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The Wanderer; or, Female Difficulties (Volume 2 of 5)

Page 6

by Fanny Burney


  With these seven pupils, Ellis, combating the various unpleasantfeelings that were occasionally excited, prosperously began her newcareer.

  Her spirits, from the fulness of her occupations, revived; and she soongrew a stranger to the depression of that ruminating leisure, which iswasted in regret, in repining, or in wavering meditation.

  Miss Arbe reaped, also, the fruits of her successful manoeuvres, byreceiving long, and almost daily instructions, under the pretence oftrying different compositions; though never under the appellation oflessons, nor with the smallest acknowledgement of any deficiency thatmight require improvement; always, when they separated, exclaiming,'What a delightful musical regale we have enjoyed this morning!'

  So sincere, nevertheless, was the sense which Ellis entertained of theessential obligations which she owed to Miss Arbe, that she sufferedthis continual intrusion and fatigue without a murmur.

  Miss Bydel, also, who was nearly as frequent in her visits as Miss Arbe,claimed constantly, however vainly, in return for paying the month'shire of the harp, the private history of the way of life, expences,domestics, and apparent income, of every family to which that instrumentwas the means of introduction. And but that these ladies had personalengagements for their evenings, Ellis could not have found time to keepherself in such practice as her new profession required; and her credit,if not her scholars, might have been lost, through the selfishness ofthe very patronesses by whom they had been obtained.

  Another circumstance, also, somewhat disturbed, though she would notsuffer it to interrupt what she now deemed to be her professional study:she no sooner touched her harp, than she heard a hurrying, though heavystep, descend the stairs; and never opened her door, after playing orsinging, without perceiving a gentleman standing against it, in anattitude of listening. He hastened away ashamed, upon her appearance;yet did not the less fail to be in waiting at her next performance.Displeased, and nearly alarmed by the continual repetition of thiscuriosity, she complained of it to Miss Matson, desiring that she wouldfind means to put an end to so strange a liberty.

  Miss Matson said, that the person in question, who was a gentleman ofvery good character, though rather odd in his ways, had taken the littleroom which Ellis had just relinquished: she was sure, however, that hemeant no harm, for he had often told her, as he passed through the shop,that he ought to pay double for his lodging, for the sake of hearing theharp, and the singing. Miss Matson remonstrated with him, nevertheless,upon his indiscretion; in consequence of which, he became morecircumspect.

  From Selina, whose communications continued to be as unabated inopenness, as her friendship was in fondness, Ellis had the heartfeltsatisfaction of receiving occasional intelligence, drawn from theletters of Mrs Howel to Mrs Maple, of the inviolable attachment of LadyAurora Granville.

  She heard, also, but nearly with indifference, that the two elder ladieshad been furious with indignation, at the prosperity of the scheme ofMiss Arbe, by which Ellis seemed to be naturalized at Brighthelmstone;where she was highly considered, and both visited and invited, by allwho had elegance, sense, or taste to appreciate her merits.

  Of Elinor nothing was positively known, though some indirect informationreached her aunt, that she had found means to return to the continent.

  About three weeks passed thus, in the diligent and successful practiceof this new profession, when a morning concert was advertised at the NewRooms, for a blind Welsh harper, who was travelling through theprincipal towns of England.

  All the scholars of Ellis having, upon this occasion, taken tickets ofLady Kendover, who patronized the harper, Ellis meant to dedicate theleisure thus left her to musical studies; but she was broken in upon byMiss Bydel, who, possessing an odd ticket, and having, through someaccident, missed joining her party, desired Ellis would immediately getready to go with her to the concert. Ellis, not sorry to hear theharper, consented.

  The harper was in the midst of his last piece when they arrived. MissBydel, deaf to a general buz of 'Hush!' at the loud voice with which,upon entering the room, she said, 'Well, now I must look about for someacquaintance,' straitly strutted on to the upper end of the apartment.Ellis quietly glided after her, concluding it to be a matter of coursethat they should keep together. Here, however, Miss Bydel comfortablyarranged herself, between Mrs Maple and Selina, telling them that,having been too late for all her friends, and not liking to poke her wayalone, she had been forced to make the young music-mistress come alongwith her, for company.

  Ellis, though both abashed and provoked, felt herself too justly underthe protection of Miss Bydel, to submit to the mortification of turningback, as if she had been an unauthorised intruder; though the avertedlooks, and her consciousness of the yet more disdainful opinions of MrsMaple, left her no hope of countenance, but through the kindness ofSelina. She sought, therefore, the eyes of her young friend, and did notseek them in vain; but great was her surprise to meet them not merelyunaccompanied by any expression of regard, but even of remembrance; andto see them instantaneously withdrawn, to be fixed upon those of LadyBarbara Frankland, which were wholly occupied by the blind harper.

  Disappointed and disconcerted, she was now obliged to seat herself,alone, upon a side form, and to strive to parry the awkwardness of hersituation, by an appearance of absorbed attention to the performance ofthe harper.

  A gentleman, who was lounging upon a seat at some distance, struck byher beauty, and surprised by her lonely position, curiously loiteredtowards her, and dropt, as if accidentally, upon the same form. He wasyoung, tall, handsome, and fashionable, but wore the air of a decidedlibertine; and her modest mien, and evident embarrassment, rendered herpeculiarly attractive to a voluptuous man of pleasure. To discover,therefore, whether that modesty were artificial, or the remains of suchoriginal purity as he, and such as he, adore but to demolish, was hisimmediate determination.

  It was impossible for Ellis to escape seeing how completely sheengrossed his attention, sedulously as she sought to employ her ownanother way. But, having advanced too far into the room, by followingMiss Bydel, to descend without being recognized by those whose goodopinion it was now her serious concern to preserve, all her scholarsbeing assembled upon this occasion; she resolved to sustain her credit,by openly joining, or, at least, closely following, Miss Bydel, when theconcert should be over.

  When the concert, however, was over, her difficulties were butincreased, for no one retired. Lady Kendover ordered tea for herself andher party; and the rest of the assembly eagerly formed itself intogroups for a similar purpose. A mixt society is always jealous of itsrights of equality; and any measure taken by a person of superiour rank,or superiour fortune to the herd, soon becomes general; not humbly, froman imitative, but proudly, from a levelling spirit.

  The little coteries thus every where arranging, made the forlornsituation of Ellis yet more conspicuous. All now, but herself, wereeither collected into setts to take tea, or dispersed for sauntering.She felt, therefore, so awkward, that, hoping by a fair explanation, toacquit herself to her scholars at their next lessons, she was rising toreturn alone to her lodging, when the gentleman already mentioned,planting himself abruptly before her, confidently enquired whether hecould be of any service in seeing her out.

  She gravely pronounced a negative, and re-seated herself. He made noattempt at conversation, but again took his place by her side.

  In the hope of lessening, in some degree, her embarrassment, Ellis, oncemore, sought the notice of Selina, whose behaviour appeared soextraordinary, that she began to imagine herself mistaken in believingthat she had yet been seen; but when, again, she caught the eye of thatyoung lady, a low and respectful courtesy vainly solicited return, ornotice. The eye looked another way, without seeming to have heeded thesalutation.

  She grew, now, seriously apprehensive, that some cruel calumny must haveinjured her in the opinion of her affectionate young friend.

  Her ruminations upon this unpleasant idea were interrupted,
by theapproach of Mrs and Miss Brinville, who, scornfully passing her, stoptbefore her lounging neighbour, to whom Mrs Brinville said, 'Do you takenothing Sir Lyell? We are just going to make a little tea.'

  Sir Lyell, looking negligently at Miss Brinville, and then, from herfaded beauty, casting a glance of comparison at the blooming prime ofthe lovely unknown by his side, carelessly answered, that he took teabut once in a day.

  Miss Brinville, though by no means aware of the full effect of such acontrast, had not failed to remark the direction of the wandering eye;nor to feel the waste and inadequacy of her best smiles to draw it back.She was compelled, however, to walk on, and Ellis now concluded that herbold and troublesome neighbour must be Sir Lyell Sycamore, who, seldomat home but to a given dinner, had never been present at any lesson ofhis sister's.

  The chagrin of being seen, and judged, so unfavourably, by a friend ofLord Melbury, was a little softened, by the hope that he would soonlearn who she was from Miss Sycamore; and that accident, not choice, hadplaced her thus alone in a public room.

  Miss Brinville had not more keenly observed the admiring looks of SirLyell, than the Baronet had remarked her own of haughty disdain, for thesame object. This confirmed his idea of the fragile character of hissolitary beauty; though, while it fixed his pursuit, it deterred himfrom manifesting his design. His quietness, however, did not deceiveEllis; the admiration conveyed by his eyes was so wholly unmixt withrespect, that, embarrassed and comfortless, she knew not which way toturn her own.

  Mr Tedman, soon after, perceiving her to be alone, and unserved, came,with a good humoured smirk upon his countenance, to bring her a handfulof cakes. It was in vain that she declined them; he placed them, one byone, till he had counted half a dozen, upon the form by her side,saying, 'Don't be so coy, my dear, don't be so coy. Young girls haveappetites as well as old men, for I don't find that that tudeling doesmuch for one's stomach; and, I promise you, this cold February morninghas served me for as good a whet, as if I was an errand boy up to thismoment--put in case I ever was one before;--which, however, is neitherhere nor there; though you may as well,' he added, lowering his voice,and looking cautiously around, 'not mention my happening to drop thatword to my darter; for she has so many fine Misses coming to see her,that she got acquainted with at the boarding-school, where I wasover-persuaded to put her--for I might have set up a good smart shop forthe money it cost me; but she had a prodigious hankering after beingteached dancing, and the like; and so now, when they come to see us, shewants to pass for as fine a toss up as themselves! And, lauk adaisy! putin case I was to let the cat out of the bag--.'

  Steadily as Ellis endeavoured to avoid looking either to the right or tothe left, she could not escape observing the surprise and diversion,which this visit and whisper afforded to Sir Lyell; yet the good humourof Mr Tedman, and her conviction of the innocence of his kindness, madeit impossible for her to repulse him with anger.

  Advancing, next, his mouth close to her ear, he said, 'I should havebeen glad enough to have had you come and drink a cup of tea with I andmy darter; I can tell you that; only my darter's always in such a fussabout what the quality will think of her; else, we are dull enoughtogether, only she and me; for, do what she will, the quality don't muchmind her. So she's rather a bit in the sulks, poor dear. And, at best,she is but a so so hand at the agreeable. Though indeed, for the matterof that, I am no rare one myself; except with my particulars;--put incase I am then.'

  He now, good-humouredly nodding, begged her not to spare the cakes, andpromising she should have more if she were hungry, returned to hisdaughter.

  Sir Lyell, with a scarcely stifled laugh, and in a tone the mostfamiliar, enquired whether she wished for any further refreshment.

  Ellis, looking away from him, pronounced a repulsive negative.

  An elderly gentleman, who was walking up and down the room, now bowed toher. Not knowing him, she let his salutation pass apparentlydisregarded; when, some of her cakes accidentally falling from the form,he eagerly picked them up, saying, as he grasped them in his hand,'Faith, Madam, you had better have eaten them at once. You had, faith!Few things are mended by delay. We are all at our best at first. Thesecakes are no more improved by being mottled with the dirt of the floor,than a pretty woman is by being marked with the small pox. I knownothing that i'n't the worse for a put-off, ... unless it be a quarrel.'

  Ellis, then, through his voice and language, discovered her fellowvoyager, Mr Riley; though a considerable change in his appearance, fromhis travelling garb, had prevented a more immediate recollection.

  Additional disturbance now seized her, lest he should recur to thesuspicious circumstances of her voyage and arrival.

  While he still stood before her, declaiming upon the squeezed cakes,which he held in his hand, Mr Tedman, coming softly back, and gentlypushing him aside, produced, with a self-pleased countenance, a smallplate of bread and butter, saying, 'Look, here, my dear, I've broughtyou a few nice slices; for I see the misfortune that befel my cakes, oftheir falling down; and I resolved you should not be the worse for it.But I advise you to eat this at once, for fear of accidents; only takecare,' with a smile, 'that you don't grease your pretty fingers.'

  He did not smile singly; Sir Lyell more than bore him company, and Rileylaughed aloud saying,

  ''Twould be pity, indeed, if she did not take care of her prettyfingers, 'twould, faith! when she can work them so cunningly. I can'timagine how the lady could sit so patiently, to hear that old Welsh manthrum the cords in that bang wang way, when she can touch them herself,like a little Queen David, to put all one's feelings in a fever. I havelistened at her door, till I have tingled all over with heat, in themidst of the hard frost. And, sometimes, I have sat upon the stairs, tohear her, till I have been so bent double, and numbed, that my nose hasalmost joined my toes, and you might have rolled me down to thelanding-place without uncurbing me. You might, faith!'

  Ellis now further discovered, that Mr Riley was the listening newlodger. Her apprehensions, however, of his recollection subsided, whenshe found him wholly unsuspicious that he had ever seen her before; andcalled to mind her own personal disguise at their former meeting.

  Sir Lyell, piqued to see her monopolized by two such fogrums as hethought Messieurs Riley and Tedman, was bending forward to address hermore freely himself, when Lady Barbara Frankland, suddenly perceivingher, flew to take her hand, with the most cordial expressions of partialand affectionate regard.

  Sir Lyell Sycamore, after a moment of extreme surprise, combining thiscondescension with what Riley had said of her performance, surmized thathis suspicious beauty must be the harp-mistress, who had beenrecommended to him by Miss Arbe; who taught his sister; and whosevarious accomplishments had been extolled to him by Lord Melbury. Thatshe should appear, and remain, thus strangely alone in public, markedher, nevertheless, in his opinion, as, at least, an easy prey; thoughher situation with regard to his sister, and a sense of decency withregard to her known protectors, made him instantly change his demeanour,and determine to desist from any obvious pursuit.

  Lady Barbara had no sooner returned to her aunt, than Sir MarmadukeCrawley, in the name of that lady, advanced with a request, that MissEllis would be so obliging as to try the instrument of the Welsh harper.

  Though this message was sent by Lady Kendover in terms of perfectpoliteness, and delivered by Sir Marmaduke with the most scrupulouscourtesy, it caused Ellis extreme disturbance, from her unconquerablerepugnance to complying with her ladyship's desire; but, while she wasentreating him to soften her refusal, by the most respectfulexpressions, his two sisters came hoydening up to her, charging him totake no denial, and protesting that they would either drag The Ellis tothe harp, or the harp to The Ellis, if she stood dilly dallying anylonger. And then, each seizing her by an arm, without any regard to hersupplications, or to the shock which they inflicted upon the nerves oftheir brother, they would have put their threat into immediateexecution, but for the weakness occasioned by their own immod
eratelaughter at their merry gambols; which gave time for Lady Kendover toperceive the embarrassment and the struggles of Ellis, and to suffer herpartial young admirer, Lady Barbara, to be the bearer of a civilapology, and a recantation of the request.

  To this commission of the well-bred aunt, the kind-hearted niece added apositive insistance, that Ellis should join their party; to which sherather drew than led her, seating her, almost forcibly, next to herself,with exulting delight at rescuing her from the turbulent Miss Crawleys.

  Lady Kendover, to whom the exact gradations of _etiquette_ were alwayspresent, sought, by a look, to intimate to her niece, that while theHon. Miss Arramede was standing, this was not the place for Ellis: butthe niece, natural, inconsiderate, and zealous, understood not the hint;and the timid embarrassment of Ellis shewed so total a freedom from allobtrusive intentions, that her ladyship could not but forgive, howeverlittle she had desired the junction; and, soon afterwards, encouraginglyled her to join both in the conversation and the breakfast.

  Selina, now, ran to shake hands with her dear Ellis, expressing thewarmest pleasure at her sight. Ellis as much, though not as disagreeablysurprised by her notice now, as she had been by the more than neglectwhich had preceded it, was hesitating what judgment to form of either,when Miss Sycamore, from some distance, scornfully called out to her,'Don't fail to stop at our house on your way back to your lodgings, MissEllis, to look at my harp. I believe it's out of order.'

  Lady Kendover, whose invariable politeness made her peculiarly sensibleof any failure of that quality in another, perceiving Ellis extremelydisconcerted, by the pointed malice of this humiliating command, at themoment that she was bearing her part in superiour society, redoubled herown civilities, by attentions as marked and public as they wereobliging; and, pleased by the modest gratitude with which they werereceived, had again restored the serenity of Ellis; when a conversation,unavoidably overheard, produced new disturbance.

  Mr Riley, who had just recognized Ireton and Mrs Maple, was loud in hissatisfaction at again seeing two of his fellow-voyagers; and, in hisusually unceremonious manner, began discoursing upon their late dangersand escape; notwithstanding all the efforts of Mrs Maple, who knewnothing of his birth, situation in life, or fortune, to keep him at adistance.

  'And pray,' cried her, 'how does Miss Nelly do? She is a prodigiousclever girl; she is faith! I took to her mightily; though I did not muchlike that twist she had got to the wrong side of my politics. I longedprodigiously to give her a twitch back to the right. But how could youthink Ma'am, of taking over such a brisk, warm, young girl as that, atthe very instant when the new-fangled doctrines were beginning toferment in every corner of France? boiling over in one half of theirpates, to scald t'other half.'

  Mrs Maple, however unwilling to hold a public conference with a personof whom she had never seen the pedigree, nor the rent-roll, could stillless endure to let even a shadow of blame against herself passunanswered: she therefore angrily said, that she had travelled forhealth, and not to trouble herself about politics.

  'O, as to you, Ma'am, it's all one, at your years: but how you couldfancy a skittish young girl, like that, could be put into such a hot bedof wild plants, and not shoot forth a few twigs herself, I can't makeout. You might as well send her to a dance, and tell her not to wag afoot. And pray what's become of Mr Harleigh? I've no where seen hisfellow. He was the most of a manly gentleman that ever fell in my walk.And your poor ailing mama, Squire Ireton? Has she got the better of hersqueamish fits? She was deuced bad aboard; and not much better ashore.And that Demoiselle, the black-skinned girl, with the fine eyes andnose? Where's she, too? Have you ever heard what became of her?'

  Ellis, who every moment expected this question, had prepared herself tolisten to it with apparent unconcern: but Selina, tittering, and againrunning up to her, and pinching her arm, asked whether it were not she,that that droll man meant by the black-skinned girl?

  'She was a good funny girl, faith!' continued Riley. 'I was prodigiouslydiverted with her. Yet we did nothing but quarrel. Though I don't knowwhy. But I could never find out who she was. I believe the devil himselfcould not have made her speak.'

  The continual little laughs of Selina, whom no supplications of Elliscould keep quiet, now attracted the notice of Lady Kendover; which sopalpably encreased the confusion of Ellis, that the attention of herladyship was soon transferred to herself.

  'She was but an odd fish, I believe, after all,' Riley went on; 'for,one day, when I was sauntering along Oxford Street, who should I meetbut the noble Admiral? the only one of our set I have seen, till thismoment, since I left Dover. And when we talked over our adventures, andI asked him if he knew any thing of the Demoiselle, how do you think shehad served him? She's a comical hand, faith! Only guess!'

  Ellis, now, apprehensive of some strange attack, involuntarily, lookedat him, with as much amazement and attention, as he began to excite inall others who were near him; while Mrs Maple, personally alarmed,demanded whether the Admiral had found out that any fraud had beenpractised upon him by that person?

  'Fraud? ay, fraud enough!' cried Riley. 'She choused him neatly out ofthe hire of her place in the Diligence; besides that guinea that we allsaw him give her.'

  Ellis now coloured deeply; and Ireton, heartily laughing, repeated theword 'choused?' while Mrs Maple, off all guard, looked fiercely atEllis, and exclaimed, 'This is just what I have all along expected! Andwho can tell who else may have been pilfered? I protest I don't thinkmyself safe yet.'

  This hasty speech raised a lively curiosity in all around; for allaround had become listeners, from the loud voice of Riley; who nowrelated that the Admiral, having paid the full fare for bringing theblack-skinned girl to town, had called at the inn at which the stageputs up in London, to enquire, deeming her a stranger, whether she weresafely arrived; and there he had been informed, that she had never madeuse of her place.

  Ellis had no time to dwell upon the cruel, but natural misconstruction,from the change of her plan, which had thus lost her the good opinion ofthe benevolent Admiral; the speech which followed from Mrs Maple was yetmore terrific. 'I have not the least doubt, then,' said that lady, in atone of mingled triumph and rage, 'that she put the money for her placeinto her pocket, as well as the guinea, while she wheedled Mrs Iretoninto bringing her up to town gratis! for I was all along sure she wasan adventurer and an impostor; with her blacks, and her whites, and herdouble face!'--

  She stopt abruptly, recollecting the censure to which anger andself-importance were leading her, of having introduced into society, acreature of whom, from the origin of any knowledge of her, she hadconceived so ill an opinion.

  But while the various changes of complexion, produced in Ellis by thisoration, were silently marked by Lady Kendover; and drew from LadyBarbara the most affectionate enquiries whether she were indisposed; theMiss Crawleys, who heard all that passed with their customary search ofmirth, whether flowing from the ridiculous, the singular, or themischievous, now clamourously demanded what Mrs Maple meant, by thedouble face, the blacks, and the whites.

  'Oh, no matter,' answered Mrs Maple, stammering; ''tis not a thing worthtalking of.'

  'But the blacks--and the whites--and the double face?' cried MissCrawley.

  'Ay, the double face, the blacks, and the whites?' cried Miss Di.

  'The blacks,' said Mr Riley, 'I understand well enough; but I remembernothing about the double face. Surely the Demoiselle could nothodge-podge herself into one of the whites? What do you mean by allthat, Ma'am?'

  'Pray ask me nothing about the matter,' replied Mrs Maple, impatiently.'I am not at all accustomed to talk of people of that sort.'

  'Why, how's all this?' cried Riley. 'Have any of you met with theDemoiselle again?'

  Mrs Maple would not deign to make any further reply.

  He addressed himself to Ireton, who only laughed.

  'Well, this is droll enough! it is, faith! I begin to think theDemoiselle has appeared amongst you again. I wish you
'd tell me, for Ishould like to see her of all things, for old acquaintance sake. She wasbut a dowdy piece of goods, to be sure; but she had fine eyes, and afine nose; and she amused me prodigiously, she was so devilish shy.'

  'You believe, then,' said Ireton, excited, not checked, by the palpableuneasiness of Ellis, 'that if you saw her again, you should know her?'

  'Know the Demoiselle? ay, from an hundred, with her beautiful blackmarks, and _insignia_ of the order of fisty cuffs.'

  'Look for her, then, man! Look for her!'

  'I shall want small compulsion for that, I promise you; but where am Ito look? Is she here?'

  Ireton nodded.

  'Nay, then, Master Ireton, since you bid me look, lend me, at least,some sort of spectacles, that may help me to see through a mask; for Iam sure, if she be here, she must wear one.'

  'Are you sure that, if you should see her without one, you should notmistake her?'

  'Yes, faith, am I!'

  'What will you bet upon it?'

  'What you will, Squire Ireton. A guinea to half a crown.'

  Mrs Maple, alarmed now, for her own credit, desired Ireton to enquirewhether her carriage were ready; but Ireton, urged by an unmeaning loveof mischief, which, ordinarily, forms a large portion of the common castof no character, would not rest till he had engaged Riley in a wager,that he could make him look his Demoiselle full in the face, withoutrecollecting her.

  Riley said that he should examine every lady, now, one by one, and takespecial note that she wore her own natural visage.

  He began with the jocund Miss Crawleys, whose familiar gaiety, whichdeemed nothing indecorous that afforded them sport, encouraged him, byits flippant enjoyment, to proceed to others. But he no sooner advancedto Ellis, than she turned from his investigation, in so much disorder,that her kind young friend, Lady Barbara, enquired what was the matter.

  She endeavoured to control her alarm, cheerfully answering, that she waswell; but Riley no sooner caught the sound of her voice, than, riotouslyclapping his hands, he exclaimed, ''Tis the Demoiselle! Faith, 'tis theDemoiselle herself! That's her voice! And those are her eyes! Andthere's her nose! It's she, faith! And so here are the whites, and thedouble face!'

  A laugh from Ireton confirmed his suggestion, while the change ofcountenance in Ellis, satisfied all who could see her, that somediscovery was made, or impending, which she earnestly wished concealed.

  Mrs Maple, scarcely less disconcerted than herself, enquired again forher carriage.

  'Faith, this is droll enough! it is, faith!' cried Riley, when his firsttransport of surprise subsided. 'So the Demoiselle is a Beauty, afterall! And the finest harp-player, to boot, on this side King David!'

  Ellis, dreadfully distressed, silently bowed down her head.

  'I should like to have a model of her face,' continued Riley; 'to findout how it's done. What a fine fortune she may raise, if she will takeup a patent for beauty-making! I know many a dowager that would givehalf she is worth for the secret. I should think you would not be sorryyourself, Mrs Maple, to have a little touch of the art. It would not doyou much harm, I can tell you, Ma'am.'

  The scornful looks of Mrs Maple alone announced that she heard him; andthe disturbed ones of Ellis made the same confession; but both wereequally mute.

  'You'll pay for your sport, I can tell you, Master Ireton!' Rileytriumphantly went on; 'for I shall claim my wager. But pray, Demoiselle,what's become of all those plaisters and patches, as well as of theblack coat over the skin? One could see nothing but eyes and nose. Andvery handsome eyes and nose they are. I don't know that I ever sawfiner; I don't, faith! However, ladies, you need none of you despair ofturning out beauties, in the long run, if she'll lend you a hand; forthe ugliest Signora among you i'n't so frightful as poor Demoiselle was,when we saw her first; with her bruises, and scars, and bandages.'

  Overwhelmed with shame at this disgraceful, and, in public,unanswereable attack, Ellis, utterly confounded, was painfully revolvingin her mind, what vindication she might venture to offer; and whether itwere better to speak at once, or afterwards, and individually; when, atthe intimation of these deceits and disguises, the whole party turnedtowards her with alarmed and suspicious looks; and then abruptly aroseto depart; Lady Kendover, taking the hand of her young niece, who stillwould have fondled Ellis, leading the way. Miss Arbe alone, of all thesociety to which Ellis was known, personally fearing to lose her usefulmistress, ventured to whisper, 'Good morning, Miss Ellis: I'll call uponyou to-morrow.' While all others, with cast-up eyes and hands, hurriedoff, as if contagion were in her vicinity.

  Riley, claiming his wager, followed Ireton.

  Petrified at her own situation, Ellis remained immovable, till she wasroused from her consternation, by a familiar offer, from Sir LyellSycamore, to attend her home.

  Fearful of fresh offence, she recovered from her dismay to rise; but,when she saw that the bold Baronet was fixed to accompany her, the dreadof such an appearance to any one that she might meet, after thedisastrous scene in which she had been engaged, frightened her intoagain sitting down.

  Sir Lyell stood, or sauntered before her, meaning to mark her, to thegentlemen who still lingered, observant and curious, in the room, as hisproperty; till Mr Tedman, coming back from an inner apartment, begged,in the civilest manner, leave to pass, and carry a glass of white winenegus to the young music-player, which he had saved out of a bowl thathe had been making for himself.

  'Oh, by all manner of means, Sir!' cried Sir Lyell, sneeringly givingway: 'pray don't let me mar your generosity!'

  Ellis declined the negus, but, rejoicing in any safe and honestprotection, entreated that Mr Tedman would have the goodness to orderone of his servants to see her home.

  Sir Lyell, sneeringly, and again placing himself before her, demanded toplay the part of the domestic; and Mr Tedman, extremely disconcerted, aswell as disappointed by the rejection of his negus, hung back ashamed.

  Ellis, now, feeling a call for the most spirited exertion to rescueherself from this impertinence, begged Mr Tedman to stop; and then,addressing the young Baronet with dignity, said, 'If, as I believe, Ihave the honour of speaking to Sir Lyell Sycamore, he will rather, Itrust, thank me, than be offended, that I take the liberty to assurehim, that he will gratify the sister of his friend,--gratify Lady AuroraGranville,--by securing me from being molested.'

  Had she named Lord Melbury, the ready suspicions of libertinism wouldbut have added to the familiarity of the Baronet's pursuit; but themention of Lady Aurora Granville startled him into respect, and heinvoluntarily bowed, as he made way for her to proceed. She then eagerlyfollowed Mr Tedman out of the room; while Sir Lyell merely vented hisspleen, by joining some of his remaining companions, in a hearty laugh,at the manners, the dress, the age, and the liberality of her chosenesquire.


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