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Kingdom of Salt and Sirens

Page 77

by J. A. Armitage

  “Oh my God. I want to kill you myself.” I sob because I can’t believe she killed my sister.

  “Cry all you like, Sophia. You’re next and I’m going to dispose of your body in the same place. Your family are going to think that you drowned in the same cave as her.”

  It goes quiet as she swims away. I can’t believe everything she’s just told me. I need to get out of here so we can get some justice. It only takes me a minute to realise that I can’t tell my parents or the police about this; they’ll think I’m batshit crazy. That’s if I even get out of here.

  I’m exhausted. My heart is getting slower and slower. My energy is dissipating and I can feel the sadness swallowing me up. My eyes close because I’m so tired. Maybe if I just sleep, everything will be fine.

  Maybe I won’t wake up at all.


  Nix POV

  “Why would I give you my life when I’ve come all this way to ask you about a legend that could mean I’m together with my soulmate forever? You would be giving me everything I’ve ever wanted and then you want to take that happiness away from me and let my soulmate die? You surprise me.”

  “Why does that surprise you? There are skeletons everywhere down here. No one has ever made it back to the surface with the information you seek. Why should you be the first? What makes your relationship so special?”

  His beady eyes look at me. I stand tall and puff out my chest, even though it’s getting harder to breathe.

  “My family have a Rubins field attached to the palace. I have been stealing the Rubins to give to my soulmate, but that can’t continue. We can’t grow anymore because we don’t have the magic that makes the Rubins special. I have come to see you to find out how she can breathe underwater without the Rubins because I need to save the Rubins for when one of my own is sick and needs human help.”

  “So, you are not only brave, but you have a conscience. I want to hear more of your story about your soulmate. Does she have a name?”

  Taking a seat, I begin my story. “Her name is Sophia and a starfish introduced us.”

  “A starfish? They can be meddling sometimes.”

  “Oi! I heard that!” Suddenly, a starfish comes out of nowhere. “Hey, Nix. Zale, what’re you saying about me?”

  “I knew it had to be you meddling in things that don’t concern you, Perseus. How the hell did you get to the surface anyway?”

  The starfish laughs. “I was called to the surface by Nix and Sophia.”

  “I didn’t call you, you just came and attached yourself to my face.”

  Zale laughs. “Did you really do that?”

  “Yes he did. I threw him on the beach and then felt bad so took some Rubins and went on shore to find him and bring him back before he went solid and died. However, he landed on my head instead. He’d landed on Sophia and she threw him back into the sea.”

  “Yes, meddling. I knew it.”

  “It’s written in the stars that they should meet. I can’t deny a pull like that.”

  “They were meant to meet you say? Why? What is so special about the two of them?”

  “Yes, how are we so special?” I ask curiously.

  “Well, you know the legend of the mermaid who comes down to see Zale to find out the other way a human can survive under water? The legend states that the merman who makes it down here and makes it back to his human soulmate is very important in our future. He brings us all together in a common cause. To keep our shorelines safe, clean, and danger free. We’ve been dying off recently due to the waste that is being dumped into the sea. Nix and Sophia spearhead a campaign to clean the beaches.”

  Perseus moves towards Zale and places two of his arms on either side of his eyes.

  Zale moves his head from side to side as, I assume, he sees Perseus’ vision.

  “Wow,” he says when Perseus is finished and moves away from him. “Nix is the one then?”

  “Yes. Nix and Sophia start a new generation of mermaids and humans. A life where we can chose to live under the sea or on land.”

  “Sorry to interrupt you, but what the hell are you talking about?”

  Perseus comes over to me and puts two of his arms out on either side of my eyes like he did with Zale.

  All of a sudden, I see bright colours flashing in front of my eyes. There’s me and Sophia with a couple of small children running around. The beaches look clean and the sea is a beautiful turquoise. I watch as we all walk into the sea and change into mermaids diving under the water. We swim and I can see Zale walking among us. He looks like he’s smiling. “What the hell?” I say as I pull away from Perseus.

  He laughs.

  “Okay, so if I believe what you’re showing me, how do I get home? This guy,” I say, pointing at Zale, “wants my life in return for the secret.”

  Perseus looks at Zale. “You didn’t say that to him, did you?”

  “Yes, I did. I told him that there are skeletons down here and that’s what I do.”

  This time Perseus laughs. “The skeletons are sailors that perished when this ship sank. Zale is a vegetarian and doesn’t even eat fish. He only looks scary but he’s not at all. He hides down here because all the fish and mermaids are frightened because of all the teeth he has. He moved farther and farther away from them and now he can’t go back.”

  This time, I start laughing. The legend of Zale frightens us all, and all the time, he’s harmless.

  Suddenly, I stagger backwards and fall to the ground. My breathing is getting worse and my heart is slowing right down. “I’m not sure I’m going to make it back to Sophia in time even if you tell me what I need to do.”

  Zale stands over me. “The answer to what you seek is true love’s kiss. You obviously haven’t kissed her lips yet or you would know. Once you kiss her and she really is your human soulmate then she will be able to swim without Rubins and you would be able to walk freely on land.”

  My eyes close, but before I drift off, I hear Perseus say, “You need to help him.”


  Sophia POV

  Once again, I wake feeling weak. Taking some more Rubins, I realise I only have one bit left to take after this one. If no one knows I’m missing or comes to find me then I’m going to die here. How do I let someone know I’m even here?

  “Help! Please!”

  Nothing. No one is there.

  Sitting at the bottom of the cave, I close my eyes. I think about Nix and try to channel him. I remember the day he told me he could talk to his sister telepathically. Maybe I can talk to him that way.

  Concentrating on thinking about him, I repeat in my mind, Nix, I need you. Nix, I need you. Eva kidnapped me. I need you to come and save me. I love you.

  Exhausted, I lie back on the ground and close my eyes. All I can do is hope and pray he heard me.

  When I open them again, I’m still in the cave. Maybe I should try and contact Darya. She might be able to hear me and save me.

  Darya. Can you hear me? Darya?

  Nothing. I try again.

  Darya. Please. I need you.

  Suddenly, I feel like there’s someone else in the cave with me, but when I turn around and reach out in front of me, I don’t feel anyone.

  Sophia, is that you? How are you talking to me?

  Wow, that is freaky. It works.

  Eva kidnapped me. She’s locked me in a cave. I only have a small amount of Rubins left and I’m going to die in here. Is Nix back?

  No, he’s not. I’m on my way to tell my parents. They need to go and look for him. Where are you?

  I don’t know. I’m scared. She told me she killed Anna and she’s going to do the same to me. Help me.

  Nothing. She doesn’t come back to me. I’m totally freaking out here. I’m going to die. Oh my God. My parents are going to lose another child. Shit. I have to get out of here. I can’t let that happen to them. They don’t deserve to lose me too. I need to get out of here.

  * * *

  Nix POV

  * * *
  My eyes open as I hear chattering. It feels like I’m moving through the water quickly. But I know I’m not swimming. I don’t have enough energy to breathe, let alone swim.

  I can see lots of lights and I realise we’re with the narwhals.

  “Move out of my way. I need to get Nix back to his soulmate,” Zale says beneath me. He’s carrying me in his arms.

  “He promised us some Rubins.”

  “Yes, and he gave you some. That’s enough for now. I’ll bring you some more when I come back.”

  He ignores them and ploughs through the water. When we get to Bathysaurus, he starts laughing.

  “I really thought you would eat him as soon as you saw him, Zale. Yet, here you are, helping him out.”

  “You know I don’t have a bad bone in my body. Now, move so I can get him to his soulmate him. He’s going to let us to live together with everyone again.”

  As we move closer to my village, my breathing is slightly better, but I’m still struggling. I open my eyes and see my parents and Darya coming towards me.

  “Get your hands off my son!” Dad shouts at Zale. He pulls out his sword and holds it towards him.

  “I’m not here to hurt you. I’m saving your son. He has a bigger purpose in his life. He is the saviour we have been waiting for. His love for the human is unprecedented and the two of them will make our world a safer and cleaner place to live. He needs to see his human or he will die.”

  “No. He will never see her again. She is banished from our world.”

  “No!” I try to shout, but I’m too weak. “Sophia. I need her.”

  “Nix.” Darya runs to me. “She’s been taken by Eva. She’s running out of Rubins. She spoke to me in my mind. I can’t find her and I can’t find Eva either.

  “No. I need to find her.” I get a sudden strength from somewhere. “She can’t die. Dad, I’ll die if she dies. You need to help me find her.”

  “I’ll help you,” Zale says. “I can show you light in dark places.”

  “Thanks,” I say as I start to swim away.

  Zale, Darya, and Perseus follow me. We don’t know where we’re going, but I know it’s getting darker.

  Nix. Help me.

  I can hear her in my mind. I want to cry.

  Sophia. I’m here. Where are you?

  I don’t know. She told me she killed Anna and she’s going to do the same to me. I don’t want to die, Nix. I love you.

  I love you too, Sophia. I won’t let you die.

  * * *

  “Eva is going to kill her, like she did her sister,” I say to Darya. “Where did she take Anna?”

  “Eva killed Sophia’s sister?” my dad asks; he’s joined us too.

  “Eva killed Sophia’s sister a year ago and now she’s going to kill Sophia if we don’t find her soon.”

  “Nix, I think I know where she might be. Do you remember in the Lost Caves, there is a cave at the bottom?”

  “No. I’ve never been that far down. Do you think she’s there?”

  “That’s where she had Anna until she let her loose into the rocks the next day. I bet that’s where she is.”

  We all swim over to the Lost Caves and hope we aren’t too late.

  Sophia. Sophia.

  She doesn’t answer me.

  I can’t lose her. I’ve only just found her.

  Zale grabs me from behind and pushes his way through the sea. He can move a lot faster than I can.

  When I can see the Lost Caves, we dive farther down to see if we can find the cave Sophia might be in. I’m praying she’s here and we’re not wasting precious time.

  “Sophia! Sophia!” I call out. She doesn’t answer. “Darya, I can’t see an empty cave. Are you sure there’s one here?”

  “Yes. I remember swimming into it one day with Eva. That was the day she told me she had put Anna in there. It’s just down from that ledge there. The one that’s in the picture Anna drew.”

  I follow the line down but don’t see a cave. Sophia. Please, baby. I’m here. Help me find you.

  * * *

  Nix. I hear a weak voice in my head. Nix, I can hear you. You’re so close to me. I’m getting weaker. I’m going to die. I can’t breathe. I don’t think I’ll make it to the surface in time to breathe.

  Baby, you don’t need to. I know the cure. I’ll find you, I promise.

  * * *

  “Nix. I think I’ve found it. Help me move these stones,” Dad says. I don’t have the strength to help him though.

  “Move, Nix. I’ll help.” It’s Zale. He moves the stones out of the way and we can see Sophia on the cave floor. Her eyes are closed.

  I rush in and pick her up in my arms. “Zale, take me to the surface. She needs to breathe.”

  “Nix, remember what I told you. True love’s kiss. I promise it will work.”

  I don’t have time to argue with him. Leaning forward, I kiss her on the lips. I’ve wanted to do this so many times, but didn’t dare. I didn’t want to rush her.

  Her lips feel so soft against mine and I can’t help but kiss her harder. She opens them to speak to me and I kiss her harder again. As soon as she opens her mouth, my air rushes in and fills her lungs. She opens her eyes and smiles at me, kissing me back.

  I can feel my energy coming back and she’s looking a better colour.

  After hugging me, she pulls away. “Will I be okay?”

  I smile at her. “You will now. I thought I’d lost you. I was so worried.”

  “I was too, Nix. I thought you wouldn’t come back to me and you wouldn’t make it on time.”

  Someone clears his throat. “I’m sorry for the way we treated you, Sophia,” Dad says, bowing his head.

  “It’s okay. You were protecting your son. I get it.

  “I’m sorry that one of my villagers killed your sister. I promise you we will find her and we will deal with her accordingly.”

  “Thank you. I don’t like to think of anyone coming to harm, but she should be punished for what she did to my sister and to me.” Looking back at me, she smiles. “You did it, Nix. You found out how to let me breathe underwater.”

  “I know. Who would have thought that all I had to do was kiss you?”

  “I hate to break up this party,” Perseus says, coming between the two of us. “Hi, Sophia.”

  She looks at him and then back at me and starts to laugh. “Hi.”

  “You and Nix are going to be saviours to our kind. I have had visions, which I have shared with Nix. I’m so glad I could bring you two together. I’ll be seeing you around.” He swims off.

  “See you soon,” we say together.

  “I need to go too.” Zale starts to swim away.

  “Wait!” I shout out to him. “I want to introduce you to Sophia.”

  He comes back and I see Sophia try to hide when she sees him.

  “This is Zale. He’s the guy who told me about the kiss.”

  Sophia does something which none of us expect. She moves towards him and hugs him. “Thank you,” she says. “You saved my life. I’ll never forget that.”

  I’m sure I can see tears in his eyes. “Anything for you two.”

  “Dad, can we find somewhere for Zale in our village? He’s had enough of staying at the bottom of The Deep Loop. I think he would be great with our security.”

  “Absolutely. Come, Zale. Let me show you around.” Dad puts his arm around Zale and they both move off.

  Darya comes over to hug Sophia. “I’m so glad you’re okay. I’m sorry you had to hear about Anna like that. I was amazed that I heard your voice in my head. It’s only mermaids that can do that. It just shows how special you are. I’m going to be so happy to have you as my sister.”

  “Sister? I think that’s moving a bit too fast,” Sophia says.

  “No, it’s not. We’re soulmates and we will be together forever. Darya is your sister now.”

  “Well, thank you, sister.” They pull apart and Darya leaves us.

  When it’s just the
two of us, Sophia says, “Nix, I’ve been gone for two days. I have to get home. Mum and Dad will be so worried about me. They will probably ground me from coming down to the cove.”

  “We’ll go together. We don’t do anything separately anymore.”

  “If you’re sure. Mum can get really angry.”

  “No problem. We do everything together.”


  Epilogue – Sophia POV

  * * *

  Sophia’s POV

  * * *

  Life got back to normal. Well, as normal as you can have when your boyfriend is a merman. I got into a lot of trouble for disappearing, but Mum was so happy to see me, she didn’t ground me. I was grateful because I didn’t want to be away from Nix. It hurts when I’m away from him for too long.

  I went back to school a couple of months ago and Nix came with me. He enrolled at the school and now we see each other all day, every day. To be honest, I can’t wait until the summer comes around again and I can stay in the sea for a while. I’ve told Mum and Dad that I’m going to a summer camp to be a marine biologist. Nix’s dad produced some paperwork which means that I can stay under the sea for a month. I can’t wait.

  I love my life at the moment. I just wish Anna was here to share it with me. I’m lucky though – I got a new sister, Darya. She’s met my parents and I introduced her as my new best friend. They had many questions for her, but she answered them really well.

  Molly doesn’t like Nix, but I think that’s because she blames him for taking up so much of my time. Jack likes him. They’ve become great friends, which makes me happy. He still doesn’t know that Nix is a merman. I’ll save that for another day.


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