The Poetics of Sovereignty
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Zhu Xi 朱熹, ed. and annot. Chu ci jizhu 楚辭集注. Shanghai: Shanghai guji
chubanshe and Anhui jiaoyu chubanshe, 2001.
———. Sishu zhangju jizhu 四書章句集注. Beijing: Zhonghua shuju, 1983.
Zhu Xi 朱熹 and Lü Zuqian 呂祖謙, comps. Jin si lu 近思錄. See Zhu Jieren
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Academy of Exalting Literature 弘文
Capitals Rhapsody” 兩都賦, 185,
館, 134, 147, 238, 265
199n123, 200, 273–74, 278–79,
Academy of Literature 文學館, 131–
299n93, 334n45, 353, 377. See also
34, 160
Han shu
Allan, Sarah, 316
Ban Springs, 251–52, 254
Allen, Joseph R., 176n38, 186n70
Bao Xian 包咸 (6 bc–ad 65), 155n125
Allsen, Thomas, 36
Bao Zhao 鮑照 (ca. 414–66), 122n40
Analects. See Lunyu
—Works: “On the White Snow” 詠
apophasis, 173, 201, 366–67, 372
白雪詩, 219–21, 223, 224, 235–36;
Aristotle, 54
“Rhapsody on the Dancing
asceticism. See askēsis
Cranes” 舞鶴賦, 248n100
Ashina Simo 阿史那思摩, 45
baojun 暴君. See tyranny
askēsis, 73, 77, 87, 95, 98, 101–2, 104,
Bei Qi shu 北齊書 ( History of the
280, 282, 308, 318, 325, 340, 344,
Northern Qi), 193n92
349–51, 356–58, 365, 373–75, 382–
Bei shi 北史 ( History of the Northern
Dynasties), 37n74
Augustus (Roman emperor), 48
Bo Yi 伯夷 and Shu Qi 叔齊 (legen-
auxesis, 68, 70, 73, 333, 351, 360, 375,
dary recluses), 171n25–26
Bo Yikao 伯邑考, 31
Bo You 伯有 (fl. 6th c. bc), 213
Ban Gu 班固 (32–92): “Answering
body, 82, 111–12, 116–17, 225, 299, 312,
the Guest’s Jest” 答賓戲, 154n121;
323, 325, 353, 356–58, 372–75 passim;
Baihu tong 白虎通 ( Comprehen-
as absolute body of the First Em-
sive Discussions of White Tiger
peror, 63–65, 70–72, 208, 316–18;
Hall), 113–14; “Canonical Norms
as body politic and/or body natu-
Extended” 典引, 28n46; “Two
ral, 52–53, 70, 73–80, 85–87, 97,
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279–80, 282, 381–82; and relation-
Chen Houzhu 陳後主 (r. 582–89),
ship to architecture, 284–87, 294,
144–45, 177, 211, 375
304–305, 348–49; and ritual sover-
—Works: “Imitating ‘Watering
eignty, 316, 332–33; as shen 身, 77–
Horses by the Great Wall’” 擬飲
80, 86–87, 98, 101–102, 342; as ti
馬長城窟行, 188–89, 192; and
體, 92–95. See also askēsis; auxesis;
“Jade Tree and Flowers in the Rear
desire; empire; Qin Shihuang; sov-
Courtyard” 玉樹後庭花, 177–79,
ereignty; and tyranny
370; and “Spring, River, Flower,
Branner, David Prager, xii, 74, 172n30
Moon, Night” 春江花月夜, 189
Bureau of Historiography 史館, 37–38
Chen Ping 陳平 (fl. 2nd c. bc),
Cai Yong 蔡邕 (133–92), 120–21, 140
Chen Shangjun 陳尚君, 6n17, 238–39,
Cai Yungong 蔡允恭 (fl. 7th c.), 132
caishi 採詩 (“gathering poems”), 322
Chen shu 陳書 ( History of the Chen
Caishu Du 蔡叔度 (younger brother
Dynasty), 132, 177n39
of Duke of Zhou), 28, 88
Chen Shubao 陳叔寶 (553–604). See
canal system, 318–27 passim
Chen Houzhu
Cao Cao 曹操 (155–220), 8, 115,
Chen Shuda 陳叔達 (d. 635), 24–25
121n36, 126n52, 140, 172, 253n124
Chen Tian 陳田: Lingfeng caotang
Cao Jiong 曹冏 (fl. 3rd c.), 96, 97n101
congshu 靈峰草堂叢書 ( Collecta-
Cao Pi 曹丕 (187–226), 22, 121n36,
nea of the Lingfeng Grass Hut), 238,
126n52, 170, 174, 360n97
—Works: “Discourse on Literature”
Chen Yinque (or Yinke) 陳寅恪, 14,
論文, 115–17, 159, 383–84; “Snap-
ping a Willow Branch” 折楊柳行,
Chen Zhensun 陳振孫 (ca. 1190–d.
171–73, 201
ca. 1262), 5
Cao Pi 曹毗 (fl. 4th c.), 151–52
Chen Zi’ang 陳子昂 (661–702),
Cao Rui 曹叡 (205–39), 126n52, 353
Cao Zhi 曹植 (192–232), 121, 224
Cheng Yi 程頤 (1033–1107), 19, 30
Castoriadis, Cornelius, 266
Chiyou 蚩尤 (legendary rebel),
Cefu yuangui 冊府元龜 ( Prime Ex-
250n109, 252, 260n150, 262
emplars from the Literary Store-
Chong’er 重耳 (Duke Wen of Jin, r.
house), 26n41, 342
636–628 bc), 107–8
Cen Wenben 岑文本 (fl. 7th c.), 240
Chongwen Academy 崇文館, 352,
Cen Zhongmian, 32
Chang Qu 常璩 (fl. 265–316):
Chu ci 楚辭 ( Lyrics of Chu), 71;
Huayangguo zhi 華陽國志 ( Re-
“Greater Master of Fate” 大司命,
cords of Huayang), 302n108
225n44; “Lady of the Xiang” 湘君,
Changguang Princess 長廣公主, 249
215n17; “Li sao”離騷, 67n47, 121,
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178, 215n17, 247n94; “Far Roam-
109, 136; on writing and meaning,
ing” 遠遊, 377
91n88. See also Lunyu
Chu Liang 褚亮 (560–647), 132, 133,
Daizong 岱宗: see Mount Tai
Chu Suiliang 褚遂良 (596–658 or
desire, problem of, 12, 65, 73, 76–80,
597–659), 26–27, 29, 147–48, 238,
85–87, 125–26, 307, 332, 337, 340,
240, 246, 247, 252; “In Five Sylla-
350, 356–58, 360, 365, 367, 368,
bles: Harmonizing with ‘Traveling
72–75; and apophasis, 201; and
Past the Battlefield Where I
despotism, 52, 54–55, 99–102, 282–
Smashed Xue Ju’: To Imperial
83, 308–9; and First Emperor, 69–
Command” 五言奉和行經破薛
70, 287, 333, 383; and rhapsody,
舉戰地應詔, 252–55
270–73; and selfhood, 49; as
Chunqiu Guliang zhuan 春秋穀梁傳,
theme in poetry, 177–78. See also
askēsis; body; sovereignty; and tyr-
Chunqiu Zuo zhuan 春秋左傳,
28n46; and appearance of phoenix,
DeWoskin, Kenneth, 114
250n108; and Confucius on verbal
Di Ku 帝嚳 (sage-king), 65n42,
patterning, 109–10, 135; and fish-
257n141, 355n88
pair battle formation, 252n119; and
Dong Sigong 董思恭 (fl. 650–80),
“Five Teachings,” 125n51; and
hermeneutics of music, 113; and
Dong Zhongshu 董仲舒 (ca. 179–ca.
hermeneutics of poetry
104 bc), 299n94
(Chong’er), 107–108; on Jin mak-
Dou Jiande 竇建德 (573–621), 20, 131
ing use of Chu talent, 153; on po-
Du Fu 杜甫 (712–70), 210
etry as “aims,” 212–13; and prob-
Du Mu 都穆 (1459–1525), 7
lem of gifts, 78n64; and “Seven
Du Ruhui 杜如誨 (585–630), 23, 132,
Virtues” 七德, 194n97, 355n89;
and “Three Scriptures and Five
Du Yan 杜淹 (d. 628), 60, 62n33
Canons,” 129n59; and “Two Diffi-
Du You 杜佑 (735–812), 119n30
culties,” 195n109; on verbal pat-
Du Yu 杜預 (222–84), 107n4,
terning and reclusion, 136
Chunyu Yue 淳于越 (fl. 3rd c. bc),
Du Zhenglun 杜正倫 (fl. 7th c.), 340,
Classic of Changes. See Zhou yi
Duke Ling of Wei 衛靈公 (r. 534–
Classic of Documents. See Shang shu
493 bc), 364
Classic of Poetry. See Shi jing
Duke Mu of Qin 秦穆公 (r. 659–621
Confucius: 28n46, 52, 60, 113, 127, 134,
bc), 107–8
137, 151n117, 172, 361n100; and
Duke of Zhou 周公, 28, 30, 61, 82, 88,
Queli, 174; on verbal patterning,
116, 135, 137, 276, 281, 324, 367
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Duke Ping of Jin (r. 557–532 bc), 364–
254, 257, 311–17, 328–51 passim, 357,
369, 372–75
Duke Wen of Jin 晉文公 (r. 636–628
Feng Weine 馮惟訥 (1512–72): Gushi
bc). See Chong’er
ji 古詩紀 ( Record of Ancient Po-
Dull, Jack L., 351
ems), 176n38
fengjian 封建 (“feudal” system), 59–
Eight Companions of the Prince of
63, 65, 96–97, 133, 248n104, 269–
Jingling 竟陵八友, 175, 216, 223
70, 284–86
Elias, Norbert, 265
Fengsu tongyi. See Ying Shao
empire, concept of, 18, 40, 58–59, 83,
feudal lords. See fengjian
236, 381; and anxiety, 59–63, 198,
feudalism. See fengjian
208, 292–93, 308–10, 355–56, 383;
First Emperor of Qin: see Qin Shi-
and body, 63–81, 85, 87, 93–102,
208, 280, 337; and borders, 40, 89–
Fineman, Joel, 265
90, 186–88, 193–98, 202n133, 229,
Five Thearchs ( wudi 五帝), 65–66,
260n154; and relationship to lit-
81n73, 257n141, 361n101, 373n121
erature, 4, 106–7, 110–14, 131–44
Fontanier, Pierre, 95n96
passim, 227, 266–67, 304; and rela-
frontier poetry ( biansai shi 邊塞詩),
tionship to territory, 35, 164, 169–
186–198, 225–26, 227
70, 260n149, 262, 277, 280–87,
fu 賦 (rhapsody): 121n32, 165, 310, 365;
315–18, 321–28, 345–46, 353, 355,
as “epideictic rhapsody” ( dafu 大
357–58, 377–79; and unification of
賦), 268, 366–67, 382; identified as
values, 205n144, 206–7, 255, 306.
rhetorical excess, 126–27, 272–75;
See also body; Qin Shihuang; sov-
relative neglect of, 267; role of, in
ereignty; and tyranny
origins of court poetry, 268–70.
ethnicity and Tang imperial family, 14,
See also individual poets by name
23n31, 44–45
Fu Gongshi 輔公祏 (d. 624), 20–21
Fuxi 伏羲 (sage-king), 66n43, 79n65,
Fairbank, Anthony, 150
80, 127, 129n59, 353, 362, 373n121
Fang Xuanling 房玄齡 (578–648), 23,
Fu Yue 傅說 (Shang minister), 89,
27–29, 60, 95n397, 132, 133, 148,
273, 341
fangfa 放伐 (legitimate conquest), 56,
Gao Bing 高棅 (1350–1423), 6
Gao Shilian 高士廉 (577–647), 23–
fangshi 方士 (“masters of the meth-
24, 240
ods”), 43, 69–70, 72, 290
Geertz, Clifford, 9
Feng 豐 and Hao 鎬 (Western Zhou
Gibbons, Thomas, 173n32
capitals), 285, 356–57
Girard, René, 55–56
Feng and Shan 封禪 sacrifices, 12, 145,
Gong Kechang 龔克昌, 268n4, 272
167, 169–70, 248n105, 249, 253n125,
Gonggong 共工 (legendary rebel), 33
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Gongsun Guisheng 公孫歸生 (fl. 6th
Han Gaozu 漢高祖 (r. 206–195 bc),
c. bc), 153n120
55, 170, 185n67, 201–3 passim,
gongti shi 宮體詩 (“palace-style po-
250n109; and city of Xinfeng,
etry”), 118, 141–42, 146–48, 174,
180n51, 181, 206n147, 207–8; and
210–11, 214, 224, 367, 370
palaces, 287–89, 293, 306, 309; and
Graff, David A., 261n155
rivalry with Xiang Yu, 202n131;
“Great Preface” 大序 (of Shi jing),
and “The Great Wind” 大風, 162–
110–15, 119–20, 123n43, 124, 136n79,
65, 180n53, 203n137, 204, 206, 233,
137, 358–59
379, 381; and winning empire on
Greenblatt, Stephen, 81, 381
horseback, 58–59
Grossman, Allen, 383–84
Han Guangwudi 漢光武帝 (r. 25–
Gu Jiegang 顧頡剛, 22n30, 66n43
57), 55, 143n94, 144, 253n123,
Guanshu Xian 管叔鮮 (elder brother
256n139, 257n140; and Feng and
of Duke of Zhou), 28, 88
Shan rites, 312n3, 313, 329, 346, 351;
Guanzi 管子, 279–80, 314n14, 341n54
and village of Boshui, 180n50, 181,
Guangyun 廣韻 ( Extensive [Articula-
206n145, 207
tion of] Rhymes), xii–xiii, 172n30
Han Shi waizhuan 韓詩外傳,
Gujin yuelu 古今樂錄 ( Annotations
for Music Past and Present), 175,
Han shu 漢書 ( History of the Han
Dynasty), 154n122, 158n132, 163,
Gun 鯀 (legendary rebel), 33
166n10, 178, 269n8, 298n89.
Guo Maoqian 郭茂倩 (fl. 12th c.),
Han Wendi 漢文帝 (r. 180–157 bc),
89n86, 301n104; and frugality, 289,
Guo Pu 郭璞 (276–324), 182n59
293, 301n107, 307, 338, 339
Guoyu 國語 ( Discourses of the States),
Han Wudi 漢武帝 (r. 141–87 bc), 7,
8, 90, 191n85, 258, 299n94, 355,
gushi 古詩 (“ancient poems” or “an-
375, 379; and Feng and Shan rites,
cient-style poetry”), 121n35, 122n37,
253n125, 254, 313, 337, 346–47, 350–
51, 383; and immortality, 71–72,
Gushi ji 古詩紀. See under Feng
73, 173, 360, 374; and Lady Li,
177n41, 178; and palaces, 290–92,
293–94, 296n84, 298n89, 300n101,
Han Chengdi 漢成帝 (r. 32–7 bc),
304, 305, 353, 357, 371n117, 372; and
Sima Xiangru, 71–72, 268–70, 274,
Han Empress Zhao 趙皇后 (consort
of Chengdi), 371n119
—Works: “Song of Huzi” 瓠子歌,
Han Fei (ca. 280–ca. 233 bc). See Han
165–70; “Song of the Autumn
Wind” 秋風辭, 367n108, 369
Han Feizi 韓非子, 63–65, 92–93, 98,
Han Xiandi 漢獻帝 (r. 190–220), 22
261–62n160, 363n106, 364
Hanlin Academy 翰林院, 238
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Hanlin xueshi ji 翰林學士集 ( Liter-
Jiang Zong 江總 (519–94): “Rhap-
ary Collection of the Hanlin Aca-
sody on the Ornate Sable” 華貂賦,
demicians), 237–41, 242
He Wenda 蓋文達 (fl. 7th c.), 132
Jiangdu 江都, 20, 34n66, 182–83, 185,
Hegel, G.W.F. See sublation ( Aufhe-
319, 320, 323, 324, 326–28, 378
bung), concept of
Jie 桀 (last Xia ruler), 56, 84, 101,
“Hidden Thoroughwort” 幽蘭 (leg-
253n120, 338
endary song), 235–36
Jie Zhitui 介之推 (fl. 7th c. bc), 136
Honglou meng 紅樓夢 ( A Dream of
Jin shu 晉書 ( History of the Jin Dy-