Steeling Christmas (Satan's Savages MC Series Book 6)

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Steeling Christmas (Satan's Savages MC Series Book 6) Page 5

by K E Osborn

  “I can’t believe we just did that.” My voice is low and barely audible.

  Techie quickly glances to me and nods with the biggest of fucking smirks. “I can’t either.”

  After returning from the jewellery heist, we went straight into the assembly room with Gator, and I handed over the Argyle. I wanted to hand it to my president without Flame seeing anything exchanging hands. If she knows what I’ve been a party to, I will get my balls removed and handed to me. Not that I’m ruled by my woman, I’m definitely the man in this relationship, but one thing I don’t want to do, ever, is disappoint her. After all we’ve been through, I never want to see that look on her face.

  It’s getting later in the afternoon, Techie, Gadget, and Gator are sitting down talking logistics on how to do this thing. Figuring out all the backup plans in case Novikov doesn’t pull through with his side of the deal. What if he takes the jewels and doesn’t give us Marina? As I listen in, nothing they say is hitting home with me, none of their plans are working like the one I have already set into motion. I need a little more help, and I know just the person to get this over the line.

  “Brothers, I gotta piss,” I announce standing from the table. They all look at me, shake their heads, but go back to their heated discussions as I walk out of the assembly room and into the clubroom looking for the person I need to help me.

  I see her sitting on her own working on her notebook. Her black and purple hair up in a high ponytail as always, the dark makeup adorning her face in her usual punk-goth way. Shay always looks the same, and for a married woman, you’d think she’d tone down her attire, but no, Shay has stayed true to herself since the day she came here to stay at the clubhouse. She’s a legacy of this club—her father, Stump, being an Original, and her brother, Gadget, a member. When she and Techie laid eyes on each other, there was no way they weren’t ending up together.

  Shay is as smart as they come. Beautiful, edgy and brainy. No wonder Techie fell fast and hard. But honestly, they’re a match made in heaven, outsmarting each other at every turn. Shay may be slightly goth, but her IQ just sneaks above Techie’s, and Gadget doesn’t let him forget it.

  Walking over to Shay, I stand in front of her as she continues typing on her notebook. I subtly cough, and she looks up, the blackness framing her eyes makes me laugh on the inside as she sucks on a lollipop. “Yo, Steel. Whassup?”

  Taking a breath, I slide into the seat beside her making her furrow her brows together like she’s confused by my actions.

  “Shit! Is something wrong with Techie? Is that why you’re acting weird?”

  I let out a small laugh. “No, nothin’ like that. Can’t a guy come over and say hi?”

  She tilts her head, pulling the lollipop from her mouth. “Steel, I’m flattered, but we’re both married, and I’m more than satisfied with Techie. I mean you are hot and all, but—”

  “What? I’m not hittin’ on you, Shay!”

  She visibly relaxes and sticks the lollipop back in her mouth. “Oh, good, ‘cause that would be awkward.”

  I let out a small chuckle as I pull a piece of paper from my pocket. I grab her hand and squeeze it as she furrows her brows at me. “It was nice talking to you, Shay.” I nod.

  She smiles shaking my hand understanding the hint. Shay slides her hand against mine obviously feeling the piece of paper, taking the note with her. Her hand slides down to her side as I step out of the booth and walk off without looking back.

  Shay’s smart—fucking smart.

  She’ll know what to do with it.

  After listening to many stupid contingencies and backup plans on how when shit backfires, and how Novikov takes the jewels and then reneges on the deal taking Marina with him, I merely agree with the less shitty plan, and now we’re all on our Hogs riding to the meet for the swap. Gator has the jewels on him, and I made sure to pack Wesley, my marauder Japanese steel knife with me, just in case things go belly-fucking-up.

  The wind is doing nothing to calm the swarming beast inside of me. Going into the lion’s den is never easy. When you have a family you could leave behind, it’s all the fucking harder. The thought of leaving Flame with four kids on her own eats at me as I ride to the drain that leads to the cavern. Time’s almost up, and we’re cutting it fine. We all hammer down as we ride like the fucking wind to get our club girl back.

  The streets are lined with Christmas cheer, but there’s nothing festive about what we’re about to do.

  We pull up next to the drain, all duck walking our Hogs in reverse against the curb. We slide off our lids and huddle in a group. “We go in, trade the jewels, and get Marina back. If shit goes south, we go to plan B,” Gator murmurs quietly.

  Crash, Lookout, Gadget, and the prospects all nod knowing that they are plan B, the reinforcements if you will. They’re staying topside waiting for the signal. If we need extra men, Techie will give the cue. He has a beacon alarm set on his wrist. If he activates it, it will ping on Gadget’s mobile letting them know to come in and raise havoc. The rest of us are going down into the pits of hell to do a trade.

  “Got it,” we all say.

  “Time’s short, let’s go get us a club girl,” Gator instructs.

  Leading the way, I walk over to the drain taking a breath and then hoist myself into the small pipe, I slide down straight into the dim cavern. It’s exactly as I remember, only this time they’re waiting, guns drawn as I stand up and walk to the side letting my brothers follow one by one. I don’t reach for my Glock or my knife, trying to keep this civil. But I watch with bated breath as the Russians aim their guns right at me and the others. The person I don’t see is Novikov or Marina.

  Gator finally slides down, he’s the last man taking a look around at the standoff. “Well, isn’t this a warm welcome?” he goads.

  Finally, Novikov rounds a concrete pole, holding Marina around her waist and a gun to her temple. The sheer fear in her eyes is palpable as I see her body trembling against him. Who knows what he and his men have been doing to her since she’s been here. All I know is, we need to do this trade and get the fuck out of here.

  Gator steps forward causing the Russians to all aim their guns right at him. He raises his hands, one of which contains the small velvet black bag. “Easy boys, I have your Argyle, Novikov. Give us Marina, and you can have your jewels.”

  He chuckles. “Give me the jewels, I’ll verify their authenticity and then…” he dips his head, “… then you get Marina.”

  I see movement in the corner of my eye, and I know the time to act is now. If I don’t move, my plan won’t work. My heart races in my chest—there’s one of two ways this can go, and I’m about to find out which way.

  So I move.

  Before Gator has a chance to say something in retort, my hands shoot upward in surrender, like I used to do back at the old club when we were being raided.

  Everyone looks at me confused when it happens.

  A swarm of police officers race through the cavern from the opposite end, guns raised, yelling at the top of their lungs for the Russians to drop their weapons.

  This is where it can go one of two ways—the easy or the hard way.

  It only takes a split second, but Novikov chooses option two as he pushes Marina forward aiming his gun at the cops, and letting his weapon discharge. The noise of the bullet going off reverbs against the thick concrete walls, but as soon as Novikov fires his weapon, it’s the cue for his men.

  People scatter all throughout the cavern—Russians, brothers, cops—all taking shelter wherever they can. I pull out my Glock and take aim without thinking. Right now, I know it’s kill or be killed. I know the heat are here, but they know as well as I do that these Russians are not going to back down. It’s us against them as I click off my safety. The loud echo of gunfire pummelling through the cavern and the flashing of the ignition, is making it like a light show in here.

  Officers fall as I lean out from behind the concrete pole, take aim, and pull the trigger. My Gloc
k recoils in my hand jolting my shoulder as the bullet flies through the air hitting a Russian in the side of the face. Blood splatters through the air smattering the concrete behind him over the wall in a beautiful mosaic that makes my heart pump harder.

  I haven’t done this for so long.

  I miss it.

  The thrill of the kill.

  My eye twitches as I slide back behind my pole. A slab of concrete smashes off right by my neck shooting shards of mortar and dust onto my face. I cough, closing my eyes, shaking my head from the obvious hit. I glance over to Gator who’s shooting like a madman, aiming at the Russians, as he darts out from behind his pole taking off after Novikov. I tense up hoping like hell he doesn’t get himself shot—or worse.

  I look over to Jigsaw to see him fly off to the left and watch him grabbing at his shoulder as he darts behind a concrete pole, blood oozing through his fingers, and I watch as a Russian edges closer to him. I lean out even though bullets keep pummelling my concrete pole, and I squeeze fast as my hand recoils back, the bullet flying straight and landing in the Russian’s leg. He falls to the ground at Jigsaw’s feet. I smile as he looks up at Jigsaw, fear in his eyes, as Jigsaw presses his Glock right against his temple not hesitating to pull the trigger.

  Brain matter flies out the back of his head, and his body slumps to the ground. Jigsaw turns to look at me and dips his head in a show of thanks as I race around the concrete pole in search of Novikov and Gator. I run fast, the whizzing sound of bullets flying past makes my pulse rapid fire as cops and Russians punch each other against the wall. Others using blades, most opting for their guns. It’s a bloodbath in here.

  I notice Novikov in a fist fight with Gator. Marina’s cowering under a pipe, and I run over to her, ducking down. She screams slapping at me, and I grab her hands pulling her to look at me. “Marina, it’s me. Here, take this, and don’t come out until we come get you,” I yell at her, handing her a small gun from my boot.

  She takes it as I turn to help Gator, racing over as Gator lands a fist into the side of Novikov’s head. The Russian falls to one knee, but pulls out a blade from his ankle. I grit my teeth rushing forward to stop him from slicing my president, my brother, my friend, when suddenly a shot rings out, and Novikov’s brains splatter all over Gator’s pants.

  Gator and I both stop in shock as we slowly look around to see Marina edge out from under the pipe, my gun in her hands and smoke billowing from the barrel, and a slow smile creeps up on her face. Gator and I smirk as I put my hand out for Marina to take, and she grabs it helping herself up completely as the rest of the gunfire and fighting dies down. We look around to see the Russians either dead or taken into custody, a couple of the cops are down too, but by the looks of it, we’re mostly unscathed except for Jigsaw. We amble into the middle of the cavern to meet with the heat. Gator looks to me like he’s unsure of what the hell this means. I’m sure he doesn’t want to say anything because he doesn’t want to incriminate us.

  Especially a diamond heist.

  We all meet in the middle.

  Bikers and the heat.

  My heart is pounding as I look around, everyone on edge, me included. Blood runs down my neck and litters my cut as I see my brothers, all of them aren’t faring much better. Marina looks at Jigsaw and gasps, her eyes widen as she takes in the blood oozing from his shoulder, and she lets go of me, running to his aid. He opens his arms and wraps them around her with a wince, their lips locking together in a passionate embrace.

  My head jolts back as they kiss zealously in front of us, shocking us all. I had no idea they were a thing. I mean how do they even hold a conversation with her Russian accent and him talking in damn riddles all the time?

  Gator looks at the heat. “How do you wanna play this, Steel?”

  I don’t have time to answer before Macca, a cop known to us, steps in the middle and looks right at me. His face is covered in concrete dust, blood drips down his arm, and the biggest smile lights his cocky face.

  “Steel, I would say it’s a pleasure. But as always, you’re here causing trouble,” Macca states.

  “I don’t think we are the troublemakers here, Macca,” I huff.

  He looks around the cavern. “Who? Us? The cops? No, we’re not the troublemakers, Steel. You really have your wires crossed.”

  I roll my eyes. “So, you honestly didn’t think I meant the dead bodies on the ground there, Macca? Wow! You really are still as dense as when I first met you.”

  “Easy Steel or our deal won’t hold.”

  Gator and everyone else turns to look at me, their brows tight in clear confusion. “Ahh… what deal, Steel?”

  Macca lets out a booming laugh. “You didn’t tell them? Oh, that’s gold!”

  “Shut up, Macca,” I berate.

  Gator turns to me folding his arms over his chest like he’s about ready to rip me a new arsehole, so I raise my hands to try to placate him. “Just hear me out.”

  I glance to Techie who looks the most disappointed in me I’ve ever seen him. I hate the looks on all my brothers’ faces right now, but I had to do this, and I had to do it alone. “Okay, so once I knew what the plan was, I also knew it wouldn’t work. The minute we were goin’ to step foot into that jewellery store I knew it would backfire.”

  Techie tilts his head like I’ve insulted him, and I grimace as I continue, “I also knew the only way to fix the problem, and I knew not everyone would agree with me. So, I had to do it on my own…” I look at Gator, “… without your approval.”

  Gator curls his lip as he grunts. “That’s not your choice to make, VP.”

  “This is gold!”

  “Shut up, Macca,” I yell, my heart racing in my chest.

  Fuck! I hope my president and my brothers understand why I did it this way.

  “So, tell us,” Techie states.

  I nod. “Once I knew we were goin’ to do the heist, I rang Macca. Told him what we were doin’.”

  They all open their eyes wide looking to Macca who smiles. “That’s right, I know all about the heist, boys.”

  Gator’s chest heaves like he’s about to break into a fist fight with me, but Macca steps in before he can. “Before you take anything out on Steel, just know he cut a good deal.”

  Techie looks to me shaking his head. “What the fuck? What kind of deal?”

  Macca continues, “When Steel told us who the Argyle was for, we set this plan into motion. You give us the Argyle back, all of them, with no damage, and Steel let us know when this swap was to take place. We also arranged with the manager, Kammi, to turn a blind eye to the snatch. She was in on the whole thing.”

  Techie scoffs throwing his hands in the air. “How the fuck did I not see that. I’m losing my edge.”

  I glance over at Techie. “Kammi thinks you’re hot, brother. That’s not fake.”

  Macca laughs and continues, “Steel asked for our help in case shit turned south down here. We’ve been after Novikov for a while, so it was worth the risk.”

  Gator flares his nostrils folding his arms over his chest. “So you used Steel to get your man?”

  Macca draws his brows together. “I think we used each other. Steel used us as a ‘get out of jail free’ card, and to help here with this takedown, and we used you guys to help us track a notorious player who’s eluded us for a long time. It’s a win-win.”

  I smile as I see the recognition click on Techie’s face. “A ‘get out of jail free’ card? You mean?”

  “That’s right, Techie. Because Steel informed us of the heist and told us the jewels would be recoverable, everything is wiped, and no charges will be laid. If Steel didn’t come to me… you two would have been brought in… Steel saved your arse, Techie.”

  I glance to Techie who’s shaking his head. “Kammi has excellent acting skills. Who would have thought?”

  Gator steps forward to Macca and places his hand out. “Immunity… for Steel, Techie, Crash for the heist, and my club for the dead Russians in here?” he co

  Macca runs his finger over his chest in a cross and nods. “The dead Russian’s are on us anyway, this is purely a takedown on our behalf. You and your club will not be mentioned in any report.”

  Gator drops the black velvet bag into Macca’s hand, he opens the bag pulling out one of the rings and nods. “Good choice, Gator… now take your brothers, take your club girl, and get the fuck out. You were never here… got it!”

  I smile looking at Macca and dip my head in a gesture of thanks. I can’t believe this actually worked out the way I planned it.

  Now to get back home to my family.

  Tomorrow’s Christmas Eve, and I have shit to do!

  Gator pulls me aside as we stroll inside the compound toward the clubhouse. “Why didn’t you come to me with this? A little heads up would have been fucking nice!”

  I grimace. “You’re tellin’ me that if I told you I wanted to get Hudson Stone’s old work colleague involved in this that you would’ve rolled with it?”

  He runs his hand through his shoulder-length blond hair then abruptly turns, his closed fist ramming straight forward into my guts.

  I hunch forward letting out an “oomph” sound as pain ripples through my stomach. As I take a deep breath, I put my hands on my knees and then I smirk and stand up. “I deserved that.”

  Gator puts his hand on my back. “How the fuck did you pull this off?”

  “Had a little help from Shay.”

  Shay uses her smarts to work for the police department. I know, who would have thought. She works closely with Macca. He used to be associated with a detective called Hudson Stone. He’s since left the force to be with his family, but shit went down with him and our old club, so I feel like we still owe him. I’m not sure the debt will ever truly be paid, though. But with Shay working so closely with Macca as a Forensic Analyst, it gives us an in to the department, and a foot in the door. As we’ve just seen.


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