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Knocked Up and Punished

Page 16

by Penelope Bloom

  “Fuck!” I roar.

  “Oh God,” she gasps.

  My cock pulses as my hot cum fills her tight hole. I lean over her, arms planted on the washer and cock still throbbing inside her. I reach up to untie her hands, but still hope she doesn’t plan to go anywhere.

  “Thanks,” she says, moving away from me a few moments later and tugging her dress down. Her cheeks are flushed red and she can’t seem to meet my eye. “That was amazing,” she says before stepping toward the door.

  I step forward, gripping her arm. “Where do you think you’re going?”

  I see all the wild abandon that was in her features a second ago is gone now, replaced by the self-conscious woman I led into my office.

  “I figured this was just something guys like you do. Have your fun and then move on. Right?”

  “You thought I was going to let you go?”

  She works her lips to the side in an adorably shy way and smiles, eyes downcast. “I thought maybe all those things you said were just… just words.”

  I tilt her face up to mine with the edge of my finger. “Never. I’ll never lie to you.”

  She watches me for a time before leaning into my chest. “I can’t believe I did this. I didn’t even make you use a condom.” She looks mildly horrified at that realization.

  “Would you have stopped long enough for me to go get one?” I ask with a cocky grin.

  She glares at me, then bites her lip. “I don’t know. But I really need to get back to help my mom. She’ll be wondering what took me so long.”

  “Of course,” I say. I lead her back to the elevator. There are two men in their twenties who look like trust-fund kids already in the elevator. Their clothes are in disarray and I’m immediately struck by the smell of alcohol when we enter the small space.

  “What floor are you?” I ask Lysa.


  I tap the button. Once the doors close, the men start to laugh quietly. They’re whispering something while looking toward us. I half-turn my head and catch one of them mouthing the word “slut” while they look at Lysa.

  Every muscle in my body tenses. I think about my sweet, innocent little pet and how she would feel if she knew these men were laughing at her and I see red. Fucking blood red.



  The men behind us are snickering. My mind, which is already transitioning out of “oh my God that was so hot” to “what the hell were you thinking?” is racing with possibilities. What could they be laughing about? I try to casually run my hand down my thighs and the back of my dress without drawing notice. I would be mortified if I had his cum somewhere visible on my dress or my legs and didn’t realize.

  Leo takes one long stride until he’s standing directly in front of the men and dwarfing them with his tall, broad frame. “Something funny?” he asks in a voice like cold steel.

  An icy fist clutches my stomach. The mood in the cramped elevator is electric with the potential of violence, and I just want to be out. I want to be somewhere I can breathe.

  “Yeah,” says one of the guys. “Your hooker looks like she just went nine rounds with half the hotel.”

  My throat tightens. I bring my hands up to straighten my hair, which I now feel is a tangled mess. So much hot blood rushes to my cheeks that I think I might spontaneously combust. It’s like being in one of those nightmares where you realize you’re naked in the middle of class, except I can’t just wake up to escape this.

  Everything happens so fast my brain can barely process it. Leo is gripping the guy who just spoke by the shirt, pinning him to the wall with so much force that the man’s feet are several inches off the ground. The other guy starts yanking at Leo’s arms to free his friend, but Leo cracks him across the jaw with a punch and then aims one at the guy he has pinned.

  “Stop!” I cry out.

  Leo turns to look at me with wild fury in his eyes. I don’t even recognize him. His grip tightens on the man he holds while the other one groans on the ground, nursing a swelling lip.

  “Let him go, it’s not worth it,” I say.

  Leo turns back to the man and pulls his fist back again. At the same time, the door dings for my floor.

  I take one more look at Leo and know I need to leave. I don’t know this man. He’s dangerous. Violent, even. I let the wrong parts of my body do the thinking and I made a mistake, but it’s not too late to fix it and get away. I press the close doors button before running out of the elevator. He’s so consumed by his rage he doesn’t even notice I’ve left in time to stop me.

  I run to my mom’s room, feeling strange without my panties and even stranger when I realize they are probably still lying torn on the floor of the elevator.

  I open the door as quietly as I can and step inside, breathing heavily.

  I was hoping my mom would be asleep, but she’s watching me with a half-cocked eyebrow. I notice with relief that her medicine has already been delivered and it looks like she took it as well.

  “What’d you do, get laid?” she asks. Her eyes narrowed as she grins. “That’s exactly what you did, isn’t it?”

  “Mom,” I say, holding up my hands. “This is not a conversation I’m going to have with you. I love you, but just no.”

  She grins knowingly. “Doesn’t really matter what you say, sweetie, the state of your hair says enough. You look like you just got mauled by a bear.”

  Heat burns my cheeks, but I try not to let it show. I remind myself that it’s better to have my mom around to embarrass the crap out of me than the alternative. “Yeah, well, it wasn’t a bear I ever want to run into again.”

  “No?” she asks. She smiles in a way that tells me she’s about to gross me out again, so I brace myself as much as I can. “If a man left me looking like that, I’d be trying everything I could to run into him again.”

  “Mom!” I say, unable to stop from grinning at least a little. My heart's still pounding from everything that just happened and I can still feel the dull ache in my pussy from how fully he filled me. Having this conversation with my mom makes the situation even more surreal. “What would daddy think if he heard you talking like that?”

  “Maybe your daddy was that man.” The way she wiggles her eyebrows at me makes me want to hurl and say “aww” at the same time.

  I sink down, letting my head rest against the wall. “Mom,” I say after a little time has passed. “Am I living a boring life?”

  I expect a quick, sarcastic remark, but instead she watches me for a while, considering. “I don’t want this to come out wrong, sweetie,” she says finally in an uncharacteristically careful tone. “But let me tell you something, and I want you to remember this. It’s so easy to fall into a routine, Lysa. So goddamn easy. One morning you wake up a fresh young twenty something and you feel like you’ve got all the time in the world, like you’ll start getting to all those things you’ve wanted to do forever as soon as… And that’s how it happens. Your life slips away one “as soon as” at a time. As soon as I graduate. As soon as I have a real job. As soon as I have more money.

  “You wanna know the secret, sweetie? Opportunity has an expiration date. It won’t always be there waiting for that perfect time. Sometimes you’ve got to grab it at the worst time you can imagine. Sometimes it’ll seem like you can’t possibly do it but that’s exactly when it’s the most important thing in the world to do.”

  Her words wash over me in a way her wisdom often does. I feel them slip into my mind somewhere, but it’s like a filter stops them from reaching all the way through. I tell myself that I’ll take the time to digest them somewhere down the road when things are less crazy, and even though I realize I’m already turning her advice into an “as soon as”, I can't seem to stop myself.

  “That makes a lot of sense,” I say distantly. “Thank you, mom.”

  She grunts, letting her usual cranky demeanor take over once again. “Don’t thank me, because you’re just going to go on doing what you were going to do a
nyway. You’ll see how it is when you’re older. Nothing to do but watch the young ones make the same mistakes you did because they never listen.”

  “I’ll try mom, I really will,” I say, even though I know I’ve already sidelined her advice as something to digest later, it’s not a complete lie. “But I need to get going. I have a class tonight and I’m going to be late if I don’t leave soon.”

  “Not without giving me my goddamn hug and kiss, you’re not.”

  I lean in to squeeze her and give her a peck on the cheek. My mom may be a hardass, but she never lets me go for more than a few hours without a hug and kiss.

  It’s only when I’m on the bus back to campus that I fully start to comprehend everything that happened. I replay the way Leo walked up to me in the lobby with so much confidence it was practically dripping from him. The arrogant way he just knew I’d go along with whatever he was planning, and the almost frightening way he was able to command my mind and body with nothing but a few touches and whispered words.

  Being with him might have been a thrill like nothing I’ve ever experienced, but I’m sure jumping out of an airplane without a parachute would also be a thrill, all the way up until you hit the ground. There’s no room in my life for a man like Leo. I can’t afford that kind of entanglement. I’ve got too much on my plate already between my mom, work, and school. There’s just no way.

  My stomach turns a little when I remember how I let him fuck me and cum inside me without a condom. Reality felt like a distant memory when I was with him, and the thought of safe-sex never even crossed my mind. It’s amazing what a flood of hormones and horniess can do to a normally functional brain. Now I’ll have to schedule an appointment with my doctor to get tested.

  With every passing moment, I’m more and more certain that what I did was a mistake, especially when I think back to the way he jumped all over those guys in the elevator. I caught a glimpse of something dark inside Leo, and I’ve got enough problems without inviting a man with demons like that into my life. Even if the sex was out of this world.

  My traitorous body shivers with a chill just at the memory of him. If I focus hard enough, I can still feel the places he kissed me like warm bursts of air tickling my skin. When I close my eyes I can remember how unbelievably good he smelled, like expensive cologne mixed with something more basic and masculine just beneath.

  The most worrisome part is that Leo apparently owns the hotel my mom is staying in… If he wants to find me it’ll be ridiculously easy. A little thrill of excitement pulses through me at the thought of Leo coming after me, of him not wanting to let me get away. I shake myself off that train of thought. It’s just my stupid hormones reacting to the best sex of my life. If I’m lucky, Leo Carlyle will never come looking for me, and as soon as I take a shower, I’ll be able to wash him out of my life for good.

  My mind wanders back to the fact that we didn’t use protection and another thought comes to the forefront. Pregnancy. But that possibility… It’s too much to consider, too much to even entertain the idea. I read an article about the dangers of the morning after pill once, and how if it fails to work, there can be terrible side effects for the baby. That’s a risk that I could never, in good conscious, take. For better or worse, if I’m pregnant, then I’m pregnant. After everything I’ve endured in my life, I have to believe the universe wouldn’t be cruel enough to play a joke like that on me.



  Music blares from outside, mingling with laughter and the sound of splashing bodies in the pool. I let my head flop backwards on the couch and kick at the lights with my foot to dim them even more. I decided to throw this fucking party so I could stand some hope of getting my mind off the girl from the elevator. Lysa. My pet.

  It’s been a week and I’ve thought about her every-fucking-day. Every moment away from her has been like a physical pain. Every single atom in my body is chewing at me to go to her, to find her, to take her again and again. To claim her so thoroughly, not even God himself would question that she is completely mine. I crave her like my lungs crave their next breath.

  And yet I can’t have her.

  Being with her is the equivalent of walking through a sacred temple while covered in mud--ruining the pristine marble floors and anything in my path. The very thing that drew me to her--her innocence--was sullied by my every touch. Even though I couldn’t stop myself last week in the hotel, I know I have to stay away now. Those idiots in the elevator shook me out of my fantasy and straight back into reality. I can’t bring my darkness into her world. I can’t ruin her.

  So here I am. I thought a party would be the answer. I’d find a woman and forget Lysa… at least for a couple hours. It hasn’t worked. It’s like I’ve been poisoned. I can see the other women--their full lips and scantily clad bodies. I can even acknowledge that I would normally be interested, but it’s different now. I’m completely indifferent to them. There’s no physical reaction. No lust. No hunger. Only a numbness that seems to cover my whole body.

  Right now, only one thing stirs me--my pet. Even the briefest thought about her skidding across my consciousness is enough to heat my blood and make my cock thicken. It’s like a sickness. A disease. One taste of her and I’m addicted, hopelessly and endlessly addicted. I grip two fistfulls of my hair and let my head fall between my knees with an infuriated groan.

  There’s a deep chuckle from the doorway. “You okay, man?”

  I look up to see my brother, Jayce. He’s trying to look amused, but my little brother has always had a soft heart, and I can see the genuine concern just below the surface.

  “I’m good, J,” I say, but I know my tone will give away the truth. I can never lie to him.

  “Women?” he asks, sitting down on the love seat across from me and pouring us both a drink from one of the bottles sitting on the coffee table.

  “One in particular,” I say.

  “She here?” he asks.

  “If she was, I wouldn’t be sitting alone in the dark.”

  He grins, handing me a glass full of whiskey. “To hoping you find her, then,” he says, holding his glass toward me.

  “To hoping I don’t,” I say grimly before clinking my glass with his and downing the contents.

  I hope you enjoyed this sneak peak! You can find the full book on Amazon for $0.99 or Free through KU!


  Sneak Peak - Knocked Up by the Dom

  I’ve also included a sneak peak of Knocked Up by the Dom, my USA Today Bestselling and Amazon top #12 bestselling novel. There’s no particular reading order for the Knocked Up series of books, so enjoy them however you like!

  My darkest secret?

  I let a stranger dominate me in the most intimate way possible.

  He gave me three things that night:

  His first name, the sweet taste of submission, and his baby.

  Now my Dom is back and this time he won’t stop until I’m his.



  I wait in line at the airport with a small bag that bulges at the seams. The woman in front of me gives it a curious glance, then does a double take when she sees I’m wearing a thin white dress with a bikini beneath. She makes an indelicate snort of disapproval through her nose and turns away.

  Let her huff and puff. I’m going on this freaking vacation because I’ve earned it.I’m not even going to stop at a hotel before I go to the beach when I get there, even if I have to march straight off the plane by foot to the nearest ocean. So yes, cranky lady, I am wearing my bathing suit at the airport. Get over it.

  For all my tough internal talk, her look still makes me feel a little self-conscious. I hug the bag a little tighter to my chest before unzipping a pocket on the side and pulling a crumpled post-card free. I look at it for probably the millionth time. It shows a scene of water so perfectly blue it’s hard to tell where the sky ends, a rocky outcropping that makes a small cove where the water is clear enough to show the yellow sand beneath.

Blue skies and sandy beaches. That’s what I need. Anything to get me a breather from the day-to-day grind of waking up for work, sitting at my desk for nine hours while I try to cling to what’s left of my sanity, then feeling like my evening goes by in the blink of an eye.

  I push the picture back down, closing my eyes and biting my lip. Bermuda. It has taken me months and months to save the money for the plane ticket and the place I’m staying at, not to mention the strings I had to pull to actually get a week off. It’s all going to be worth it. Every second of it.

  Someone bumps me from behind, knocking me off balance so I nearly drop my bag.

  “Line’s moving,” says a man with a sweaty brow and beady black eyes.

  I clear my throat, shuffling forward to take my place in front of the attendant, who asks to see my ticket.

  She’s a young girl, maybe in her mid twenties with a pixie haircut and upturned nose. She smacks her gum idly as she glances at my ticket, then the computer screen, and once more at my ticket.

  “Is everything okay?” I ask.

  She makes an attempt at looking regretful, but falls just short. “Looks like your flight was canceled. Next one is tomorrow afternoon, but that flight is overbooked, so you’d have to upgrade your to first-class. It’d be about eight hundred dollars for the upgrade.”

  Something deep inside me breaks. I feel it snap like an old, dry twig. A frigid cold spreads from the spot, numbing my stomach and then my whole chest. Eight hundred dollars. More than twice what I had to save for the ticket in the first place. Almost as much as it’s going to cost to stay for the entire week.

  “There has to be some other way,” I say, trying not to let the panic I feel reach my voice. My hand on the counter shakes violently so I pull it back, gripping my bag to keep it still. “Please,” I say.


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