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Zodiac Academy: The Awakening: An Academy Bullymance (Supernatural Bullies and Beasts Book 1)

Page 28

by Caroline Peckham

  “The Heirs,” she whispered like it was a horrible, horrible secret we shared. And in all fairness, it was.

  Diego shook his head at both of us as if he was our disappointed father. Probably the first time we'd ever had one of those.

  “Oh don't look at me like that,” Tory said. “Blame the tequila.”

  “And the rum...and the whiskey. Remind me never to mix drinks again.” I rubbed my head, sure a headache was going to make a fun appearance soon. For now, I was stuck in the wishy-washy hours before I truly sobered up. After was all downhill.

  “How's Sofia?” Tory asked Diego.

  While he filled her in we made our way into The Orb to ask about Geraldine. Though who we were going to ask, I didn't know. I gazed across the gossiping sea of students and spotted Professor Washer on the other side of the room, tucking into a large cooked breakfast.

  “Great,” Tory huffed.

  “It's him or a student,” I muttered and from the nasty looks we were getting from the surrounding sophomores, I guessed it was best to ask Washer. No matter how much he made my skin crawl.

  “Come on, he can't perve on us while he's eating,” I said.

  “Wanna bet?” Tory laughed and we headed across the room, halting in front of his table.

  He looked up at us, clearly as hungover as we were. “Ah here's the tall drink of water I ordered with my breakfast.” He glanced over at us appreciatively while Diego held back, looking scathingly in his direction.

  “Er right,” I said. “We were just wondering where Geraldine is? Is she in a hospital?”

  “No she's in Uranus,” he said around a mouthful of food.

  “Excuse me?” Tory blurted. “Our friend has been hurt and you think it's an appropriate time to start throwing jokes around?”

  “No,” he said innocently. “She's in Uranus Infirmary, next to Neptune Tower?”

  “Oh.” Tory turned red and I burst out laughing as she stalked away.

  Washer beckoned me closer with a grin and I felt his Siren power seeping over me. I drew nearer as a flood of warmth filled my chest. “Uranus is my favourite building,” he whispered.

  Diego snatched my arm, yanking me away as lust leaked into my body.

  By the time I was halfway across The Orb with Diego, Washer's power left me and I shuddered violently. “God that guy's a creep. He makes everything sound filthy.”

  As we headed toward the exit, I noticed Tory had come to a halt before a group of girls. I increased my pace, frowning as I joined her and discovered Kylie standing there with her hands on her hips. Her friends surrounded her and a sea of pink lipgloss smirks were cast our way.

  “Wanna explain this?” Kylie lifted her Atlas, playing a video on it for us to see.

  Heat invaded my body as I watched a snapshot of Tory and I dancing with the Heirs. And it was so much worse seeing it replayed in the flesh. My eyes were hooded as I clasped Seth's neck and he wrapped my leg around his thigh. Tory was locked around Darius in much the same way, his hand riding up the back of her cami and caressing her skin.

  Tory gazed coolly at Kylie, her shoulders squared. “And your point being..?”

  Hell my sister had balls. I tried to conjure the same strength but words were failing me. I was the one draped over Kylie's supposed boyfriend in that video. But even as I thought it, a shriek of indignation hit my ears and Darius's girlfriend, Marguerite, appeared, shouldering past us to join Kylie's ranks.

  Flames burst to life in Marguerite's hands as she glared at Tory. “Do you think he's actually interested in you? He was drunk and grabbed the nearest thing with a pulse.”

  “Well if that's Darius's standard now I understand why he's with you,” Tory said airily and I couldn't help but exhale a laugh.

  A crowd was forming around us and at Tory's words a chorus of ooohh's went up.

  Diego had been jostled away from us by a few of the larger seniors and was trying to elbow his way back.

  I lifted my palms and only a small trickle of power met my fingers.

  Damn you to hell Orion!

  “Bitch!” Marguerite snapped at Tory, stepping forward with a menacing glare.

  Kylie glowered at me, looking more emotional than Marguerite. “Did you screw him?” she whispered, her lower lip quivering.

  “No,” I said earnestly. “It was just a dance, that's all.” My heart twisted. I could see how hurt she was. I wanted to blame whiskey on the fact I'd shamelessly dry humped her boyfriend, but I supposed I had to take some responsibility for it too.

  Kylie's hand whipped sideways and a blast of air smashed into my face in the hardest slap of my life. Pure poison poured from her eyes as if a venomous snake lived within her.

  “Hey!” Tory barked as I cupped my stinging cheek with a wince.

  “It's fine,” I said through my teeth, looking back at Kylie. Guess I deserved that one.

  The look in all of their eyes said they weren't close to done.

  “Excuse me! Move move move!” Principal Nova's voice called from behind the group as she tried to get into The Orb.

  The crowd disbanded and Tory and I made a break for it, darting through the gap. Tory snatched some energy bars from the hand of a shell-shocked A.S.S member who smiled like it was the best thing that had ever happened to her as we jogged out onto the path.

  I glanced back at the doors, unable to spot Diego following but not wanting to remain there any longer.

  Tory handed me a bar with a mischievous grin and I released a laugh, the tension in my chest disbanding.

  “Hey! We’re not done with you!” Kylie’s voice followed us.

  “Wanna fight ‘em?” Tory asked with a manic smile and I was very almost caught up in that mad idea when I remembered something crucial.

  “Can’t, I’m running on fumes.”

  Tory sighed. “Fucking Orion. Let’s run for it then.”

  We started jogging, the wind tugging our hair back and the thrill of escape dancing around us on the air. Laughter broke free of my throat and Tory joined me as we sped away from The Orb and every angry witch within its walls.

  We followed the circling path all the way to Uranus Infirmary. The huge building looked more like an old manor house than a hospital ward and as we headed inside I noticed signs pointing to different classes. The place was home to Healing and Restoration magic and I wondered when we'd get to start learning skills like that. It would seriously come in handy on a campus full of beasts, half of whom seemed to be out for our blood.

  In the foyer was a large fireplace with two staircases splitting off to the east and west wings. We followed signs to the ward, jogging past rows of gilded framed portraits on the stone walls. The eyes of past healers watched us go, all of them wearing blue robes and a white sash across their chests.

  We headed deeper into the building, the way lit by flaming torches. My skin prickled with heat and a deep tingle flooded my body. “I hope Geraldine's alright,” I said then chewed anxiously on my lip.

  “She's tough,” Tory said firmly. “She'll be okay.”

  We reached a long corridor of doors and I spotted a woman in full length blue robes stepping out of one of the rooms.

  “Excuse me?” I hurried toward her and she looked up. “Is Geraldine Grus here?”

  “Oh, yes, she's in here. She's been through the healing process overnight and has just woken up. She's still a bit drowsy, her injuries were quite extensive,” she said sadly.

  “What happened to her?” I whispered, my heart lurching uncomfortably in my chest.

  She glanced up and down the corridor. “I can't talk about it. I'm bound by Healer confidentiality.”

  “Can we see her?” Tory asked and the woman gazed between us uncertainly.

  “I'm not supposed to let anyone in until the Fae Investigation Bureau have spoken with her.” She glanced over our shoulders then leant closer, rolling her lapel back to reveal a shiny A.S.S badge. “Her friend gave me one of these this morning. I know it's not the time
but...I'm so humbled to meet you both.” She bowed her head and I glanced at Tory awkwardly. “Just a few minutes,” the Healer whispered with a conspiratorial smile, pushing the door to the room open.

  “Thank you,” I said brightly, heading inside. For once, being a Vega Heir had paid off.

  The room was dark and smelled of a sickly sweet incense. Warmth washed over me from a fire behind a grate on one side the room and seemed to rush under my skin with its intensity. The thick curtains were drawn and the room looked more fitting for a Downtown Abbey character than an injured student.

  Geraldine groaned, rolling beneath the crimson sheets, her hand falling to hang over the side of the bed.

  “Hi Geraldine,” I said gently, pulling up a wooden chair beside her.

  Tory perched on the bed, giving her a sad smile.

  Geraldine rolled toward us and her pale face was revealed between the nest of sheets.

  “Gambolling gooseberries!” she gasped. “What are you doing here, your majesties? Surely you haven't come to see me?”

  “Of course we have,” Tory said firmly, patting her wrist.

  “Ohhhh!” Geraldine wailed. “I feel so tired.”

  I frowned, my chest tightening as I gazed at her. “Are you okay? Do you remember what happened?”

  She nodded, pushing herself upright and revealing the old fashioned white nightgown she was wearing. I wondered whether it belonged to her or the infirmary and I had a feeling it was the former.

  “I took a shortcut down an alley toward the Odyssey bar, I figured that’s where you would have headed. But as I was walking, I heard this terrible noise. A sucking, rasping, rattling noise. And I got such a fright I dropped all of the my badges. So I knelt down, gathering them all up when this horrible dark shadow fell over me.” She shuddered, gazing between us and guilt wrapped my stomach in knots. She took a measured breath, shutting her eyes for a second. “Then something cut into me right between my shoulder blades. Like a knife or -or a pitch fork, I'm not sure. But the pain was unbearable. Then everything fell dark and someone was kneeling over me and my magic was draining away so fast like it was being sucked right out of me. And all I remember is this scent...cinnamon.” She shook her head as if she'd gone mad but my heart beat harder and harder. I looked to Tory and her brows pinched in a question.

  “We'll leave you to rest, Geraldine,” Tory said gently, rising to her feet.

  “Yes, perhaps when I'm better we'll have breakfast again soon?” she called as we moved toward the door.

  I glanced back at her, nodding firmly. “It's a date.”

  She squealed, raising a hand in goodbye as we stepped out of the room. The corridor was quiet and Tory immediately looked to me, her eyebrows hiking up. “What is it?”

  “It's Orion,” I hissed. “He smells like that.” Heat crawled up my neck at the fact that I knew that. But it wasn't worth hiding out of embarrassment. “And if she felt drained, maybe he bit her?”

  “He said he helped Geraldine,” Tory whispered, but her face was painted in doubt.

  “But what if he didn't? And what about Darius? The two of them left the bar together. And whoever it was must have been after us before. We heard the same weird noise.”

  “How can we be sure?” Tory asked, pushing a hand through her hair.

  “We confront them,” I said, my tone surprisingly fierce. “The next time we see them.” My heart thumped a mad tune at the idea of me saying any such thing to Orion. But for the sake of Geraldine, I'd do it. We'd let her down by leaving her alone last night. And I was determined to try and make it right. Even if that meant facing my Cardinal Magic Professor in his foulest mood.

  My magic returned. I wasn't sure how or when, but Sunday morning I'd noticed the keenness of its presence and was fairly sure it had replenished at some point on Saturday.

  By Monday, I was growing even more anxious about facing Orion. I had my Liaison meeting with him that evening and it seemed like the perfect opportunity to broach the subject.

  The FIB were currently visiting Geraldine and I was anxious to hear their latest report. After Friday, the news had been vague, not revealing many of the details. But today they were expected to announce their findings. And I hoped that meant arresting the perpetrator. Preferably Orion before I had to face him one on one.

  I was gifted no such luck.

  I stood outside his office at a quarter past seven in the evening, my throat tight as he appeared. Late as always. He wore a black sports kit with all four Elemental symbols printed on the front of it in white. He was splattered in mud and soaked through from the rain which had been descending on campus all day. His face was carved with stern lines and my heart beat a warning tune in my ears.

  Oh shit, he's gone full asshole. I was joking when I said I'd face him in his foulest mood, universe. Give me a break!

  He didn't look at me as he jammed his key in the lock of his office, pushing it open and stepping inside without a word.

  I ground my teeth as the door swung closed in my face, taking a measured breath.

  I am Darcy Vega. Heir to the throne of Solaria apparently. And I'm not going to be phased by a moody teacher.

  Who might also happen to be a psychotic murder.

  Holy crap.

  I steeled myself and shoved the door open. A gust of wind left my palm in the same moment and the door slammed back into the wall.


  Orion didn't even seem to notice as he dropped into his ottoman chair and proceeded to siphon the mud off of himself with a wave of his hand.

  I cleared my throat, wanting some damn acknowledgment before I started throwing around accusations.

  He lifted a hand, whipping it sideways and the door slammed shut just as hard as I'd flung it open. My pulse went from nought to a million.

  Should not have come here alone. Terrible plan. Abort abort.

  “Stand on the desk,” Orion suddenly commanded, his voice dripping with Coercion.

  The power of it slammed into me and I threw up a mental shield at the last second, just as I'd been learning to do all of last week. The command tried to burrow through my walls and I shut my eyes as I focused on keeping it out. My leg muscles twitched but I didn't budge, fighting the order with all my strength until eventually it fell away.

  I released a breath that had been trapped in my lungs, opening my eyes and gazing triumphantly at Orion.

  He clucked his tongue. “Good. Let's get on with tonight's session.” He glanced at his watch. “All thirty five minutes of it.”

  I fought an eye roll, dropping into my seat opposite him, trying to muster the nerve to accuse him of murder.

  Maybe I should build up to that.

  “Geraldine's doing better,” I said, eyeing him closely for a reaction.

  “Yes, thank the stars,” he said hollowly. “She can go back to annoying us all by preaching about the 'True Heirs’.” He actually air-quoted it and I pursed my lips.

  “Any idea who attacked her?” I asked airily.

  “Whatever I know or do not know about that incident is none of your business.” He stared me down and I refused to budge.

  I'm not done with this conversation, douchebag. No matter how intimidating you are.

  I scrunched my fingers up in the black skirt I was wearing, trying to decide on my next line of questioning.

  “So, how is Order Enhancement coming along?” He leaned back in his chair, threading his fingers together and stacking his hands on his stomach. His t-shirt rode up to reveal a line of dark hair leading below his waistband and some unholy part of me squirmed with desire.

  I forced my eyes up to meet his and didn't miss the flicker of amusement in his gaze.

  “Well I know I'm not a Werewolf,” I said with a shrug.

  “Yes, a great way to figure out if you're a Werewolf is dancing with one of them like you were paid for it.” He gave me a long, hard stare that pulled at my insides and unravelled them like twine. He'd seen me with Seth. Of course he'd see
n me with Seth, he'd been at the bar. And I suddenly felt too hot and this seat felt too hard. I shifted nervously, his ridiculing tunnelling through my body.

  I didn't have an answer to that, unsure exactly what he wanted me to say. Deny it? Couldn't. Confirm it? Wasn't necessary.

  He picked up a pen and rolled it between his fingers, swivelling side to side in his chair. His eyes never left mine like he was trying to drill his way into my mind and pick out all of the information he wanted. “And screwing him didn't bring out the wolf in you either?” he asked calmly, rationally, like he had the right to ask that. Like he wasn't my damn teacher and it wasn't so inappropriate I wanted to scream.

  My lips were pressed so tightly together I didn't know if they'd even allow me to answer. “I didn't,” I hissed. “And it would be none of your business if I did.”

  He scooted forward in his chair and his bare knee brushed mine. I dug my heels in, inching backwards as my heart jolted from the contact.

  He leaned forward and I held his gaze. “It's my business as your Liaison to look out for you. The Heirs will chew you up and spit you out, Miss Vega. Just a friendly warning.”

  Nothing about his face said friendly. In fact, if I looked up the exact opposite of friendly in the dictionary, there'd be a picture of him.

  I rested my palms on the desk, leaning in rather than leaning away like I wanted to. My heart was frantic and begging me to run for the hills. But I wouldn't run away. This guy needed to know I was onto him. And there wasn't a damn thing he could do about it inside his own office. He couldn't incriminate himself like that. At least, that was what I was banking on.

  “Funnily enough, sir, I've taken an interest in your business too lately.” I let the energy of that impending thunderstorm crackle over him.

  He cocked his head, his mouth twisting up at the corner. “Well don't keep me in suspense, Miss Vega. I'm dying to hear the speech you've written for this occasion.” He smirked darkly and in that moment, I knew that he knew what I was going to say. Because I'd already reacted like a kicked puppy when he came hounding into the bathroom after me on Friday night. He knew I was afraid of him. He knew I suspected him of coming after Tory and I. So he'd already put two and two together and realised I suspected him of attacking Geraldine too. But he didn't know how I knew.


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