Dylan exchanged a glance as he started toward the table. Skye shook her head.

  Sue Ellen was unaware she’d broken their most important rule. No angry words. Angry words led to angry actions, and they weren’t tolerated in this house.

  Jesse's face turned red as he held himself back from yelling more than his sister’s name. "Sue Ellen!"

  Skye patted the boy’s arm, letting him know she would take care of it.

  Sue Ellen looked around her, taking in the mood of the room and sunk deeper into her chair, crossing her arms. "Whatever!"

  Skye dragged a chair closer to Sue Ellen and sat. When the girl moved to shoot out of the room, Skye asked, "Do you really think you're going to make it out of here?"

  Sue Ellen's eyes widened, and she settled back into her chair.

  “Sue Ellen, we have a few rules in this house. One of the most important is no yelling. It won’t be tolerated.”

  Skye rolled her shoulders to release the tightness in them. “I wish today could be about welcoming you to this family. Unfortunately, we have to get through this trial. It’s a tough day for all of us. So, today is about the conviction of three evil men who terrorized and attempted to murder your brother and me along with many other people. It is a very important trial.”

  Sue Ellen somehow slid even further down in her chair and repeated, “Whatever.”

  Skye sighed. “What is 'whatever' is this. You can come along with us and act like a mature human being by supporting your brother, or you can stay here by yourself. Whatever. But if you decide to come along with us, be aware that your attitude will be staying behind."

  Sue Ellen made a little sound in the back of her throat.

  Skye’s tone brooked no argument. "I need a verbal response of acceptance if you are going with us."

  Sue Ellen sent questioning gaze to Jesse.

  "Oh, she means it," he said.

  The girl wiggled herself upright in her seat. "I'm sorry. I wasn't thinking. I'd like to go to support Jesse."

  Almost as one, the four adults nodded their approval.

  Wade loudly clapped his hands together. "I sure am hungry! Whatcha got cookin' over here?"

  Dylan went straight for Skye, giving her a quick kiss and a hug. He grabbed her hand and pulled her along behind him as she giggled and pretended to resist. Not allowing her to escape, he sat and forced her onto the chair beside him.

  “You just sit here, darlin’. We’ll take care of everything else.”

  Skye squeezed his hand and obeyed. It was the diversion they had needed, not only from Sue Ellen's outburst, but to avoid thinking of the upcoming events of the day. Everyone laughed at Dylan's antics except for Sue Ellen, who sat quietly watching, a slight squint dimming her bright blue eyes.



  After breakfast, they all pulled on their heavy coats and trudged to the same cabin they'd met the judge in the night before. This morning, though, people milled on the lawn, sipping coffee and talking in half-whispers.

  The courtroom was almost full. A few people quietly jockeyed around so the five of them could sit together. Even though the proceeding hadn't yet started, most of the crowd also spoke in hushed tones.

  Skye sat and nervously looked around the room. Almost everyone from the mountain was here. Only a few of the Watch, who were scheduled this morning, were missing. She greeted the friends who were close enough to hear her and tipped her head to those further away.

  Behind them, someone opened the front door. There was a little rattle from the panes of glass, and everyone went silent as the defendants were brought in.

  Tom led the way with Calvin, Pete, and Tony following single file behind him. Aaron brought up the rear, his dark complexion making the bright blue of his police shirt that much more vibrant. His clothing contrasted with the orange jumpsuits the three prisoners wore, lending a false cheerfulness to the somber day. Skye eyed the handcuffs and chains on the prisoners with satisfaction. Tom was taking no chances.

  Calvin searched the courtroom as he strutted down the aisle, acting just as confident as the first day Skye had seen him. Skye quickly looked away. Her stomach turned at the sight of him.

  Pete's eyes were glued to the floor. She ran her gaze over his massive figure and shivered. She could still remember the helplessness as he…

  She couldn't think about that. Not until she had to.

  Tony locked in on Jesse and stayed trained on the boy as they moved to the front of the room. Anger flared and worry too. Even after almost dying, Tony held on to his vendetta.

  Skye trembled. She had almost died saving Jesse once, and she would do it again if need be.

  Dylan's large, steady hand slid into hers, and her warmth changed from anger to love. She wasn't alone. Now she had family to back her up. She gave Dylan a soft smile and glanced around. More than that, a whole roomful of people.

sp; She turned to Jesse, who sat ramrod straight, staring back at Tony with wide, but defiant eyes.

  Skye put an arm around him. "It's okay, Jesse. We're safe here."

  When Tony swiveled his head to glare at Jesse, Skye switched chairs with the boy. Once he was between Dylan and her, she sat forward and blocked the man's view.

  Jesse sunk his head into Dylan's chest and quivered. His new father wrapped his arms around him, laying a big hand on the back of his head as he held him close.

  "I got ya," Dylan said, glancing at Skye. "Both of you."

  They both nodded. Jesse raised his head, and looking at Dylan said, "You won't let nothin' bad happen, right?"

  "That's right. Me 'n Wade, we've got it covered," Dylan said as he patted his pocket.

  Skye gave her boyfriend a sharp look, but maybe she was better off not knowing. Instead, she focused on Jesse. After Wade reached over and thumped him on the back. He seemed well enough to sit back up in his seat.

  The gavel rapped, and Judge Munson ordered all eyes to the front as he outlined the rules of the day. He would call up each witness and let them tell their story. If the judge felt there needed to be a clarification, he would ask for one. Calvin, who was acting as an attorney, was allowed to ask questions. Witnesses themselves could volunteer anything they felt pertinent to the case.

  Wade and Dylan testified in the morning. It went smoothly as far as Skye could tell. Calvin tried to claim self-defense in Frankie's murder, but Wade and Dylan didn’t offer anything to help his case. Both said their only concern had been the dying Skye and beat-up Jesse.

  The worst part of it was hearing Calvin's voice drone on and on. It worked its way under her skin no matter how much she tried to ignore it. Skye was sure that is what the evil man intended.

  As each witness walked back to their seat, the dark pit in her stomach grew bigger. By the time it was her turn, Skye was grasping Dylan's hand so tight she wouldn't have been surprised if it was numb.

  Judge Munson's deep voice rumbled out, "Skye Jackson."

  She trembled and started to stand, but her weak legs gave way. Skye shook herself and shoved to her feet.

  "You're okay, darlin'."

  Skye nodded, wishing all she needed to do was tell her story. But for those three to get the full punishment, she would have to do far more than that.

  She needed to trick Calvin into confessing to murder.



  Skye cleared her throat. Dylan's hand moved against her lower back, and Wade touched her hand as she passed them, giving her encouragement.

  Calvin stood at the judge’s desk and, with a voice loud enough for all to hear, said, “Judge, this woman has been telling lies about me—us—since we met her. I ask to treat her as a hostile witness.”

  Judge Munson glanced at Skye and gave an almost imperceptible nod. She had agreed to this plan. Whatever the judge thought was the best course of action is the one she would follow.

  “There is no formal court here,” he replied to Calvin. “You can ask questions in whatever manner you wish.”

  Calvin grinned, flushing with what he perceived as a victory.

  Skye moved to the chair beside the judge and sat, gripping the seat with both hands. She hoped her nerves would work in her favor.

  Calvin grinned. “Skye.”

  She raised an eyebrow at him. "You can call me Dr. Jackson."

  "Oh, Doctor, is it?" Calvin cackled. “I prefer Skye.”

  She stared at him. "It's Dr. Jackson, and if your puny brain can't remember that, then Doctor is just fine."

  Calvin's face reddened at her insult. Pete and Tony grumbled in anger behind him.

  So far, so good. The more she angered them, the more likely they would lose control.

  "Now," Calvin said as he crossed his arms, "Skye. Isn't your, shall we say hostility, why you're being treated differently from the other witnesses?"

  "I don't know, Calvin.” Scorn filled her voice. "Is it?"

  Once again, chains rattled as Pete and Tony shifted in their seats.

  Calvin glanced over his shoulder at his jail mates. His voice became firmer. "Let's try this again. I'm asking you why you're being treated differently than the other witnesses?"

  "I don't know,” Skye scoffed. “Maybe because I know you for the criminal you are. Or maybe because you're incompetent, unqualified, and just useless in general?"

  The satisfaction of seeing Calvin's face turn beet red filled Skye's entire body, while the laughter that filled the room was a bonus. For the first time since Skye had known him, Calvin seemed uncomfortable, his confidence floundering. He was quickly becoming a laughingstock to the court and a disappointment to his friends.

  Calvin rushed to Judge Munson, whining about Skye's lack of cooperation. The judge hammered his gavel until the room was under control, then he glared at Skye. Even though she was prepared for what he would say, the judge was intimidating. It wasn't hard for her to look as if she regretted her behavior.

  "Dr. Jackson," the judge said, pretending to scold her. "This is my court of law, and you will behave in it. You stick to testifying. Whatever questions the defendant asks of you, you must answer, and that is it. Do you understand?"

  Sticking to the plan, Skye lowered her head contritely. "Yes, sir."

  Calvin, hearing the court go silent in preparation of his questions, strutted over to her. "Skye, on the day we met, that day on the road, did you hold a knife to my back and tell me you were going to kill me?"

  Skye's mouth dropped open. Whatever she had imagined, it hadn't been this.

  "Well, I—" she stammered as she tried to remember what she'd said.

  "Do I need to ask the question again?"

  "No. Yes, I did hold a knife to you, but I don't know what I said." Skye's gaze lifted to the audience when she heard a few gasps. "I don't remember what I said because I was afraid. You assaulted me."

  "Me?" Calvin reared back as if in shock. "Did I even touch you?"

  Skye narrowed her eyes. "You were giving the orders."

  "I was? What exact orders did I give?"

  Skye searched her memory. All the emotions were there, but the exact words were harder to remember. "I don't remember."

  "Oh, well, you don't remember. Maybe the boy does. Why don't we ask him?"

  Skye lifted her chin. "If you think that I'm going to let you drag my boy onto this stand so you can tear him apart, you can think again!"

  Calvin walked up to her chair and leaned over her, slamming his fist down on the desk. Skye jumped. "I am in control of this courtroom now! With the judge's permission, of course." His hot breath fanned over her and Skye almost choked. She closed her eyes and tried to shove away her disgust. Then bowed her head as if she had no choice but to submit to his orders. "The judge said to answer my questions, didn't he?"

  "Yes, he did."

  "If you don't want your boy up here, that is what you will do. Won't you?"

  Skye nodded. "Yes, I will."

  Calvin beamed at the power he believed he had over her and this court. He leaned in closer to her. Skye froze and held herself there when all she wanted to do was run.

  "Good girl," Calvin sneered.

  She almost vomited. Dylan growled his displeasure, and Calvin smiled.

  Calvin shot a glance at Dylan. “Now, Skye dear. The second time we met, in the woods beside the superstore. Did you not say that you would kill me?"

  Once again, everything seemed a blur of fleeing, fear, and protecting Jesse. "I don't know," Skye said resignedly. "Maybe, if you threatened Jesse."

  "So, I'd met you twice, and on both occasions, you threatened me with death. Is that true?"

  Skye's answer came slowly, "Possibly."

  "That is my recollection." Calvin gestured back to Tony and Pete. "It is my friends’ recollections too. Do you deny it?"

  Could he possibly be trying to turn this around? But the plan was to go along with him, make him feel comfortable. Skye looked at t
he floor and shook her head.

  "I can't hear you, dear."

  "I don't remember."

  "So, you can't deny it?"

  Skye sighed but didn't answer.

  "Skye? I'm sorry, honey, but I need an answer."

  "No, I can't deny it."

  The gleam in his eyes set her on edge, but she waited for his next words.

  Calvin reached out as if to stroke her hair. Skye jerked away. He quickly glanced at the judge and clasped behind his back as he gave her a sly smile.

  "Your honor. The simple truth is, I was in fear of my life, we all were. This woman and her vicious boy threatened us."

  Giggles erupted in the audience, and Calvin turned to them.

  "Before you laugh, let me inform you that this lone woman knocked that huge man out cold.” He pointed to Pete. "I thought he was dead!"

  Calvin pointed out Tony. "Her boy cut Tony so bad that he couldn't walk. He will limp until the end of his days. And this was all within minutes of meeting her."

  Calvin turned toward the judge with innocent eyes. "It was a deserted road, sir. When we saw her and the boy on their own, we only wanted to make sure they were all right, and violence was her payment.”

  The thicker he laid it on, the sicker Skye felt. She heard Jesse groan.

  "Is it any wonder, your honor, that on our second encounter I anticipated trouble? Of course, we defended ourselves!"

  Skye shook her head, denying what was happening. The court became small and quiet.

  Outside, a few birds called to each other. There was a scrape against the floor as someone shifted their feet.

  Skye looked up and scanned the room. People were confused. This was supposed to be an open and shut case. Now they seemed uncertain.

  Skye's insides turned to jelly. This was not supposed to be happening!



  The court was silent. Skye's hand tightened on the arm of her chair. If she were in that audience, she wasn't sure what she would be thinking. While Calvin was busy posturing for the crowd, she looked up at Judge Munson. He gave her a slight nod.


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