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Page 9

by T. J. Quinn

  “Are you sure?”

  “Yes…” she walked away towards the water, to wash away the remains of last night.

  She wouldn’t go in the water, but she needed to wash away, to get rid of his scent that seemed to impregnate every pore of her body.

  A few minutes later, she came back to where he was, feeling a little better.

  “How are your feet?” he asked, grabbing the backpack.

  “They’re fine.”

  “Is your headache better?”

  She could still feel some pounding, but she was indeed a lot better, so she nodded. “I’m ready when you are.”

  He put on the bag. “Let’s go.”

  They walked in silence for several hours. Each yard they walked up the stream felt like a mile to her. Her still bruised body hadn’t been quite ready for the sex marathon they had the night before, and now she was paying the consequences. She felt sore, and every muscle of her body ached, even some she had no idea she had.

  However, she kept her discomfort to herself, not willing to slow them down. The faster they got the hell off that planet, the better.

  Korben stopped around midday and gave her some water and another energy bar. Though the small bites really did their job, she couldn’t help wishing she had a cheesy pizza to eat or even a greasy burger.

  “How much further are you taking us?” she asked, trying to take her mind off the food she couldn’t have.

  “Just a couple more hours. Then, I’ll make the clearing.”

  “Are you sure that will work?” she asked, her tone laced with doubt.

  “No, I’m not, but that’s the best I can do for now. We’ll wait for a couple more days, and if they don’t show up, I’ll go back and try to find my communication device.”

  “What if you can’t find it?”

  “Let’s not think of scenarios that might not even happen. I’m sure my friends are looking for us. But they can’t look openly, and that makes things a little more complicated.”

  She nodded and jumped to her feet. “Let’s get going. I want to get the hell out of here as soon as possible,” she said, with a deep frown.

  They walked for two more hours before he finally found the place, he considered appropriate to make the clearing. Using his laser cutter, he cut down a few trees and bushes to make a small clearing. It wasn’t big enough for the vessel to land, but it would be sufficient for Kyor to send down the tubes.

  With the branches from the trees he cut off, he built a small shelter over a tree, similar to the one he had built the first night.

  Arantxa walked down by the water to wash, and she was about to lean over to get some water when he spoke to her.

  “You should stay away from the water. There could be some of the creatures from last night,” he warned her.

  She smirked. “Don’t worry, I wouldn’t want that to happen as much as you don’t,” she taunted. “You should be safe.”

  Korben watched her wash her face without going into the water and sighed. She seemed to believe he dreaded what happened between them, and she couldn’t be further from the truth. He had enjoyed every second of it, and though he was sure the creature had injected some toxin in their system, his desire for her had been there from the first time he laid eyes on her.

  However, he guessed it was better if she thought he had no interest in her. She would probably feel safer that way.

  He doubted she would appreciate knowing his hunger for her was even bigger now than it had been the night before. Her scent, her touch, the silkiness of her skin and her glorious taste were branded in his mind, and he would never forget her. His desire for her felt stronger than ever, and all he wanted was to pull her into his arms and kiss her until the night gave way to dawn.

  He knew he had to keep his hands off her. She was still engaged to Biurk, and he had been hired by the male to take her to him. Letting his feelings for her go any deeper was clearly a recipe for disaster.

  With a heavy sigh, he finished putting out the signs for his friends before he walked over to where she was, holding the first aid kit.

  “Let me see your feet,” he asked, taking a seat next to her.

  “They’re fine, thank you,” she said, moving away from him.

  “I would like to see them anyway,” he insisted, grabbing her by the wrist, the warmth of her skin making his heart jump.

  She sighed and moved her feet closer to where he was. She hadn’t taken off the bandages, afraid of what she might see. Her feet had been hurting all day long, but she had refused to pay them any attention. They couldn’t afford to waste any time.

  He huffed his displeasure when he removed the bandages. The cuts and blisters were even worse than the first night. “Why didn’t you tell me your feet were hurting?” he grumbled.

  “We didn’t have time for that,” she said shrugging.

  “I could have carried you.”

  He washed the wounds as best as he could before he covered them with the antibiotic ointment and clean bandages.

  “That wasn’t necessary,” she assured him, in a curt tone. Being that close to him was the last thing she needed, but he didn’t need to know that. “If you’re done, I would like to go to bed. I’m tired.”

  “Go ahead. I’ll stay here, watching, just in case.”

  Sleeping with her in the small shelter was definitely out of the question. Korben knew he wouldn’t be able to reign in his desire for her.

  She nodded and walked away to the shelter he had built in the tree, doing her best to convince herself what she was feeling was a relief and not a disappointment. But once lying down on the fluffy floor of the inflated shelter, she tossed and rolled several times, before she admitted to herself, she missed him.

  She wanted him there with her with all that implied, but she knew that wouldn’t happen again and frustration seeped through her like poison, making her wish she could cry out her disappointment.

  Chapter Thirteen

  Arantxa must have fallen asleep at some point, out of sheer exhaustion, because next time she opened her eyes, it was daytime, and she was still alone in the shelter.

  She guessed his friends hadn’t shown up yet and she sighed worried as she stared at the green roof, not sure she liked the idea of going back to the Paklyors lair to try and find his communication device.

  She wanted to be as far away as possible from those dreaded monsters.

  Korben hadn’t said he would take her with him, but there was no way she was staying behind, all alone.

  She came out of the shelter and stretched her body, still feeling a bit sore and tired. Korben was down by the water, completely naked, bathing.

  A wave of lust swiveled up around her, making her gasp and sending her heart into a frantic pace. His muscled body was impressive, breathtaking in its perfection, and she remembered how it felt to caress his skin, and feel his strength.

  Damn… she shouldn’t feel that way over a guy she hardly knew and because she would have to say goodbye to him in a few days. But she did and hiding her feelings suddenly became her priority task. She could live with him, not knowing just how he affected her.

  So, she turned around to get back to the shelter when he spoke to her.

  “Good, you’re awake. I’ll be right there,” he said, turning his head to look at her.

  “Take your time,” she said, not daring to look at him, as she took a seat on a rock, not far from the stream.

  She heard when he came out of the water and put on his clothes before he took a seat in front of her.

  “Here, you need to eat,” he handed her yet another energy bar.

  She was starting to hate those things.

  “Now that we’re here, what’s the plan?” she asked him after she ate her bar and drank some water.

  “I’m starting to think something went really wrong after I left the Paklyors’ lair with you,” he confessed, with a slight frown. “We should have spotted one of Suriak’s probes by now, but so far, we haven’t.”
  “So, we’re on our own?” she asked, her heart drumming at a frantic rhythm.

  “For now, yes, I would say so… that’s why I’m considering going back to their lair and trying to find a way to get in touch with my crew,” he said, in a somber tone.

  “No… there has to be another way,” she rejected the idea, plainly. “I’m not going anywhere near those creatures and I’m not staying here alone, either… it’s too dangerous,” she added as visible shudders of dread shook her body. “You have no idea what they are capable of…”

  “What other option is there? This planet is too primitive. We won’t find the technology we need to get in touch with my friends unless we get into one of their lairs,” he pointed out, in a stern tone.

  “Can’t we wait a few more days?” she asked, wriggling her hands nervously.

  “We’re running out of food and waiting might not change things.”

  “I’m sure there must be food in these woods if we run out of it,” she said, still rejecting the idea of going back.

  “I’m sure there is, but I can’t tell a poisonous plant from one safe to eat. It’s too dangerous, and the same goes for the animals,” stated, in a firm tone. “I plan to go alone. I’ll be a lot faster going by myself, and you should be safe here.”

  “You seem to forget we met one of them not that far from here. I won’t be able to defend myself if the Paklyors find me,” she replied fearfully. “Not to mention the animals that wander these woods.”

  Korben sighed impatiently. “We need to do something. Otherwise, we’ll be stuck on this planet forever. Is that what you want?”

  “No, of course, not. I’m just saying we could give your friends a little more time. I’m sure they wouldn’t give up on finding you…”

  “If they are still alive,” he interrupted her in a curt tone.

  She gasped startled. She hadn’t considered that possibility. “Why shouldn’t they be?” she stuttered.

  “If the Paklyors went after them, anything is possible. They could even be prisoners, and I’m not doing anything to help them,” he said, with a somber expression.

  Arantxa could tell he was really worried and she understood his concern. But she still couldn’t accept the idea of him going back to the lair.

  “What could you possibly do against a whole tribe of Paklyors? You would only get yourself in trouble,” she tried to reason with him.

  “They aren’t the brightest creatures. I’m sure I could sneak inside the lair and get a communication device and release any of my friends if they happened to be there,” he replied, in a confident tone.

  “They will be waiting for you… there’s no way you could surprise them,” she said, jumping to her feet and pacing the small area between them. “They are vicious creatures… remember that…”

  “I’m well aware of what they are, and that’s one more reason for me to go back and make sure they aren’t torturing my men. They are my responsibility. I can’t just sit back while there’s a possibility they are in danger,” he concluded.

  “I understand you… I do… but I can’t go back… I can’t…” she said, her words laced with desperation.

  He had never asked her how bad things had been for her, but he had a pretty good idea, especially after he had seen all her bruising, but now, her fear and desperation certainly added a new level to his comprehension.

  He sighed and got up, taking her hands in his. “I know that. That’s why I believe it would be better if you stayed here. You’ll be safe in the shelter I built, and you have enough food for a few days.”

  “What would happen to me if you got caught?” she asked him, in a harsh tone, as she pulled her hands away from his.

  The warmth of his touch was too distracting, too arousing.

  “I won’t get caught,” he assured her.

  “You can’t know that,” she grumbled.

  He took a step closer to her and cradled her face, his bright blue eyes locked on her hazel ones. “I’ll stay out of trouble, and I’ll come back as soon as possible,” he promised. “I won’t leave you out here alone.”

  She instinctively leaned her face against one of his hands, relishing his gentle touch. “Can’t you stay until tomorrow?” she asked him, sensing she was going to lose this battle. “Let’s wait just one more day, please.”

  Korben sighed and rested his forehead on the top of her head. He had spent the whole night looking for a sign of his friends and worrying about them. He had to do something.

  “One more day could be the difference between life and death,” he murmured.

  “Then, take me with you. I promise I’ll go faster. My feet are much better, and we could use one of the shirts to improvise some shoes…” she suggested but he shook his head.

  “I don’t have to stop for the night, you do,” he pointed out.

  She sighed and stepped back, away from him. “I guess you’re leaving now,” she said, crossing her arms around her chest, in a self-protective gesture.

  “Yes… I was only waiting for you to wake up,” he admitted.

  “Then, don’t let me keep you,” she said, the words coming out harsh and cold.

  “I’ll be back before you have time to miss me,” he said, with a hint of a smile.

  She snorted. “I won’t miss you… just the protection you give me,” she assured him, as she walked towards the stream.

  But he pulled her back, grabbing her by the wrist and pulled her against his chest before he claimed a passionate kiss from her luscious lips.

  Passion quickly unraveled between them and seconds later, one couldn’t tell where he started, and she ended. Kissing and caressing, they fell onto the smooth grass on the ground, as he pulled her shirt over her head and she opened his suit, taking his cock out, briefly noticing how big, thick and rugged it was.

  The hunger mixed with the urgency left no place for foreplay or sweet caresses. They craved each other, and that was all that mattered.

  He nuzzled her neck and shoulders as his hands traveled down to cup her breasts and play with them, while his cock poked her wet pussy.

  Arantxa wrapped her arms around his neck and pulled him closer, her legs going around his waist, eager for more.

  Replacing his hands with his mouth, he took her nipples between his lips, sucking and kissing, one at a time, while he pushed his cock deep inside her.

  She moaned, arching her back to meet him, shudders of desire rushing through her whole body, while he made his way deep inside her. Her walls stretched to make way for him, clenching relentlessly, desperate to meet the bliss she knew he could give her.

  Korben grunted as his cock slid inside her. Nothing ever felt like that… the way her walls wrapped themselves around him, welcoming him and taking him deeper with each thrust was simply mind-blowing.

  His hunger roared loud and raw, and his thrusts became faster and deeper, his hands back on her delicious breasts, kneading and caressing them, guiding her all the way down to the edge of paradise.

  Arantxa moaned and whimpered as the first waves of pleasure washed over her, wiping out the rest of the world, leaving just the two of them, lost in the haze of bliss of the multiple orgasms his thrusts conjured in her.

  When she was about to collapse, he finally came, dragging her along with him on that last, powerful orgasm, that sent them both into a turmoil of sheer pleasure.

  “Will you miss me, Arantxa?” he whispered in her ear, his tone husky and heavy with lust and pleasure.

  She chuckled breathlessly. “More than words can say…” she admitted.

  “I’ll come back as soon as possible and bringing good news, I promise,” he said, scattering a million tiny kisses all over her face, ears, and neck.

  “Just come back safe…” she pleaded, hugging him and pulling him closer to kiss him.

  “I will…”

  Reluctantly, he slid out of her and got up, his legs still trembling a bit, his breath heavy and labored.

  She turned to a
side and watched him go over to the stream and wash his smeared cock. She still hated the idea of him leaving and not taking her with him, but he was right. He needed to do something, and after all those days, that something was now urgent.

  After he washed, he came back to where she was and kneeling next to her, he kissed her one last time. “Take care of yourself and stay out of trouble, please,” he said, in a grave tone. “Stay inside the shelter as much as you can, out of sight, and don’t wander around the area. We have no idea what kind of creatures rummage in these woods.”

  “I’ll be fine,” she said, trying to sound braver than she felt.

  He kissed her one last time and jumping to his feet, he disappeared down the stream. She got up to watch him go, and just a few seconds later, he was out of sight, proving just how fast he could be.

  Arantxa looked around, scared and feeling lonelier than ever in her whole life, she walked slowly to the stream to wash.

  As she got washed away the evidence of their passion, she wondered how Korben would explain their recent outburst of passion and lust. This time there was no creature to blame… she scowled, as she bathed in the cool waters of the stream.

  Though she would love to linger in the small pool, she didn’t feel safe, so she finished washing and went back up to the small shelter up in the tree. Waiting for him would be the test of fire for her patience and her courage as well.

  She just hoped she wouldn’t freak out to every sound she heard coming from the woods.


  Chapter Fourteen

  That first day was terrible. Arantxa tried to relax and get the rest her body needed, but she hadn't been able to do so. A twig snapping somewhere in the woods was enough for her to tense up and sounds she had never noticed before, sounded loud and scary coming from the depths of the woods.

  When the night finally fell, she got inside the small tent, closing it behind her, hoping to keep all the noises outside.

  She kept thinking about Korben. Was he close to the lair now? Would he be careful? Would he come back?

  The questions swirled in her mind, and though she tried to stop, it was in vain. She was going insane, there all by herself.


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