Book Read Free

Complete With You

Page 2

by Sarah Taylor

  “Listen, Jaxon—” Brady starts.

  “Where the hell are you?” I ask through gritted teeth. “What hospital are you at, Brady? Is Liv okay? What’s going on?”

  My mind races, time seeming to slow a painful halt. When I blink, I'm back at the hospital after Carl’s incident, standing frozen in the corner of the room while Liv clutches his hand and cries. Each beat of my heart hurts.

  As I barrage the man with questions, I leap out of bed and drag on my clothes. By the time he’s drawn a breath to answer, I'm dashing out to my car.

  “Olivia didn't want me to make a big deal out of this, but I thought you should know that we’re at Hope Haven hospital. She was having some pain this morning, so...” He trails off, distracted by something, probably his pregnant girlfriend.

  “I’ll be there in five minutes.”

  I hang up the phone without waiting for him to respond and grip the steering wheel.

  By the time I arrive at Hope Haven, I realize that I’d put on mismatched shoes and my shirt wasn’t fully buttoned, but I couldn’t care less.

  Liv is my little sister — my world. I’ve already seen her lose her late fiancé, and I don’t want her to suffer anymore. Carl might’ve been my best friend back then, but I understood the possibilities of what can happen when you work in a field like ours. Liv was blindsided by that loss. I truly am glad that she has Brady now. I never thought I’d see her happy again, but Brady makes her light up like fireworks on the fourth of July. Still, she had to go through hell before she found her heaven, not that Brady had it exactly easy either from what I’d heard.

  I rush through the halls, winding around nurses and other patients. When I get to the nurse’s desk, my chest is heaving.

  “Olivia Patrick,” I pant. “I'm her brother.”

  “Oh, you’re Olivia’s big brother!” the nurse responds with a buoyant smile that does little to ease my panicked pulse. “I'm Ava. I'm a friend of her and Lucy. She’s in room 216 just across the hall.”

  I grab the outstretched visitor's pass and finish my mad dash toward her room.

  When I burst in through the door, Liv groans and rolls her eyes. Brady just offers a sheepish smile.

  I sink down beside her and take her hand in mine. Liv squeezes my fingers gently.

  “I told Brady it was nothing!” my little sister sighs. “It’s just some very mild cramping. My little girl and I are completely fine. They’re not even keeping us for observation.”

  “...Little girl?” I echo, eyes widening as I press a hand to her swollen belly. “You’re having a girl?”

  A slow smile spreads over Liv’s face, and her dark eyes soften with elated warmth. “Darn! I was trying to keep it a secret...but yes, Jaxon. You’re going to be an uncle to a baby girl.”

  I wrap her up in a hug again just as the door opens behind us.

  “Ms. Patrick,” a gentle but firm voice says, “we’re going to go ahead and discharge you, but if you have any further discomfort feel free to call.”

  One by one, every single hair on the back of my neck begins to lift.

  That voice... It’s the same as the one that was moaning my name last night.

  I whip around, startled, and my eyes lock on a pair of familiar sapphire blue ones across the room.

  Emma, dressed in a tight black pencil skirt and a white coat instead of the tiny shorts and crop top that she was wearing last night, looks the perfect picture of professionalism. Her effortless blond hair tumbles over her shoulders as her head turns toward me. If I hadn't burned her delicate features into my memory, I’d almost doubt she’s the same wild woman from in the back of my cop car last night.

  When our eyes meet, her pale brow shoots towards her hairline.

  The nurse from earlier, Ava, enters the room and immediately seems to notice the way Emma and I are staring at one another in pure shock.

  “Anyway, Liv,” Ava chirps with a lingering, hesitant look at me. “I'm going to get your paperwork ready. Are you sure you’re feeling better?”

  “Much better!” Liv assures her happily.

  When Liv is distracted, Emma jerks her chin towards the hall, her eyes not breaking from mine. Obviously, the woman has something to say.

  Like hell I’d miss a chance to hear her say my name at least one more time.

  Chapter 4


  My heart is in my throat as I all but drag Jaxon out of the patient’s hospital room. When Olivia had arrived at the hospital, I’d been startled by how much her tan complexion and dark hair reminded me of the sexy policeman from last night, but I’d assumed that was because I’d hardly been able to think about anything else but him all morning.

  As much as I’ve been daydreaming about his strong hands gripping my hips and his warm mouth ravishing my own, the last thing I’ve ever wanted is to mix my professional life and personal one. I just can’t. I don’t have that luxury.

  When I frown at Jaxon, he just grins. Even in his slightly-disheveled state, the hint of a smile on his handsome lips makes heat sizzle in my core. Warmth flurries through me, rolling up my spine inch by inch. I can feel my cheeks flushing when he takes a step closer.

  In the sheen of his gorgeous silver eyes, I almost lose all of my determination to keep a safe distance between us.

  “Fancy meeting you here, doc,” he quips playfully. I shiver again. His voice is as husky and deep as I remember. “I never would’ve guessed the girl I picked up at the bar last night is actually a doctor.”

  He moves closer again, and I take a sharp step backward. I almost bowl over a passing nurse in the process, but I’ve got to keep some breathing room here, or else I'm going to throw my arms around Jaxon and pin him against the wall so I can steal kiss after glorious kiss from him.

  Clearing my throat hard, I tip my chin up and gaze levelly into his slightly-confused — but still very bewitching — eyes.

  “I rarely get to go out and when I do, I like to be more than just a doctor, if you know what I mean.”

  At my cool tone, he arches an eyebrow though he still looks entirely too amused. “Oh, I know exactly what you mean. I was there. Remember?” The tip of his pink tongue wets his upper lip and a low, deep pulse ripples through my whole core.

  I suck in a sharp breath, nostrils flaring, and scowl at him.

  His head cocks slightly to the side. “I take it you’re not as happy to see me as I am to see you, Emma.”

  Jaxon closes the distance between us, and every pore on my body starts to steam. It’s not as if I’ve forgotten the way he touched me last night or the way he made me feel. No one has ever made me feel that alive. It takes every ounce of strength I have not to reach out and run my finger down his strong arm. Even just the familiar scent of his cologne has my head spinning... But I'm at work. I can’t be caught flirting with my patient’s brother.

  “Your sister is going to be fine, Jaxon,” I say stiffly, completely ignoring what he’d said a moment ago.

  Behind Jaxon, Ava steps back out into the hall. She watches Jaxon and me for a moment, her shrewd eyes gleaming with amusement. My cheeks start to flush pink again.

  “You shouldn’t have to come back,” I continue, focusing back on Jaxon. “Ever – I mean, at least for a while.” I clear my throat and wince at how awkward I sound. “Understand?”

  Jaxon’s smug grin fades as he comprehends what I'm saying. This isn’t about his sister. This is about him keeping his distance. He slowly folds his arms, oh so muscled and strong and mouthwateringly-tan arms, and my gaze desperately wants to wander over his toned figure again. Somehow, I manage not to allow that.

  “I understand,” he mutters. “I won’t turn back up.”

  With a slight shake of his head, he turns and moves back toward the room.

  “Are you okay, Emma?” Ava whispers as she hurries nosily to my side. “Tell me that’s not the guy you were talking about earlier! The cop you banged—”

  “Shh!” I gasp, clapping a hand over her mouth.
  Ava laughs against my palm and cheeks burn scarlet. I never should’ve mentioned Jaxon to Ava, but Ava is my closest friend her in the hospital, and I was still reeling from last night. I’d needed to share the juicy details with somebody.

  Still giggling, Ava tugs away and winks. “It doesn’t matter,” she says with a shrug. “I didn't come to pester you about that. I actually came over here to remind you that it’s noon already if you wanted to go home for your lunch break like you usually do. Charlie’s waiting for you, right?”

  Jaxon pauses at the doorway and glances back at me for one moment. Our eyes connect, and I want to leap into his embrace so badly. Instead, I stiffly inform Ava that I’d return to the hospital in an hour, and then I turn my back toward the hunky cop and march down the hospital hall.

  Ava is right. I have someone waiting on me, someone who needs my whole heart.

  I can’t — won’t — get distracted by one handsome man with eyes of steel and a fiery kiss that makes my whole soul soar.

  Chapter 5


  Emma flies down the hall, her chin tucked toward her chest and her arms folded in front of her. Even though she’s marching almost seems like she’s running.

  But is it just me she’s running from?

  A few minutes ago, when I turned around and Emma was standing there as beautiful and enchanting in her white coat as she was in the middle of a smoky bar, I’d thanked each and every one of my lucky stars for that single opportunity to see her again.

  Unfortunately for me, she’d made it clear that our one night together was just that — one night only. I’d never had any woman be as ice-cold to me as she was. The more I learn about Emma, the more fascinating and confusing I find her. Her telling me to back off only made me want her more.

  I clear my throat when I realize Ava is still gazing at me. An amused smile lifts the corners of her lips as she pats my arm.

  “Emma might come off a little...frosty, but she’s one of the best delivery doctors we have here at Hope Haven. Olivia is in good hands.”

  “Yeah...” I answer, glancing again towards the end of the hall where Emma had long vanished.

  Charlie... Who could that be?

  Where was Emma going now?

  I know it’s none of my business, but I can’t help but wonder. It’s not like Emma was super subtle when she was telling me to leave her the hell alone. She clearly wants nothing to do with me. I'm not quite sure what to make of that. Usually, I have to fend off the girls. Ever since Carl passed, I’ve been doing everything I could to make the most of life. I’ve drowned away my feelings with girls and thrill-seeking...but nothing got my blood flowing quite like Emma.

  She’s captivating. One night, she’s picking fights with bikers in bars, and the next, she’s expertly navigating a hospital. She’s a one in a billion type of woman...and I can’t even pursue her because she wants nothing to do with me.

  “Ava!” someone shrieks from down the hall.

  A redheaded woman barrels toward us with Cooper in tow, her green eyes wide with concern. Ava steps past me toward the rushing couple. I recognize her as Lucy from pictures I’d seen of her and Liv.

  “Is Olivia okay?” Lucy asks, pausing to catch her breath.

  Brady appears back out in the hall, and Lucy throws her arms around him.

  “Olivia is completely fine,” Ava assures Cooper and Lucy.

  “Brady!” my sister groans from inside the room. “You seriously called everyone, didn't you? I'm totally okay, guys! I'm getting discharged soon.”

  Ava, Cooper, Lucy, and Brady return into Liv’s room. I take one step toward the doorway, listening as the group chats. Lucy is fussing over Liv while the guys chuckle faintly about Brady overreacting.

  With a sigh, I lean against the wall, staying put out in the hall instead of joining them. They’re Liv’s friends, not mine. This is a reminder that Liv has a life here. She’s happy here. She’s complete here. I’d chased her down to make sure my little sister was okay...but she’s doing just fine — great, even.

  Liv doesn’t need me.

  Digging my hands into my pockets, I turn and start to head down the hall.

  When Liv moved all the way out here, I was so worried about her. She’d never been far from home before, though I understood that she wanted to leave her life with Carl behind so that she could move forward. At first, I didn't understand it, but then I felt the need to leave, too. Carl was my partner on the police force and my best friend. Everywhere I went, I was reminded of him. I couldn’t go to the bar we’d stop by after our shifts were done, I couldn’t go to the gym, and I even had trouble focusing at work because I was thinking about how quickly his life was taken.

  But his memory wasn’t all that haunted was that I could’ve easily been the one who was snuffed out.

  I was there, right next to him, when the traffic stop went sideways. I was lucky enough to walk away. He didn't.

  But why?

  Why did I survive and not him? He had Liv waiting for him to return, but I had no one.

  A shudder rolls down my back, but I try to force those painful thoughts away.

  I’d moved out here to protect my little sister, but she doesn’t need me.

  If that’s the case, what am I even still doing here?

  What is my purpose?

  What is my direction?

  What if I never find the answers I'm searching for?

  Chapter 6


  I sit in my car for a few moments longer, my arms draped over the steering wheel and my head bowed.

  My heart hasn’t stopped racing since I left the hospital.

  What happened between Jaxon and me was supposed to be a one-night fling. Just something to let off steam... Unfortunately, I hadn't anticipated that such fierce feelings would root in me. I’ve never experienced anything like this before.

  When his eyes meet mine, it’s as if a lightning bolt blasts through me. It’s as though we’re two magnets being drawn closer and closer, and I'm almost powerless to resist the pull.

  He leaves me short of breath and longing for something that I can never have.

  How am I supposed to walk into my house and pretend like I'm totally fine when all I can think about is Jaxon’s face and kiss and embrace? It doesn’t make sense how much I want him.

  I'm a rational woman. I'm logical — especially when it comes to matters of the heart. But, put simply, Jaxon lights a bonfire in my soul that I never even knew existed. It’s raging so powerfully that I don’t know how I’ll ever be able to extinguish it.

  Inside the house before me, I can see faint movement. Someone is walking in front of the closed curtains.

  I can’t linger anymore. Charlie is waiting.

  Forcing myself out of my car, I approach our quaint little home and push open the door.

  “Charlie!” I call.

  A bag of Mexican food — our favorite — swings over my arm. The heavenly smell of carne asada and queso drifts up from the bag. It would’ve made me hungry had I not been so distracted by thoughts of Jaxon.

  “I'm starving!” a little voice calls as an eight-year-old girl darts around the corner.

  “Charlotte!” I groan disapprovingly, noting the paint stains on her round cheeks.

  My little sister sticks out her tongue just as the nanny joins us.

  “Sorry, Emma!” Violet sighs. “I have an exam Monday, and I got distracted for a little too long.”

  My next-door neighbor, twenty-one-year-old university student Violet, offered a while back to watch Charlie on the weekends while I'm at work. The last thing I can do is complain. Besides, I know how mischievous Charlie can be.

  I grin at Violet and shrug. “It happens. Thank you so much for keeping an eye on her. Charlie, you go wash up so we can eat. I don’t have long before I need to head back to work.”

  Charlie playfully sticks out her tongue before she prances off to clean up. Violet takes the bag of
food, setting it down on the dining room table for me.

  “Emma, it’s so sweet how you always rush home on the weekend to have lunch with your little sis. I wish my family were close like that. You and Charlie are only half-siblings and you two get along way better than me and my brother do.”

  I just nod, stealing one glance up the stairs to make sure that Charlie is still occupied. Then I lean closer to Violet and drop my voice. “You would not believe who I saw today. It was him. Jaxon. The cop I was telling you about from last night?”

  Like Ava, Violet is one of the few people I open up to.

  Violet’s eyes round with interest just as Charlie abruptly plops down onto the stairs.

  “Jaxon the cop?” the little girl asks curiously. “Did you get arrested, Emma?”

  My cheeks flare so redly that you could probably cook a steak on the sweltering flesh. My number one rule about romance and my little sister is that she can never, will never, know anything about the men that may or may not be in my life. She deserves all of my attention, all the time. That’s why I don’t date. That’s why I have a strict policy about hookups only.

  “I'm going to head home,” Violet interjects loudly. “I’ll come back in forty-five minutes so you can head back to work. Okay, Emma?”

  I nod and thank Violet again as she heads out the door.

  “So, about these nachos?” I say, pointing toward the waiting meal.

  My attempt at distracting my nosy little sister proves less than successful, however.

  “How come you never mentioned anyone named Jaxon?” prods Charlie. She settles down at the table and pops one queso-laden chip between her teeth before crunching down on them loudly. Her eyes gleam with interest. “Is he cute?”

  I frown at Charlie, but a mischievous grin spreads across her face.

  “We are so not having this conversation,” I mutter quietly.

  She giggles and drums her fingers on the table. “Come on, Emma! We never get to talk about boys! You told Violet about him. Tell me too!”

  I sit down beside the little girl and lay one arm around the back of her chair. She looks up at me eagerly, nibbling on another chip.


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