The Chosen And the guardians

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The Chosen And the guardians Page 1

by Liviu Costin Sociu

The Chosen

  And The Guardians

  Sociu Liviu Costin

  Copyright 2016 Sociu Liviu Costin

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  A little Message

  Please take a moment to read the ' A Message from The Author ' before reading this book.

  Enjoy this little creation.

  Thanks for your choice.


  A Message from The Author

  Special Thanks



  Chapter 1: The Beginning

  Chapter 2: Revelations

  Chapter 3: Choices & Decisions

  Chapter 4: Initiation

  Chapter 5: Between Past and Future

  Chapter 6: The Dark One and His Helper

  Chapter 7: The Phoenix Elder and The Children of Darkness

  Chapter 8: Lifia's Slumber

  Chapter 9: Drake's Path

  Chapter 10: Reunion

  Chapter 11: The Search

  Chapter 12: Iris's Awakening and The Pure Berserker

  Chapter 13: In Search of a Common Home

  Chapter 14: A Strange Awakening

  About The Author

  A Message from The Author

  I would like to thank whoever is reading this book. I am honored to know that you found this book interesting and wanted to give it a look.

  I wrote this book moved by passion and huge imagination. I didn't do it for money or with the intention to be a 'great' writer (cause I am not anyway). I know my book is not perfect, it's far from it, and I know it's not even 100% correct, English is not my native language, but it was the best language to write a book for everyone.

  Even if you: hate,love,like or whatever this book you are reading, please, let me know! My mail is [email protected] , Please send me a review, suggestion, critics or whatever you think I got wrong (or right, why not!) and help me make it better! If this part 1 of my book is appreciated then I will be glad to continue writing and put out the second part of it.

  To be honest I always wanted for this to become, one day, an anime or my opinion it has all the necessary to be one and I would be happy if that happens one day or another.

  When I wrote this book, I did it with music so, if you like to read like that, I kindly suggest to listen to some music while reading. In my opinion it helps to 'feel' what I was feeling when I wrote the book. Which music...I will leave it to you, kind reader, but I might give some suggestions about the kind of music in my next book, that if I get some questions about what music I listened (like calm music or something a little more strong for the fighting scenes). Either way it's your choice how to read this little creation of mine, and know that I am grateful for your time, no matter how much of it you spend in reading my book.

  As per my final words...if you are an artist, no matter what kind of artist, never give up! Remember what brought you to do what you do, and do it with passion and not for money or for someone, simply free your talent and keep going no matter the odds, do it for yourself and keep trying until you do it right! That's how I did it, nothing special or big about it, keep following your dreams and passions!

  Special Thanks


  Darkness, a place with nothing else embraces a young man floating in the emptiness. Slowly his body floats toward a light while a voice of a young girl is calling him. "Drake......Drake!" the voice keeps calling that name, the name of the young man that is floating toward the light.

  He gets up in a hurry, sweaty, his hands feeling the soft bed in which he was resting while his eyes struggle to focus little by little into seeing the simple room in which he was in. No details could be observed because of the startled wake which forced his instinct to hastily try to sat up.

  A pair of hands softly pushed him back on the bed with slight strength and a sweet voice warned him "Calm down, you are safe, relax...." then the hands left the shoulders of the young man and, little by little, after a while, he sat on the bed, switching his focus toward the woman who just talked. The young girl was smiling at Drake, her pink hair was the first thing to get Drake's attention, followed by her emerald green eyes. Her body was hard to analyze because of the headache afflicting him and because the young woman was seating on a chair in a fairly dark room which didn't help him to see her any better.

  Drake tried to remember what happened but, the amount of pain caused by that action, got him to scream and hold his head in the attempt to calm it down. The young girl put her hands on Drake's and with a smile said "Calm down, do not force your memory, please free your head and relax...." then she tried to put Drake back down on the bed, which was kind of easy thanks to the lack of opposition and struggle against her doings. Drake tried to calm down as suggested by the young woman "Where am I? Why can't I remember anything from the past days?" Drake asked confused, his panic was obvious to the young woman which now resembled more a girl than a woman once, his eyes, could adapt to the dim light of the room. She smiled once again "Don't worry, I will explain everything, but whatever I tell you must remain between us...I am sorry will understand...for now just listen and try to rest so you can recover faster" Thus Drake nodded and calmed down, listening to the young girl.


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