Book Read Free

Loving Munroe

Page 6

by Danelle Nelson

  A petite young blonde came from the back carrying two glasses of champagne, “Mr. Munroe, Ms. Fox, champagne?”

  “Thank you, Abby,” Tim grabbed both glasses, handing me one. He turned away from her, looking me in the eyes, “I wouldn’t fire you, Vanessa. I was only trying to say it would be better if you were home. But if you’re not comfortable with it, its fine. You should know by now the only thing I control in your life is the security,” he laughed.

  “Some of the things you say make me wonder if that will change at some point in the future,” I leaned back in the chair, taking a large sip of champagne, “I feel like I sometimes sense ulterior motives.”

  “Never,” he blushed.

  “Please buckle your seatbelts. The captain is ready to takeoff,” Abby appeared at our table, “Is there anything you request prior?”

  “No, we’ve got everything we need, Abby. Should a need arise I’ll call the cockpit.”

  She nodded and left, venturing to the front of the plane, “Does she ride with the captain?”

  “When I need her out of my way, yes.” The plane started down the runway, picking up speed before catching enough air to lift-off. I sat quietly, takeoff’s and landings were always my weakness. They scared the bejesus out of me, every time. If I could bypass the entire experience, I would. “Are you okay?”

  “Scared is all,” I replied, white knuckled, “I’ve never liked taking off, or landing. I don’t know why.”

  “It’s usually the way it grabs your stomach, from my own experience.”

  He was right, it made my stomach do flips. The quick accelerations and rising of altitude was just too much. “I’m just thankful I don’t puke. I’ve got to count my blessings,” I said, while attempting my best smile.

  “I’ve dealt with worse,” he shrugged while attempting to hide a grin.

  “I don’t want to know.”

  “No, you don’t.”

  “How’s Vicki?” I’d forgotten about her. I was a horrible friend.

  “She seemed fine. I told her where I was going and she boldly told me ‘good, go get our girl back’,” he laughed, “That was after she yelled at me for Lacy.”

  “She yelled at you?”

  “Something like that. It’s alright, though, I deserved it. I understand now that my good intentions didn’t come off so good. That’s in the past now, though.”

  The plane leveled out, and the small seatbelt sign that had appeared above the table shut off, “Guess we’re free to roam about the cabin,” I winked.

  “Good, I’ve got plans for you.” Tim stood, grabbing my hand and leading me to the rear of the plane. Behind the small wooden door was a room, with a queen size bed and a writing desk.

  “You’ve a bedroom on an airplane?”

  “I travel too often not to have one,” he whispered, while pulling my shirt over my head. “I’ve missed you, Vanessa,” his lips braised my collar bone, the soft, warm moisture causing me to clench my thighs.

  My hardened nipples scratched against the rough fabric of my bra, “Take it off, please,” I begged, the sensation being too much to bare.

  “As you wish,” he reached around my back and unclipped the strap, dropping it to the floor next to my shirt. Bending over, he kneeled before me and grabbed the hem of my yoga pants in his mouth, pulling them down along with my panties. I was naked, I was ready, and I was soaked.

  “Take me,” I pleaded, unable to wait any longer.

  He stood, quietly, and laid me backwards on the bed before standing. He slowly removed his own clothing, his manhood springing to life from beneath his jeans as he lowered them to the floor. His hard, glistening body was delicious, it was everything I could ever ask for. It was mine.

  “It’s been too long, Vanessa,” he rasped as he pushed between my thighs. The beating of his pulse echoed through his throbbing cock, the head resting ever so gently on my opening. He gently rubbed it back and forth parting the way for his entrance.

  “Please,” I whispered.

  With one fluid motion he was in me, taking me, filling me to the rim. I moaned out in pleasure as his manhood slid in and out, throbbing with each thrust. I gripped his buttocks with my fingernails, dragging them gently across the surface of skin. I needed release, I wanted release.

  The sudden need for climax made me gyrate into his body, our hips rocking off of one another, our skin grinding together. The heat of our bodies transferred, allowing my bits to heat and throb, allowing my womanhood to push closer and closer to the edge.

  “You feel so good,” Tim grunted into my ear. I grabbed his earlobe between my teeth, slowly nibbling. It caused him to moan out, and it caused me to jump off the cliff I’d been teetering on.

  “Yes!” I screamed as my climax washed over me, wave after wave of undeniable pleasure.

  With one last thrust he met my climax, throwing himself into the abyss right along with me.

  Chapter eleven

  We arrived in New York City at twelve thirty that afternoon and we were immediately greeted by Terry. The sleek SUV sat on the curb and we climbed in to be whisked off towards Tim’s apartment. I had taken the time after our love making to text Nate, letting him know I was coming back. I’d realized I’d still need to decide what to do with the apartment, though.

  “Hey,” I turned towards Tim, who was staring blankly at his phone, “Everything okay?”

  “Yeah,” he shook his head before shutting the screen and looking into my eyes, “What’s up?”

  “Nate wants to put the apartment on the market. He’s marrying Anastasia and I guess they already bought a house. When I left for Minnesota I told him to get rid of it, that I’d be gone by the first. But now that I’m back, I think I want to keep it.”

  “So, keep it, Vanessa. You can more than afford the place by yourself.”

  “That’s the thing, I really can’t. We’re paying eighteen hundred a piece right now. When he leaves that means I’m stuck with a thirty-two-hundred dollar rent bill, plus utilities. With my student loans it’s undoable. I’m going to need to find a smaller apartment, or one in a cheaper part of town.”

  “Will you let me help with the extra?”

  “Like you pay his part of the rent? No, no chance in hell, bud.”

  “Didn’t think so. I don’t want you in a cheaper part of town, Vanessa. That means high crime rates, bad owners, and over-crowded buildings. Do you want to be in a building with three-hundred other families?”

  “Well, no. But.”

  “But nothing, Vanessa. Let me help you. If you won’t let me help you at least let me see who I can get you in contact with.”

  “Ok—I can live with that. You hook me up with a realtor and I’ll find the right apartment.”

  Living in New York was no joke. Either you paid an arm and a leg to live in a small shack on the nice side of town, or you paid a manageable amount for a large apartment on the horrible side of town. That apartment usually came with unwanted tenants, too. Rats the size of small rabbits, cockroaches, bedbugs. You name it, it lived in the walls and visited periodically.

  “I’ll give your number to a few realtors and you can choose which one suits your needs the best.”

  “Thank you, Tim. Thank you for everything.” I leaned into his chest, resting my head upon his heart. The strong, rhythmic beating put my racing mind at ease. Everything would be okay—everything had to be okay.

  We arrived at the large skyscraper that held Tim’s bachelor pad a mere thirty minutes after landing. Driving into the large garage that housed his vehicles, we made our way for the elevator. Walking past a red Lamborghini Tim paused, “What?” I questioned.

  He crouched down to look underneath the car, “Terry,” he said quietly, in almost a whisper, “Put Ms. Fox back in the SUV and drive away, now.”

  “What, Tim? No!” I exclaimed, as Terry grabbed my arm, attempting to lead me back to the SUV. “I’m not leaving, what the hell is going on?” Terry didn’t answer, he simply picked me up o
ver his shoulder and placed me into the vehicle himself. All the while I kicked and fought.

  “I’m sorry, Misses,” he said as he shut the door. He quickly entered the driver’s seat and we exited the garage.

  “What’s going on, Terry?” I asked, rather frantically

  “I don’t know, Ms. Fox.”

  “Please, Terry, call me Vanessa. He was looking at something under the car, what if he gets hurt?”

  “Boss can hold his own, trust in that, Vanessa.”

  Terry pulled the SUV over in front of a café, the small neon open sign blinking wildly. I sat quietly in the back seat, twiddling my thumbs and waiting. Lacy had bailed Matt out, and with that he undoubtedly knew the location of Tim’s penthouse. I just wanted this all to be over. Tim and I had been together for six months now, and the entire time we’d spent it worried about Matt. Obsessing about him getting out.

  “I’m going to get a coffee, Terry, would you like anything?”

  “No, please be quick,” he answered. The tension in his voice could cut the air.

  “Will do,” I opened the door and headed into the corner shop.

  A small portly woman stood behind the counter, her large eyes staring at me blankly, “What can I get for you, dearie?”

  “A small vanilla latte, please,” I smiled.

  “That’s four-fifty,” she held out her hand. I handed her five dollars and waiting for the change before sitting down at one of the empty tables. The café was unusually empty for the middle of the day. It reminded me of home. “One vanilla latte,” she called out, setting the cup onto the counter.

  “Thank you,” I smiled, grabbing the cup and walking back to the car. As soon as I shut the door the vehicle started moving, “Jesus,” I exclaimed, as hot coffee fell onto my lap. “What in the hell, Terry.”

  “I’m sorry, Vanessa, but we need to get back to the penthouse.” The tension he earlier held had vanished, anxiety taking its place. His left hand rapped on the steering wheel, his right held the wheel tightly, white knuckled.

  “What is it, Terry?”

  “I’m not sure. Something’s not right though, Vanessa.”

  We drove back to the penthouse in silence, but as we approached we realized something was wrong. Very wrong. There were at least a dozen police cars surrounding the entrance to the garage, and inside we found the bomb squad.

  Tim was standing outside on the curb talking to an officer when we approached, “What’s going on?”

  “There’s a bomb under the car— bomb squad is removing it now, Misses,” the officer replied.

  “A bomb?” I exclaimed, “Who would put a bomb under the car?” The question left my mouth as my mind answered; Matt.

  “We don’t know, Misses, we’re trying to figure that out now. Mr. Munroe, can you get us access to those cameras?”

  “Of course, as soon as the garage is clear I’ll take you upstairs,” Tim replied before turning towards me, “I’ve rented us a hotel room at the Ritz. Just until we can figure out how they got past security. There’s no telling if they made it into the apartment or not.”

  “Alright,” I agreed. It took the bomb squad an hour to disassemble and remove of the bomb planted in the garage, allowing us to finally look over the security cameras. Tim had a hidden room in the apartment, filled with monitors. Every inch of his house was covered, with no apparent blind spots. We painstakingly went over the footage from the night prior, finally landing on the right time. “Right there!” I shouted.

  “Ah, yes,” the officer nodded while jotting notes onto his small black pad, “Two suspects, appears to be one male and one female from build. Both wearing protective gear and unrecognizable. Approached from the West at twenty-three hundred hours, entering the garage through the small side door,” he spoke into a small recorder. Pausing he turned towards Tim, “How does one access that door?”

  “There’s a keypad,” Tim replied, already two steps ahead. He pulled a program up on the main computer, accessing the codes used from the night prior. Only one was logged— that of our suspects. “They used my code,” Tim whispered.

  “And you were out of town, Mr. Munroe?”

  “Of course, I was out of town,” Tim sneered. He reached into the small drawer and pulled out a flight plan, handing it to the officer. “I had already landed in Minnesota at that time.”

  “Who else knows of your access code?” The officer questioned.

  “Nobody. Nobody that I know of, at least,” Tim sighed.

  “Someone means to hurt you, Mr. Munroe, best to be on the look out,” he handed Tim a small business card, “Please forward that video to my email. If we figure anything else out we’ll contact you.”

  “What are you going to do in the mean time?” I questioned.

  “I plan on finding more surveillance, Ms. Fox. This is New York after all, everyone has cameras.”

  I nodded before turning towards Tim, “Can I pack a quick bag?”

  “Of course, meet me in the foyer as soon as you’re done, I need to speak with Terry.”

  I hurried towards his room, quickly packing clothes for both of us. I kept a few outfits here lately, as we mostly stayed here. I was thankful for that now- we wouldn’t have to go back to my apartment. Maybe it would be best if I let go of it, if Tim was serious about being together moving in would be the next step. If I was serious— this would happen sooner or later, and I was only being stubborn in denying the inevitable.

  I found Tim sitting with Terry on the large leather couch, crouched forward and whispering. The sound of my footsteps caused them both to look up, Tim standing and grabbing me. He pulled me into his chest, planting a warm, soft kiss on my forehead, “I’ll never let anything happen to you, Vanessa.”

  “I know,” I whispered. “I love you, Tim.”

  “I love you, too.”

  Chapter twelve

  We arrived at the hotel a mere thirty minutes later, Tim having reserved the penthouse. The entire top floor was ours, and it was almost as luxurious as Tim’s house. Only here we had room service.

  “Hey, Tim, can I talk to you?”

  He turned towards me, a surprised look on his face, “Of course.”

  “I was only thinking, maybe instead of getting my own place I can move in with you?”

  He stared at me blankly, “Are you serious?”

  “Well, yeah. I was just thinking that by keeping my own apartment I’m delaying our relationship from moving forward, that is if you want me.” My fingers fidgeted.

  “Hell yes!” He grabbed me and pulled me inwards, taking my mouth within his own, “You complete me, Vanessa.”

  “As much as I enjoy denying it, you make me whole, Tim. I’ve never felt better than when I’m around you. You make me a better me.”

  He peered into my eyes, seeming to search my soul, “I really liked your father. I think he liked me, too.”

  “You’d have known had he not,” I laughed. “Daddy isn’t one to hide his emotions.”

  “I don’t know him well, but he seemed happy.”

  “He did. He is,” I corrected myself. I hadn’t seen him so content before. It was reassuring, I didn’t feel as bad leaving him there all alone. He wasn’t alone, not anymore.

  “Will you come to my mothers house tomorrow night, for dinner?”

  I had only met his family the one time, shortly after the Matt ordeal. His mother and father had asked us over numerous times prior, but Tim never wanted to go. “Sure, what’s the occasion?”

  “Does there have to be an occasion?”

  “Well every other time they ask for our company you decline.”

  “I just don’t want them in our business, is all. Plus, the last time I had you over they kept droning on and on about love, and we’d only just started fucking.”

  “I do love you now, though,” I pointed out, smiling.

  “My mother will be joyous,” he rolled his eyes.

  “Was that seriously an eyeroll? I don’t think I’ve ever witn
essed the Timothy Munroe rolling his eyes at someone. Why, Hell hath frozen over!”

  “You’re too much, Vanessa,” he laughed, shaking his head.

  I smiled, “I’m going to take a shower.”

  “I’ve got some business calls I need to make. I’ll order dinner for when you’re out.”

  “Sounds good,” I walked to the over-sized bathroom that was attached to the master suite. I’d never get over the luxurious feel of hotels when traveling or staying with Tim. Everything was so exaggerated.

  I would be back at work tomorrow, back into my routine. As overwhelmed as I’d been lately, it was actually nice to be back into the groove. It was nice to be back in Tim’s company, as well. I loved him more than I cared to admit. The man would conquer the world for me, it seemed. I felt unworthy of that love, always pushing him away, always wanting to run.

  I didn’t even know why I did it. Why I ran. I could speculate, I could guess. But I never truly understood why. I think it would take a lot more than self-understanding to get to the bottom of it all. Perhaps I should start going to a therapist. I’d put that on my list of things to do in the morning. Along with attempting to track down Matt. I needed to stay as far away from him as possible, and I assumed the best way to do that was to figure out where he was. I still couldn’t believe Lacy bailed him out of jail. Perhaps he was sitting at home with her, working his evil magic at winning over her heart. I heard the bathroom door open, Tim was coming to join me.

  “Couldn’t stay away?”

  “You know I can’t,” he slipped in behind me, his arms wrapping around my waist. “What are you up to, beautiful?”


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