The Chosen And the guardians

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The Chosen And the guardians Page 2

by Liviu Costin Sociu

  Chapter 1: The Beginning

  [3 days ago]

  A young man was walking toward his university as usual, silver hair and ice colored eyes, an athletic body and medium height, this is how the young man presented himself at first sight. The morning was peaceful: the birds were singing and the sun was beginning to wake up and climb the sky. This peaceful atmosphere seemed perfect for Drake, this the young man's name, but he knew that this peace will last very little, and as expected, a huge cloud of dust was coming his way from behind and, in it's head, was a girl running like she was escaping from a demon.

  Once near Drake, the girl stopped right beside him and with a big smile hugged him "GOOD MORNING DRAKE!!" Drake was so used to this routine that he didn't even react to whatever she did. The girl had long straight blond hair and dark green eyes, a little shorter than drake and an athletic, attractive body, her name was Talah.

  "Good morning Talah...and please stop embracing me every morning" but the girl just smiled "I must embrace you my love! You're my boyfriend and that's how I like to treat you!" the smile on her face widens while Drake just sighs with resignation "I am not your know that..." still Talah doesn't seem to give any attention to those words and ignored them. It's well known that Talah put her eyes on Drake for a long time and usually keeps other girls far from his 'lover' although Drake never agreed to be together with her. Still he doesn't want to hurt her by pushing her away and because she's one of the few friends he has.

  And so, like every other morning, they went toward school together, usually Talah holds Drake's arm while humming joyfully and leaves him once near the school gates...and so she did today too. Drake doesn't like to chit chat too much with his classmates on morning, he usually goes straight forward the classroom where he usually finds a teacher or 2 with which he usually spends couple of minutes chatting.

  The day advances little by little, lessons are in progress in each classroom until, the break, relieves everyone and gives them the chance to escape the lectures. Drake likes to enjoy the wind on the rooftop and, Talah, knows that very well since she stays with him eating something that she prepared for herself and for him as well. In fact, its common that Drake doesn't bring anything to eat on Talah's order so she can prepare something to eat for him every day. While the same routine repeats once again, a young male enters the rooftop quite angry, bulky and solid in constitution and short in height with black hair and eyes, heads straight for Talah "Hey Talah, give me back the money I lent you!" the girl seemed a little annoyed by the newcomer and answers with a bored voice "I already told you Kale, I don't have them I promised, I will give them to you Monday, that was the deal" Kale then seemed even more pissed than before thanks to how Talah answered "The deal has changed, pay now or pay with yourself!" then he grabs her hand strongly, with Talah getting a little scared of the situation "Let go of me..." Kale smiled with satisfaction "So? What are you..." he didn't had time to finish his sentence that, Drake, took Kale's hand and forced him to release Talah's one "A deal is a deal Kale, you agreed on Monday it is, am I clear enough?" Kale looks angrily at Drake "You're gonna pay for this...." Then he runs out of the rooftop, slamming the door behind him. Drake just resumes to relax on the rooftop as it was nothing but, Talah, seemed worried about him and was speechless because of what happened. Worried that she might have been a troublesome burden for him, she didn't found the courage to talk to him until the end of the day.

  While everyone was leaving school, Drake usually being one of the last ones to leave the building, he found, on his way out, 3 persons that were waiting for him, one of them being Kale. "Oho it seems our hero finally decided to came out of his hideout to fight for his beloved princess...." Drake looked at them and stopped dead in his tracks while Talah went behind him, afraid of the current situation. "Kale...go home and calm yourself, I'm not gonna repeat myself" then Drake's bag touched the ground while he looked straight in Kale's eyes. Kale instantly rushed toward Drake to attack him but, his punch, hit the air since Drake ducked to avoid him and answered back with a powerful knee to the stomach. Standing up after that attack, he started looking at the other 2, leaving Kale suffering on the ground "So?" Drake was prepared to get them on too, but one of them dashed away while the other tried to attack him but, in the rush, he left his defense down, which, allowed Drake to rapidly counter-attack and put him down on the ground with a punch to the kidney. Kale in the meanwhile found the strength to get up from the ground and, while Drake was busy counter-attacking, he rushed toward him and punched him in the face. Even if he succeeded to do so, Drake immediately knocked him down with another punch to the stomach, which, left Kale agonizing on the ground and grasping for air. "I warned you...." Drake then proceeds to take his bag and leave while, a little blood, started coming out of his lip where Kale hit him.

  Talah was speechless...the entire time she was looking shocked at what was happening until all ended and she collected herself, rushing toward Drake and blocked his way, looking at him with tears to her eyes "...." Talah tried to talk without results...she just stood there, muted by the sight of Drake which was just looking at her like nothing happened. Talah then found the strength to embrace him while still crying "I am just hurt yourself because of me....I am at fault....I am so sorry! Please...forgive me, I...I will leave you alone, that's the best for both of us. I don't want to cause you more trouble than I already did" Drake couldn't say nothing because Talah already went away running after those words, he simply watched her running away, unsure on what to do or think in that moment.

  A light caught his attention from a side street between the houses and, curios about its source, he walked to see what was emitting that light. Once walked a little between the houses, he stopped at what he saw: A black giant creature made of pure darkness with only a pair of red and bloody eyes, terrifying and evil at the same time. Paralyzed, Drake could not move further until, a voice, snapped him out of it "Iris...PROTECT HIM!" Only when the voice stopped screaming that sentence, Drake saw that there were some girls there too but he didn't had time to observe them well that, one of them, jumped right beside him with a smile. Drake was confuse but noticed a pair of pink ears on the girls head "Don't worry I will prot..." before she could finish that sentence, a dark wave of energy, came by her and hit Drake fully, sending him against a wall and knocking him out cold.


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