Steeling Christmas (Satan's Savages MC Series Book 6)

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Steeling Christmas (Satan's Savages MC Series Book 6) Page 4

by K E Osborn

  His own blood—it’s only a matter of seconds.

  “This is blood, isn’t it? My blood? Holy shit, motherfuckers, you don’t know what the fuck you fuckers have gone and done. I fucking hate blood. Oh, fucking hell… I’m out. Catch me, fuckers,” Lookout warns as his eyes roll into the back of his head.

  Jigsaw leans out grabbing the collar of Lookout’s shirt. He falls forward completely blacking out while Jigsaw grips hard on Lookout’s collar in an attempt to hold him up. He’s almost at a ninety-degree angle, his feet on the ground and his body out as Jigsaw holds onto him trying to stop him from hitting the ground.

  The Russians all raise their brows trying to suss out if this is a ploy—unfortunately, it’s not.

  He’s out, like a light.

  A biker who doesn’t like the sight of blood, even his own, go figure. But we’re used to him, and it always happens at the most inopportune fucking times. Jigsaw yanks Lookout back to him, his body finally going limp as he rests him on the ground at his feet. The entire time a Russian aiming his gun on him just to make sure they don’t pull a move.

  “Is this for real? Did he just pass out at the sight of his own blood?” The Russians all break out in a fit of laughter, momentarily distracting them. So, I give the signal subtly, hoping everyone has seen it, then make my move. I race forward, slamming my hand into the wrist of the Russian asshole with his gun on me taking him by surprise. His gun flies out of his hand onto the ground, and slides away from us both as he lets out an “oomph.” I clench my fist and punch him straight in his stomach, winding him. He hunches over, so I grab the back of his head and yank his face down into my knee, his nose landing straight on my kneecap. His nose breaks instantly, blood gushes out onto my jeans as I pull him around into a headlock at the same time I yank my Glock out of the back of my jeans and aim it at his head. Then I wrap my arm around his neck blocking off his airway. I glance up to see Jigsaw, Gator, Techie, and Gadget all taking their Russian on with ease as a slow clapping starts to echo through the cavern.

  I turn with my Russian in tow to see a man appear from the shadows, still clapping, as I hear the others all click their Glocks into place. Mine’s still aimed at the Russian in my arms, but now I’m unsure whether I should be aiming at the man walking toward us.

  He steps into the dim light and recognition hits me instantly—it’s Zoryn Novikov. He appears a little worn, or older, from the file picture Techie and Gadget showed us. I make a move, pushing the guy out of my arms, and aim my Glock at Novikov as my brothers all walk up beside me doing the exact same thing.

  His men move to his side, and we’re at a standoff.

  Though, they don’t have their weapons.

  The taste of blood permeates the air, it’s thick, the metallic smell lingering everywhere. Blood courses through my veins like an adrenaline pumping elixir, fueling the need to exact revenge on this monster for his rotten deeds. Not only for the Azarov twins and their family but for the many lives he would have impacted. Novikov stands before us, a devil without a mask, and now we have to be the ones to put the devil in his cage.

  “Do you have her?” Gator calls out making his incessant clapping falter.

  He huffs, folding his arms over his chest. “What if she wanted to come with me?”

  “A whisper in the wind is not even a sound,” Jigsaw calls out, and we all look at him creasing our brows. Now is not the time for his not-so-insightful damn riddles.

  Novikov clears his throat, cocking his head. “I do have her. She is to leave and go back to Russia with me.”

  “Like hell, she is,” we all blurt out in unison, even Jigsaw, who doesn’t say anything unless it’s a riddle—this was plain English. We all look at him with shocked expressions.

  Turning back to face Novikov, I fold my arms over my broad chest and grunt. “She’s not goin’ anywhere unless it’s with us.”

  He chuckles. “Why would I give her up now that I have her?”

  Gator tilts his head like he’s thinking—always the diplomat. “We trade… what do you want?”

  He chuckles waving his hand through the air. “My Marina is rare… like a diamond. So, I will only release her if…” he’s thinking about the question, but I know he’s already aware of what he wants, “… you get me the collection of Argyle pink diamond jewellery from the only jeweller who distributes them in Adelaide. Then, I will consider a trade.”

  Techie lets out a small laugh, and we all look at him. He raises his brow looking right at me. “That jeweller, the one that stocks the Argyle, is the same one we got Flame’s engagement ring. The one that cost sixty-five thousand dollars. The one Petunia ate, and Crash had to sift through her shit to find the ring.”

  Rolling my eyes, I huff. “I remember all that shit, Techie.”

  He shakes his head. “No, you’re not hearing me. Remember Kammi, the assistant?” I nod. “Well, if she’s still working there, then we can do the same thing. Take Petunia with us, distract her with my charm and the pig, while you subtly snatch the jewellery. Kammi had a hard-on for me, I swear. This could work.”

  I tense up, it’s risky, if we get fucking caught stealing diamond jewellery, Techie and I could go away for a very long time. We both have wives, I have kids—this is a big deal. Plus, this isn’t what our club is about. Sure, we were 1%ers once, but we’ve evolved since then. We used to be all about this shit, but families come along, and your priorities change.

  I don’t know if I want to risk my life, my family’s life on this.

  “Seeing as your plan is so flawless, you best get on it. You have forty-eight hours, or I’m on a plane with Marina. Now get out!”

  Gator nods as we look around the cavern for an exit. Novikov signals to his men, and they start to walk toward us. I bring my gun up not knowing what they’re doing.

  Novikov chuckles. “Relax, they’ll take you to the exit. Forty-eight, no more, no less.” He turns, walking off as two of his men signal to a walkway, and Gator grunts but nods as he gestures to Jigsaw to pick up Lookout. He hoists him over his shoulder, and we follow the two Russians. We walk down the dank hall keeping our eyes and ears open but talk amongst ourselves as we go.

  “Techie, can this really be done?” Gator asks.

  He nods. “Honestly, if it weren’t the same jeweller that Steel and I had already been to, I’d say no, but we know the assistants. We know how to work them. I can distract, maybe we can even get Crash to come in with us to chase Petunia around the shop, and keep the others distracted while I keep my time with Kammi. In the meantime, Steel is stashing the Argyle. It’s actually kind of flawless.”

  Gator looks at me, and I shrug, even though unease sits in the pit of my stomach. I don’t like it. I know the jeweller has those silent alarms under the counter, one push, and the heat will be on us before we know it. It’s so damn risky, but if we want Marina back, it’s what we have to do.

  I don’t think I can tell Flame about this one. She’ll be fucking pissed with me for doing this.

  The Russians lead us to a dead end, and for a moment dread rushes through me as we turn around to see them walking away like nothing’s bothering them. That’s not what I expected at all when walked to a dead end. I raise my brow as I glance to Techie and Gadget, who look around the small inlet. They take in all the surroundings like they’re trying to figure it out, both looking up at the same time and then smiling.

  “The ladder. It leads up to the street, I assume,” Gadget offers.

  “I agree,” Techie adds.

  Gator shrugs and starts climbing, taking each rusted step one at a time and then opens the latch to the hatch which lets the rays of the summer sun stream down on us from above.

  “Yeah, this is it,” Gator calls out as he moves up and out, gesturing for Jigsaw to hoist Lookout up. He reaches grabbing him and lifts him out, then we all make our way out of the cavern one by one up into the sun-kissed afternoon.

  We stand on the backstreets of the suburban laneway, and take it all
in, trying to log into memory where we need to come next time. Jigsaw stands over Lookout slapping his face hard.

  He jolts awake suddenly, his eyes flashing open with the shock. “Balls, big, black, shiny balls!” Lookout calls out making us all shake our heads at him. We’re so used to the way he comes to these days, nothing he says shocks us anymore.

  “Right, now that we’re all here and awake, I think the best plan of action is to go back to the club, get a good night’s rest, be with your families, and tomorrow we set this plan into motion,” Gator instructs.

  “What do we tell Flame and Shay?” I ask.

  Gator cracks his neck to the side. “We’ll tell them we’re still trying to sort out the details on how to get Marina back. Tomorrow when Techie, you, and Crash move out, it will be for a simple run. If things go south, I’ll take the blame for not telling them.”

  “Okay, let’s get back. I need to spend the night with my woman, especially if it’s my last fuckin’ night of freedom,” I tell them.

  Honestly, I have a bad feeling about this. I can’t get past Novikov making this snatch and grab turn on us. It’s the kind of man he is. So, I need to make a phone call without anyone finding out.

  After spending the night with Flame, taking as much time to hug my children as I could before I left, the time came, and I had to go without making it too obvious I was heading out to do something fucking stupid and dangerous. I could tell Flame was starting to become a little suspicious when she asked why I was being so attentive to her this morning, but I told her I just wanted her to always feel loved.

  I hope she knows it.

  As we pull up in the cage out the front of the jeweller, Crash sits in the middle of the bench seat with Petunia, our teacup pig. She’s in fine form this morning wearing a frilly tutu that’s particularly large, great for knocking shit over. But she does look extra fucking adorable, even I have to admit that. Crash holds onto her tight as Techie sprays on some extra cologne to work his magic with Kammi, the store manager.

  Fuck, I hope this works.

  “You ready?” I ask.

  Crash nods as Techie gives me the thumbs up.

  I’m so glad it isn’t some factual pep-talk this time, I’m really not in the mood.

  We hop out of the cage which, of course, has fake plates on it and strut inside the jeweller. Techie has already disabled the cameras and door locks from outside wirelessly. How he does that shit I have no idea. But that’s why he’s the genius, and I get to steal shit.

  Techie pulls back the heavy glass door, and we stroll in. Kammi automatically looks at Techie, her eyes opening wide as she takes him in. She smiles puffing out her chest as she bats her eyelashes. The other ladies don’t have the same reaction, all seeming more on edge as they take in our tall statures and black clothing.

  “I remember you guys, you came in here with that pig looking for an engagement ring,” Kammi gushes.

  “And I remember you, Kammi, your service was impeccable. It’s why we had to come back here to get some more stunning jewellery from you.” Techie’s laying on the sugar so sickly sweet I want to barf, while the other girls walk around to join us at one section of the counter where we’re now standing.

  “So, what can I help you with today, gentlemen?” Kammi asks.

  I step forward as this is my cue. Taking a breath, I smile my dazzling smile at the ladies, and I see them soften. “I want a ring for my wife, but it needs to be special, something to show her how much I love her.”

  “Awww,” they all coo.

  Got them right where we want them!

  “Yeah, we have four kids, and I want something that’s going to remind her of the strength of our family. No occasion, just because I adore her.”

  They all tilt their heads and make sappy faces. Crash chuckles slightly at their excitement for my admission of love, and even though that’s all true, it’s just an act to lull them into a false sense of security, to make them think we’re the good guys.

  “You’re so sweet.” I cringe upon hearing that. “Any preference on shape or style?” Kammi asks.

  I subtly glance at Techie just to make sure this is still a go. His head bobs a fraction, so I continue, “I heard you deal in pink Argyle. I know it’s kind of rare and my woman deserves only the best. Can I see your collection?”

  Kammie smiles wide like she can see her commission check going up and up. She heads off out the back and brings out approximately twenty pink Argyle rings on a tray.

  I smirk as I see the price tag for one sitting at $49,990.00. They all range around that price, some below, a couple above, but it’s no wonder Novikov wanted us to grab this collection for him.

  “Not what you were looking for?” Kammi asks, her face forlorn as if she’s now disappointed her commission’s in jeopardy, placing the tray on the counter top.

  I look at her with a bright smile. “No, this is perfect. It’s just they’re all so fuckin’ great lookin’ I just don’t know which one I like.” I recite the cue for Crash to start mission ‘pig drop.’ As if on cue, Crash starts walking over to the other side of the counter as if he’s browsing.

  “Oh, well, I can help discuss the differences in stone cut if you’d like?” She winks at me.

  “Squuueee,” I hear as a thud resounds through the shop. We all turn to see Petunia struggling in Crash’s grip, he stumbles dramatically, probably a little too much, but it’s okay. The girls don’t know he’s faking as he falls into the glass cabinets knocking over a stand of neck chains while Petunia continues to struggle in his grip. A couple of the girls race over to pick up the stand as he fusses about knocking over the bottles of cleaner, and then just as the girls reach him, he lets Petunia jump out of his arms and straight into the path of the girls.

  She knocks one of them flat on her arse, causing her to let out a scream, as Petunia races about the store in a mad rush, turning up boxes and causing general chaos.

  “Oh shit, not this again!” one of the girls groans, as she and another assistant take off after Petunia along with Crash, leaving just Kammi here with Techie and me. We turn around while the chaos ensues in the store behind us.

  Techie looks to Kammi with a chuckle. “Sorry about that, no one can control the pig.” He leans down on the countertop, getting closer to her, smiling up at her seductively. She lets out an unladylike giggle as she shakes her head, all the while Petunia races past us with everyone following her in a mad rush.

  “No, it’s fine, it’s kind of entertaining. Life in here can be boring. A little adventure is good now and then,” Kammi admits.

  Techie smiles again reaching out and touching her hand, running his finger across her knuckles. Her breath catches, and I try my hardest not to laugh. “Your fingers are amazing. A ring would look perfect on them, Kammi.”

  She gasps as she blushes, then she giggles. “Oh… I don’t know.”

  “Hey… I want to buy a ring for my mother, it’s her birthday soon. Do you think you could try some on for me? Just so I know what they would look like?” Kammi looks back at me, and I nod while Petunia does another round with a loud “squuueee” as Crash knocks over some more shit so the girls are kept distracted.

  “Oh no, don’t worry about me, I need to have a good look at these. I think I’ll be taking my time to find the right one for my girl. Go, help him. I’ll be fine. You can attend to me after.”

  She smiles, but Techie runs his fingers up and down her hand, and she sighs in delight. “Okay, let’s go over here for something more your mother’s style,” she suggests dragging Techie away.

  He looks back to me with a subtle nod. I wink at him as I glance around the room. I need to do this carefully. If, at any time any one of the assistants see me, we’ll be in the shit. So, I have to do this slowly and carefully.

  I look down at the rings, pick up the most expensive one first bringing it to my eye line as if to really look at it. If I were a connoisseur of diamonds, I guess this would be a pretty ring, but to me it just loo
ks like a way to get Marina back. So, I glance around the room to see Kammi completely occupied, fawning over Techie, and the other girls dealing with Crash and Petunia. So, I go to lay the ring back on the board, but instead of placing it in the slot, I casually slide it up the sleeve of my hoodie. I made sure to wear one with tight wrist cuffs, so as I slide the ring in it should sit just in the dip of the sleeve area until I get out into the cage.

  I glance around noticing that no one’s watching. Adrenaline seeps into my veins. I haven’t done anything this illegal for years, and I have to admit, it feels fucking good. So, I repeat the process. Look at the ring, go to place it back, but slide it up my sleeve instead. I repeat this process as quickly as possible for the next few rings, then give the signal to the other guys when I’m close to having all the rings up my sleeve.

  When I have the last one, I turn and walk for the door, noticing Crash has miraculously captured Petunia and is walking to the door with me, and Techie is saying goodbye to Kammi.

  “Thanks for letting me look at the rings, Kammi, but I can’t decide. I’ll come back another time,” I call out as we all walk toward the door.

  “No problem, happy to… wait. Where are the—”

  We break into a run straight out the door, my heart pummeling in my chest as we race to the cage which we left unlocked, jumping in just as Kammi sprints out the door throwing her hands in the air. Techie slams on the accelerator, and we speed off into the oncoming traffic. My heart is thwacking against my chest, my breathing hard and fast, as Crash lets out a loud cheer, holding Petunia up in the air waggling her about in a victory dance as she snorts.

  “Fucking yes! I can’t believe we did it. We did get them, right, Steel?” Crash asks as Techie swerves in and out of traffic frantically.

  I grab a small velvet bag opening it, and then yank open my sleeve letting the twenty pink Argyle rings fall into the small bag.

  “Ha-haaa! We fucking did it. We’re getting Marina back,” Crash calls out, and I finally allow myself to smile.


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