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Miss Bridget's Girls

Page 11

by Robin Bond

  He took some of the semen onto his finger and put it to my mouth. He made me lick his finger and swallow. I did not like this; I could taste my ass on him. Also I no longer have a good feeling about cocks and semen. Miss Judith worked on me so well that I have been completely converted to girls and serving them.

  Your devoted servant,

  The German cunt.”

  Miss Bridget did not reply to the emails. So long as Dr Lowman was satisfied, that was all that mattered. In fact, she had a certain curiosity in seeing where things went from here. Did Dr Lowman intend to continue with the same practices, a bit of beating and vaginal and anal intercourse? Or would he introduce variations?

  Chapter Thirteen

  “This is a tricky assignment, Angelica,” Miss Bridget said. “But I think you have the poise to deal with it.”

  “I’m pleased if you think so,” said Angelica. She did so want to please Miss Bridget.

  “The thing is that Mrs Van Damm has a husband, whom she likes to involve in her sessions with our girls.”

  “Oh,” said Angelica. She didn’t like the sound of this. She had nothing against men personally, so long as they stayed out of the bedroom.

  “I understand your feelings about having a man involved,” said Bridget. “I shouldn’t care for it myself either. But it’s a rather particular kind of involvement.”

  Angelica said nothing, waiting for more details. Of course refusing an assignment from Miss Bridget was a serious matter. Indeed, it was hardly to be considered.

  “Mrs Van Damm is a hotwife. Do you know what that means?”

  “She fucks around,” said Angelica.

  “Well,” said Bridget, “that’s one way of putting it. She is bisexual, but also a dominant with both sexes. Her husband is kept strictly under control. He is never allowed to have intercourse with her; his cock is kept caged.”

  Angelica wrinkled up her nose. She didn’t care to hear about cocks, whatever was done with them.

  “Mrs Van Damm likes to enjoy herself with women, preferably younger ones. And sometimes with boys, but that need not concern us. When she is with a girl, she often likes to force her husband to watch. He is kept under restraint and takes no active part in proceedings. Instead, Mrs Van Damm likes to humiliate him by flaunting her evident enjoyment of the girl. Your role will be to do exactly as Mrs Van Damm wishes, and not worry about the man in the corner under restraint.”

  “Does she whip him?” Angelica asked.

  “I believe when they are alone together he is regularly disciplined. Why do you ask?”

  “Just curiosity, I suppose,” said Angelica. In fact it had come into her mind that though she did not care to have any contact with men, and rather despised them, it might be amusing to see one of them suffer.

  “Because we do not usually permit men anywhere near our girls, I am charging Mrs Van Damm a premium. And so you would be doing an extra service for our cause in undertaking this assignment.”

  Angelica smiled. In fact she was beginning to think that there might be something in it for her too. “I am always happy to be of service, Miss Bridget. It is such a worthwhile cause that we have,” said Angelica.

  “I have selected you for this assignment because you have already had quite a lot of experience, and the reports on your performance have been uniformly complimentary,” Miss Bridget added.

  Angelica had enjoyed herself, for the most part. She had a deep-seated urge to please. Most of all she wanted to please Miss Bridget, for whom she had a profound respect, verging on idol-worship. No one had ever taken such an interest in Angelica’s sexuality, seeking to delve into her inner thoughts, seeking out her appetites and even noting her dislikes, though, apart from men, they were few. She always knew that she liked sex spiced with a little pain, but it had taken Miss Bridget to tease out exactly what kind of pain, what kinds of scenarios, most aroused her.

  She hadn’t yet shown her other side to Miss Bridget. Recently she had discovered that as well as wanting to be hurt, she could get pleasure, a very great deal of pleasure, from hurting other girls. She found it exciting to watch girls suffer, to find out just how much pain they could take, of what kind. And then push things a little further, show the girl that actually her limits of tolerance were greater than she supposed.

  Since so many of Miss Bridget’s girls were inclined towards masochism, Angelica did not want for choice in seeking out a girl who would respond to her dominant side. However, she had to be careful. Promiscuous indulgence would likely lead to Miss Bridget discovering that she was a switch. She intended to confess this eventually, but not in the short term, because the great majority of Miss Bridget’s clients required girls who responded to abuse: beatings, bondage, humiliation and so forth. Had she told Miss Bridget that she liked it both ways, Angelica was afraid that Miss Bridget might doubt whether she was sufficiently dedicated to obedience and service, and so not send her out on any assignments. And Angelica was enjoying herself. She wanted to keep on meeting these powerful women with their dominant and deviant natures and their requirements for girls who were willing to indulge them. But perhaps Mrs Van Damm might offer the opportunity for a little variety. She would have to see.

  After she had left Miss Bridget, Angelica went to her room and lay on her bed. An image came into her mind: a picture of a man tied naked face-down on a bench. Mrs Van Damm hands her a cane. “Beat him without mercy,” she says. Angelica measures the distance and brings the cane down hard across the man’s bare ass. He cries out. A red line appears across his ass. Angelica adds another, then another. By this time her hand is in her knickers, working. She loses count of how many strokes she delivers before she cums.

  Miss Bridget frowned on her girls masturbating. It took the edge off their appetites and meant they were less energetic in their work. She didn’t try to impose a rule, because she knew it was impossible to police, but she made it clear that she disapproved. Angelica liked to keep in Miss Bridget’s good books and genuinely wanted to please her, but sometimes, she thought, a girl has to allow herself some relief, or she will just explode.

  Mrs Van Damm’s house was a new one, set in its own grounds, with a splendid garden, in which, as the taxi drove her to the front door, Angelica could see a gardener working, digging or something, with his shirt off. She glanced at his rippling muscles. They did not arouse any desire in her, at least not a desire for sex. But he might make an ornament, bound head and foot, pinned to the wall, his cock and balls enclosed in a cruelly tight collar while Angelica sported with some obliging nymph.

  Mrs Van Damm was striking. She had a mane of long black hair which she wore loose, reaching almost to her waist. It was summer and she wore a daringly brief frock in printed cotton. The neckline was low and the hemline high, showing off equally Mrs Van Damm’s impressive breasts and long legs.

  Mrs Van Damm invited her into the sitting room, with a very pleasing view of the garden. To Angelica’s surprise a boy came in, with a tray of coffee. He had the effrontery to give Angelica a look-over as she sat on the sofa. She returned his look with a disdainful stare. The boy disappeared and Mrs Van Damm poured the coffee.

  “Miss Bridget has explained the scenario which I favour?” she said. She had a pleasingly low voice.

  “She told me your husband might be obliged to watch but would take no part?”

  “My husband is kept on a very tight rein,” Mrs Van Damm replied. “Often, literally so. Generally his cock is kept locked up in a steel cage, since I have no use for it. He is not allowed to insert it in any of my orifices, nor in those of other women. From time to time I may unlock him, but only to tease him, which can be fun, or to administer discipline. I am very strict.”

  “I see, Mrs Van Damm,” said Angelica. She thought that was as much as she cared to know on that matter.

  “This afternoon I have him tightly restrained, in what I believe is called predicament bondage,” said Mrs Van Damm. “He is also gagged, so we shall hear nothing from him. In any ca
se, what could he possibly have to say of any interest?

  Angelica smiled. Mrs Van Damm said the right things.

  “Have you had relations with men, Angelica?”

  “When I was young, when I was a teenager, I fooled around with one or two boys,” Angelica replied. She wanted to give the strong impression that she cared nothing for males.

  “Did you have intercourse.”

  “Once or twice,” Angelica said. “But I soon decided that I much preferred girls.”

  Mrs Van Damm looked her up and down. “You cannot be much more than a teenager now,” she said.

  “One grows up fast under Miss Bridget’s tutelage, Mrs Van Damm.”

  The older woman smiled indulgently. “So I have heard.” She looked Angelica over again, then said, “Stand up and take your clothes off.”

  Angelica got to her feet and began to strip. She was simply dressed; Miss Bridget did not like them to wear anything too formal, unless there was a request for it. She took off her white cotton blouse, then let her pleated navy-blue skirt drop to the floor. Underneath she had white cotton knickers, a matching bra, and some knee-length white socks. Miss Bridget said that a lot of the clients liked the schoolgirl look. Angelica peeled off the rest of her things and stood naked as Mrs Van Damm inspected her.

  After she had spent a minute or two looking her up and down, she told Angelica to turn around. There was silence for a moment as Angelica imagined Mrs Van Damm looking at her bottom. Fortunately it was one of her features she was most proud of. She had been often complimented for the beauty of her rear; even Miss Bridget had admired it, and stroked it for a moment. Angelica treasured that moment.

  “Turn around and come closer,” Mrs Van Damm said. Angelica stepped forward. Mrs Van Damm put her hand between Angelica’s legs and began to fondle her cunt., pulling the lips this way and that, finding her clit and giving it a brief caress, then inserting a finger, discovering how wet Angelica was already.

  Mrs Van Damm smiled. “You’re all the same, you girls from Miss Bridget, all sluts. She must train you well, to get aroused at such short notice.”

  She took her hand away and sat back on the sofa. “I’ll tell you what we are going to do, my dear. We’re going upstairs, where we’ll find my husband, tied in a position of some discomfort. This, I should say, is how men ought to be, do you not agree?”

  “I do indeed, Mrs Van Damm,” Angelica said.

  “I shall beat you in front of him.” said Mrs Van Damm. “Rather severely. Then I shall fuck you with my strap-on. And after that I shall have you fuck me until I cum. Perhaps several times. And after that? Well, we shall see. I have something in mind that will amuse me; you will see.”

  Mrs Van Damm got to her feet. “Follow me,” she said. Angelica padded naked up the stairs after her, admiring Mrs Van Damm’s shapely legs. The mention of a beating had brought her out in goose bumps. Now she had a tingle between her legs, and was doubtless getting even wetter. No matter how much she feared a beating (you could never be sure how fierce it might be), the thought of it always aroused her.

  Mrs Van Damm walked into her bedroom with Angelica following behind. The first thing she saw was a wooden cross placed against the wall. It was one of those X crosses; a St Andrew’s cross, she believed it was called. Bound to it was a man, his hands and feet spread to the four corners of the cross. Angelica saw that his cock and balls were also tightly bound and attached to a ring set into the floor. Each of his nipples was clamped, and thin chains connected them to the top of the cross. Mrs Van Damm went up to him and grasped the two chains on the nipples, pulling them hard. The man would undoubted have cried out, except that his mouth was covered by a black leather gag.

  “On the inside of the gag is a large plug filling his mouth, so we don’t have to listen to him.” said Mrs Van Damm. “It’s necessary because his balls and his nipples are drawn very tight, causing him much pain; in order to relieve one he has to increase the tension on the other, and vice versa. Without the gag we’d have to listen to his constant moaning. Wouldn’t we?” she said. She brought her knee up sharply, slamming it into his balls. The man’s face was contorted with pain.

  Mrs Van Damm turned away. “That’s enough of him,” she said.

  She told Angelica to kneel on the bed with her bottom facing outwards. She stood behind Angelica, idly caressing her bottom, squeezing it, even rubbing her thumb gently against the little hole.

  On one side of the room was a wardrobe. Mrs Van Damm opened the door. Inside, Angelica could see rows of whips, paddles and other implements hanging. Mrs Van Damm took a flogger from its hook and took up a position behind Angelica.

  “I like to start off gently,” she said. “If one gets a girl properly warmed up, one can usually extend the beating.” She raised her arm and brought the flogger down across Angelica’s bare bottom. It stung badly, like a line of fire across the tender flesh. Angelica gave a cry of pain.

  “Hush, my dear,” said Mrs Van Damm. “If you make such a fuss now, what will you do when we really get going?”

  If this is starting gently, thought Angelica, then she feared what was to come all the more. The second stroke struck almost the same place. Angelica gritted her teeth and hopped from one knee to the other. Her bottom stung like crazy.

  “I don’t care for a girl who wriggles,” said Mrs Van Damm. “If you persist, then I shall have to go to the trouble of tying you up. That will annoy me, and I shall beat you harder. Much harder. You have been warned.

  It seemed hard to Angelica that she had to take this punishment without being allowed to move or cry out. She didn’t know for how long she would be able to practice such self-denial. The third stroke was a little higher, but this did nothing to mitigate the pain. Angelica ventured a look over her shoulder. When she had been flogged before, it had been with a flogger made of soft deerskin. This one looked to be made of pigskin, an altogether different proposition. Mrs Van Damm struck her several more times, by which time Angelica’s bottom was aflame. Then she laid the flogger down. She went back to the wardrobe. This time she returned with a wooden paddle. It was large, and presumably heavy, with a flat surface. Angelica twisted to see it. Her heart sank. It looked fearsome.

  “Something with a little more weight this time,” said Mrs Van Damm. “I think you’ll find it has a more profound effect.”

  Indeed it did. The first stroke of the paddle seemed to knock all the air out of Angelica’s body. It shook her up, making her insides tremble. The second stroke had the same effect, but even more so; Angelica’s whole body felt reduced to jelly. Mrs Van Damm kept going, further strokes of the paddle thudding into Angelica at regular intervals. Her bottom was ravaged by pain. She looked across at Mr Van Damm, who was watching her avidly. Did it excite him to see a woman beaten? Or did he fear getting some of the same treatment himself?

  Mrs Van Damm put the paddle down, allowing Angelica to get her breath back. Then she selected a cane from inside the wardrobe. It was thin and whippy; she swished it as she stood behind Angelica, then tapped it against her bottom before drawing back her arm and slashing the cane full across both cheeks. Angelica drew in her breath sharply; the cane stung badly. It felt as if her bottom were on fire. The second stroke was worse; Angelica squealed, but somehow managed to hold her ground. After a dozen strokes Mrs Van Damm lowered her arm.

  She turned to her husband. “You see how brave this girl is, how she accepts pain with such fortitude. None of that moaning and screaming I get from you, none of that writhing and trying to get free. I’m going to give you some of the same soon, and she can watch and see what a pathetic wimp you are.”

  She turned back to Angelica. “You can give your bottom a good rub, my dear. I’m just going to strap on my dildo and then I’ll give you a good fucking, first the front hole then the back one.”

  Mrs Van Damm was as good as her word. Angelica looked nervously at the huge black dildo projecting from her strap-on harness. Angelica had been fucked before, though not
with such a huge thing. And only in her cunt. The thought of this in her ass was daunting in the extreme.

  Fortunately the beating had aroused her and her cunt was wet, so that the dildo went in, not without some forcing on Mrs Van Damm’s part, some grunting on her part and some moaning by Angelica. But at last it was in. Mrs Van Damm fucked her vigorously, Angelica on her knees so that the dildo went in very deep. The fucking went on a long time and Mrs Van Damm appeared to enjoy it greatly. After about fifteen minutes Mrs Van Damm pulled out of Angelica. To Angelica’s relief, she put some lubricant on the dildo, then with Angelica still on her knees forced it into Angelica’s ass. She had never been fucked there before, but had enough sense not to tense up and resist but to press down and open herself, and though there was some pain Angelica enjoyed feeling the great hard thing being jammed right up inside her. Mrs Van Damm buggered her slowly at first, but then faster and faster, Angelica gasping and sighing. Neither of them experienced orgasm, but Angelica enjoyed it greatly and from the signs so did Mrs Van Damm.

  She removed her dildo and found one for Angelica. It looked a little smaller; did she feel that was how she was built, or didn’t she want anything too tight? Angelica strapped on the device, Mrs Van Damm knelt on the bed and Angelica got to work, pushing the dildo into Mrs Van Damm’s pussy smoothly and carefully. This time she came with alacrity. Angelica saw that she was gazing directly at her husband, as if to say, look at how much I enjoy getting fucked by this girl. Don’t you wish it was you inside me?

  Now that the two women had served each other, Angelica began to wonder what might happen to Mr Van Damm. She had noticed that his body bore the marks of a recent whipping, thin stripes across his chest, including his nipples, and his belly. Some of these strokes must surely have caught his cock and balls. Angelica winced at the thought.


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