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Zodiac Academy: The Awakening: An Academy Bullymance (Supernatural Bullies and Beasts Book 1)

Page 5

by Caroline Peckham

  The Principal’s eyes widened in surprise but she covered it with the kind of fake-ass smile which wasn’t really a smile at all but held something much more calculated in check.

  “It must be a lot to take in,” she conceded gently. “Of course you can spend a bit of time settling in before you have to make any choices about how you’ll handle your claim or anything else besides that. Perhaps we’ll hold the media off for a while so that you can get your bearings.”

  “Great,” I bit out, not bothering to hide the fact that as far as I was concerned there wasn’t any choice to be made. I tried to step away but Principal Nova had her claws in my sister and I and she didn’t seem to be willing to let go any time soon.

  A lump formed in the pit of my stomach as I realised she’d decided to make a spectacle of us on our very first day in front of the entire school and I couldn’t quite shake her off before she turned to address the crowd of students who filled the huge room.

  “Can I have everyone’s attention?” Nova called and all eyes in The Orb swung to us as silence fell amongst the gathered students. I noticed several older men and women lining the edges of the room and spotted Orion amongst them which I guessed meant they were the faculty. Their eyes were on us too and I promptly looked away.

  “I’d really rather not make a fuss,” Darcy muttered but the Principal continued as if she hadn’t spoken.

  My gaze slid over the crowd and hooked on the group of guys sitting around the fire once more. They were looking at us curiously now and I tried not to let my gaze linger on them too long but it was difficult. Somehow, they commanded the room despite the fact that it was full to the brim with more people than I could count.

  The guy on the right tilted his head to the side, his long, chestnut hair tipping over his fist as he leant his chin against his knuckles. There was something deeply animal in the way he eyed us and I found myself lifting my chin, refusing to cower beneath the challenge in his earthy brown eyes.

  “This year’s attendees have been joined by two particularly important girls,” Principal Nova said, a wide smile pulling at her lips as I tried to ignore the fact that the entire student body of the Academy were looking at us now. “I am delighted to announce that we have recovered the missing Vega Heirs and brought them back under the protection of our great nation. For seventeen years the Vega Twins were lost to us, believed to be dead. But to our great surprise, with the surfacing of their powers on their eighteenth birthday we were able to track them down in the mortal realm and return them to their rightful place amongst us.”

  No applause followed her words, though the long pause she gave suggested she was expecting one. Instead a pregnant silence had built in the room and I held my breath as I waited for someone to break it.

  A high-pitched shriek of excitement broke the silence as a tall, broad shouldered girl with long, brown hair leapt to her feet. She started applauding so quickly that her hands were almost a blur and the wide smile on her face looked more than a little manic.

  Her movement set off a little tidal wave of enthusiastic applauders who were dotted around the room, though there were still plenty of people sitting stock still and seeming less than impressed by my sister and me. I wasn’t sure which response was worse.

  Slow movement caught my eye and I glanced back at the couch dominated by the four heartbreakers as the final guy leaned forward to get a better look at us.

  He rested his elbows on his knees, his dark eyes crawling over my flesh in a way that made heat rise along my spine. He was broader than the others, his muscles tight beneath a maroon t-shirt which clung to the curves of his powerful frame. His hair was jet black, and just long enough to shadow his eyes as it spilled over his forehead. Ink lined his biceps, disappearing beneath the short sleeves of his t-shirt, the designs intricate yet powerful in a way I couldn’t quite name. His face was cut from my very own personal fantasy, as if someone had delved into my deepest desires and drawn them into strong angles and perfect temptation made just for me. My gaze caught on his muscular body, his mouth, the stubble gracing his jaw, his mouth again...

  My heart raced a little faster as his eyes met mine for a moment and I felt like a lamb caught in the gaze of a lion. He was dangerous in all the right ways and I knew without doubt that the fire in his eyes would burn me up if I strayed too close.

  The applause took way too long to run its course and our number one fan was the last to stop. She reclaimed her chair but didn’t tear her adoring gaze from us for a second. We were left standing there as a thousand pairs of eyes ripped us apart, curiosity ready to tear every secret from us.

  I pulled my gaze away from the hungry crowd and found my sister’s green eyes instead.

  The same nervous energy danced in her gaze as I felt writhing beneath my skin and I released a slow breath as I pulled my arm out of the Principal’s grip. She wasn’t so easily deterred and swiftly hooked her arm behind my back instead before pushing us forward so we started walking. Straight towards the group of guys whose faces were set in expressions that seemed anything but friendly.

  “Gentlemen,” Principal Nova purred as she gave me a little shove so that I was forced to stand before them like a sacrificial offering. “These are the Celestial Heirs,” she explained to me and Darcy, naming them from left to right. “Max Rigel,” (the dark skinned demi-god). “Caleb Altair,” (the blonde haired beaux next door), “Darius Acrux,” (my sin-filled fantasy). “And Seth Capella,” (the long haired lothario). “This is Gwendalina and Roxanya Vega-”

  “Those aren’t our names,” I interrupted, refusing to keep standing there like a lemon while the pack of muscle-filled daydreams assessed us like we were fresh meat. “I’m Tory and that’s Darcy.”

  “I’m aware that your Changeling family gave you the names of their birth children,” Nova said, like she was pacifying a small child, much to the delight of the blonde guy she’d named as Caleb. “But now that you’re home you don’t have to keep using-”

  “I like my name,” Darcy interjected.

  “I’m sure as shit not going to start going by Roxanya,” I agreed in a tone that closed the subject for further discussion.

  Principal Nova eyed us like she was considering arguing further but I guessed the answer she saw in our eyes encouraged her to leave it. She sighed dramatically before continuing to address the distractingly good looking specimens before us. “Well whatever names you go by, you’re still Vegas. The last in your line and rightful holders of the Solarian throne once you come of age. So long as you pass your assessments here and go on to graduate from Zodiac you will reclaim the throne from the Celestial Heirs.” She indicated the four guys who sat before us and I frowned as I tried to comprehend exactly what she was suggesting. Before she gave me a moment to compute that little nugget of information, she continued to address the Heirs. “I do hope you hadn’t gotten too comfortable with the idea of holding the throne together. I’m sure you’ll want to be the first to offer the girls the hand of friendship as they embark upon this journey of education.”

  The four guys looked at us like offering the hand of friendship was the last thing on their minds. In fact, I got the distinct feeling that Dark and Dangerous might be trying to set us on fire with his eyes alone.

  To my surprise, he was the one to speak first, a smile lighting his face which was no doubt meant to look friendly but seemed like a mask to me. I was a specialist in detecting bullshit and this guy looked like he was stuffing himself full of it especially for the Principal’s benefit.

  “Did you say they’ve been hiding in the mortal realm?” Darius asked curiously. “Without an ounce of training at all?” His voice was deep and rough in a way that made my skin tingle and I couldn’t help but glance at his mouth as the corner of it lifted in amusement.

  “Well I’m sure you boys will be more than willing to bring them up to speed.” Nova patted me and Darcy like we were good children and moved away, leaving us standing before the wolves.

an you feel that power?” Caleb asked, leaning towards us as if he intended to sniff us like a dog.

  Darcy stepped back and I frowned at him. The other three were looking at us curiously and I found myself wanting to be anywhere other than here.

  “I guess we’ll see you around,” I said dismissively, turning my back on them as I tried to draw Darcy away.

  Before we could get two steps, I came face to face with a broad chest as the four Heirs suddenly rose to stand around us.

  “That was a little rude,” Seth murmured, his voice almost like an animal growl as he looked down at me, his long hair spilling over his shoulders.

  “Cut them some slack, Seth,” Darius said as he stepped closer too and we found ourselves boxed in by a wall of testosterone-fuelled muscle. I didn’t much like being forced into a corner like that. “They don’t know how it works here yet. I’m guessing you didn’t realise that turning your back on your superiors is considered an insult?” His tone was almost kind but his words sent a trickle of fuck you right along my spine and I straightened as I turned my gaze on him instead. He was even more intimidating now that he was upright, his broad chest in line with my face so I was forced to tilt my head to look up at him.

  “Superiors?” I asked, arching an eyebrow at him. “I don’t see anyone superior to me around here.”

  “Well maybe you should look a little closer, Roxy,” he taunted, using that name to try and get a rise out of me. Poking fun at my dead parents’ choice in baby names. Classy.

  I made a show of trailing my gaze across the four of them before shrugging dismissively. “I can’t see anyone better than us here. How about you, Darcy?”

  “Nope,” my sister replied dismissively.

  Before he could reply, I turned my back on him again, pushing between Max and Caleb as we and began to walk away.

  “I think they could do with a lesson in how things work around here,” Max growled as we gained some distance from them but I didn’t bother to look back. I’d never made a habit of being popular in any of our other schools and I wasn’t bothered about that now either.

  Darcy raised an eyebrow at me as we walked away from them and my lips lifted in response. She’d never been quite so keen to rock the boat as me but I’d never been too concerned with making friends. Especially not the kind who demanded respect instead of making sure they earned it.

  Before I could say anything else to her, a solid weight slammed into my side and I released a cry of surprise as I was propelled around and shoved up against the golden wall of the curving room.

  My heart leapt with fear as I tried to break loose of my attacker’s grip and Caleb smiled at me as he pressed his strong body against mine, pinning me in place.

  “Wanna beg for forgiveness?” he purred and a shiver raced down my spine as my sister yelled at him to stop and tried to come to my aid. Max grabbed her before she got close and my gaze slid around the room, hunting out the teachers but none of them seemed to care about what the Heirs were doing to us.

  My heart was pounding and I struggled feebly against Caleb’s hold on my wrists before trying to slam my knee into his crotch. He avoided my attack easily, pressing his body to mine so that I couldn’t repeat it.

  “Last chance,” he offered, his gaze sliding over me in a way that sent fear crawling through my limbs despite his devastatingly good looks.

  “Fuck you,” I growled, my fists clenching with the desire to punch his pretty face.

  “I hoped you’d say that.” His mouth dipped to my neck and for half a second I thought he was going to kiss me before the sting of his teeth pierced my flesh.

  I cried out, bucking against him in disbelief as the most horrifying sucking sensation pulled at my blood and worse than that - my newfound power. I could feel him draining it, drawing it out of me and into himself.

  Holy shit, what the hell is he?

  Everyone in The Orb was staring at us now but no one took so much as a step forward to help.

  My gaze fell on Sofia who looked like she wished she could intervene, Orion who seemed mildly bored, the Principal who appeared disappointed and finally the other three Heirs. Max held my sister back as easily as if she were a child, despite the fact that she was thrashing and cursing at him. Darius and Seth had moved to stand beside him as they watched the show with amused expressions. They watched their friend feed on me with a sickening sense of satisfaction rolling from them. Darius caught my eye and for a moment I felt like I was looking at a monster instead of a man.

  He smiled at me with all the smug satisfaction of a mainstream asshole who thought he could win just by throwing his weight around.

  My heart slammed against my ribs and my knees grew weak as Darcy shouted for someone to do something. Somewhere deep inside my chest a defiant little spark lit beneath the pyre of my panic and I clung onto it like a life raft. I wasn’t going to let this touch that flame. And together we’d ride out the dark.

  I ELBOWED THE muscular Heir who held me back from my sister, looking to the room for anyone who might help.

  “Let me go,” I snarled.

  The beast continued to chomp on Tory's neck like a complete freak and she struggled wildly to push him off. I managed to twist my wrist free of Max's hold and thrust my palm against his chest in anger. A flood of power crashed through the barriers of my skin and a storm of air sent him careering over the heads of the crowded lounge and slamming into the back wall.

  My heart turned to a solid, unthawing lump of ice.

  Caleb released Tory and everyone stared on in shock at what I'd done. I gazed at my hands, beginning to shake as the truth of our current situation finally sank in. I could do magic. Actual, real life magic. And I'd just used it to throw that two hundred pound guy across the room.

  And pissed him off real good no doubt.

  Oh crap.

  “You're gonna regret that,” Darius said coolly, flexing his muscles. The long-haired one, Seth with the etched-from-stone jawline, smiled around at the chaos.

  Tory shoved Caleb back, clutching her neck as she staggered toward me. “What the hell is wrong with you, you psycho!?” she snapped at him and Caleb started laughing. Several girls close by giggled as if they were involved, glancing hopefully at Caleb for a crumb of recognition.

  Did all Fae bite people? What kind of crazy species are they?

  “Are you alright?” I asked Tory as she inspected her blood-stained fingers. She nodded stiffly, her pride clearly wounded more than she was.

  I looked toward the teachers at the back of the room, hunting down Orion and discovering that he was the only one paying us any attention. A wild intrigue lit his eyes and fury bled through my veins like magma. Is he for real right now? He's supposed to be a teacher!

  Max reemerged, rolling up his sleeves as he barrelled through the crowd like a stampeding rhino.

  “Back off,” Tory spat at him, moving to my side as fear crushed my heart.

  “Or what?” Darius asked while his friend, Seth, continued to laugh like this was the most amusing thing he'd ever witnessed.

  The group of our apparent supporters closed in, headed by the dark haired girl who was built like a viking warrior. “Or we’ll fight for our queens,” she announced and I shared a surprised look with Tory.

  Max opened his palm as if he was about to cast some spell and fear daggered into my heart.

  “Multiple Element freshmen it's time to choose your houses!” Principal Nova called, stepping away from a few members of the faculty who she'd been deep in conversation with. So deep that she hadn't noticed one of her students biting Tory? I didn't think so. But what kind of school let their students attack each other without so much as a verbal warning?

  The other Heirs surrounded Max, pushing him back with shakes of their heads and a heavy sigh of relief left me.

  I was thankful for the excuse to end our altercation with them and Nova clapped her hands to hurry us up. Tory and I strode over to join the small division of freshmen who were bundlin
g together in front of the faculty.

  The rest of the students fell back into their seats but the Heirs remained standing, folding their arms as they watched us go.

  “House Captains,” Nova beckoned them and I turned, my gut sinking and sinking until I was fairly sure it was wedged in my left sock. The four Celestial Heirs were the House Captains. Of course they were. “State the name of your house and why the freshmen should pledge to join you. And for a little suspense, we'll leave the newest Heirs till last,” she said excitedly.

  “Great,” Tory said to me under her breath. “Which asshole are we picking?”

  “Umm.” I gazed at our abysmal options with a frown and they stared back with looks that said they were gonna eat us up. And one of them had already had a go with Tory. So he was definitely ruled out.

  Max stepped forward first, brushing a hand over his mohawk with a smirk and his bicep hardened. He was a tower of pure masculinity and those eyes held nothing but a sea storm. He looked at Nova but somehow I sensed his words were for us. “Water focus, House Aqua. My house is for those who have what it takes to face the deadly sea of life in Zodiac without flinching.”

  “Thank you for that poetic description,” Nova said, clearing her throat as she pointed to the bitey blonde guy, Caleb. My heart pounded harder at his angelic face which hid a demon beneath it.

  “Earth focus, House Terra. And terror is exactly what you'll get if you don't fit in.” He gazed firmly at Tory and my gut shrivelled into a tight ball.

  “Not him,” Tory hissed, her eyes spilling venom in his direction.

  “Agreed.” I nodded.

  The long-haired guy stood forward next and my gaze scraped over his muscular frame. Everything about him was tempting and distinctly predatory. “Air focus, House Aer. Life with us is a breeze.” His eyes swept our way and he smiled. It looked pretty genuine and my shoulders relaxed a little. Yep. He looked like the one. Especially as the last one, Darius, was built like a fortress and had eyes as sharp as knives.


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