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Rewind Boxed Set

Page 81

by Rowan Shaw

  After a crazy night in the sack with her, I came out of the shower the next morning, my hair still wet. I was wearing nothing but her purple robe, which smelled like her delicious skin mixed with her perfume. This was my last day here with her, and I didn't want to leave. I could have stayed longer, but I did have work to do.

  When I stepped in, Charlotte's laptop was open on the kitchen table. She closed it in a heartbeat and stared at me.

  "What are you doing?" I asked.


  I didn't want to push. It wasn't my place to intrude upon her privacy. I shrugged, about to go sit on the bed, but she stopped me with a few words. "Okay, I was watching your videos."

  "Oh really? Which ones?" I was intrigued. I'd never caught anyone watching one of my videos when I was in the same room before. It felt strange somehow. I sat in the chair next to her.

  "The one where you talk about the things you prefer in bed."

  Videos about sex were regulated, and I'd almost gotten in trouble for that segment. I gave a little smile. "Did you learn anything interesting?"

  "That there's almost nothing you won't do."

  "True, but I guess you knew that already."

  "Have you really done all those things you talked about in the video?"

  "I don't lie to my audience. That wouldn't be fair," I replied and raked my hand through my hair when it fell in my eyes.

  "So you really had sex in the bathroom of a train?"

  That wasn't my most glorious moment. "I would not recommend it."

  "I could see why. Gross. Is that the same time you had the accident?"

  "What accident? I've had quite a few." I hoped Adrien hadn't told her about the one day I shat myself during anal forever ago. I didn't need her to know about that. I did have my dignity, for goodness' sake.

  "The one where you broke your ex's dick."

  Ah, that one. My shoulders relaxed, though I wasn't proud of that time either. "No, that time, we were at home. I didn't break it the way you may be thinking of. There's no bone there. It was just a fracture."

  "How did that happen?" She watched me, her dark eyes wide open.

  "Let's just say I was a bit too enthusiastic. The chair we were on broke, and we fell along with it."


  "He had to go through surgery, but it healed really well." Hugo was pissed, though.

  "What's the worst experience you've ever had? The most terrible fuck." She wouldn't stop staring. It would have unsettled me if I wasn't used to people always gaping at me like a freak.

  "I've had a few. There was this guy who insisted on doing cowboy style one time. It was the worst lay of my life. He had no coordination, and he was riding me so hard, it hurt. What about you?"

  She sighed. "The last guy I slept with before I was with you. He insisted we do anal, but he didn't know he couldn't just penetrate my ass like that. It was awful. I kept telling him to slow down, but he just wanted to get in and pound me hard."

  "Ouch. I had some of those before too."

  We remained quiet for a while. Charlotte looked at me like she wanted to say something, but she took her sweet time to let it out. "I think I'm ready."

  "For what?"

  "For, you know, trying it with you and Nour."

  I narrowed my eyes. "Are you sure? You weren't ready just a little while ago."

  "I know, but your videos made me want to broaden my horizons and try."

  "You do know I need to tell her, right?" I asked. "That it's your first time. I told you; I can't involve her without telling her."

  Charlotte sighed and gave a nod. "I guess it's just as well."

  "When d'you want it to happen?"

  "I don't know. Before I chicken out."

  "If you think you'll chicken out, maybe you're not ready." I didn't know how I felt about this.

  "No, I really want to." The pleading in her eyes took me by surprise. She seemed almost desperate.

  "Remember you can stop us at any time."

  She gave a nod and pushed her chair back to come straddle my lap.

  "I can text Nour later," I moaned when she leaned in and nibbled on my ear.

  "Can we just hang out without telling her why? Just at first. In case I change my mind." Charlotte ran her fingers through the hair at the nape of my neck.

  It was still a mystery how she could be so wild in bed and yet flush at the mere mention of Nour's name, but I agreed to her condition because it wasn't my place to judge.

  Chapter 23


  "Delicious," Nour moaned the next day as she bit into her pastry after dipping it into her hot cocoa. It was rare that she indulged in so many calories, but she was celebrating the Center's decision to permanently close its door to Quentin the Prick after he'd shown up with a shirt reading, "Real gay men have big dicks."

  We were back from shopping in the Galeries Lafayette. Charlotte had tried hard not to ogle Nour all afternoon, but she was so indiscreet about it that even Nour noticed she was acting weird.

  "Noah, can I ask you something? It's about the Center."


  "In private, please." She tilted her head toward the bathroom and grabbed my elbow as soon as I stood, then led me to the small hallway connecting the café to the lavatory.

  "Hey, that hurts," I protested and yanked my wrist away to massage it when we got there.

  "What's wrong with Charlotte?" she asked bluntly.

  The wheels turned fast inside my head for some excuse, but I was forced to reveal the truth lest Nour take the situation personally.

  "Wait, she has a crush on me?" she exclaimed a bit too loud when I was done talking.

  "Shhhh." I waved my hand fast for her to quiet down.

  "I was starting to think she hated me or something."

  "Nope. Quite the opposite."

  I had to explain everything. I knew Charlotte was going to rip my head off, but I didn't have a choice.

  "I never would have guessed," she said.

  "I know. She's very shy about it."

  "Really? Didn't you two have a foursome?"

  "We did, but she's never been with a woman."

  Nour raised an eyebrow and sent a quick glance toward the café. "What does that have to do with me?"

  "We may or may not have discussed the idea of a three-way...with you."

  Her plucked eyebrow shot higher. "Really?"

  She cast another glimpse toward our table. Her eyes shone at me before she winked. "Look, I really need to use the bathroom, but I'll be right back."

  She spun on her high heels before I could respond and headed down the hallway.

  "Is that a yes or no?" I shouted at her.

  She wriggled her fingers at me over her shoulder but didn't reply. My shoulders sagged as I returned to my seat. Charlotte was going to kill me. Thankfully, she was busy nibbling on her éclair in silence. She looked at me without a word, and I didn't volunteer any info about my conversation with Nour. I gave a tight-lipped smile and sipped on my drink, gazing to the side to avoid an inquiry.

  When Charlotte's blush blossomed upon Nour's return, Nour noticed it right away and leaned toward her to whisper something in her ear. Charlotte's flush turned a deep scarlet and spread all over her face.

  She gave me a sharp look, her eyes narrowed. "I thought I'd told you to keep it to yourself for now."

  I was in trouble. I knew that. But I wasn't going to help dig myself a hole, so I shrugged and feigned ignorance. "No idea what you're talking about."


  I didn't know what Nour had told her. I could only guess, and I wasn't about to make things worse by revealing the extent of what I'd disclosed.

  "Obviously I can't trust you," Charlotte snapped. She sounded annoyed but strangely relieved.

  "Again, how about you tell me what you mean?" I asked, knowing I was walking a very thin line.

  Nour sat back in her chair, watching the whole scene, proud of herself for putting me in a bad position. I
squinted my eyes at her, and she responded with a huge smile. Traitor.

  "How about you tell me what you told her?" Charlotte said.

  I turned to Nour for help again, but she gave me a tiny smirk.

  "I told her you were the one who wanted to hang out," I said tentatively.

  "You told her I have a crush on her."

  "Well, it's true."

  "That was supposed to remain between you and me," she nearly shouted. "At least until I was ready."

  I replied with a long sigh and raised my hand. "I told Nour because she was starting to think you didn't like her."


  "Yes, oh."

  Charlotte forced herself to look at Nour. "I don't hate you...obviously."

  "You never crushed on a woman before?" Nour asked without batting a lash. Talk about direct.

  Charlotte shrugged. "There's this woman at my university I like, but..."

  "Let me guess...she's straight."

  "I was going to say she's not you, actually," Charlotte blurted out, then clamped her mouth shut like she'd said too much.

  Nour sat there, blinking.

  "I don't know if Noah told you, but I've never been with a woman," Charlotte added.

  "He did. But there's a first time for everything," Nour replied with a comforting smile.

  I cast a meaningful glance at Charlotte, silently asking for her consent before I said more. She responded with a tiny nod as if reading my mind.

  Even though I'd already mentioned the idea of a threesome when we were by the bathroom, I wanted confirmation. "Charlotte and I were wondering if you would mind joining the two of us."

  Nour raised an eyebrow. "You know I'm always up for some fun when you're involved."

  Charlotte looked to the side and swallowed hard on her sip of coffee.

  Nour caressed her arm. "We don't have to if you're not ready."

  Charlotte looked at me, unable to face Nour. "I want to try."

  "If you're not comfortable, we can call it off at any time," Nour said. "I don't force people if they say 'no,' no matter how far along we are in the act."

  Charlotte nodded. "Does it have to be tonight?"

  Nour laughed. "Well, no one warned me about this. I'm wearing some comfy grandma panties, and I didn't shave my legs. So I don't know about tonight, ma belle."

  Charlotte's shoulders sagged.

  "Did you want it to be tonight?" Nour asked as if sensing the regret pouring out of Charlotte.

  "Adrien and Raphaël aren't home yet," I said. "We might as well enjoy."

  Charlotte gulped again. Nour gave her a wink and kissed her cheek. "I'm gonna head out of here. You two text me when you want me to head over."

  I signed at her that I would be texting.

  As soon as Nour was gone, Charlotte's eyes widened in fear. "What did I just do?"

  "Are you sure you're ready?" I asked. "You don't sound like you are."

  "I am. I want her. I want her so much."

  "Okay. Remember to say 'stop,' and we will. No one will judge you."

  She grabbed my hand. "I'm so thankful I met you."


  "I didn't tell you, but the last guy I was with was into bi girls and lesbians. I caught him watching lesbian porn a lot. But it was just him fetishizing them. I already had some inclinations toward the woman in my class, but I never told him. He would have jumped all over the opportunity to get a threesome. It made me feel so awful just to think about it."

  "How is that different from me?"

  "You don't fetishize queer women. We'll have a threesome, yes, but only because you want me to be myself. If I told you I wanted to be alone with Nour, I know you'd support me. And we've done things with Adrien and Raphaël. It's different from a guy using my orientation for his sole pleasure."

  I understood perfectly. This threesome was about her, not about me. It was the same when we slept with Adrien and Raphaël. It wasn't about her exploiting us. We were just friends having fun.

  I squeezed her fingers. "Whatever you need to explore your sexuality, I will give it to you, Charlotte. As long as you don't go behind my back, I'm open to anything you may ask."

  She leaned into me for a kiss on the cheek. "Let's get out of here. Nour isn't the only one who needs to shave her legs."

  I laughed. "You girls do realize I don't care about hair, right?"

  She snorted. "And here you are making it all about yourself. Maybe I want to shave my legs for myself or for the woman I'll be sleeping with tonight."

  I laughed. "Fair enough." I jerked my head toward the door. "Let's go. I want to join and shave you myself."

  She gave the naughtiest smile. "There will be no sex in the shower. You have to wait until tonight."

  "I can be a gentleman and wait."

  "Right. We'll see."

  Chapter 24


  Since Charlotte had never been with a woman before, Nour and I agreed to ease her into the act. We spent the evening chatting and laughing to relax her before heading to the bedroom, where Nour let me draw Charlotte to the bed and pay attention to her first. Lying over her without crushing her, I kissed Charlotte gently and took off her sweater and shirt, then drew a line from her lips down to her neck. While Nour watched from the corner of the room, I caught the straps of Charlotte's bra and lowered them to expose her beautiful breasts.

  "Would you let Nour suck on your tits?" I whispered in her ear as I thumbed her nipples until they hardened.

  She gave a nod, inviting Nour to join in when I sat up and removed my top.

  "You're so beautiful," Nour told Charlotte with a smile and kneeled on the comforter by our side, then bent down for a kiss.

  Charlotte's inhibitions slowly dissipated as she gave herself to Nour, opening her mouth under the soft pressure of Nour's tongue. Watching them kiss shot a tremor all the way down my spine, until Nour pulled back and stood by the bed to unzip her dress that fell to her feet. Charlotte's dilating eyes were trained on her, running up and down her exquisite curves. I unbuttoned Charlotte's jeans and slid them down her legs, then stripped down to my thong and drew Nour into a kiss.

  Her soft lips crashed against mine, our tongues dancing in an arousing waltz. A quick side glance at Charlotte told me her eyes were wide open as she kept stroking herself, her fingers caught underneath her black lace panties.

  Nour and I approached the bed and lay on either side of her, fully naked except for our underwear. Nour looked at her hesitantly, but Charlotte made the first move and ran her fingertips up Nour's arm, reaching for her strap to pull it down. The two of them unclipped each other's bras and engaged in a kiss that turned as greedy as it was erotic to watch. Reaching for Charlotte's crotch, I slid my hand in her panties and cupped her before pushing a finger inside. She was dripping wet already, moaning and squirming under my strokes. I peppered kisses up her shoulder line and Nour met me at her throat before kissing me. The two of us teased Charlotte's skin until she could barely take any more.

  "You're good?" I whispered in her ear.

  She nodded, her skin flushed with rising desire. Nour resumed teasing her nipple, her other hand meeting mine under Charlotte's underwear.

  "Do you want to touch Nour?" I asked Charlotte.

  She nodded and lowered her fingers to Nour's crotch to stroke her. When Charlotte seemed comfortable, I pulled back and watched them make out and caress each other until Charlotte's back arched in pleasure, her breath hitching intermittently.

  "Do you mind if I take her first?" I asked Nour, who was still busy feasting on Charlotte's tit.

  "I want to ease her into oral," she agreed. "It's better if I do it while you're inside her."

  Charlotte's eyes shot wide with need coupled with apprehension, but she didn't say anything. I patted the nightstand table for a condom and a bottle of lube. I knew from experience anal was her favorite position; those orgasms were her strongest and longest by far. I lay on the bed by her side, my dick at full mast, and asked her to
move and ride me reverse cowgirl style.

  I tried to be patient as she found her position and slid down slowly, the friction squeezing me like a vise as. The sensations hit my glans. My pleasure was almost unbearable, forcing me to close my eyes as a sharp exhale seeped out of my throat. She impaled herself on me until I was fully in. She was so tight, I had to still for a second as she leaned backward to lie on top of my chest. I drew her into a sideways kiss and began to move.

  Nour watched for a while then knelt between our legs. Charlotte's body gave a somersault upon feeling Nour's tongue. She grabbed my hand and squeezed hard as she moved her hips to take me further in.

  "You're good?" I whispered in her ear.

  "Yes. Please don't stop."

  "Are you scared?" I asked.

  "No. It feels so damn good."

  "Keep relaxing. We'll make you come hard," Nour whispered between her thighs.

  Charlotte nodded. Her body finally unwound over mine as I thrust deeper, breathing heavily against her skin and savoring each of her moans. She was squeezing me in all her pleasure. The tightness of her hole was almost too much.

  "You're gonna make me squirt," Charlotte panted as she increased her rhythm, inviting me to thrust faster.

  I could barely hold back my need to come.

  Nour pushed two fingers inside, which made Charlotte's body react like an electroshock. She squeezed me so tight, I felt the waves surging. To my relief, she got there first.

  As gushes sprayed out of her, Nour finger-fucked her faster, and Charlotte shouted even louder. She shook in my arms and squirted all over the sheets before she hit the top and fell down in a spiral, her whole body nearly convulsing.

  The moans escaping her sweet mouth pushed me over the edge. My climax took me so hard, I was blinded by the force of it as I released, my breath ragged, my heart slamming. When we both stilled and Charlotte expressed her satisfaction with a greedy kiss, Nour stood to her feet. From the corner of my eye, I saw her lick her lips, her ardent gaze running over us while we kissed.

  "Thank you," Charlotte exhaled as she pulled off of me, snatched the condom off, and threw it away before she returned to cuddling in my arms.


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