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Page 16

by Penny Rose

  Arzul lay on the ground. He had found the strength to stab Cade, but he was still down. Cade stumbled away, searching for his warhammer. He needed the fight to be over. He needed to win so he could be healed.

  He found his weapon where he had left it. With the last bit of energy he had, he lifted the hammer and brought it down on Arzul’s head. Cade’s head spun and he stumbled. The last thing he heard was the blaring of horns before he fell.


  Eldredth watched in horror as the blade cut into Cade’s leg. She was out of her seat before anyone could stop her. Prinzton was so enamored with watching Cade hurt that he didn’t notice her leave. She made her way to the arena and was halfway down the stairs before she heard Prinzton scream behind her. He was angry, but she didn’t care. She had to get down there and be with Cade. He was all that mattered. His movements told her that he had been poisoned. She’d seen it before, and if she didn’t get down there in time, he would die.

  Horns blared, signaling the end of the fight, and Eldredth looked up to see a replay of Cade smashing in Arzul’s head. Below, Cade lay on the ground. He might have won the fight, but he could still lose everything if she didn’t hurry. She looked behind her as she raced toward the pit and saw Prinzton chasing her. She ran a little faster, almost tripping as adrenaline pumped through her veins.

  Prinzton had madness in his eyes. He was so overcome with obsession that he was losing his mind, but he didn’t even seem to realize it.

  The guards let her pass now that the fight was over, and she ran into the arena. She was almost to Cade when Prinzton grabbed her by the arm. His grip was powerful, nearly bringing tears to her eyes. The rage in his face scared her to death. He shook her violently, and she was certain he was going to kill her. She could see it in his eyes.

  She pulled against his grip. She needed to get to Cade before he died on her. If she didn’t get to him, the man of her dreams was going to die. She couldn’t bear that thought.

  She screamed at the crowd, pleading for help. “He poisoned Cade. He poisoned the blade. He cheated. He is dishonorable and has not played fair.”

  A drone zoomed in near them, broadcasting them onto dozens of screens. She repeated what she had just said, louder this time. “He poisoned Cade. He poisoned the blade. He cheated. He is dishonorable and has not played fair.”

  There were boos in the crowd, and the emperor looked outraged. She wasn’t sure if they were booing her or what Prinzton had done. It was impossible to tell. She hoped they weren’t going to take Prinzton’s side. She just hoped that the number of influential people in the stands took their honor seriously. The crowd spent a lot of money to be at the fight. They might like violence and they might like watching a bloodbath, but they wanted it to be fair. At least she hoped so. They didn’t want to hear about someone cheating, especially when it came to their money.

  The screens all focused on the emperor’s reaction. The yellow eyes stared out from the screen. “Is this true?”

  Prinzton was speechless for a moment. “Of course not, Emperor. She is lying.”

  One of the guards picked up Arzul’s sword. “There is something on the blade.”

  “Arrest him!” ordered the emperor.

  Prinzton turned to flee, and Eldredth took the opportunity to run to Cade. She tapped his face to see if she could get him to regain consciousness. He didn’t respond, and she screamed for the other healers. She couldn’t lose him, she just couldn’t. It would kill her if he died. He had fought so hard and deserved his victory and his freedom. She didn’t want it without him. He wasn’t responding to her and it was breaking her heart.

  She pressed her hands to his body and flooded him with healing energy.

  She lost track of what happened to Prinzton because she was too concerned about Cade. She wasn’t sure if she had lost him completely. The healers arrived by her side and all put their hands on Cade. They needed to get the poison out of his body and quick. Healing poison was harder than mending bones. It seemed to take forever, but she eventually saw a brown liquid start to ooze out of his leg. With the poison gone, the true healing could begin. She waited patiently as the wounds on his body started to heal, first his shoulder and then his leg.

  Cade’s eyes fluttered open and he seemed lost for a minute. He looked up at her and smiled. She had never seen anything so beautiful in all her life. He was alive, she had saved him, and everything was finally going to be okay.

  Eldredth cried out with relief and laid her head on his chest. She held back the tears and the kissing. They couldn’t show that sort of thing to anyone, not until they actually had their freedom. She didn’t want to do anything wrong in front of the emperor. Cade was still a slave after all, and she wasn’t sure what everyone would think. He wasn’t supposed to be with a healer, and she had to be patient until they announced that he was free.

  Cade looked around and then got to his feet, dusting himself off. He thanked her for healing him and then stopped staring at her when he realized that everyone was watching.

  The emperor had descended into the pit, accompanied by a half-dozen guards. He grabbed Cade’s hand and lifted it over his head. “The victor!”

  The crowd cheered.

  The emperor looked at Cade. “I apologize for the behavior of Prinzton. The games are brutal, but they are honorable. We do not tolerate that sort of trickery.”

  “Thank you.” Cade nodded.

  The emperor let go of his hand and faced the crowd. “For winning the tournament, Cade’s freedom has been granted.” He faced Cade again. “What is your request, Cade?”

  Cade sighed. “I would like permission to take the healer, Eldredth, with me.”

  Prinzton cried out in a rage and broke free from the guards. He ran at Cade and Eldredth, picking up Arzul’s sword. The guards readied their weapons to fire, but a splendidly-dressed man tackled Prinzton to the ground. The guards were there within seconds and had control of their prisoner once again. The robed man stood up, and Eldredth was shocked to see it was Maizon who had tackled him.

  Maizon approached Eldredth and Cade, looking sheepish. “Cade, it turns out you were right. I’m sorry that I didn’t believe you. You could have been killed, and it would have been my fault. I didn’t think that Prinzton would ever do anything so vile. I’m sorry.” He turned to Eldredth. “To see Prinzton treat you with such disrespect was truly disheartening. You didn’t deserve that treatment, and I hope he didn’t hurt you.”

  “It’s alright. I’m just glad that it’s over now. Thank you for helping me.”

  He nodded and glanced at Cade. “Congratulations. It looks like you have your freedom now.”

  Cade grinned. “Yes, and I know exactly what I’m going to do with it.” He glanced at Eldredth, and Maizon smiled knowingly.

  “Good luck to you both.”

  The emperor turned to Cade. “Your wish has been granted. You and Eldredth are free to go wherever you please. We will provide you transportation to anywhere within the empire.”

  Eldredth’s mouth dropped. She couldn’t believe she was a free woman. She’d never been a slave, but she had never experienced true freedom either. Now was her chance. She was madly in love with Cade and could finally show it to anyone. She could have a life, get married, maybe even have children. The sky was the limit for them both, and she couldn’t wait to get on with her life.

  She wrapped her arms around Cade and kissed him to the cheers of the crowd.

  Chapter Thirteen

  True to his word, the emperor provided private transport to take Cade and Eldredth anywhere they wanted to go within the empire. After some lengthy talks, they settled on going to Eldredth’s home planet, Yigara, where she could finally reunite with her family.

  Eldredth had been thrilled that it was the first place he wanted to go after winning his freedom. He could have gone back to his own planet, but he wanted to reunite her with her family first. It showed her just what kind of man he really was. She told him all about Yigara—
how there were waterfalls and the most beautiful birds everywhere. Cade was looking forward to seeing Eldredth’s home, and she was excited to show him what her planet had to offer. It was more civilized than Kondor, but it maintained a healthy respect for the environment and all things that dwelled within. They had technology, but they didn’t allow the fighting pits.

  At some point, they would return to Kondor. She looked forward to meeting the tribe that Cade had led for so many years. There was so much they still didn’t know about each other, and she wanted to explore it all with him. They could spend the rest of their lives learning about each other, because now, they had nothing but time.

  Maizon had given them a sizable portion of his winnings from the tournament. He was now one of the premier houses for gladiators, and he owed it all to Cade.

  Eldredth was nervous about returning home. It had been so long since she had seen her family. In truth, she didn’t know what true freedom felt like. Cade had had freedom and had had it ripped away from him, but for Eldredth, it was all new. It was weird to be away from the federation and no longer bound by their rules. She had always followed their orders and now she didn’t have to. She could do whatever she wanted. It felt amazing.

  They were going to use the money from Maizon to start a new life. One filled with opportunity. Cade wanted to return home at some point and possibly build a home for them there. He was happy and it was written all over his face, a face that Eldredth couldn’t stop looking at. She loved him, and just the thought of their new life together brought tears to her eyes.

  Cade and Eldredth sat in their private room aboard the transport ship. It was nice to have a place all to themselves. They had just finished a delicious meal, and it was a welcome relief not to have appointments or obligations. They had spent so much time apart that they wanted to take the time to get to know each other. They spent hours just talking, and Eldredth felt closer to Cade than ever. It was interesting learning the new quirks about him, like his favorite foods from his home planet, or the pets he had kept as a child.

  “So, what do you think that we should do after all this?” Cade asked. “We can do anything.”

  They sat beside each other on the bed. He touched her face, and she smiled.

  “I would love to go anywhere with you, Cade. You saved my life.”

  “No, you saved mine.” He kissed her. “I love you, Eldredth.”

  “You know we don’t have to sneak around anymore, and we don’t have to worry about people walking in on us.”

  He smiled and leaned in to kiss her again. It wasn’t like the kisses on Pendoria. It wasn’t hurried or rushed. They were soft, casual, and full of heat. When he pulled away, there was nothing left to say. She was electrified by the kiss just like she was every other time they touched.

  There was something different about his touch this time, a gentleness she hadn’t seen before. It was because they were finally free. They didn’t have to worry about being punished for being together. They could just be themselves now.

  He took her hand and pulled her to him. They sat there looking into each other’s eyes, and she felt warm all over. She reached up and wrapped her hand around Cade’s neck, pulling his face toward hers. Their tongues touched, and a bolt of electricity coursed through her body. His kisses became softer as he tasted her lips repeatedly. The love between them—the healing, the warmth—radiated through her.

  Eldredth peeled off his shirt, and then his pants. For once, it wasn’t as simple as removing a loincloth. She was eager to explore his body. Cade stood there, completely and beautifully naked before her. He looked down at her lustfully, and she wished she had some idea of the thoughts going through his mind.

  He bent down on the floor before her and to her pleasant surprise, his mouth found her womanhood. He tasted her in the same way he tasted her lips, slowly, painfully slow. She moaned as his tongue found where her lips opened. He sucked on her clit, and she convulsed around him. It felt so incredible that her eyes rolled back as waves of pleasure coursed through her. She wanted him so badly. With every flick of his tongue, she wanted him even more.

  He moved back up and found her mouth once again. She moaned as his kisses became harder. He kissed along her jawline, then down her throat to her neck, where he nipped her. For a moment, she felt complete and utter bliss. He made her dizzy with pleasure, and she ached for him to be inside her. He was very affectionate now and took his time loving her. She was seeing a side of him that she had not experienced before.

  Cade wasn’t in a rush to slide inside of Eldredth. He wanted to taste every inch of her; he needed to. He didn’t want to rush anything. Not anymore. He could take things slow for the rest of their lives.

  He kissed down her neck and chest until he found her breast. He sucked on her nipple, and her back arched.

  Eldredth was so turned on that it was hard to think straight. Everything he did to her caused an ache between her legs that she wanted him to soothe. He went to her other breast and gave it attention as well. Her hand reached down, and she felt his hard member throb against her. She wanted him more than anything.

  “Please, Cade. Please give it to me.”

  He met her eyes once again and kissed her softly. “I’ll give you whatever you want.”

  He entered her slowly, causing her to gasp as he filled her up.

  “Oh, Cade, that's so good.”

  “You feel incredible, Eldredth.”

  He moved rhythmically inside her, pushing in and out slowly. His pace quickened, and she moaned. She felt the buildup inside of her and lifted her hips with his every thrust. She ached for more every time he pulled away.

  He leaned in to kiss her. She accepted his mouth and kissed him hard as he pushed in deep. She moaned loudly, for once unafraid of who might hear. She felt the buildup again and her whole body tensed as an orgasm ripped through her, causing her to shake from head to toe.

  “That's it, my love. Cum for me. You are so beautiful, Eldredth.”

  The orgasm rolled through her like a never-ending wave, and by the look on Cade's face, he was about to cum as well. She cried out as the intense orgasm finally peaked and left her gasping as he spilled into her. He collapsed on top of her, and her legs wrapped around his waist. He was so strong, and she enjoyed the feeling of his muscled body against hers. He nuzzled her neck, and she hoped she could have that moment for always.

  He looked up at her and kissed her once again, “How was it, Eldredth?”

  “Delicious. So, let's do it again.”

  He chuckled and kissed her deeply. “Anything you want, Eldredth.”


  Eldredth woke to Cade kissing her neck, and it wasn’t long before she warmed to his touch. She felt his member pushing against her leg. It was nice waking up to such passion. She couldn’t help staring at his rock-hard member against her thigh. She smiled and moved to him, kissing him softly. She couldn't wipe the smile off her face. He had a power over her, and she was perfectly comfortable with that.

  Cade thought it was the most incredible thing he had ever seen as she blushed under his steely gaze. He kissed the back of her neck, and she moaned as his hand found their way to her breasts. He squeezed them. Her nipples were hard, and he rolled them between his fingers. She groaned, and he pushed even harder against her. She turned to him and smiled.

  They kissed passionately as his fingers explored her body. He needed her now, not later, and he was going to have her. He touched her womanhood, and she moaned with delight. She was wet already, and it made him want her that much more. His mouth found her nipple and he sucked on it hard. Her head went back, and he knew that if he didn't have her now, he would lose his mind. He slipped his fingers inside her, and she cried out.

  Eldredth straddled Cade, feeling his fingers come out of her. She took his member in her hand and gently slid down onto him, riding him slowly. She moaned and arched her back, pulling him deeper inside. He leaned his head back as she rode him, until she picked up speed. She b
ounced on him faster, and he called her name over and over. Facing him, she could see the pleasure washing over his face. She kissed him and bit his flesh, all the while maintaining the motion.

  “Oh, Eldredth, you feel so good. I can't get enough of you.”

  She continued to move atop him and watched as he took pleasure from her. It was amazing knowing that she was responsible for that feeling. He impaled her, and she had never felt better. He completed her in a way she had not experienced before, and she physically needed him. They fit together perfectly, and she cried out with every thrust. As she ground against him, she could feel her orgasm building. And just when she thought she was going to lose control, he took a hold of her hips and thrust into her harder and faster. She gasped with excitement. Waves of pleasure crashed into her, and she screamed as an intense orgasm gripped her body and didn't let it go. He spilled into her soon after, and they orgasmed together.

  She collapsed onto his chest and could hear his heartbeat pounding inside. Every day for the rest of their lives could be like this.

  “We have to figure out what we are going to do next,” he said.

  She sighed. “Let’s just take it a day at a time. We don’t have to make any final decisions right now. Let’s just go where the universe takes us. We are meant to be together, so let’s not rush anything. I’m not going anywhere, Cade. I love you and I’m always going to be here.”

  “I know. I love you too, and I can’t wait to see what lies in our future. Now that we are free, we can do anything.”

  She smiled and leaned into him for a kiss. This was the beginning of forever.

  The End

  About the Author

  I love to read and write about steamy romances. I enjoy the paranormal and shifter genres the most. Personally, I love the process of writing, but I feel so fortunate that I've found a way to fall in love with reading other work from the community. Check out my facebook page and join the fun!


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