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Kingdom of Salt and Sirens

Page 28

by J. A. Armitage

  The sudden roar of something unfamiliar made me realize why. It emerged from the base of the water tornado. A beast. A colossal squid, with frightening red eyes that were focused on me in a death stare. It waved its angry arms back and forth, flinging things out of its way.

  Mason’s eyes went wide, and then he was jumping down from the car, and grabbing me up in his strong arms, and carrying me out of water storm.

  “What about Una?”

  “Una would want me to protect you, I have to get you out here!” The sea beast emerged, with Serge on its back, and a thin cross tipped arrow whizzed past me. Serge was still trying to kill me. I couldn’t understand any of it. I hadn’t done anything. The water tornado broke apart, drowning and over turning anyone who had been in proximity. Like a large land tide, that had come from nowhere to kill whoever it could, before it flooded onto the land. Mason hurriedly rushed me to a high point, which happened to be a building.

  With ninja like skill and grace, he climbed the top of a restaurant, setting me there, before he returned to the beast.

  Serge hurdled another arrow at him, but he caught it bare handed, and sent it hurdling back. The arrow landing hard in the man’s chest.

  He let out a loud yell of pain, and I almost felt pity for him. He had been nice enough to me, when he had taken me to see my mother. I couldn’t imagine why he had decided that I was bad enough to kill, unless he was held captive to the Kings every whim.

  The beast was incensed by the Mason’s action, and came at the man, arms flying, but Mason used his brute force to fight it off. He moved so fast as he fought, I could barely see his legs and arms moving, as they kicked, and attacked the monster. The ultimate move came, when Mason hopped on its back, ripping the sword from Serge’s belt, and then dropped down onto the head of it, plunging the animal in the eye. It screamed out, and flailed wildly, sending Mason hurtling through the air. He hit the ground with a sickening thud, but then was back on his feet, and coming after the animal again.

  He jumped high, grabbing the sword out of its eye, narrowly missing being sliced in half by the thing, and then in one elegantly executed jump and stab, he sliced the beast through the heart. It fell hard on the ground, taking Serge with it. The man scrambled to get to his feet, but when he came after Mason, Mason defended himself, and that was the end of Serge.

  I clutched my legs in close to my chest, surveying the ground for any sign of Una, but she was nowhere to be seen.

  Mason climbed the restaurant, and then I was back in his arms, and we were headed back to the sea.

  “Your mother is not going to be happy when she hears about this. It’s time to settle the Kings reign of terror once and for all.”

  I was speechless, still reeling from everything that just occurred. Not knowing if my mind could be trusted but knowing that the car accident had injured me. I needed sleep, and to heal. I wouldn’t fight his decision though, to return to the water, because more than anything I needed my mother. I closed my eyes and drifted off as he carried me.


  The smell of chlorine penetrated my nostrils, as I attempted to move. It was quite clear, Mason had taken me to the aquatic center. There were people there, huddled around electronic devices, speaking in hushed tones amongst themselves. Mason was off to the side talking to someone.

  “Dad!” I hollered, and they immediately rushed to my side. “Una? Where is she?”

  I pulled myself up, eyes darting around trying to find her.

  “Arya, we can’t find her. After the storm hit, I barely escaped with you in tow.” Mason said.

  I could see in my father’s eyes his curiosity. After all, Mason wasn’t someone I’d ever spoken of. Heck, until a few days ago, I didn’t even know who he was.

  I was thankful he’d managed to get me away. And standing next to my father really put things into perspective for me.

  I cleared my throat, determined to not lie to my dad. He might think I hit my head and was off base, still, it was a risk I had to take.

  “Dad,” I said, ensuring to not make eye contact with Mason. “There’s something I have to tell you.”

  He moved in closer to me, “oh sweetie, it can wait. We can discuss it later. Right now, let’s just focus on making sure you are okay. I called an ambulance already, but they are taking time getting here. I mean, considering the freak storm, it makes sense and the news is advising we stay clear of the roads.”

  “That’s just it…” I was cut off by the voice of the woman that had just saved my life. I stood to meet her, she looked like someone who’d barely made it out of trouble. “Una!” my voice shrieked as I darted toward her.

  “Arya. Mason.” She said looking back and forth, “thank the gods you two are all right.”

  “Una, come here.” My father said helping her settle onto a mat. “What on earth happened to you?”

  She smiled, “I’ll be okay. Just need a little rest.”

  “You need help,” my father pressured. “I’ve already called 911. They’ll be here as soon as they can.”

  I could see the few swimmers and parents focused on the beat-up coach. Yet I knew we needed to keep moving, to stay away from others before the King returned to unleash more of his wrath. I just wasn’t sure where we’d go.

  “Una, I’m sorry.” I said. She smiled, giving me reassurance that she was going to be okay.

  “Dad, we need to get away from here.”

  Mason jumped in, “sir, your daughter is right. I don’t think it’s safe here. Is there anywhere further from the ocean we can get to for safety?”

  “I can’t leave. These families need the protection of the aquatic center. Like I said, they are warning everyone to stay undercover and off the roads.”

  It was now or never, “Dad, there is something I need to tell you.”

  “Arya, no!” Una said, struggling to stand.

  Mason helped her, staring at me with critical eyes. I didn’t care. I could not keep it from my dad. He had a right to know. Especially since I might not survive if the King had his way.

  “You two cannot stop me. He has a right to know. This can end badly, and he needs to understand why.”

  Una was about to protest and stopped, gasping for air, looking past me.

  Immediately, I swung around, expecting to find the King behind me, only it wasn’t him. It was my mother. And from the look on my father's face, I knew he thought he was going crazy.

  “Thalia,” her name barely audible escaped his lips, “but… how? Impossible.” He didn’t dare move, frozen in his spot.

  “Triston,” she said, tears spilling from her eyes, “I’m so sorry I deceived you and the girls. But I’m here to help. I’ll explain everything, however, right now, we need to get our daughter to safety.”

  Naturally, my dad stood there, dumbfounded. Mason though, immediately sprang into action. “Princess Thalia, what will you have us do?”

  “Princess?” My father said.

  * * *

  “Yes, Triston. I’m the Crown Princess of Atlan. I’ll explain everything. Mason, grab Triston’s keys to his car and bring it to the nearest exit. We’ll get Una and Arya out.”

  “Office. On my desk. They have a Trident keychain.” My dad said without moving his eyes away from my mom.

  Mason sprinted away, “dad, where’s your cell phone? I need to call Tina.” I said.

  He reached into his shorts pocket, fumbling the phone to me, “Thalia. How?” He said moving towards her, “how are you here?”

  “Triston, please. We have to get our daughters to safety.”

  “No!” His voice roared to life. “Everyone stop what you’re doing. I need to find out what the hell is going on. Explain.” He said to my mom.

  She moved closer to him, grabbed his hands in hers, the tears pouring out, “I’m so sorry. I had to fake my death because I belong to a world that does not accept the ones I love. Unfortunately, I’m also the crown princess and therefore supposed to be the future ruler. If I didn’t
return, the current King would’ve brought wrath upon all of you. I had to leave, Triston. I wasn’t willing to sacrifice yours or the girl’s safety.”

  “Wouldn’t the King then be your father? And don’t you think I would’ve understood the issue if given the opportunity to listen?”

  There was a sense of anger in my father's voice, And I totally understood. Still, after having been in the King’s presence, I knew it wasn’t the time to discuss the topic.

  “Dad, please. We need to go. What happened in that storm wasn’t a freak incident. That was the King. He’s after me and now after mom. And he’ll be after my sisters who have no clue of what’s happening.” I said, quickly calling Tina.

  “Hello?” She said.

  “Tina, listen very carefully. You need to get our sisters and all of our important documents and whatever money dad has in the safe and meet us at the aquatic center now!”

  “Arya, what on earth are you talking about? Put dad on the phone. You’re off your rocker.”

  I handed the phone to him, “she wants to speak to you.”

  He didn’t lift his eyes from my mom, “Tina, listen to your sister and do it now.”

  I could hear her saying something, but my dad hung up, “Thalia, I’m letting this go for the moment. But you will have to come clean to our daughters who’ll be here shortly.”

  She nodded.

  “We need to get to the vehicle. Mason’s out there waiting.” Una said.

  My father sprang into action, “you all need to leave now. The storm is moving in this direction and the pool is not safe,” he said. It was partially true.

  Those there, ran frantically toward the locker room to retrieve their belongings and others toward the main doors.

  Una and my dad did their best to close up, while my mom and I helped usher others out. Once we’d secured the main entrance, we rushed back toward the emergency exit where Mason was waiting.

  “We have to wait for my sisters, they’re on their way. Mom,” I said looking at her, “you need to sit in the back where they can’t see you. They are going to have a ton of questions and be super emotional. It’s best to keep your identity hidden as long as we can.”

  “Of course,” she replied hoping into the third-row seat.

  “Mason, where are we headed?”

  “Una has a place waiting for this moment. It’s a few hours out, and my uncle and aunt are already on their way there.”

  A thundering roar crashed down on the other side of the building, sending a reverberation through the ground. My dad and Una rushed out of the building, but Una stayed back.

  “What are you doing?” I heard my father ask.

  “I need to wait for the other girls.”

  “I’ll call them, just tell me what direction we are headed to and I’ll get them going.”

  “The Klamath range,” she said.

  He looked at her incredulously, “are you sure that is safe?”

  “It will be for now. Have them wait for us at the rest stop before heading up.”

  My dad got on the phone and gave my sisters instructions.

  The sky grew darker as clouds quickly rolled in.

  “Go!” my mother shouted to Mason. But it was too late. The King and his elite guards stood in our path. Each holding their stakes, now even more intimidating than they’d been in the depths of the ocean.

  Overcome by a deep shiver, I found myself dreading the encounter. Yet, I did not like the idea of running like a scared child. The man was insane, and his intimidating tactics needed to be pacified. I knew he wanted me out of the way and if it was me, he was after I’d give him just that. But not without a fight.

  Mason revved the engine, but Una held her hand out for him to wait. In a split moment decision, I swung the door open, and exited the vehicle, “No!” I heard my companions scream.

  “Well, well. Who do I have here?” The King said moving towards me, ordering his men to stay back.

  “You might be stronger and have an army at your side. But you don’t scare me, you tyrant. So, what is it going to take to leave my family alone?”

  He let out a throaty laugh, “you attempt to negotiate with me?” he said now standing a few inches away. The King slammed the butt of his stake into the pavement, sending thunder and lightning bolts blasting through the sky. The clashing sounds against a howling wind was frightening. Still, I stood my ground.

  My mother and Una flanked me, as did my father and Mason.

  “You don’t scare me,” I challenged.

  “You have gull, I’ll give you that,” he paced before me. “Thalia, return to your place in Atlan, agree to never return to the surface and your offspring to never seek you out again, and I will do no further damage on the surface.”

  My dad pushed past her, “you’ve already robbed my daughters of their mother all these years, you can’t possibly take her from them again.”

  “Aww. The mate. I see. I don’t take orders from surface walkers. Now stand down unless you want to be hurt.” The King said through pressed lips, his face fueled with anger.

  “Dad,” I said holding him back.

  “Arya, please, let me…” the King stopped him.

  “Enough!” He said slamming his stake again. The wind picked up even more, pushing against us.

  My father reached for Una, who was thrown off her footing for a few moments.

  The King then commanded his men to gather my mother, but she ordered them to stand down.

  It was clear that the elite squad was torn. My mother seemed to have the loyalty and respect of a few.

  “What are you waiting for?” The King demanded.

  He moved forward and for a moment I thought he was going to grab me, except he tried to get my mother. She jumped back, and the King raised his stake.

  I don’t know what I was trying to prove or what had gotten into me. When I saw that stake going up in the air, just past me, I reached for it. Catching the King off guard. I pulled it toward my chest, sending him stumbling back. He stared at me in fear, while the guards lowered their stakes. A gasp came from behind me, so I turned.

  “Arya,” my mother said “you are the new ruler of Atlan. The stake has chosen you. It only chooses one of the noble bloodlines.”

  “Impossible!” The King shouted. “She’s a half breed who shouldn’t even have abilities.”

  My mother stood at my side, “except, I suspect she’s not exactly a half breed.”

  Una and my father joined my mother at one side, and Mason joined me at the other.

  “What nonsense are you speaking?”

  “Father, all of my daughters were born with abilities. Una took these when they were children. All of them, except for Arya’s.”

  The King looked back and forth from my father to me, “that would mean he’s of Atlanian nobility.”

  “Yes, that’s exactly what it means. Which would make sense with his abilities in the water. Especially as an Olympiad.”

  My father was in shock, he stood there looking as if unable to process what was being said.

  In a sneaky attempt, the King attempted to snatch the stake back from me, only I had my eye on him.

  “Impossible,” he muttered. “Guards! Restrain her.”

  The guards looked back and forth from each other, causing the King to flare his nostrils in frustration. “Did you not hear me?”

  “That’s enough father. You lost. The stake is no longer yours. It’s chosen the next ruler. Stand down.” My mother said.

  “You fool! Do you not know what you’ve done? This child will ruin our way of life! And why? Because you fell in love with a surface man? Unbelievable.”

  “That’s enough!” Una said, “Your Highness, if you would’ve ruled justly, none of this would be happening. There was so much potential in you as our leader. Yet, your ego got in the way of what Atlan needed. Your narcissism, prejudices, and inability to see past your personal agenda, contributed to the Queen Consort to spiral more so into a deep dark de
spair which became her dismal fate.

  “I followed you blindly, believing you were the change we needed in Atlan, to move us into the new era of engineering. But after you sent me to the surface after Arya, and I finally understood the man I truly served, I realized how intoxicated I’d become. Believing you were something greater. Yet you were not. You are nothing but a thug. Willing to silence anyone who doesn’t agree with you.

  “So, Your Highness. You shouldn’t be surprised by the stakes change in power. You haven’t served the Atlans best interest in a long time.”

  Una turned to me, “will you lift the ban the King had placed on me? Please?”

  I noticed my mom nod, giving me the okay. “How do I do that?” I asked.

  “Wave the stake over me and will my ban to be lifted.

  Within seconds, something happened to Una. Her body rose off the ground, captured in a sphere of water. The sphere emitted a bright light, for a few seconds then as it depleted, the sphere returned to the ground, finally bursting open, sending water splashing, with Una standing dripping wet. But there was a look of revitalization in her eyes. A spark that could not be ignored.

  I smiled at Una who looked relieved. My mother stood to her father, “and now what shall we do with you?” She said, causing the King to look terrified beyond belief. “Guards take him to his chambers. Ensure he has nothing there he can use to help him escape. Also, see to it that Sergio stands guard of the throne until we return. Go now.” She ordered.

  She waited for them to take the King before re engaging.

  “Call the girls back. In the meantime, Una and I will clean up everything the King destroyed,” she said before she and Una disappeared.

  “Magic?” I asked Mason.

  “Kind of. It’s advanced technology. Something that doesn’t belong on the surface. Our kind isn’t prepared to properly deal with what Atlan has available.”

  “Dad,” I said. “Call my sisters.”


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