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Carlyle: A Dark Mafia Romance

Page 8

by Raven Scott

  Even bathed in light, he almost seemed . . . menacing. Dangerous.

  “It should be a crime to be so perfect.” My murmur widened his smile, and I bit down on my bottom lip when Carlyle pushed himself onto his knees.

  “Call me a criminal, and you wouldn’t be wrong.” Hooking his fingers under my bunched-up skirt, he pulled the fabric up my legs, caressing my calves with his nails. “If you didn’t know you’d be seeing me, why’d you wax your legs?”

  “Why assume I wax my legs for your benefit? I’m the one touching them most of the time.” Lifting my leg to brush his cheek with my shin, I couldn’t help but giggle when he scrunched up his face. Sitting up, I pulled my legs under me and pumped Carlyle’s cock, and he gathered up my hair with trembling hands. My mouth watered as I peeled back his foreskin and licked the spongy head of his rod to shiver at the salty tang.

  “Shit, Valerie . . . ” Pulling my hair taut, Carlyle groaned and thrust his hips, and I didn’t even try to be neat. Wrapping my lips around his head, I closed my eyes to savor his taste, and he inched deeper and deeper into my mouth. Gagging lightly when his head brushed the base of my tongue, I grabbed his wrists and pulled down, and he reared back his hips. Managing half a breath, my saliva eased his way, and my heart thundered in my chest to the throb of his cock.

  Carlyle was slow, almost gentle, savoring each thrust, and I picked my head up to pant harshly.

  “What happened . . . to that violent ride?” Gazing up from under my lashes, a girlish glee enveloped me when his expression twisted with need. Licking his lips, he tugged on my scalp, and I groaned softly as prickles shot down my spine.

  “Would you believe me if I said blowjobs aren’t really my thing?” My brows rose in surprise, and Carlyle had the audacity to laugh. “I like it, sure, but . . . ”

  “O-oh well . . . good, because I don’t get anything from it. I just do it because . . . that’s what guys like, I guess.”

  “You’d rather get your back blown out than your brains?” Giggling with a nod, I scooted a little closer, and Carlyle tilted my head back to kiss my neck with a groan. “I can do that. Sit that juicy ass on my cock, Valerie.”

  Untangling his hands from my hair, Carlyle leaned back as I turned around, and I stuck my ass up to roll my hips. His thumbs slipped under the line of my panties, and my core clenched as they peeled damply from my center. Trailing his calloused palm up my back, he pushed my head into the mattress, and I spread my legs to arch sharply.

  Under his gaze, I smoldered, and Carlyle spread my ass cheeks to slide his cock between my folds with an erotic gasp. My moan muffled in the comforter, and his nails dug into my flesh as he swiped the head of his cock down my slit. Until now, he was slow, sensual, almost, and I inhaled a shuddering, shallow breath when he parted my folds with his thumbs.

  Carlyle’s cock stretched my entrance, and I gasped and contracted as he slowly sunk into my channel in one, smooth thrust. Clamping down on him as I gripped the comforter above my head, I ground my teeth against the pressure building behind my eye sockets. Hot palms imprinted on my hips, and I moaned loudly when he ground his against my ass.

  “Fuck, you’re so damn tight.” We reached the top— the clink-clink-clink going eerily silent— that moment when there’s nothing but a drop. My heart stuttered, and I tilted my head to take a breath into flaming lungs before Carlyle pulled back to snap his hips without a resounding slap. What little air I’d managed was pushed from my lungs as pleasure sloshed up my torso, crushing all my organs, and a voracious, thundering growl rolled up my spine.

  “Oh God . . . oh God . . . God fucking . . . fuck me . . . fuck me!” Carlyle set a hard, jolting pace, and I cried out as he stretched my walls to tearing. His cock wasn’t huge, but it’d obviously been a long time, and even more obviously, neither of us cared. He leaned over me to nibble my shoulder as he fucked me like a bitch in heat, and I tightened around his rod. “I’m gonna c-come . . . make me . . . make me come . . . make me come.”

  “Valerie . . . ” Pushing himself up to brace his foot by my elbow, he grunted with the force of his thrusts, and I moaned hoarsely. “Fuck . . . ”

  The crack of his palm against my ass cheek set me spiraling, and I spasmed around his cock as he jerked my hips back. Carlyle growled like an animal as I came, stars bursting behind my shuttered lids, and I scratched at the comforter in an effort to hold onto something.

  “Harder . . . spank me harder. Oh, fuck!” Squealing a moan when Carlyle smacked the same spot, tiny tears leaked from my eyes as I wiggled my hips. My walls caressed his shaft as he pulled back, and I lifted my head to flip my hair out of my face. Harsh pants tore from my lips, and a groan clogged my throat when he grabbed a fistful of the strands and pulled.

  My back hit his chest hard, and I choked on the air, rushing to fill my lungs before he wrapped his hand around my throat. Hot breaths rolled down my chest, and Carlyle reached between my legs to pinch and rub my clit as he absolutely demolished my senses.

  “Yeah-h-h, Valerie, fucking scream.” Turning my face into his neck, I moaned shrilly with each jerk of his hips, and Carlyle’s palm left my throat to grab my breast. I scratched at his sides, but if I dug too deep, he didn’t notice as he pinched my clit and set me off again.

  Sweat stuck our skin together, and I could feel Carlyle’s chest hair peeling from my back when he pushed me down again. Jostling me onto my back, he hooked my knees over his elbows, and I panted as he poised at my entrance. Grunting gutturally as he thrust, he ducked to suck my nipple between his teeth and nibble, and my toes curled from the rapture that bombarded me.

  The thick ridge and veins of his cock caressed my inner walls with each undulation, and powerful prickles swept up my sternum. All I could do was hold on, and Carlyle licked and sucked between my breasts before sucking my left nipple into his mouth.

  “This is my pussy now.” A tortured groan escaped me when Carlyle pulled out, and I shivered when he hoisted my ass up and buried his mouth between my folds. His slobbering, loud suckles, and grumbled of satisfaction shot straight to my heart, and my thighs clung to his head as he tongued my entrance. Twisting and tweaking my nipples as he lapped up my juices, he dropped my body after a hot, breathless second to crawl over me.

  I forced my eyes open, and Carlyle looked like the devil himself with the shadows battling the light on his face. Cupping his jaw in clammy, shaking hands, I licked my dry lips heavily as the graveness in his eyes struck me to my core, and not the quivering one.

  “Don’t bitches get along better with males, anyway?” My brows twitched in surprise at my own rasp, but it seemed like that was exactly what Carlyle wanted to hear. His expression tenderized even as it skewed from the closing distance, and I gasped when he kissed my cheek so very nicely.



  Smacking Valerie’s plump ass, I grinned when she whipped around at me with her spoon raised threateningly. She didn’t say anything, though she couldn’t, with all that grilled cheese in her mouth, and I wrapped my arm around her waist to kiss her shoulder.

  “Couldn’t help myself.” Grumbling around her mouthful, she turned back to her incredibly late-night snack, and I left her be to hoist myself onto the counter. “So, what do you have to do now that you’re gainfully unemployed?”

  “I’m gonna do what I should’ve done and focus on my art.” Swallowing her bite, she leaned on the counter to stare at her sandwich, and discomfort nearly shoved my heart into my throat. I didn’t want to stop touching her, and Valerie was the first woman— ever, I thought— who I hadn’t just up and left after finishing on her face. Reaching to brush the back of her hand, I clenched my jaw when her head snapped up as if she forgot I was there for a moment. “Uh . . . so, yeah. I’m going to try to sell my art. I only worked at that place because Natasha got me the job, and we were kinda broke at the time.”

  “What kind of art do you make?” Passion chased away the darkness in her eyes, and Valerie took my hand to urge me
off the counter at my probing. Watching her ass jiggle in her booty shorts on the way out of the kitchen, I grappled her hips to pull her against me. Inhaling a lungful of her musky, sexed-up scent, I kissed her neck and shoulder, and she hummed so pretty. “I bet you’ll have some inspiration after tonight.”

  “Oh, totally. I’m gonna start drawing porn scenes.” Sticking my hands up her camisole, I squeezed and kneaded Valerie’s tits, and they spilled out between my greedy fingers.

  “You should draw me like one of your French guys.” We walked down the hallway, but Valerie opened the first door on the left instead of the second. She flicked on the light, and I paused my shameless groping as I laid eyes on the magnificence that was her studio. Drawings of mundane scenes and people splattered on every inch of the walls and multiple easels sat in a circle facing outward.

  “Wow.” Echoing her earlier awe, I pulled my hands out of Valerie’s shirt to look around, and stacks of notebooks piled up in the corners of the room. It was shocking how talented she was, and my mouth dried as any words I could make slid back down my throat. Wandering towards the nearest easel, I swiped my hair away from my eyes to clearly look at what she’d been working on.

  Everything was startlingly black and white and gray, and there was almost a film-noir-esque quality to it. A man stood over a woman, holding his hand out, and she had no face but still managed to look sad and defeated.

  “I haven’t done much in the way of marketing myself. I’m not really good at it, to be honest. When I was in school, I won a contest, but most of the offers I got were free ‘for exposure’ bullcrap things like that, so I always turned them down. After I moved here, I kinda wished I hadn’t. I don’t have much of a social media presence.” Tearing my eyes off the drawing, I frowned when Valerie’s nose wrinkled in self-depreciation, and she wrapped her arms around herself. “It’s a balance that I haven’t figured out yet.”

  “You went to school for art, right?” Nodding, she huffed loudly in disgruntlement, and my frown deepened. “You didn’t like it?”

  “I hated it, but I was on scholarship, so I had to go. My mom was on her way to jail, and there were some good things about it, like learning to use rendering software and stuff, which got me the job I just quit. It was just really hard for me because it was the first time Natasha and I weren’t together.” My heart ached for her, and I sauntered over to wrap my arms around her and squeeze. “I didn’t want to say anything in front of her, but the guy who called me from my mom’s phone, he sounded really amused, like he didn’t have to do it, but he wanted to and he was gonna enjoy it.”

  “Valerie . . . ” What the fuck do I say? Oh, hey, just name drop me, and they’ll run away pissing down their legs? “If you ever feel scared, just tell me. I’ll keep you safe.”

  “Money doesn’t solve all problems.” Rolling my eyes at that grumble against my sternum, I tangled my hand in her hair to tilt her head back. Valerie looked . . . anxious, like the threat of what may or may not happen was already looming, and I sucked up a breath through flared nostrils.

  “That is complete bullshit. This is exactly the situation where money will solve the problem. I get it— pay it now, and you’ll be expected to pay it next time. But I guarantee you, Valerie, that won’t happen. Those guys are wannabes.” I couldn’t assure her more than that, and Valerie rested her chin on my chest to gaze up at me with those big, brown eyes that showed everything she was feeling. Kneading her head, I pressed my lips to her forehead, and her messed hair ruffled slightly from my sigh. “There are perks— you should see my movie collection.”

  “What’s your favorite movie?” Humming as I rocked back on my heels, I glanced at the display around me as my mind churned leisurely.

  “The Boondock Saints. Have you ever seen it?” My brows rose in surprise when she shook her head, and I smiled in childlike excitement. “Really? It’s hilarious. The second one doesn’t stack up, but as a standalone, it’s amazing. Let’s watch it. I have it on my phone.”

  “This isn’t one of those situations where we’re gonna ‘watch’ something, and two minutes in, we’re gonna have sex, is it?” The carpet squeezed through my toes when I flexed them, and I shook my head to Valerie’s genuine amusement. “I’m not sure what that says about me, but at least it’s not a video game.”

  “Oh, please. I don’t like video games.” Tightening my arm around her waist, I grabbed her hand to sway, and Valerie giggled at my scoff. A lightness lifted my chest, straightened my spine, and I grinned as I twirled her a little. “My little brother plays a lot of video games, and he’s a loser. It’s a proven association.”

  “Aren’t all little brothers losers? It’s just me and Natasha, so I wouldn’t know.” Pulling her to my chest, I nodded firmly, and she laughed a beautiful sound before a door creaked somewhere. Against my chest, Valerie tensed, but I knew that Theo was still hanging around out in the hallway. Natasha’s slurring giggles floated down the hallway, and Valerie put her hand on my chest before telltale stomping rumbled underfoot.

  Theo had slung the drunk broad over his shoulder, and Valerie left me to pop open the first door on the right. Her sister was trashed, and from the glare Theo shot me, it put a bit of a damper on things. We were together so often that I’d put levels on his scowls, and at least Illya thought it was funny.

  “Theo, you can go back.” Leaning on the door frame as he set Natasha down with surprising gentleness— maybe, so she didn’t throw up on him— I almost felt bad for him. Almost.

  When he straightened, he just rolled his eyes at me, and my lip twitched up as his curled in a nasty snarl.

  “Oh, for fuck’s sake, Carlyle— a whole two hours before seven a.m. How generous. There’s absolutely no point in going back right now, or Illya will kick my ass for waking her up.” Growling at me as he pushed past, Theo shook his head and rubbed the cheek that Illya had so recently smacked. “That bitch can hurt when she wants to.”

  “But it worked. Was there an update?” Only shaking his head again, Theo disappeared into the living room, but I never heard the front door open and close. Scratching my jaw, I couldn’t help but be impressed by how hard Isabel had gotten drugged, but she always had a weak constitution, so it wasn’t surprising.

  At least that cunt hadn’t woken up while I was balls deep in Valerie.

  “Illya’s the girl who got all the donuts that one time, right? That’s a really pretty name.”

  “Don’t be fooled— she’s got bigger balls than me. I’m constantly impressed by her.” A strange expression rippled across Valerie’s face, and I cocked my head as I shuffled to pin her against the wall. “What?”

  “At the time, I was a little jealous.” My breath caught in surprise, and Valerie tinged pink up to her ears as she ran her fingers through my check hairs. Staring studiously at my collarbone under furrowed brows, her confession rang in my ears even as it lengthened. “Before I realized that she was your sister or cousin or whatever.”

  “This is gonna sound terrible, but Illya’s been through some shit, and I find her physically repulsive.” Grabbing her tits to squeeze through her pale blue shirt, I worked my knee between her thick thighs as she pursed her lips thinly. “I appreciate the sentiment, though, but, no, she’s not my sister or cousin, and I would rather gouge my eyes out than see her naked.”

  “That’s because you’re a piece of shit who can’t appreciate scars.” Both Valerie and I turned to Theo, and I scowled as he held up the half-eaten grilled cheese she’d made. “Can I have this?”

  “Uh . . . yeah? Help yourself.” He sat on the sofa, just making himself at home, and an irritated sigh escaped my flared nostrils before Valerie muffled a laugh in my shoulder. “L-let’s just go watch the movie. This is awkward. I shouldn’t have brought it up.”

  “Hey . . . ” Cupping her flaming cheek, I couldn’t help but smile at the embarrassment that flared in her eyes when they met mine. “It’s not so bad. Illya’s not my sister, but it feels like she is. No harm done,

  “Yeah.” Her relief was kinda cute, and my smile widened as she worked her hand into my unfastened pants. “Can we watch it naked?”



  Groaning softly, I rolled over to hike my leg up over Carlyle’s hard abs and struggled to stay asleep. He was warm, his heartbeat steady against my cheek, and he stroked my hair to tug the strands gently.

  “Carlyle . . . ” A girl could get used to this, and I wiggled closer to wrap my other leg around his. His cheek puffed against my forehead when he smirked, and residual sweat and other questionable fluids glued my breasts to his side. “How long have you been up?”

  “About ten minutes. It’s almost one p.m. I have to head out in a little bit.” Forcing my eyelids open, I frowned when he sighed forlornly, and I lifted my head as his brows furrowed. “I have some things to take care of before work tomorrow. As much as I’d love to put it off, it can’t wait anymore.”

  “It’s okay. I need to overthink and fantasize about last night, anyway.” He huffed a laugh, and I hoovered up a huge breath and rubbed my eyes with a sniffle. “I’m not really . . . just the fantasizing part. I know it’s just sex.”

  “That was fantasy-worthy sex, Valerie. The only thing about last night that turned me off was you falling asleep during Boondock Saints— you missed Willem Dafoe.” Giggling a little as Carlyle grabbed my ass and squeezed, I shuffled heavily to straddle him, and the colored tiger tattoo on his chest peeked through my fingers. “I’ll just make you watch it again. It’s my favorite movie, and you didn’t stay awake for it.”

  “I liked what I saw of it, though.” Grinding against him, I gasped when he smacked my ass sharp but soft, and Carlyle kneaded my breasts as his heat seeped between my thighs. His sleeves of tattoos rippled from powerful ropes of muscle, and I braced my arms on either side of his head. Sucking my nipple into his mouth, he tweaked the right one gently, and I shivered at the pleasure that skittered down my torso.


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