The Poetics of Sovereignty
Page 74
317–18, 333, 337–40 passim, 350–51,
357, 360, 383; and Great Wall, 298,
Sanfu gushi 三輔故事 ( Tales of the
306; and immortality, 43, 70–73,
Three Capital Districts), 290n64
173, 286–87, 290, 333, 374–75, 379,
Sanfu jiushi 三輔舊事 ( Old Stories of
383; and literary representation,
the Capital Region), 180n51
106; and palaces, 284–87, 304–5,
sanhuang 三皇 (“Three Augusts”),
309 ( see also palaces, as symbols of
66n43, 361n101, 373n121
sovereignty: Epang); and stan-
Schafer, Edward H., 193n92
dardization of values, 62, 205n144,
Schmitt, Carl, 380–81
207, 300n100. See also auxesis; de-
Seven Masters of the Jian’an Reign 建
sire; empire; sovereignty; and tyr-
安七子, 122n36, 140n86, 159, 170
Shang shu 尚書: “Announcement of
Qu Yuan 屈原 (ca. 340–278 bc). See
Zhonghui” 仲虺之誥, 260n154;
Chu ci
“Canon of Shun” 舜典, 33n63,
Quan Tang shi 全唐詩 ( Complete
108n8; “Canon of Yao” 堯典,
Tang Poems), 6, 192n87, 228n47
33n63, 108n8, 109, 203n134,
Quan Tang wen 全唐文 ( Complete
256n136, 345n69; “Great Vow” 泰
Tang Prose), 6
誓, 303n111, 308–9; “Plans of Great
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Yu” 大禹謨, 194n98, 345n66;
Jian” 白起王翦列傳, 158n132; on
“Punishments of Prince Lü” 呂刑,
Han Gaozu, 287–88; on Han
250n111; “Songs of the Five Noble
Wudi, 71–72, 166, 346n72; on Qin
Scions” 五子之歌, 330n39; “Take
Shihuang, 65–71 passim, 284–86,
No Ease” 無逸, 281; “Tribute of
296n83, 312; on the Shang tyrant
Yu” 禹貢, 166n12, 167n17, 345n68
Zhou, 281–82; on Sima Xiangru’s
Shang shu Zhonghou 尚書中侯
rhapsodies, 269n8; on Sun Bin,
( “Lord Zhong” Chapter of the Clas-
243n87; “Treatise on the Feng and
sic of Documents), 260n151
Shan” 封禪書, 345n69, 346n72
Shang Yang 商鞅 (ca. 385–338 bc), 63,
Shi jing 詩經 ( Classic of Poetry), 33, 90,
112, 114, 120–23 passim, 126, 133,
Shangguan Yi 上官儀 (ca. 607–65),
202n132, 204, 213, 218, 233, 322,
238, 240–41, 246; “In Five Syllables:
331n42; “Awry” 板 (Poem 254),
Harmonizing with ‘Traveling Past
33n60; “Dwarf Cherry” 常棣
the Battlefield Where I Smashed
(Poem 164), 88n81; “Flowers on
Xue Ju’: To Imperial Command”
the Trumpet Vine” 苕之華
(Poem 233), 203n135; “Fishhawks
Cry” 關雎 (Poem 1), 110; “Foot-
shanrang 禪讓 (“virtuous abdica-
tracks Below” 下武 (Poem 243),
tion”), 22, 56, 104–5
149n103; “Gazing on High” 瞻卬
“Shao” 韶 (piece composed by Shun),
(Poem 264), 177n41; “How Splen-
104–5, 140n87, 142
did the Flowers” 裳裳者華 (Poem
Shaoweng 少翁 (fl. early 1st c. bc),
214), 203n135; “Lesser Heaven” 小
旻 (Poem 195), 330n39; “North
Shen Buhai 申不害 (b. ca. 400 bc),
Mountains” 北山 (Poem 205),
89n83, 254n129, 255; “Picking
Shen Dao 慎到 (ca. 350–ca. 275 bc),
White Millet” 采芑 (Poem 178),
330n37; “Seventh Month” 七月
Shen Shu’an 沈叔安 (fl. 7th c.), 239
(Poem 154), 206n148; “The South-
Shen Yue 沈約 (441–513), 119, 122n37,
ern Mountains Extend Far” 信南
139, 141, 226, 250n111; on Pei Ziye’s
山 (Poem 210), 234n64; “Thorny
Song lüe, 119; “On Snow: To
Oak” 棫樸 (Poem 238), 299n95;
Princely Command” 詠雪應令詩,
“Vast Fields” 甫田 (Poem 211),
221–23, 236; Song shu 宋書 ( His-
203n136; “Waters of the Mian” 沔
tory of the Song Dynasty), 119,
水 (Poem 183), 107n4. See also
122n37, 361n98
“Great Preface”
Shennong 神農, 66n43, 129n59,
Shibi Qaghan 始畢可汗 (d. 619), 19
Shishuo xinyu 世說新語 ( Recent An-
Shi ji 史記 ( Records of the Historian):
ecdotes and the Talk of the Age),
“Biographies of Bo Qi and Wang
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Shun 舜 (sage-king), 81, 84, 101, 127,
Sima Ying 司馬穎 (279–306), 156
293, 353, 355, 356, 371n115; and
Sima Youzhi 司馬幼之 (fl. 6th c.),
“Canon of Shun,” 33n63; and filial-
ity, 332–33, 336–37; as one of the
“Six Blossoms” 六英 or 六韺 (song
wudi, 65n42, 129n59, 373n121; and
attr. to Di Ku), 257, 258, 355n88
ritual actions (including xunshou
Smith, Jonathan Z., 339
and sacrifice at Mount Tai),
Song Huizong 宋徽宗 (r. 1100–26), 3
202n128, 206; 248n104, 249, 254,
Song Lizong 宋理宗 (r. 1224–64),
257, 300n99, 312, 313–18, 327, 333,
338, 345n69; and “Shao,” 104–5,
Song Yu 宋玉 (fl. 3rd c. bc), 268;
142–3; on song lyrics as expressive
“Asking Questions of the Chu
of zhi, 108–9; and “South Wind,”
King” 對楚王問, 363n104, 364;
207–8; and wuwei model of sover-
“Rhapsody on Gaotang” 高唐賦,
eignty, 51–52, 204, 205n143,
224n40; “Rhapsody on the God-
360n96, 361
dess” 神女賦, 214, 224n40; “Rhap-
Shuya of Lu 魯叔牙 (fl. 11th c. bc), 28,
sody on Wind” 風賦, 214, 233; “Sa-
tiric Rhapsody” 諷賦, 235n65,
Siege of Yanmen 雁門之圍, 15
Sima Guang 司馬光 (1019–86), 22, 23,
Soushen ji 搜神記 ( Record of Seeking
30–32, 43n93, 44, 325, 348
after Spirits), 228n50, 362n102
Sima Lun 司馬倫 (d. 301), 156
Southern Qi Gaodi 南齊高帝 (r.
Sima Qian 司馬遷 (ca. 145 bc-ca. 86
479–82), 361n99
bc), 169, 311–17 passim, 374, 378
sovereignty, concept of, 48–49, 51–52,
Sima Xiangru 司馬相如 (179–117
63, 73, 80, 84–85, 90–91, 97–99,
bc), 120, 121, 154, 218, 253–54, 268–
266, 279, 380–81; and anxieties
br />
over empire, 59–63, 96–97, 206–8;
—Works: “Rhapsody of Master Emp-
and authorship, 162; and expendi-
tiness” 子虛賦, 199n120, 268,
tures, 12, 76–78, 85–86, 97–104
273–75, 291; “Rhapsody on the
passim; and kinship, 111, 333, 336–
Beauteous Woman” 美人賦,
37, 348; and Legalism, 63–65; and
235n65; “Rhapsody on the Great
literary practice and representa-
Man” 大人賦, 71, 270; “Rhapsody
tion, 3–4, 8–12 passim, 49, 106–7,
on the Imperial Park” 上林賦,
116, 269–70, 375–76, 379, 381; and
251n116, 269–72, 273, 301n104, 308,
locusts, 74–76; and nomenclature,
353, 365
66–68; and publicness ( gong 公),
Sima Yan 司馬炎 (236–90). See Jin
73, 87–91 passim, 336–37; and rit-
ual, 311–12, 321, 328, 332, 339–43
Sima Yi 司馬乂 (d. 303), 158n134
passim, 351, 353; and sexual econ-
Sima Yi 司馬懿, (178–251; Jin
omy, 18; and singularity, 35, 67–68,
Xuandi 晉宣帝), 49, 156
75, 86–87, 270, 308–9; as symbol-
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ized by the palace, 287–88, 311; as
312, 318–28, 347; and tyranny, 17,
symbolized in poetry, 110–15, 169,
44, 83–84, 258. See also empire; rit-
181, 246, 267, 304; and territory, 41,
ual; and sovereignty
52, 65, 315–18, 345–46; and “true
—Works: “Decree on Establishing
king,” 52–53, 307–9; and violence,
the Eastern Capital” 建東都詔;
30, 53–59, 104–5, 204. See also ask-
“Imitating ‘Watering Horses by
ēsis; body; desire; empire; ritual;
the Great Wall’” 擬飲馬長城窟
roaming; tyranny; and names of
行, 186–90, 192, 197; “In Winter,
individual emperors
Going to Ganyang Palace to Re-
standardizations, under Qin. See un-
ceive Court” 冬至乾陽殿受朝詩,
der Qin Shihuang
143n96; “Letter to the Duke of
Su Chuo 蘇綽 (498–546), 125
Yue” 與越公書, 143n96; “Return-
Su Jui-lung, 219n26
ing to the Capital” 還京師詩,
Su Qin 蘇秦 (fl. 4th c. bc), 299n94
184–86; and “Spring, River, Flower,
Su Shi 蘇軾 (1037–1101), 55
Moon, Night” 春江花月夜, 189;
Su Shichang 蘇世長 (fl. 7th c.), 132
“Taking Joy in My Jiangdu Palace”
Su Wu 蘇武 (140–60 bc), 121–22,
江都宮樂歌, 182–83
228n49, 229
Sui Yangdi yanshi 隋煬帝艷史 ( The
Su Xu 蘇勖 (fl. 7th c.), 132
Sensuous History of Sui Yangdi),
sublation ( Aufhebung), concept of,
84–85, 220
Suiren 燧人 (sage-king), 66n43
Sui Gongdi 隋恭帝 (r. 617–18), 20
Sun Bin 孫臏 (ca. 380–316 bc),
Sui shu 隋書 ( History of the Sui Dy-
243n87, 245; Sun Bin bingfa 孫臏
nasty), 319; “Biographies of Liter-
兵法 ( Sun Bin’s Art of War),
ary Men” 文學列傳, 134–44, 150,
152, 221; “Treatise on Bibliogra-
phy” 經籍志, 152–53; “Treatise on
Taibo 泰伯 (fl. 12th c. bc), 30
Economics” 食貨志, 325–28;
Taiyi 太一 (“Grand Unity”), 66n43,
“Treatise on the Five Phases” 五行
286n52, 287, 298n89
志, 16–17, 179n45
Taiyuan Uprising, 16–21, 23n33, 30
Sui Wendi 隋文帝 (r. 581–604), 32,
Tang 湯 (founder of Shang), 56, 58,
49, 124, 129, 143–44, 294, 295, 318–
89n85, 253n120, 260n154, 293,
20, 327, 328; and Daxingcheng 大
興城, 184, 292; and Xiao jing, 188
Tang baijia shi 唐百家詩 ( Poetry of
Sui Yangdi 隋煬帝 (r. 604–17), 15–20
One Hundred Tang Authors), 5
passim, 34–35, 44, 146, 295, 331; as-
Tang Daizong 唐代宗 (r. 762–79), 31,
sassination of, 17; and Jiangnan,
182–83, 319–20, 324, 326–28, 357;
Tang Gaozong 唐高宗 (649–83), 42,
and Koguryŏ, 42; and literature,
46, 91, 295n81, 361n97
143–44, 211; and ritual sovereignty,
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Tang Gaozu 唐高祖 (r. 618–26), 14–
remonstrated by Xue Shou, 292–
15, 57, 90; and abdication, 132; and
93; remonstrated by Yao Silian,
Confucian academies, 131; and
293–94; and Turks, 38–43; and
Feng and Shan rites, 328–29; saved
Wei River defeat, 38–39; and
by future Taizong, 15–16; and
Zhenguan reign, 32–38
submission to Turks, 38; as Retired
—Anecdotes, Edicts, and Speeches:
Emperor, 295; and Tang founding,
anecdote about locusts, 74; anec-
16–20, 203, 241–42, 258, 262, 377–
dote about rhapsodies, 273–74;
78; and Xuanwu Gate Incident,
anecdote declining literary collec-
21–31 passim
tion, 144–45; decree in mid-631 de-
Tang Guiren 湯貴仁, 8
clining Feng and Shan, 330–31;
Tang huiyao 唐會要 ( Gathered Essen-
edict in 641 announcing perform-
tial Documents of the Tang), 29n48,
ance of Feng and Shan, 342; final
295, 329n32, 341n56
decree in 647 cancelling Feng and
Tang shi jishi 唐詩紀事 ( Recorded
Shan, 343–49; speech at end of 631
Occasions of Tang Poems), 146–47
declining Feng and Shan, 333–35;
Tang Suzong 唐肅宗 (r. 756–62), 31,
speech in 632 declining Feng and
Shan, 338
Tang Taizong 唐太宗 (r. 626–49):
—Works: “Delighting in the Snow”
and alchemy, 43; and archery, 39–
喜雪, 233–36; “Going Out Hunt-
40, 228–29, 362–63; and author-
ing” 出獵, 198–201, 301n106; “The
ship, 4, 161–62, 249, 330; and Bud-
Golden Mirror” 金鏡, 50, 81–91,
dhism, 43; and calligraphy, 3–4;
97, 261n157, 264, 354; “Grasping
and children’s rhyme, 16–17; and
the Tally, I Calm the Three Bor-
“Dance of the Seven Virtues” 七
ders” 執契靜三邊, 193–98; “The
德舞, 355n89; and Daoism, 43, 72,
Imperial Capital Poems: Ten
98–99; and death, 42–43, 351; and
Pieces with Preface” 帝京篇十首
early augury, 15; and filiality, 18, 79,
并序, 7–8, 12, 310, 312, 3
52–76, 377,
87–88, 95, 105, 295, 321, 330, 332–33,
382–83; “In Five Syllables: Travel-
336–37; as “Heavenly Qaghan” 天
ing Past the Battlefield Where I
可汗, 40; and historiography, 26–
Crushed Xue Ju” 五言行經破薛
32, 37; and Korean campaign, 42–
舉戰地, 240, 241–46; “Inscription
43; and literary collection, 4–6;
at Jin Shrine, with Preface” 晉祠
and public nature of sovereignty,
銘并序, 49; “Instruction to Estab-
76, 88–91 passim, 146, 190, 199–
lish the Literary Academy and Its
200, 208, 212, 324, 332, 334–37 pas-
Academicians” 置文館學士教,
sim, 343–44, 350, 367, 374; remon-
132–33; “Model for the Emperor”
strated by Chu Suiliang, 26–27;
帝範, 50, 91–105; “On Rain” 詠雨
remonstrated by Ma Zhou, 295;
(1), 229–31; “On Rain” 詠雨 (2),
remonstrated by Wei Zheng, 33–35;
231–32, 236; “On Revisiting
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Wugong” 重幸武功, 205–9; “On
tyranny: 73, 78, 81, 84–85, 253n120,
the Bow” 詠弓, 228–29, 231; “On
260n149, 262, 284, 287, 292–93,
Visiting Qingshan Palace at
355; compared with sage or “true
Wugong” 幸武功慶善宮, 6, 201–
king,” 51–55, 85–86; and conquest,
4, 233; “On Wind” 詠風, 232–33;
56–58; and palaces, 280–83, 305–9.
“Panegyric to Imperial Virtue” 皇
See also body; desire; empire; sov-
德頌, 49, 98n104; “Rhapsody on
ereignty; and under individual ty-
Being Stirred by the Past” 感舊賦,
rant names
275n16; “Rhapsody on Looking
Twitchett, Denis, 9, 50n6, 81, 90n87,
Out from the Layered Terrace” 臨
92n89, 96, 97n101
層臺, 275, 296–310; “Rhapsody on
the Majestic Phoenix” 威鳳賦,
Vandermeersch, Léon, 63–64
275n16, 363n105; “Rhapsody on
“veritable records” 實錄, 28–30
the Small Mountain” 小山賦,
275n16; “Rhapsody on the Small
Wang Can 王粲 (177–217), 140, 154,
Pond” 小池賦, 275n16; “Watering
159, 196n115
Horses by the Great Wall” 飲馬
Wang Fuzhi 王福畤 (fl. 7th c.),
長城窟行, 190–93, 197, 244
Tang Taizong wen huangdi ji 唐太宗
Wang Jili 王季歷 (fl. 12th c. bc), 31
文皇帝集 ( Literary Collection of