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Forge Kin

Page 13

by Jason Melzer

  Minutes passed as I felt my strength coming back in an odd way. My body hadn’t truly recovered from the trauma and I felt fine as if the nanomedicine took away my weakness. With my hands I grabbed two bars along the inside of the tank and pressed a green blinking button. Water drained out of the tank forcing me to stand in in cold wet clothes. The door unlocked and I fell down with my heavy clothes and wing suit nearly missing Link.

  My guide lay on the floor twitching as if he was dying in front of me. Kneeling by my friend I couldn’t help but shed a few tears looking into Links sleek robotic face. Reaching up I felt my hair where my braid was cut off as I mourned another friend. A pair of shoes and pants stopped by my side and a familiar voice spoke out to me. “You may save him by opening the door to the outside. But his hopes and dreams for you will never come true. The forge has chosen you my young Simran.”

  Turning to grandpa I got up and was happily surprised when I could feel him with a wet hug. My guide was on the floor and I was feeling lost. “I missed you old man.” The hug wasn’t long as he stepped back from me and shared words about my friend. “Link will likely live. But we can only make him happy if you build a world and pay a debt. Are you ready to do something reserved for the forge Kin and God?”

  Taking hold of his hand I followed past Link. I walked over my blood in the hallway to a second door to the inside of the forge. Grandpa turned pointing to a pad on the side of the door with instructions. “In here I will watch and talk with you. But I cannot follow. If you accept the title of forge master place your hand on this pad and enter as a servant of the people.” Grandpa stepped aside and I raised my right hand now shining with rainbow art.

  Placing my hand on the smooth surface the pad turned green as Terminus spoke to me. “Simran Singh, Kin name Sundance. I light within you the blaze of the Forge Kin. I hand to you the tools of creation and assign you the title of forge master.” The second door opened and inside holographic projections were everywhere. Stepping into the giant spherical room I entered the forge terminal to work.

  Ignoring the walkway my wings still worked as I lifted off the ground flying to the center of the forge. Watching a holographic reef world spin around me Grandpa’s voice filled the room. “Give your orders and the forge will follow my Sundance.” Believing that I could do it I started with my orders as I saw all the writing in Pontu which I didn’t understand. “Present things in English and locate where Hypartheon will be built.”

  A star map turned on with two galaxies on it. One said ‘delivery’ and the other said ‘construction zone’. Clicking on construction zone the location showed three planets and two stars. Speaking again I was ready. “Forge. Take us into space and then take us to the construction site.” Watching a new holographic screen appear it showed people outside and the ceiling above as it opened. In seconds the Halensto life sensing barrier was torn apart destroying the shield that surrounded the forge.

  As I lifted out of the building my parent’s voices came over the communications. My mother was worried as she asked. “Simran, you made it? Are you okay? Can you answer me sweet heart?” It was nice to hear mom as I looked to the screen showing my ascent to space. “I’m alive and okay mom. Link healed me and now I need to finish a job so I can help Link.” The view changed around me to space in moments and it was incredible. Thousands of different kinds of space ships encircled me in the forge as thousands more arrived.

  Dad quickly spoke up. “Can you stop your flight for a moment Simran? We are getting on a shuttle and following to watch you build the world. Preti doesn’t want to miss it.” Turning to the buttons for the flight I saw one labeled ‘pause’ before hitting it and speaking to my sister. “I’m waiting. How are you Starfire?” My sister laughed for a moment before responding. “As good as can be. But it looks like you’re the forge master. We will be following in a minute okay?”

  Hovering in the air I smiled waiting as a screen showed my family and friends. Watching their shuttle takeoff I was happy to see them hurrying as I gave a few words. “I wouldn’t let you miss it. How are you Tolan?” I could hear him cough once before replying. “Good. Glitch is going to make it. They are trying to save Chip. How is Link?” Looking back to the closed door that I had entered I didn’t know. Turning to the image of the ships the shuttle they traveled on had reached a particularly large vessel.

  Responding to Tolan I needed to be honest. “I don’t know how Link is right now. He was unconscious after he healed me. I need to get him help when I finish this job.” Hitting the ‘resume’ button for the transport the screen showed first my portal door open. Tens of thousands of doors followed as every ship surrounding me joined the flight. Moving forward the forge passed through the door and closed its exit. Two star and a few planet holograms appeared with their orbits shown.

  Fleets of ships emerged nearby to witness what I needed to do. Grandpa’s voice came back giving me more instructions. “Now that we are here you can open up the world file by its name. The list of field duties will appear and you will direct the forge in its actions. Good luck Simran.” Looking at the stars it was time. “Forge open file Hypartheon and display duties list.” Seeing the outline of Hypartheon appear in the air I clicked on the first button to activate the shield systems.

  Flying over to the two holographic stars I saw four indicators lead me to touch both blue stars four times. Remembering my dreams I spoke wondering if others would hear. “I dedicate and draw the metal from these stars to build a new world. I build a world worthy of my hammer and anvil for the future home of life and glory.” Hearing cheers and applause over the radio I must have been heard as it was time to start the fireworks.

  Turning back the reef world indicator points waited on the back bone of the reef. Touching the different spots on the back of the holographic ring blue molten iron spewed into the form made of shields. Moments passed as iron filled up the area and the portal doors in the ring closed down. Turning to the indicators in the engine satellite I touched them and watched again as molten iron poured into the shield molds.

  Giant gears and large engines formed together on one side of the world. The shields also extended a tube or sail that connected onto the engine satellite. On its end was a half dome structure waiting to be born as a sun. The indicators disappeared as iron stopped flowing into the gears and engine satellite. Continuing with my work I selected more door locations in the sail releasing iron into the form. As it finished filling up the reef worlds walls appeared with more pour stations for me to touch.

  I finished as iron geysers erupted one last time filling up the sides of the reef. Time felt like it was moving quickly but I resisted the urge to check how long I had been working. Hitting the next button labeled ‘alloy application’ on the duties list soon a sphere of quantum alloy started appearing near the reef world. Remembering my dream again the next words flowed comfortably. “With my flame and this alloy I will quench and temper this world to bring form and life.”

  The forge pumped more star stuff and made lots of quantum alloy as the sphere grew fairly large. Glowing white with rainbow shimmer’s the alloy actually looked like a beautiful star. A single portal marker appeared inside the alloy before I touched it and turned back to the ring. Like in my dreams I looked at a trail moving along the inside of the holographic world around me. I let my finger drag on the line as I flew to trace all the way around before continuing on the mast.

  Turning to the engine satellite I found another pattern to trace over the gears and engines. The portal marker disappeared from the remaining alloy causing me to look up and see another button labeled ‘quench and temper control’. Touching it the next button lit up saying ‘quench and temper finish’. The Portal marker reappeared with two points. One marker appeared on the ring and one on the engine satellite. Touching the alloy I watched as rainbow fire carved into molten Iron finishing it as it went. The quantum alloy tempered the blue molten steel sending heat into space leaving a darker harder world.

like in my dream the small sun came to life and the gears started to spin. The engines kept the spin from turning the satellite as they turned on. As the world roared to life I turned and hit the next button before the large planets pushed the stars away. Repeating what I heard in my dreams. “Now that you are quenched with fire I will breathe into you the breath of life and quench your thirst.” Touching more portal markers on a blue world, a red world and an orange world I turned back.

  Blue, red and orange portal markers filled what would be the skies inside the ring. Touching them as they passed me I watched as blue, red and orange geysers erupted across the skies of Hypartheon. Rain clouds started to form and water started to fall sending up steam and cooling the worlds surface more. It took quite a while for Hypartheon to breathe in its first breaths of air and start quenching its thirst. I patiently waited until the portal markers disappeared.

  Lakes and seas had formed boiling across the surface of the reef before I touched the next button labeled ‘atmospherics control’. The lakes and seas no longer boiled with the last stage ready and the highlights from the alloy faded. Hitting the last button the forge flew forward as I spoke the last words given to me in my dreams. “Now it is time to polish and beautify this creation with life.” Cheers and applause sounded over the radio as the forge parked near the center of Hypartheon.

  Surrounding me and the ring appeared thousands of asteroids with portal markers on them. With one giant swing of my hand I touched them all before touching the inside of the ring. Rocky soil poured from moving portal doors crossing the land as it was printing out dirt for the new world. It was so simple and beautiful as I enjoyed watching it. The dirt was ready for life to be introduced. The button for ‘delivery’ appeared and I touched it causing it to start.

  I watched the portal door open ahead of Hypartheon its engines firing and my forge matched its speed. Passing through the door the engines fired to decelerate and the forge again matched speed. On the other side was a lush and beautiful world waiting with the fleet of viewing ships joining me in orbit. Large shipping docks orbited the world with a very surprised voice over the radio.

  “Unidentified reef world give your designation and reason for being here.” Speaking back I took a deep breath and started. “I am forge master Sundance. I am here to deliver the reef world Hypartheon to its receiver a mister…” Looking over to the paperwork I saw English letters together and still couldn’t understand the name. Continuing with the conversation I decided to skip it. “To be honest I can’t pronounce the name but the world is ready for delivery.”

  The caller’s voice came back over the radio as he informed me. “Forge master, we have been looking forward to your arrival. Lady Kinsar Dunshau has been alerted of the delivery and is meeting on the bridge of the Pontu Emissary ship ‘Dawn’. Please forward the portal access and Nano eco-integration codes with verification reports for the registration of ownership.”

  The radio turned off with the reports and portal code documents appearing as grandpa spoke. “You must send the documents to Dawn Simran. Judge Rodesh will need to see them for transfer of title.” The radio turned on as I called a ship out of the many thousands around me labeled ‘Dawn’. “Dawn come in. I am sending you documentation for ownership of the reef world Hypartheon. Please give it to Lady Kinsar Dunshau while Judge Rodesh is with her.”

  Reaching over I took the documents image and moved it over to the image of Dawn before it disappeared. Dawn’s image was approaching me in the Forge as I continued with communications. “I need to get my guide repaired. Who do I need to see?” Tolan called out over the radio with the sounds of celebrations in the back ground. “I can pick him up here. You can’t leave the forge because this system isn’t secure.” Looking back to the inside door again I wondered if Link made it.

  “Link is outside of the core. Once you get him I will see you back at Ember.” Minutes passed as the giant ship docked with the side of the forge and Tolan arrived as I watched. Leading another Pontu into the hallway they observed everything on their way to the medical bay. “That is a lot of blood. Sundance is going to need more nanoheme infusions when we get back. She can’t run on E.M. induction long term.”

  Tolan reached inside the medical bay picking up the spent missile that had killed me. Turning back to my guides twitching form they each took an arm and pulled my guide away. Turning on a radio Tolan called out to me while they left. “Link will probably make it Simran. Leon here is really good with artificial intelligence and robotic repair. We’ll take care of him.” Tolan and the other Pontu left and the door closed behind them leaving me alone with the forge.

  My heart was growing tired and weak as I turned back to the forge. “Bring up the coordinates for Ember and take us home.”

  Chapter 11

  Judgement day

  I returned to Ember floating in the Terminal watching Pontu newscasters report on everything. On Earth fireworks and celebrations were everywhere they reported from. The viewing fleet left as I wondered what my future would be like as forge master. Would I be a lonely person or would I have time for family and friends? Coughing I felt pain shoot through my chest for a moment. Taking a deep breath I knew things would work out. I would discover how as I went.

  Grandpa’s voice came over the control room as we passed the Fellorn sentinel world of Tangushal. “You have been very quiet my dear one. The journey will be over after you introduce your sister and Tolan to the forge. After they are received as forge kin there will be time for rest and family. Today you join our family’s legacy with that of the Kin.” Watching the screens I again saw the dark face of Ember as I replied. “I hope I am ready grandpa.”

  Descending into the atmosphere I was still uncertain about my future when grandpa continued. “I remember the many hours I spent at my own forge working to provide for my family. I would feel alone at work. I learned to look forward to the time I would be spending with my family too pass those lonely moments.” Remembering mom and dad would be waiting for me with Preti I hoped they would be proud of me.

  Reaching that building the forge museum the cauldron was a unlit as the roof opened up. Watching the screen I saw the crowds inside the arena shouting and pointing at our arrival. Upon landing again the rows of Pontu guards surrounding the forge took up a cheer with drums and I listened. “Our kin returns with victory, from creations door ascendancy. Whose honor outshines the greatest star, there’s future to build near and far. Rally around the forge my friends!”

  Listening to the cheers the thoughts of loneliness passed and I saw my family moving through the crowd. Grandpa spoke as the shouts and beats were silenced in my workspace. “It is time for you to introduce Preti and Tolan to be accepted as forge kin. Are you ready my beautiful Simran?” Turning I flew to the door and opened it before landing in the hall. Looking across my blood stains on the floor I saw the metallic scratch marks and pieces of metal mixed in with blood.

  Closing the door behind me I knew what I needed to do next. At the outer door I looked to a holographic screen on the wall. The door video showed the soldiers outside as I looked for Tolan and my sister among them. Watching movement at the line of guards my family emerged with Tolan and his family at the door. Waiting for a moment grandpa’s voice gave me instructions.

  “When they reach the Forge you will reach for and allow Preti and Tolan to enter. After they enter you will escort them to the main door where you will place their hands on the access pad. They will receive jobs and take over other duties of the forge kin.” Waiting as soldiers gave way to Preti and Tolan in their approach they reached the door. Feeling weak I was light headed as Tolan knocked.

  Hitting a button the door opened and I looked up at mom and dad first. I had trouble speaking so grandpa spoke for me. “Tolan Torah and Preti Singh, you will be introduced to the forge by forge master Sundance. No one else may enter the forge.” Reaching out and taking Tolan’s and Preti’s hands I pulled them through the door. Before the door closed dad and mom l
ooked up at the forge surprised by grandpa’s words.

  “Dad? Is that you?” Shadows appeared as the door closed and the inside lighting showed the dark stains on the floor. Tolan had kind words as I took their hands leading them to the door. “My parents brought their medical packs for after. Are you feeling okay Simran?” Reaching the inside door I turned back and looked to my friends tired and suffering from a headache. “Later. First the forge wants to give you jobs.” Bringing my sister to the door I placed her hand with rainbow art on the pad.

  The pad turned green and Terminus spoke. “Preti Singh, Kin name Starfire. I light within you the blaze of the guardian spirit and reserve for you the rights to the title of forge kin. I hand to you the tools of creation.” The door opened to the inside room and walkway leading to the center of the forge. Preti walked into the door and it closed again before I led Tolan to place his brown fuzzy hand on the pad. As I stepped back the rainbow colored passages of scripture on his neck shined and the Terminus spoke.

  “Tolan Torah, Kin name Totality. I light within you the blaze of the learner’s spirit and reserve for you the rights to the title of forge kin. I hand to you the tools of creation.” The door opened to Tolan who walked through. Preti was at the end of the ramp and Tolan walked in before the door closed behind him. Placing my hand on the pad the door now opened for me allowing me to see my sister and friend amazed at the journeys end.


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