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The Omega Professor's Secret Baby

Page 3

by Cora Crawford

  There was something about Mac that drove Wilson crazy no matter how much he tried to deny it. It wasn’t simply because he was an alpha and Wilson was an omega. There was something fundamental that drove Wilson toward Mac--he just wasn’t sure what it was.

  After classes were done for the day, Wilson sat at his desk and read over Mac’s discussion about the topics that had been provided. The answers were educated and well-formatted. There was no way that Mac would’ve been able to fake all that. He knew the class material, and he knew it well. So why didn’t he show that?

  Wilson sighed as he packed up for the day and left his classroom. Originally he was going to go straight home. Maybe order a pizza and watch television. But he didn’t do any of those things. Instead, his feet led him in the direction of the football field. It wasn’t a conscious decision, it was something that happened. But it happened because Wilson was dying to talk to Mac about everything.

  As soon as Wilson made it to the football field, he spotted Mac. The alpha was shirtless and sweaty, a sight that Wilson wasn’t going to be able to get out of his head for a long time. It only fueled the attraction he had been battling against since he had met Mac.

  The man in question spotted Wilson as soon as he arrived as well. They made eye contact, and Mac made his way over to where Wilson was standing.

  Seeing the man walk in his direction set off the butterflies yet again. Seeing him without a shirt on also wasn’t helping with Wilson’s out-of-control emotions.

  “Couldn’t get enough of me?” Mac smirked down at him.

  Wilson immediately rolled his eyes. “That’s not it. I have some questions to ask you.”

  He had sort of lied. Wilson did have questions to ask Mac, but he definitely couldn’t get enough of him, either.

  “Well, why don’t you ask me while I walk you home?” Mac suggested.

  Wilson was torn. He wanted to say no, but at the same time, he wanted to scream yes. It didn’t feel particularly professional, but they did have important things to discuss. Who knew when Wilson was going to get another chance to talk to Mac uninterrupted?

  “Okay,” Wilson relented.

  The two men set off in the direction of the house that Wilson was renting. It wasn’t too far from campus, and as the days turned slightly cooler, Wilson found that he enjoyed the walk.

  “You got a perfect score on that test,” Wilson said. Mac simply nodded his head and didn’t say anything. “I know you couldn’t have found the answers online because you’re the only one who had ever taken that test. Did you pay someone to take it for you?”

  “No, I took it myself,” he said.

  Wilson shook his head. “Then I don’t understand. You could take my final right now and pass. Why did you fail last semester?”

  Mac sighed and didn’t say anything for a while. Wilson wasn’t going to say anything either. He wanted to hear what conclusion Mac came without any prompting.

  Finally, he said, “Because it doesn’t matter what I do.”

  “What do you mean?” Wilson asked.

  “My whole life is laid out in front of me no matter what I do.”

  Wilson didn’t quite understand. “Could you explain a little further?”

  “My father is the Dean of the University. No matter what I do, he’s going to make sure I graduate.”

  Wilson thought about what Mac had said for a while. “But what are you going to do when you graduate with no knowledge?” he asked once he’d mulled it over.

  Mac shrugged. “After university is graduate school. When I tell you that my dad has my life planned out, I’m not exaggerating. He’s already picked out an omega for me to marry.”

  They had arrived at Wilson’s front door by this part of their conversation. The two of them stood there in uncomfortable silence.

  “Well,” Wilson sighed. “What do you want to do with your life?”

  Mac was looking down at the shoe he was slowly dragging against the ground. He lifted his eyes after Wilson’s question, and their gazes locked.

  “I don’t know.”

  What happened next was another unconscious decision. A decision that Wilson’s body knew he wanted to make, but never would. They simultaneously leaned forward until their lips met in the middle. It was a tame kiss, which was something Wilson would’ve never expected from Mac. It was sweet and caring, yet electrifying.

  It wasn’t until their lips parted that the horror started to sink in. What had they just done? Ashamed and unable to look Mac in the face, Wilson ran into his apartment. He slammed the door and locked it before he threw his back against the wood. He slowly slid down until he hit the floor and put his head in his hands in despair.

  What the hell did he just do?

  Chapter 6

  The next day, Mac didn’t see Wilson. It was weird. After their kiss, Mac wanted to do nothing more than to go find the professor and kiss him again--senselessly, this time. The only reason he didn’t was that he knew that the professor regretted it. And that stung. Mac tried to pretend like it didn’t, but the kiss was the most free Mac had ever been in his life. And to know that Wilson wished it had never happened? It felt more like a punch to the gut than a sting.

  Mac was sitting next to Ashley in one of the classes they shared together. She kept giving him curious glances during the lecture. That wasn’t normal behavior for Ashley. She tried a lot harder than Mac did and always concentrated in class. It was obvious that Ashley knew there was something wrong with him. He wasn’t going to be able to explain it to her, so he didn’t even want her to ask. Luckily, she decided that in the middle of class wasn’t the best time to ask Mac what his problem was.

  After class, Mac tried to get out as fast as possible to avoid Ashley. He felt guilty trying to leave her behind. The only problem was there was no way that he was going to tell her about the kiss. Unfortunately, his plan didn’t work. He could feel her hand pulling at his arm.

  He quickly turned around to face her. “What?”

  Ashley seemed taken aback by Mac’s reaction. “What is going on with you, Mac? Not just today, either. You’ve been acting weird ever since the semester started.”

  Mac sighed. “It’s nothing, Ashley. I guess I’m just feeling pressure from Dad.”

  She seemed to accept his answer. Ashley completely understood the weird expectations he had for Mac, even if he didn’t make the alpha do the work.

  “I’m sorry,” Ashley said. “Let’s sit down soon and talk, okay?”

  Mac nodded at his sister with a small smile. “Sure, sounds great. But for now, I have to go.”

  Ashley nodded and Mac was off. He felt horrible about lying to her. Other than petty lies they told each other when they were younger, Mac had never lied to his sister. This felt big to Mac, and he wished that he could sit down and tell her everything. Unfortunately, it was a lot more complicated than that.

  The next day, Friday, was the last day that Mac had Wilson’s class for the week. That morning, when he got to the door of Wilson’s classroom, there was a paper taped to the door. It was a letter from Wilson. He had canceled today’s class.

  As soon as Mac read the words, he could feel his heart drop. He felt guilty all over again for kissing Wilson the other night. The man hadn’t made a move toward Mac, but he had still given in to his selfish desires. The professor had made it painfully obvious that he had no romantic interest in Mac. No interest in kissing him, either, but Mac did it anyway. He was sure his professor had canceled the class because he couldn’t face Mac.

  Mac knew he had to apologize, whether Wilson wanted to see him or not. He had crossed a boundary and messed up.

  Mac looked through the tiny rectangular window to see if Wilson was inside. He wasn’t.

  Where could he be?

  Wilson wasn’t very friendly with any of the other faculty, and Mac couldn’t see the omega hanging out in the teacher’s lounge. He had to be at home. Mac was going to go there to figure it out.

  Mac didn’t waste a
ny time heading to Wilson’s apartment. He jogged to his car and drove to Wilson’s house. As soon as he pulled into the parking lot, he saw that Wilson’s car was there too. The alpha hoped he was inside. He rushed to the elevator and impatiently waited for it to stop at Wilson’s floor.

  Mac knocked on Wilson’s door, hoping that if he was home, he would answer. After a couple of minutes with no answer, Mac knocked again. When there was still no response, he begrudgingly gave up. He had turned around to head to the elevator when the door opened behind him.

  It wasn’t the sound of the door opening that made him stop, it was the scent. It was intense and heavenly. Mac knew exactly what that scent meant. It meant that he should leave, but he couldn’t. Instead, he turned around to face Wilson.

  “Why are you here, Mac?” Wilson asked.

  “I came to see why you canceled the class. I thought it was because of me and I came to apologize for last night. I was completely--”

  Wilson held up a hand to cut Mac off.

  “That’s not why I canceled class,” Wilson said.

  Mac looked away from Wilson as he gestured towards him, “Is it because of...?”

  “Yes,” he said. “Just come in and I’ll explain. I need to drink some water.”

  Mac nodded and walked into the apartment behind Wilson. The scent was even stronger inside. It was nearly driving Mac insane. He had to fight his instincts as they screamed at him to grab Wilson and claim him as his own.

  Instead of pouncing on the omega, Mac stood in the living room and watched as Wilson guzzled a water bottle.

  “How are you in heat? Don’t you take suppressants?” the alpha asked.

  Wilson finished the water bottle and sighed. “I must have skipped a day by accident. Or there was something wrong with the pills.”

  “That’s… too bad,” Mac said, forcing himself to swallow. Standing inside the apartment and not bending Wilson over a counter or table was taking a ridiculous amount of effort. “Is there anything I can do to help?”

  “Yeah, actually,” Wilson said, but then he stopped.

  Mac stood there silently, waiting for Wilson to talk again. But he never did. Instead, Wilson stepped forward and placed his lips on Mac’s.

  The unexpected turn of events was shocking, to say the least. But Mac couldn’t find it in himself to push Wilson away. If Mac was a good person, he would get out of the apartment immediately, but no matter how hard he tried to tear himself away, his lips wouldn’t leave Wilson’s.

  This kiss was more intense than their first one had been. Wilson’s lips were more than willing this time. They melted underneath Mac’s. In turn, he completely devoured them. There wasn’t a way he could get enough.

  Mac hadn’t realized that they had moved, but Mac had Wilson pinned against the counter. Wilson didn’t seem to mind as his hands started to tear at Mac’s clothes. All reason had flown out the window at this point. Wilson had unlocked a beast inside Mac that was previously unexplored.

  He easily lifted Wilson into his arms and carried the man into his bedroom. There was only one way to satisfy the heat Wilson was experiencing. Once they were inside the bedroom, they both got to work tearing off each other’s clothes like animals.

  Finally getting to feel Wilson’s naked skin under his mouth and hands was everything to Mac. If he could pick one thing to do for the rest of his life, this would be it. He loved to see the way the Wilson responded to his touch. It was like every brush of his lips sent Wilson into a world of amazing feelings.

  Then their lips locked together again, sending electric currents down Mac’s arching spine as he climbed on top of Wilson. Mac wasn’t sure who had kissed who first, but his head was spinning and he found himself not caring for once who had initiated it. The thought of the omega initiating was hot, anyway, for some reason. Mac loved that Wilson wasn’t a typical omega.

  Wilson wrapped his arms around the alpha’s neck, his nails biting into Mac’s shoulders. Mac growled and grabbed the omega’s wrists, pinning him to the bed and forcing their lips together again, claiming the omega with both his mouth and his heavier, stronger body.

  Wilson immediately submitted, his perfect mouth opening so the alpha’s tongue could enter and explore its depths. When Mac finally pulled away to look down at the omega appreciatively, he loved what he saw. The omega was slender, but toned, just not as muscular as Mac was. He probably weighed half what Mac did. The size difference between them did something to Mac’s brain, and his erect cock began to leak precome.

  “Please,” Wilson whispered breathily, rolling onto his stomach, exposing his ass for Mac. Mac caught the hint of a blush on the omega’s face before it turned into a pillow, and he realized this had to be humiliating for the professor.

  “Please what?” Mac asked, grinning.

  “Take me. With your tongue first.”

  Mac didn’t need to be begged. He took the omega’s perfect globes in his hands and lay down, spreading his cheeks and baring Wilson’s puckered hole. It had been awhile since he’d eaten an omega out, but it didn’t take long for the skill to return to him. He closed his eyes and breathed in deep, letting the omega’s alluring heat scent fill his lungs before he leaned in and pushed the tip of his tongue into Wilson’s ass.

  Wilson let out a muffled cry of ecstasy as Mac delved deeper into him, his tongue curling and coiling inside the omega and brushing against his spot until his professor’s entrance was slick with need. His need tasted musky and deliciously sweet at the same time on Mac’s tongue, and he had to force himself to withdraw so he could position his fingers at Wilson’s hole.

  “Please…” Wilson pleaded again.

  Wilson arched his back, raising his ass for Mac like a dog would. Mac knew how embarrassing and dehumanizing the position had to be, a thought that only made him harder. He wanted nothing more than to claim Wilson with his cock then and there, but he held off, inserting the tip of his index finger instead. Wilson writhed in response until Mac’s finger was buried to the final knuckle, and when Mac squeezed a second finger into the man’s hole, he let out another muffled moan.

  “You like that, huh?” Mac growled, pushing in a third finger even though there was barely enough room for it. Wilson cried out as Mac spread his fingers apart inside him, stretching his hole wide. He finger-fucked him for a few long minutes, torturing him deliberately, only occasionally brushing against his spot.

  “I--I--” Wilson gasped.

  “Beg for it,” Mac insisted, pulling his fingers out once he was sure Wilson was ready. He positioned his leaking cock at Wilson’s entrance, which was still partially open and winking as the tight ring of muscle began to close up again.

  Mac reached under the omega and caressed his cock. Since Wilson was an omega, it was a little smaller than Mac’s, but it was still substantial, especially as hard as it was. The tips of the alpha’s fingers, slick from the omega’s need, trailed along the erect shaft and teased the crown, which was leaking just as much as his own cock was. He wrapped his hand around the omega’s shaft and tugged gently, his large hand sliding up and down and bumping against Wilson’s taut balls.

  Wilson whimpered earnestly.

  “That doesn’t sound like begging,” said Mac. Hearing the omega’s whimpers, it took everything he had to not ram into the smaller man. But he wanted to hear him beg first. Really beg.

  “Please fuck me!” Wilson cried, covering his mouth when he seemed to realize how loud he’d been. Mac grinned when he considered what the neighbors would think if they heard the next-door professor getting fucked by his student.

  Mac didn’t need to be begged twice. He bucked forward, burying his huge cock in Wilson’s ass. Wilson could only take him halfway before he cried out in mingled pain and pleasure, and Mac paused, stroking his back to comfort him. Mac was hardly the type to comfort someone during sex, but something about Wilson made him want to take care of him. To make sure he enjoyed this as much as he did.

  “Don’t be gentle,” Wilson
moaned, leaning into Mac until Mac was buried to the hilt. “The rougher you are, the faster I’ll come out of this fucking heat…”

  “Rougher, huh?” Mac echoed with a grin.

  Mac leaned back, pulling out until just his crown was left inside Wilson, and gripped Wilson’s narrow hips. Then he rammed his professor with everything he had, hard enough to make Wilson collapse beneath him with another cry. Mac fucked him hard and heavy, pumping his cock into his professor over and over until the omega couldn’t even support himself on his elbows anymore. All he could do was tangle his trembling fists in his sheets.

  Mac knew he was hitting his spot when the omega’s faint cries of pain became moans, and he clenched around the alpha’s shaft as if he was trying to keep it locked inside him. Mac changed his angle so he’d hit the omega’s spot every time he thrusted and continued to fuck him relentlessly. Mac’s eyes rolled back into his head and his teeth clenched as he shuddered, electricity prickling up his spine, when the omega reached back and grabbed weakly at his wrist.

  “Wait,” Wilson panted. “Wait, I--protection--I fucking forgot--”

  But it was too late. Mac was already coming inside his professor, the knot at the base of his cock swelling to lock them together as he filled the omega with streams of hot fluid. Wilson whimpered desperately as he came at the same time, his smaller cock spraying his stomach and the sheets with much sweeter-smelling liquid.

  They collapsed together and rolled onto their sides so Mac could spoon Wilson from behind, his arms wrapped protectively around the slender man. Wilson panted against the alpha, gripping a pillow.

  “We didn’t use protection,” the omega groaned when he caught his breath.

  Mac hesitated. “I guess we didn’t.”

  “You should pull out…”

  “It’s too late,” the alpha said. “And if I pull out now, I’ll hurt you.”

  “I don’t care,” Wilson said, starting to struggle. “I can’t get pregnant right now. Especially not… you’re my student--”


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