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Sanctuary's Aggression (Book 4): The Trial

Page 17

by Dawn, Maira

  "Well," said Jesse. “They ain’t here. Guess they didn't have the time they thought they had."

  The sound of Kelsey's stifled laughter came from the back seat. When Jesse glanced back at her, they exchanged an amused look.

  The sunlight glinted off Skye’s engagement ring and warmed her heart. After sending Dylan a silent 'I love you', she pushed any thought of him deep into the back of her mind.

  Taking her ring off, she handed it to Jesse. "Can you stick this into that little-zippered pocket inside your jacket? I don't have anywhere safe to put it, and I don't want anything to happen to it."

  Jesse took it from her. After huffing on it and rubbing it against his t-shirt, he carefully shoved it in his inside pocket and made sure the zipper was all the way closed. "There. Safe and sound."

  Skye sent him a grateful look. "I'm sure it is."

  As they got closer to the medical store, Skye swallowed, trying to help her dry throat.

  Skye stopped the car in front of the medical store and took a deep breath.

  "Remember, please remember, everything I said,” she told Jesse and Kelsey. “Hopefully, this goes without a hitch, and all the warnings were for nothing, but I don't know what I would do if something happened to you two."

  "Don't worry, Mom, we will," Jesse said as Kelsey nodded her head in agreement.

  Skye shot a look toward the heavens and murmured, "Please let us find what we need to save Dylan."

  Jesse, hearing her small plea, whispered, "Amen."

  Skye reached out and squeezed his hand. "Okay, here we go then."

  All three doors opened at the same time as they jumped out of the vehicle. Spencer and Reed followed.

  Skye pulled open the front door of the store. A small bell jingled against the glass.

  She stepped back as the stench of death walloped her. Practically tasting it, she pulled her shirt up over her nose and continued despite the coughs coming from the others.

  Skye headed down the main aisle toward the back of the store. Kelsey and Reed took the one to her left. Jesse and Spencer the one to her right.

  The shelves at the end held shampoo, something the community always needed. Skye ran an arm over the ledge as she walked, scooping as many bottles as she could into a large bag she carried.

  After Spencer grabbed a buggy, Jesse loaded it with as much toilet paper as it would hold. Reed grabbed shaving supplies, and Kelsey blushed as she quickly swept women’s supplies into her bag.

  When they reached the pharmacy, they all hopped the small half-door separating them from more pills than they had seen in a while. Skye and Jesse grinned. Surely there would be antibiotics for Dylan.

  The aroma of death was thicker here. Skye walked past the small pharmacy rows to the end.

  She came to a sudden standstill, her hand covering her mouth. Leaning against the wall, a dead man sat. He clutched a gun that was useless to him now.

  Blood covered the middle of his body in two places. He was decaying. If the smell hadn't told her that, the look of him would have. And small animals had been at him.

  Skye wanted to walk away, but her feet were rooted as if she were glued there, staring at him.

  Her stomach jerked, and her breakfast started to come up. She found the closest corner and vomited. It was one of Gregory’s gang. He must have crawled in here to die. She shot another look at the man. We did that.

  She pushed herself away from the wall and straightened. That isn't what Dylan would say. He would say the attackers had done it to themselves, and he would be right.

  Skye got herself together and went back to the others. Their large bags were almost full. Good. Whatever they didn’t use themselves could be traded with other communities.

  When the last item was bagged, Skye let out a breath. Now they just needed to make it to the cars and go home.

  After reaching the front door, she peeked around the corner. Seeing it was safe, she rushed to the car, popping the trunk as she went. They threw their bags into the trunk and jumped into the vehicle, banging their doors shut behind them.

  Skye scanned the parking lot. Still empty. As far as she was concerned, they couldn’t get out of here soon enough.

  Once they were on the hilly road home, Skye eyed Kelsey in the rearview mirror. "Tell me we did it."

  Kelsey beamed. "We did it! We have enough meds to cure the whole town."

  Relief flooded through Skye so strongly she felt numb as Jesse whooped and pumped his arm.

  Skye wiped away happy tears when the superstore faded from her mirror as she rounded the mountain.

  Only an hour more, and Dylan would have his medicine.

  She looked at the clock. Every minute counted.



  Skye wound the car around the second of the mountain's curves and pulled in a quick breath. Jesse and Kelsey gasped then the car was silent except for the hum of the engine.

  Ahead two sedans barricaded the road. Skye's shoulders became hard as rocks as she stared at the blue and green cars.

  Skye slammed her foot on the brake and looked in her rearview mirror. Reed and Spencer jolted to a stop behind her. Scanning the narrow road, she saw nothing but a steep tree-lined drop off on one side and the sheer side of a hill on the other.

  She sifted through options as fast as she could, hardly aware of her decision until she threw the car into reverse.

  Behind her, Reed did the same, flooring it. When his tires spun and squealed in protest, she murmured, “Go. Go, go, go.”

  She threw one more glance at the empty cars in front of her and followed Reed.

  Who were these people? No one good. That was sure.

  Skye pressed down the sob swelling in her throat.

  The clash and screech of metal on metal reverberated through the mountain. Skye sweaty hands tightened on the steering wheel.

  "Mom, look!" Jesse said.

  A third car had come up behind Reed. He had crashed into it. Now, he pushed it toward the side of the road, toward the drop-off.

  Reed’s jaw was set as he slowly gained ground. It was clear he was determined to send that car tumbling end over end.

  Spencer sat in the driver's seat, peering up the mountain. His strong hands gripped his shotgun. If the men’s sheer will could save them, they already had these intruders beat.

  Anger flared in Skye, heating her chest. Wasn't life hard enough without people pulling this kind of crap? What is wrong with them?

  Reed almost had the car at the edge, but his momentum was slowing. There was a small space between them and the side of the hill. Spencer's hand shot out of the car window and waved Skye around.

  They couldn't make it, not yet. But if Reed was able to push them just a little more, Skye's car might just be able to squeeze through the narrow opening.

  "Okay, here we go, kids. Hang on."

  Skye laid a heavy foot on the gas. Metal squeaked and squealed on metal.

  "Go! Just go!" Spencer yelled as they passed their car.

  "Spencer." Skye didn't want to desert them.

  "You have the kids and the meds. Go!"

  Skye nodded and kept her gaze on the road. She was almost free.

  Two trucks squealed around the corner, revving their engines and blocking Skye’s way.

  Her heart dropped.

  Skye turned to the kids. Jesse and Kelsey's pale faces looked back. She put a hand to her forehead. What to do now?

  The pack of medicines caught her eye. She grabbed it and glanced around them. The enemy only had three drivers.

  “Jesse! Kelsey! Take this pack and run down the mountain. Make your way home.”

  Jesse squared his shoulders. "Mom—"

  "Jesse. You have to go now!” She pushed the medicine into his arms. “This needs to get to Dylan for him to survive. And I don't want Kelsey here. I need you to do this. I have Spencer and Reed. Okay?"

  Jesse's face twisted for a moment before he clamped his lips together, quickly getting him
self under control. "Okay."

  "Once I know you’re safe, I'll follow."

  "Okay." He grabbed the straps of the pack, his knuckles white. He looked at Kelsey. "Ready?"

  "Ready." Her voice was shaky, but she gave a sharp nod.

  Skye reached out and squeezed his hand. "I love you, Jesse. You've got this."

  He squeezed back. "Me too, Ma."

  Then he was gone.

  The kids scrabbled a few steps, then bent low as they neared the car Reed had almost pushed off the road.

  When they were at the slope, a man's voice echoed through the hills. "Stop! Stop right there, or we will shoot you."

  The three drivers left their cars, each holding a gun trained on Jesse and Kelsey.

  The two instantly straightened and held shaking hands high.

  Heart in her throat, Skye slid her handgun into the back of her jeans, covering it with her sweatshirt. Then she stepped out of the car.

  When she caught Jesse's eye, he tipped his head toward the woods. Skye understood. He had tossed the backpack there. She nodded.

  Behind her, feet crunched over the forest’s dry leaves and twigs. She whipped around.

  Eight men and women emerged, all armed, and stepped onto the road behind her car. A chill ran through her. She rushed to Jesse and Kelsey, standing in front of them.

  One man broke off from the group.

  In a different world, Skye would have thought him a father. Short and carrying extra weight around the middle, one expected him to be leading a child or two. Instead, two buff army-types stood alongside him.

  Skye’s gaze darted back to the leader. At least, the man's round face held a pleasant look, jovial even.

  "I'm Jack," he said. "I want to apologize for this—I really do. But I have no choice. My family has to eat. They have to be safe. I do whatever necessary to keep them that way."

  Two of Jack's group broke off and herded Reed and Spencer toward Skye.

  "Hello, Jack,” she said. “I’m Skye. These are my children, Jesse and Kelsey. And my friends, Reed and Spencer." Skye cleared her throat. "I understand. These are unusual times, and I feel the same way. I hope we can come to some sort of agreement."

  "Oh, we will. But you aren't going to like it."


  My Girl

  Skye looked at the pavement and shook her head. Why? Why did people have to be like this? Lifting her head to eye Jack, she said, "We don't have to be enemies."

  "That's what I say," he said. "I always say that. But the reality is some people are going to be your enemies."

  "You want to stay alive. I can help you with that. I can trade." Skye ran her hand across the top of her head. "Take everything we have. Just let us go."

  "What's to stop me from taking everything you have and doing what I want with you anyway?”

  "Decency. There has to be some left in this world."

  Jack barked out a laugh. "Have you seen much?"

  "Yes. I have. People still help other people,” Skye insisted.

  Jack shifted his feet. "You could say that what I'm doing is helping other people."

  His body language told her differently. Skye stared at Jack before turning her gaze to the forest behind him.

  "No, really." Jack settled himself against the hood of one of the cars. "See, I'm just out here looking for volunteers. Do you want to volunteer?"

  Skye whipped her gaze back to him and barked, "For what?" She felt like a too-tight piano wire waiting for that one note to play before it sprung. She put her arms around Kelsey and Jesse, standing on each side of her, to remind her to stay calm.

  "There's this group of scientists. They are trying to find a cure for this thing, and they need volunteers. People who had the AgFlu and got over it. Or those who know they were exposed and never got it. Those are rare, though. Do you know anyone like that?"


  Jack spread out his arms. "Oh, come on. Everyone knows someone like that."

  "I don't."

  When her arms tightened around the kids, Jack noticed. He flicked a look at Spencer and Reed, who stood behind Skye. "How about them? Seems you really like those kids, so how about you give me those men?"

  "That wouldn't be them volunteering, that would be you kidnapping."

  "Nevertheless, I'll take them."

  "I don't know their situation with the AgFlu even if I was contemplating handing them over."

  Reed spoke up. "We never had it—were never exposed. We kept to our cabin until the worse was over in our area."

  Skye nodded. That was true of many of the mountain's inhabitants.

  Jack sighed. "Then, it's got to be you or one of the kids."

  "It will not," Skye said as she, Jesse, and Kelsey tensed and straightened.

  "Look around you.” Jack chuckled. “What are you going to do?"

  Skye's voice held a dark edge. "I'll die before I let you take any of us."

  "Well, that would sure be a waste." Jack slapped his hands on his legs. "At least, if you come with me, you'll be helping someone. Come on now. Let's not make this more than it has to be."

  Skye stood resolute, her mind searching for any possibility of escape. When the men raised their weapons, a shudder went through her. She felt sick as she loosened her grip on the children to step forward.

  But Jesse pulled away first, taking a few steps toward Jack. "Take me. Leave them be, and I'll go with you."

  The breath left Skye. "No! No. Jesse hasn't been infected or exposed." She told the truth as far as she knew it.

  Jack ignored her and nodded his head to his goons. They moved in on Jesse.

  "That's okay," Jack said. "We have a volunteer." He walked to his car door and opened it, taking out a small case. "We can make sure he has been exposed."

  A deep scream made its way through Skye. "No! No! Take me. I'll go. Just leave him. Leave him!"

  Skye raced toward Jesse only to have her way blocked by Jack's men. When she tried to push past them, they grabbed her and held her back.

  Behind her, Spencer and Reed advanced only to be driven to the ground and held at gunpoint. When they resisted, the guards bashed them with their weapons.

  Jesse didn't move an inch until two of the men marched him over to Jack. When he stood in front of the leader, he asked, "If I do this, will you let my mom go?"

  "Yes, I will, son." Jack pulled a vial out of his case. "You are very brave."

  Skye's eyes flooded. "Oh, Jesse," she whispered, "no."

  Jack motioned the goons away and Jesse closer. The boy slowly took the few steps toward him. Jack reached out and spun Jesse around, so the boy's back was to him. Then he wrapped a thick arm around his neck. "Sorry about this, but you wouldn't believe the number of people that renege on their word once things are in motion."

  Jesse's jaw clenched. Though he stood tall, he was still a head shorter than Jack.

  Skye twisted in her captor's hands, yelling as she bartered herself for her son. "I'll go with you! I've been exposed. I had it and got over it. Leave him! Please just leave him!"

  Jack twisted the cap on a vial.

  Skye hung between the men. She had given up all hope until she saw a blur of blue and pink shoot by her.

  One minute she was ramrod straight, the next she was running. Kelsey didn’t know what started her feet moving, but she knew she had to help save Jesse.

  She knew how to run. Years in track had taught her that. But she was small, and there were big men between her and him.

  Surprise was on her side. Once she pushed through the men, she launched herself at Jack and hoped for the best.

  Jesse's eyes widened as he saw her coming, and he threw an elbow deep into Jack's gut. The man huffed and bent over. Kelsey landed on top of him and knocked him to the ground.

  Unopened, the vial dropped to the ground and rolled under the car.

  "Run!" Kelsey shouted at Jesse. When he started to argue, she said, "This is all I can do. Save your dad! Then come save us!”

nbsp; Jack's people scrambled for their guns. Jesse's face contorted, but he ran to the other side of the road and slid down the hill, grabbing the pack as he went. Skye fell to the ground between the two guards, her chest heaving.

  Jack pushed Kelsey off him and stood.

  She swallowed a few times. "You don't want him. I’m the one you're looking for. My entire family died from the AgFlu. I spent days in the hospital with hundreds of Infected and Sick, including my boyfriend. I laid against my Infected mother, breathing the same breath, and prayed to get sick. Then I dragged her body to her grave. I have been exposed so many times, and I never even sniffed."

  Skye hung her head, tears running down her face.

  Jack clapped his hands. "A goldmine. That's what you are. Thank you for volunteering. I will take you at your word and not give you the serum.”

  Kelsey opened the door to Jack's car and slipped inside.

  Jack turned and looked at Skye. "And you, Mother? What are you going to do?"

  The force of what she’d done rolled through Kelsey, and a chill crept through her. She'd be alone again, all alone, without the care of her new family. Her hands shook, and she tightened them into fists to stop them from trembling. Fear gripped her, and she searched for the only comfort she had left.

  She locked eyes with Skye.

  Skye stood and yanked her arms from the men who held them. She squared her shoulders.

  "I will be going with my girl."



  Wade tapped his fingers on the box truck's steering wheel and wiggled down into his seat as he shot a look at Aaron. The man was slumped down with his head back and eyes closed.

  Aaron was mad at him. They all were, and he didn't like it. But, dang it, something felt wrong.

  And whatever bothered him wasn’t on this road.

  It had been a couple of days since they left the mountain. After gathering up those Sick, they had trucked them out to the Containment Center like Tom wanted.

  But that place. Wade didn't even want to think about it. But what were they supposed to do? This was what was set up for the Sick. The leftover ragtag military was doing their best, taking care of this terrible problem. And they had assured Wade this was one of the better containment areas.


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