Book Read Free

Forge Kin

Page 11

by Jason Melzer

  Link moved over and started his commentary on the tower. “Quality is improved from the original specifications. The quantum alloy formed exceptionally.” Talalh seemed happy with the news as he turned to a picture taken of me when I first arrived on Shoal. My smiling face was clean and tidy and so very different from how I felt now. My thoughts were worn as I listened and wondered if I still looked that good after my experiences.

  Realizing that Link was motioning to me and not my picture my guide was very generous. “Simran has shown good focus, patients and wisdom. She worked hard in war zones and even recently defended innocents with a classic sun shield. In addition to this she practiced using language that is pheromone based and chemical in nature.” Trying to smile a little for the compliments and camera drones I didn’t know what else to do.

  Talalh looked over to me making me wonder what would happen next. “Simran Singh please stand with your guide.” As I walked over to be with Link Talalh finally asked me a question. “On your adventure Terminus was speaking to you as it does with every apprentice. What lesson will you take away from your apprenticeship?” Thinking for a moment I really learned a lot of things as I stood by Link.

  Remembering my grandpa I wanted to use the theme of happiness as I answered. “My lesson was that if I keep others in my thoughts, love in my words and serve with my actions that I will find happiness. I learned that I should be willing to treat strangers like family.” Talalh nodded acknowledging the comment and speaking back to my guide. “Link. I approve the entry of your Apprentice to the presence of Terminus. Please escort her to the waiting shuttle.”

  Link returned my key and we walked off of the stage to a large door passing the Pontu reporters. I looked at a few of them and wondered if I was being rude. As we passed the crowd Talalh again spoke out loud now calling on Chip to bring Preti’s key. We left the room and were directed into a waiting shuttle by armed soldiers as I could no longer hear what was being said. On the shuttle each seat was next to a window with a tray of fruit waiting for us.

  Link brought food as I sat looking out past Ponris wondering about the worlds I could see. The hundreds if not thousands of beautiful reef worlds were like jewels around Ponris. I wondered what it would be like to look up into the sky and see an artificial world following in earth’s gravity. Could earth one day look like Ponris with wealth and beauty and ages of hard work and wisdom?

  Link handed me some blue colored fruit that looked like a pear before I started to eat. The food was satisfying as my growling stomach was calmed and I waited for my sister. My sore back was feeling better as I began to enjoy a few bites of fruit. Was I going to be part of something great? I again looked out to the many different worlds wondering what might be great to a forge kin. Link was very relaxed sounding as he shared a few thoughts.

  “I am happy for your success this week Simran. You might be a few galaxies away from home but Earth has been watching you and your sister’s adventure. All thirty two galaxies the Pontu have trade with have been watching.” Surprised at what he said it didn’t make the experience any less real as I asked a question back. “So why are the forge kin so important? They go to other galaxies?” Link seemed a little like dad as he turned back to the other fruit he picked for me.

  Holding a red colored star shaped fruit he continued. “The forge kin open up trade for the Pontu. They explore yes but they also are the first representatives of the Pontu in unknown territory. But everywhere they go they are known for the worlds they build and trade.” Link turned and touched a few buttons before a graphic screen began to show video from Earth. A news reporter in India was talking at a school filled with my classmates about what had just happened.

  “Here in Mother Teresa’s school for girls we are where the two young apprentices studied. Here friends and classmates are watching the acceptance ceremony of the young Singh girls.” The camera moved over to view me standing with Link on the stage repeating the lesson that I learned. Chip arrived with Preti before they sat ahead of us and noticed the screen. Preti took a piece of fruit from her guide and looked at Chip moving to the center of the stage with a question.

  “Why are we watching what we just did?” Moving forward I quietly spoke to my sister. “We are watching them watch it. The girls at school must be so jealous.” Preti looked at me for a moment before laughing and looking back to the screen. The camera moved to one of Preti’s friends from school as the reporter opened an interview. “What has been your favorite part of the last week for your friends?” Zonia excitedly replied. “I can’t pick between Preti helping heal her sister or Simran fighting the Balkor or everyone using their sun shields.”

  Minutes passed as classmates said nice things about us and their kindness strengthened me. Tolan and Glitch came into the shuttle excited as all of us were now waiting to be taken to Ember. Link touched a few more buttons and the hologram turned off leaving us to watch Tolan sit and eat. A pilot and Talalh soon boarded the craft with soldiers and we sat in silence as the shuttle got ready. Talalh broke the silence as he lay back in his seat.

  “We are so glad to see you young apprentices. We should get going before the Fellorn arrive.” The pilot moved ahead into a separate cabin as I again wondered what would be in store for me. The ship soon started to move away from the docks. Passing the damaged Davon vessels one last time our ride to Ember started silently. A few soldiers whispered among themselves as I ate looking out the windows with Preti and Tolan.

  Passing hundreds of worlds in orbit each was like a painted canvas or a different jewel as they all looked amazing. Approaching a black reef world with fiery orange outlining I felt as if I was returning home. Before we arrived at Ember planetary portal doors opened up allowing the arrival of three new reef worlds. The radio inside the shuttle turned on as fighters and other craft took up positions to escort our shuttle.

  “I am judge Rodesh newly assigned by the trade courts to mediate in the debts of the Pontu people. You will grant me an audience with your apprentices before I will allow anyone to land on Ember. I am sending you co-ordinates for our meeting.” Looking back to the others Tolan spoke up. “The Fellorn just caught up with us.”

  Chapter 9

  The Trade Court

  In the quiet our new fighter escorts directed us to the nearby Fellorn sentinel world of Tangushal. Chip spoke up with the other guides as I turned back to them. “If only Ember could turn off the portal jammers and let us walk up to Forge.” Glitch cut in as I looked past my sister to Link. “No use in wishing. There are jammers on the Fellorn worlds too. It’s time for us to impress a judge.”

  Talalh was calm addressing us as if he had never dealt with the Fellorn. “You will do fine young apprentices. Trust that your flame will burn bright and trust the lessons that you have learned.” Not feeling comforted by Talalh Link was worried. “We need to know what you expect of us Talalh. We are expected to take our young friends to the forge but the Fellorn will try to stop us.”

  Lifting up his hand Talalh silenced Link before giving his answer. “You will do everything in your power to get them there but you will do it with stealth. Observe for now so you can position yourselves later. Your time will be given at the forge and you will be expected to get your apprentice to it.” Link nodded as the shuttle shook a little drawing me to the passing white clouds outside. Our fighter escort left us to reach the surface as we approached a darkening landscape.

  The sun was setting as we circled around a large mansion seated in a lush green landscape. Landing on a small road next to the mansion the pilot made an announcement over the intercom. “Welcome to the temporary home of judge Rodesh on the world of Tangushal.” A pounding came from the back of the shuttle as the door was opened to reveal the Fellorn officer with a deep voice.

  “Judge Rodesh is expecting all of you. Surrender your sun shields and please follow me.” Handing them over I was soon walking by dozens of fully armed Fellorn that were menacing in their statue like silence. Looking at them closel
y their patterns of scales and metallic helmets were beautiful as we passed them. Walking up a flight of stairs we were let into the home as a woman’s voice called for us to join her. “I am here in the study. Please come in.”

  Following the others to the sound of the voice I walked into a room with couches and wooden chairs. Standing near the door a beautiful creature taller than Preti shook our hands as we entered. “This human custom is a fun one to try out, don’t you think?” The creature wore black slacks and armor as she smiled down at me. Her sharp looking teeth and shorter snout gave way to scales draping down her shoulders almost like hair.

  She reminded me of a pangolin as the scales moved while she turned to shake Link’s hand. Talalh started the introductions as I sat down on one of the couches. “Judge Rodesh. You might be familiar with them but these are the apprentices of the forge. This is Tolan, Preti and Simran. These are their guides Glitch, Chip and Link. This my friends is Judge Rodesh Shokahn.” Rodesh and Talalh sat with us as a Fellorn walked in holding something in his cupped hand.

  The Fellorn addressed Rodesh. “The Forge holding facility is almost ready your honor. Here are the staff and shipping manifests you ordered.” Handing Rodesh something that looked like a marble the Fellorn turned around and left while the Judge placed it in a bowl on a table behind her chair. Clearing her throat the judge turned back to us and started to speak first.

  “I have been called to take the place of Judge Towbin after the Davon filed a lawsuit. It was over the illegal use of the sun shields you had.” Link defended us as he spoke up. “That treaty was written to prevent people from making better guns. Not shields. Our apprentices were defending themselves.” Straightening in her seat Rodesh seemed a little taller as she put a hand up to stop the objection.

  “I am not here to debate people acting like projectiles. I know why, how and who so you should be happy that I have dismissed the lawsuit against the apprentices. I am here about your access to the forge terminal. I am denying you the right to see it until I have met with the plaintiff in the Hypartheon case.” The room was becoming tense as Talalh was calm pleading to the judge.

  “You must understand your honor. We were hoping to pay off our debt and give you means to rule on the case so it can end. The debts in this case have been harming our economies.” Rodesh nodded for a moment and spoke her mind. “Towbin was very specific. The Pontu cannot use the forge because of your contract specifications. If the world was not done on time you would negotiate an existing replacement world.”

  Talalh’s cool face cracked a little before he spoke again with calm. “Your honor we ask for an extension with rising apprentices. We can’t trade an existing world because the courts will also protect property ownership on all of our worlds. We allow traders to buy land and they don’t want to sell. What would you have us do?” Rodesh replied in a firm voice. “I will speak with your debtor. Everything will work out in the end.”

  Stretching my tired back Rodesh started talking to me. “I have been hearing news from Earth. The Pontu have been polling human forge names for you and your sister to see what humanity would call you as forge kin.” Turning and looking at Rodesh’s smiling face I had to ask her. “Really? What names are they giving us?” The Judges happy face couldn’t be hid as she continued. “Well it seems that your name will be Sundance and Preti is being called Starfire.”

  Looking over to my sister she was smiling with me and started. “Sundance is such a cool name. I wonder if they will make a dance for you?” Stopping her I had to add in. “Cool yes but Starfire is awesome. People will probably make hand art for you at the festivals.” Realizing that the room was quiet we turned back to Rodesh who seemed kind of amused. Once again clearing her throat Rodesh continued on.

  “I do have good news. You can see your parents tomorrow. I would like it if Talalh could come back in a few hours to give us a tour of the Forge kin museum. Could you help me set up the tour over here on my console?” Nodding Talalh got up and followed Rodesh to the console as I looked at a window next to them. It was dark outside as I saw Glitch walk over to the console too. Watching him pick up the marble and hold it behind his back it turned red in his hand before I got up.

  Walking to the window it was dark outside with a dim glow almost like moonlight. Pushing the whole curtain aside I looked up to see the glow came from the ring shape of the world. Light was traveling from the day side and acting like moon light on the night side. Admiring the ring light effect for a few moments the beauty reminded me a little of home. Closing the curtains and turning back to the couch Glitch was putting the marble back and going back to his position.

  Walking past him and sitting down I waited a few moments as Talalh kept pointing to a map. A few more moments passed and Talalh finally went back to his seat chatting excitedly. “The things I can show you and everyone else there will stretch your imaginations.” Judge Rodesh returned to her seat as she smiled replying. “I look forward to your tour. Thank you all for coming. I will let you get rest for tomorrow’s reunion.”

  Rodesh led us to the door and as we were leaving shook my hand smiling and thanking us for coming. The Fellorn soldiers outside carried lights for us as they escorted us back to the shuttle. I loved looking out to the ring light as the shuttle door closed and the lights outside turned off. Taking off again we quickly flew up before Link, Chip and Glitch started looking around the shuttle for something.

  Searching closely Link plucked from the air something that looked like a flying insect. Crushing it Link turned and spoke to the others. “Does anyone sense more spy tech?” Glitch pointed at a console on the wall and replied. “I sense spyware programs running. The thing you destroyed must have been reprogramming consoles in the shuttle. We can’t discuss tomorrow until we get to the rooms.” Talalh seemed in good spirits as he placed a hand on Glitch’s shoulder and shared a few words.

  “You guides are always borderline paranoid. Do me a favor. Take the apprentices to get changed and ready for seeing their parents. And if you want make sure you aren’t being spied on too.” Glitch nodded and seemed happy to get the advice. “Of course Talalh. We will get them ready to meet their parents.” Link took his seat again as I looked out the window again. Cold fingers touching my arm caused me to look over before seeing Preti and Tolan asleep.

  Links cold metallic eyes bore into mine and I was pulled out of the shuttle awaking in a stadium. Grandpa stood at its center next to the black sphere that was terminus. Motioning for me to join him I ran to his side and gave him a hug. “Grandpa. I am going to see mom and dad tomorrow.” Still unable to smell the ash on him he seemed sad as he kneeled down and looked me straight in the eyes.

  “Your guides told me and the forge that you will be seeing your parents. I miss them already and I fear that I might miss you and your sister too.” Unsure of what he meant I asked him. “What do you mean? Why would you miss me?” Grandpa stopped smiling and was very calm as he answered. “The courts are planning on taking the forge tonight. When they do terminus will invalidate all of its current apprenticeships. I will miss you but I know you shall grow up and become a beautiful wise young woman.”

  Watching a tear roll down his cheek he paused and then continued holding back more tears. “This apprenticeship is a beautiful way to create. But it’s not the only way to create as you will teach your children how to work and make our families famous Singh steel.” He was taken from me quickly before. I wasn’t going to have any of that as I angrily spoke back. “Why would the forge take you away from me? I learned so much from you!”

  Grandpa smiled and whispered kind words again after he kissed me on the cheek. “There is one last lesson I have to give you. Not from Gandhi but from me. Happiness lasts when you hold in your thoughts sacred things, it lasts when your words hold in them the importance of others. And it lasts when the things you create help your loved ones remember they are valuable.”

  Raising my left hand up I again saw that bangle that grandpa had made for me
as he stood up. Looking to him he turned and with a few steps walked into the black sphere. Alone standing in front of the forge I felt so many things that ranged from bitterness and anger to sadness and remorse. The world I had built earlier appeared in front of me as I looked at the black surface of the forge.

  Terminus spoke louder in this dream as it was quick to give one order. “Take the world you have made and place it in your key.” I took the world and it was soon taken into my key as I started to look at the arena around me. Boxes were stacked and doors open at the top of the room. The ceiling was closed with no ventilation shafts. There were five metallic ramps half way down the stadium style seating, ramps that were open and probably the best way to the forge.

  Being pulled out of the dream boxes flew by me before I saw Link standing over me. I could hear Preti finish crying by herself while Tolan was still under on a bed. I wasn’t in the shuttle anymore but rather in a large room with Talalh sitting on a box by the door. Link was concerned as I realized that my eyes were wet. “Are you okay Simran?” Quickly wiping my eyes I wasn’t sure how I was doing.


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