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Arranged: A Clean Billionaire Romance (Mixing Love and Business)

Page 18

by Trisha Grace

  Her eyes widened, and she immediately turned to him. “Why didn't you say something earlier?” She lifted his shirt off and let it drop on his arm. Very gently, she peeled back the tape holding the bandage on. “Your wound got wet.”

  “I took off the bandage to shower.”

  She frowned at him.

  “I can't really do much about it. Unless you’re volunteering to bathe me.”

  She made a disapproving noise and moved into the bedroom. “You’re always joking at the wrong time.”

  He grinned and followed her out, and waited for her on the bed while she rummaged through the bag of things they’d gotten from the hospital.

  After setting the supplies down on the nightstand, she poured disinfectant onto a small cotton ball and dabbed at his wound.

  “Ah.” He moved his shoulder away, and she quickly apologized and blew on his wound. His lips curled back, and she gave him a slap on the back.

  “It’s not funny.”

  “Okay. Okay.” He took her hand and kissed her knuckles. “It doesn't hurt at all.”

  When she was done taping on the oversizedBand-Aid, she stood and said, “Thank you.”

  “I think I should be the one saying that.”

  “Thank you for distracting me.” She swept everything into the white paper bag, then leaned over and gave him a peck on the cheek. “I really appreciate that.”

  His lips curled back involuntarily. This peck meant she didn’t regret the kiss she’d given him last night, right? “You’re welcome.”

  She tugged at the edge of his shirt after he’d put it back on and smoothed it out across his chest.

  “Why do I feel like you’ve just completely taken advantage of me?”

  “Your shirt was creased.”

  “I think yours is too.”

  She stuck her tongue out at him. “I’m ignoring you now.”

  He laughed and held her hand. “Help me up? It’s exhausting to walk like this.”

  She scowled, but still shifted her weight back to pull him up. Julian tugged back on her hand the moment he was up on his feet and looped his arm around her waist. “Why do you always smell so good?”

  “Julian. Behave.”

  He laughed. “Yes, ma’am.”

  “Are you guys going to stay in your room and flirt all day or are you interested in seeing what’s in the box?” Colin asked from the doorway.

  “I’m not interested to see what’s in the box,” Hayley said.

  “Your very brave chef opened it.”


  Julian walked over to Colin. “And?”

  “It's not a snake. It's a doll. Not a pretty one. Your maid says it’s voodoo.”

  Hayley laughed. “So it’s a stick figurine with my name on it?” She stopped laughing when Colin lifted the creepy looking doll with red crosses for its eyes and mouth. A thick needle was stuck through the middle of its forehead.

  “Don't touch it, Miss Hayley,” Doreen shouted from behind Colin. “It’s cursed.”

  Colin arched a brow. “I would've appreciated a warning.”

  Julian grinned while Hayley chuckled.

  “This is why you’ve been feeling faint, Miss Hayley.” Doreen pulled her away from the doll.

  Julian wanted Hayley close to him, and he was tempted to pull her back. But he liked how protective Doreen was of Hayley.

  Hayley gave Doreen a squeeze on the shoulder. “I’m not hexed. There’s no such thing as voodoo. I’ll be fine.”

  Julian grinned. This was why Doreen cared so much for Hayley, why he was so in love with her. He frowned when a flash went off, turning to find Colin smiling at the phone.

  “Lovesick Julian. How much can I blackmail you for this photo?”

  “Not a single cent. You touched the cursed doll. You’ll probably die soon.”


  He turned back to see an even paler Doreen.

  “Look what you’ve done.” Colin stepped toward Doreen, and the maid took a large step back.

  Julian laughed.

  “Why don’t you get some water for yourself and take a break?” Hayley ran a hand down Doreen’s arm. “I’ll keep the cursed man away from you.”

  “Now you two are on the same side?”

  Hayley waited until Doreen was out of sight before chuckling. “I was just trying to cheer that poor girl up. Things like that only work when you believe in them. I’d rather Doreen not get too obsessed about this strange thing.” She reached for the doll, but Julian stopped her.

  “No need to join Colin in the afterlife.” Though he’d meant that as a joke, Julian really didn’t like the idea of Hayley touching the doll.

  “I don’t intend to.” She grabbed the doll. “I didn’t know Ted Shears was into voodoo. He was a teacher. Surely he wouldn’t believe in such nonsense.”

  Colin rubbed a hand over his mouth. “This is pure conjecture, but could this be from someone else? Like Charlene?”

  “Why would you say that?” Julian asked.

  “When I went to her place—to fire her—there was a woody smell to the place, like she’d been burning incense. And one of the rooms was dark and lit with candles. She closed the door the moment she noticed me staring.”

  Julian remembered how Charlene would sometimes talk about a project being cursed or how the competitor must be involved in witchcraft. He’d never paid much attention to her comments, but now that Colin mentioned it …

  Hayley chucked the doll back into the box. “This I don’t care about. But the snake …” She shuddered.

  Julian wrapped his arm around her waist. “No more snake talk.” He took a photo of the doll. “I’ll get a private investigator to check on this.”

  “Why not just tell Detective Miller?” Hayley said.

  “Because Julian thinks she’s incompetent.”

  “And I’d rather not distract her from chasing after Ted Shears,” Julian said. “If she thinks that the cards could be from Charlene, she might drop the case completely.”

  “I’ll get the investigator,” Colin said. “You do remember there’s a museum fundraiser tonight. You look well enough to attend. Go with Hayley.”

  He’d completely forgotten about it. It was a perfect excuse to have a night out with Hayley, away from the craziness of all that had been happening. Security was always tight at such events. With their own security team there as well, he wouldn’t have to worry much. “Do you want to go?”

  “Are you sure you’re up for it?”

  He nodded.

  She nodded after a moment. “Then I need to make an appointment with my hair stylist and makeup artiste.”

  “You don’t do your own hair and makeup?”

  “Not for events. I don’t even have any eyeshadow of my own.” She grabbed her phone and turned, but Julian tightened his arm around her.

  “If it’s too troublesome, then forget it.”

  “No, it’s okay. I’m sure they can fit me in, or they’ll recommend someone else.” She leaned over and gave him a peck on the cheek. “You guys go ahead and eat.”

  “Looks like things are going well.”

  Julian hadn’t expected that either. “I think this doll is the opposite of a curse.”

  Chapter Twenty

  FLASHES WENT OFF all around Hayley and Julian when they stepped out of their car. The museum fundraiser had invited all the richest people in Manhattan, so she wasn’t surprised to see the paparazzi and reporters.

  A burst of energy erupted from the camera-wielding crowd at the sight of Julian and Hayley. After the mess with Charlene, she supposed no one expected them to show up—at least not together.

  The sight of Julian with his walking stick instead of a wheelchair probably stirred some interest as well.

  Security guards from the museum, dressed in dark blue shirts and black pants, were stationed across the walkway toward the entrance. The guards, along with the temporary retractable barriers, kept the throng of people from coming close to them
. Still, Julian didn’t take a single step until two of their own personal guards in black suits moved a step ahead of them.

  Two more guards flanked them, and Julian hooked his hand around Hayley’s hip to draw her close. She could feel his weight on her, but she did her best to appear relaxed. She made sure she matched his pace so it wouldn’t be uncomfortable for him. She’d suggested that he attend the event in his wheelchair, but Julian refused.

  She supposed he was making use of the event to show everyone that he was making progress on his recovery, and she understood why he had to do so.

  “Mrs. Nicholson, do you have any comments about the video posted by Mr. Nicholson’s secretary?” someone shouted from among the mass of cameras.

  Julian’s hand on her hip twitched.

  Hayley didn’t reply. She smiled in the general direction of the voice and continued ahead with Julian.

  “Mrs. Nicholson, will you be filing for divorce?”

  “Mr. Nicholson, any comments about your secretary’s interview?”

  Julian tugged her closer and scanned the surroundings as if one of the reporters might jump out at them. “Maybe coming here tonight wasn’t such a good idea,” he said as he turned toward her, his warm breath tickling her ear.

  The reporters pressed forward, and the museum guards immediately worked to push them back.

  “Mrs. Nicholson, will you be filing for a divorce?”

  “For now, no.” She put an arm around Julian’s waist and shifted closer to him. “Julian is lavishing enough money on me that I don’t see any need for a divorce.”

  Julian laughed when the reporters stared back at her blankly.

  “Maybe I’ll file for divorce when he refuses to get me a car or something,” she said with a smile as she glanced at the crowd, then turned to Julian.

  “I’ll sign everything over to you if you choose to stay.” He wasn’t speaking to the crowd anymore. He had lowered his voice and was only speaking to her.

  She’d said what she did to lighten the mood, but Julian seemed to have gotten serious again. “Do you think I married you for your money? To get control of the company?”


  Her eyes narrowed.

  “Not anymore.”

  She chuckled. “Thanks for being honest.”

  “I don’t want either the money or company if I don’t have you.”

  “Julian …” She wanted to kiss him then. She wanted to tell him that she’d stay, she’d do whatever he wanted.

  “Come on,” he said and cocked his head to the side.

  She didn’t realize they’d stopped moving until he tugged her forward.

  Once they were in the museum, they had no chance to speak with each other. They went straight to their table and sat, but every associate and acquaintance was interested in greeting them and expressed surprise at seeing them. All of them tried in some manner to politely pry out information about what happened with Charlene and their seemingly cordial behavior.

  Hayley and Julian only joked more about money, and she hinted maybe she should use this chance to get him to buy another engagement ring since she didn’t quite like her current one.

  By the time the lights dimmed in the ballroom, she was ready to go home. But the night had just begun.

  Around them, the wait staff began serving the first course of their meal.

  Hayley wasn’t hungry. She knew such events started late, so she’d arranged for Anita to cook something light. But instead, they were served a full dinner. Apparently, Julian had instructed the staff to do so.

  Julian’s hand snaked across her waist. “Hungry?”

  Several glances darted toward them as Julian leaned closer to her.

  She shook her head.

  “Want to get out of here?”

  Again, she fought the instinct to frown and smiled at him. “The event’s just starting. We can’t just bail.”

  He shrugged. “We’re not bailing. We’ll still be around.”

  She couldn’t help frowning. “I don’t understand.”

  Julian grinned and stood, then extended his hand toward her. She put her hand in his and stood. Neither of them looked at the curious glances cast their way, and neither said a word about where they were going.

  “Where are we going?” she asked when they were out of the room where the fundraiser was being held.

  Julian jerked his chin forward at a woman in a white pantsuit.

  “Good evening, Mr. and Mrs. Nicholson.” The young lady with her dark brown hair pulled back in a low ponytail extended her hand. “I’m Olivia Natch, and I’ll be your guide tonight.”

  “Guide?” She looked over at Julian.

  “We’re having a private tour.”

  “Mr. Nicholson says you’re interested in the history of Egypt. We’re having a special Egyptian exhibition in collaboration with another museum. It isn’t open to the public yet, but we’ve gotten it ready for you and Mr. Nicholson.”

  Hayley smiled broadly at Olivia. She liked how Olivia focused on her instead of Julian. Often when they were out at events, people spoke over her. Sometimes, even when they were speaking to her, they would look over at Julian for confirmation or answers.

  She didn’t think she minded it, but she appreciated Olivia’s focus on her, though Julian was clearly the one who had arranged this. “I’d love to see that, but …” She turned to Julian. “Are you sure you’re up for it?”

  Olivia moved away from them, then came back with a wheelchair.

  Julian dropped himself onto it, and Hayley took his walking stick from him. “Shall we begin?”

  She grinned and nodded.

  Along with two of their guards, Hayley and Julian followed Olivia through the various sections of the exhibition. She felt Julian’s eyes on her several times, and she’d look over with a questioning smile.

  He always shook his head and directed her attention back to Olivia.

  She listened as Olivia explained how the underworld of the Egyptians was supposed to work. The deceased’s heart would be weighed against a feather. If it was heavier, he or she would be doomed to one of the different levels of hell. Hayley already knew about it, but she’d always liked listening to stories.

  “Don’t worry.” Julian removed his suit jacket and draped it over her shoulders. “I’m sure your heart will do just fine.”

  She didn’t even know he’d got up on his feet. She pulled the jacket closer while he returned to his wheelchair. “I just thank God I won’t be judged under this system.” The Egyptian beliefs about the afterlife were a good reminder of how good she had it. Her heart wouldn’t be weighed against anything. Jesus already came and redeemed her from all her sins.

  The masculine scent from Julian’s jacket enveloped her. She wished she could lean against his chest and feel his arms around her. Hayley shook the thought from her mind and focused on Olivia instead.

  “Would you build a pyramid for yourself and mummify your body after death if you could?” Olivia asked after explaining what each of the five earthen jars of the mummification process were supposed to hold.

  Hayley laughed. “I’m not interested in immortalizing myself.” She cocked her head to the side. “Maybe he would.”

  “No, thank you. I’m not interested in having my brains scrambled and pulled out through my nose.”

  “But you’d be dead. You wouldn’t feel a thing.”

  Julian’s eyes narrowed. “Once we’re home, we’re calling the lawyer and I’m setting down very specific instructions on how I want my funeral to be.”

  Hayley and Olivia laughed.

  “There’s a forty-five-minute movie on the mummification process. Would you like to watch that?” Olivia asked as they stopped outside a small room with white walls and a large screen projector. The room was otherwise empty except for the two black leather lazy-boy lounge chairs in the middle.


  The museum had clearly set the room up just for her and Julian. They had been walki
ng around for nearly an hour. Julian must be tired from wheeling himself around, and she could use a break too.

  Olivia nodded and led them into the room. She grabbed a small black remote off the armrest of one of the chairs, then aimed it toward the projector above them.

  Light beamed out of the projector and onto the white wall in front of them while Hayley and Julian took their seats.

  “Enjoy the documentary. I’ll be right outside.” Olivia started the film and strode out of the room, closing the door behind her.

  “This is nice,” Hayley said.

  “The chair?”

  She frowned at him.

  “Did you enjoy the exhibition?”

  She nodded. “How did you know I enjoy Egyptian history?”

  “Paula said so. She said you love the history of the ancient world.”

  “You’ve been in contact with Paula?”

  “I invited Frank and her to join us tonight. I asked Leanne too.”

  “How did you get all their numbers?”

  “I got Leanne’s number from Doreen. Paula texted me after my morning visit to tell me that if I hurt you, I’d become an ingredient in her stew.”

  Hayley laughed.

  “Should I be worried that the idea of me becoming stew entertains you?”

  She stopped laughing and stared at him for a couple of moments with a small smile. This Julian was better than the one she’d imagined marrying. “Thanks for arranging this,” she said.

  Julian brushed the ends of her hair over her shoulder, his fingers lingering at the nape of her neck. “I love seeing you smile—the genuine smiles.” He looked like he wanted to say something else, but he didn’t. “We’re missing out on the film.”

  He turned and stared ahead at the screen, and Hayley released the breath she’d been holding.

  She’d thought he was going to kiss her, and she couldn’t believe how disappointed she was that he hadn’t.

  After the movie, Olivia brought them to another small section of the exhibition to show them some Egyptian jewelry before finishing the tour so they could get back to the fundraiser before it ended.


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